Heinkel He 111 List

Heinkel He 111


  Fliegerstaffel des Führers F.d.F

Aircraft Photo's
Heinkel He 111 FdF Generaloberst Keller visit Mensuvaaran 13th Aug 1942 01
Heinkel He 111 FdF Generaloberst Keller visit Mensuvaaran 13th Aug 1942 02
Heinkel He 111 FdF Generaloberst Keller visit Mensuvaaran 13th Aug 1942 03
Heinkel He 111 FdF Generaloberst Keller visit Mensuvaaran 13th Aug 1942 04
Heinkel He 111 FdF Generaloberst Keller visit Mensuvaaran 13th Aug 1942 05
Heinkel He 111H4 FdF Stkz VB+WU General Dietl Eastern Front 01
Heinkel He 111H5 FdF Stkz VC+xx Russia 01
Heinkel He 111P2 FdF Stkz CA+NA WNr 2471 escort with Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 01
Heinkel He 111P2 FdF Stkz CA+NA WNr 2471 escort with Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 02
Heinkel He 111P2 FdF Stkz xx+xT escort with Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 01
Heinkel He 111P2 Skt CA+NA WNr 2471 former D ADNH Furhrers Air Squadron Mariupol Helsinki 12th Mar 1941 01
Heinkel He 111P2 Skt CA+NA WNr 2471 former D ADNH Furhrers Air Squadron Mariupol Helsinki 12th Mar 1941 02
Heinkel He 111P2 Skt CA+NA WNr 2471 former D ADNH Furhrers Air Squadron Mariupol Helsinki 12th Mar 1941 03
Heinkel He 111P4 FdF Stkz TM+WU WNr 3086 escort Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 01
Heinkel He 111P4 FdF Stkz TM+WU WNr 3086 escort Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 02
Heinkel He 111P4 FdF Stkz TM+WU WNr 3086 escort Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 03
Heinkel He 111P4 FdF Stkz TM+WU WNr 3086 escort Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 04
Heinkel He 111p FdF escort with Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 01
Heinkel He 111p FdF escort with Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 02
Heinkel He 111p FdF escort with Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 03
Heinkel He 111p FdF escort with Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 04
Heinkel He 111p FdF escort with Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 05
Heinkel He 111p FdF escort with Adolf Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 06
Heinkel He 111P Flugbereitschaft Norwegen N9+KA WNr 4956 escort Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 01
Heinkel He 111P Flugbereitschaft Norwegen N9+KA WNr 4956 escort Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 02
Heinkel He 111P Flugbereitschaft Norwegen N9+KA WNr 4956 escort Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 03
Heinkel He 111P Flugbereitschaft Norwegen N9+KA WNr 4956 escort Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 04
Heinkel He 111P Flugbereitschaft Norwegen N9+KA WNr 4956 escort Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 05
Heinkel He 111P Flugbereitschaft Norwegen N9+KA WNr 4956 escort Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 06
Heinkel He 111P Flugbereitschaft Norwegen N9+KA WNr 4956 escort Hitlers visit to Immola 4th Jun 1942 07

Blindflugschule 4 - Flugzeugführerschule A/B 34

  Kurierstaffel Z.B.V

Kampfgeschwader 1

Aircraft Photo's
Heinkel 111H 9.KG1 (V4 DT) sd by Hurricanes near Albert Somme 10 May 1940 IWM C1527
Heinkel He 111 3.KG1 (V4+KL) belly landed St Quentin May 10th 1940 01
Heinkel He 111E 1.KG1 (V4+BH) bombed seaplane base at Puck Poland 1939 0A
Heinkel He 111E1 1.KG1 (V4+EH) 1939 01
Heinkel He 111E1 1.KG1 (V4+JH) 1939 01
Heinkel He 111E3 KG1 Germany 1939 01
Heinkel He 111H 10.KG1 (V4+AU) Battle of Britain 1939 01
Heinkel He 111H 10.KG1 (V4+AU) bomb run Battle of Britain 1939 01
Heinkel He 111H 10.KG1 (V4+AU) bomb run Battle of Britain 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 10.KG1 (V4+BU) formation summer 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 10.KG1 (V4+BU) summer 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 10.KG1 (V4+EU) summer 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 10.KG1 (V4+GU) formation summer 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 10.KG1 (V4+GU) summer 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 12.Erg.KG1 (F1+NW) 701449 Plzen Bory AF May 1945 01
Heinkel He 111H 12.Erg.KG1 (F1+NW) 701449 Plzen Bory AF May 1945 02
Heinkel He 111H 12.Erg.KG1 (F1+NW) 701449 Plzen Bory AF May 1945 03
Heinkel He 111H 12.Erg.KG1 (F1+NW) 701449 Plzen Bory AF May 1945 0A
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG1 (A4+NK) 01
Heinkel He 111H 3.KG1 (V4+KL) Waremme France May 10 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H3 Geschwader Stab KG1 V4+FA WNr 5606 Broomhill Farm Camber East Sussex 11th Sep 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H3 Geschwader Stab KG1 V4+FA WNr 5606 Broomhill Farm Camber East Sussex 11th Sep 1940 02
Heinkel He 111H 4.KG1 taxing France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H4 2.KG1 (V4+AK) WNr 4320 France 1940 41 0A
Heinkel He 111H 7.KG1 (V4+IR) formation summer 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 7.KG1 (V4+IR) formation summer 1940 02
Heinkel He 111H 9.KG1 (V4+DT) Albert belly landed France May 10 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 9.KG1 (V4+DT) Albert belly landed France May 10 1940 02
Heinkel He 111H 9.KG1 (V4+DT) Albert belly landed France May 10 1940 03
Heinkel He 111H Geschwader Stab KG1 (V4+DA) Germany 1939 02
Heinkel He 111H IV.KG1 (V4+AU) 01
Heinkel He 111H KG1 force landed France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H KG1 force landed France 1940 02
Heinkel He 111 KG1 after becoming bogged 01
Ju 88A4 7.KG1 (V4+GR) and He 111H Stab II.KG1 (V4+AC) background Russia 1942

Kampfgeschwader 3

Kampfgeschwader 4

Aircraft Photo's
Artwork showing a map of the Balkans Campaign 1941 0A
COD MS He 111P2 5.KG4 (5J+CN) Gunther Holscher Norway April 1940
COD MS He 111P2 5.KG4 (5J+CN) Gunther Holscher Norway April 1940 NM
COD MS He 111P2 5.KG4 (5J+CN) Gunther Holscher Norway April 1940 V0A
COD MS He 111P2 5.KG4 (5J+CN) Gunther Holscher Norway April 1940 V0B
Heinkel He 111 2.KG4 5J+HK at Konigsberg Germany 21st Jul 1941 Flickr 01
Heinkel He 111 2.KG4 5J+HK at Konigsberg Germany 21st Jul 1941 Flickr 02
Heinkel He 111 2.KG4 5J+KK at Konigsberg Germany 21st Jul 1941 Flickr 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG4 (5J+HK) Finland 1941 42 01
Heinkel He 111H20 1.KG4 (5J+GH) Dresden Klotzsche April 1945 0A
Heinkel He 111H20 8.KG4 (5J+ES) Germany 1945 01
Heinkel He 111H20 8.KG4 (5J+ES) Germany 1945 02
Heinkel He 111H 5.KG4 (5J+CN) Norway 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H 5.KG4 (5J+CN) Norway 1940 0B
Heinkel He 111H 5.KG4 (5J+GN) Crimea 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H5 1.KG4 shot down Newcastle May 8 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H5 1.KG4 shot down Newcastle May 8 1941 02
Heinkel He 111H 7.KG4 (5J+ER) captured wrecked North Africa 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H 7.KG4 (5J+ER) captured wrecked North Africa 1942 02
Heinkel He 111H 7.KG4 (5J+KR) pilot Hajo Hermann landing accident 01
Heinkel He 111H 9.KG4 (5J+xT) crash site being examined by soviet forces Crimea 1944 01
Heinkel He 111H 9KG4 (5J+JT) Norway 01
Heinkel He 111H KG4 (5J+xx) being prepared for its next mission Crimea 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H KG4 Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H showing late war winter camouflage being inspected by US forces 01
Heinkel He 111H xx+CP crash site France 1944 ebay 01
Heinkel He 111H xx+CP crash site France 1944 ebay 02
Heinkel He 111H xx+CP crash site France 1944 ebay 03
Heinkel He 111 I.KG4 5J+xx at Konigsberg Germany 21st Jul 1941 Flickr 01
Heinkel He 111 KG5 5J+Cx force landed over Holland May 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111P 9KG4 (5J+GM) crew photo showing the units early war markings 01
Heinkel He 111 Stab KG4 double engine change France 1940 01
Luftwaffe aerial photo showing the bombing in Poland 1939 01
Norweigian Museum Heinkel He 111P2 5.KG4 5J+CN Gunther Holscher Norway April 1940 01

Kampfgeschwader 26

Aircraft Photo's
Aircrew Luftwaffe KG26 pilot Lt Roderich Cescotti 01
Aircrew Luftwaffe KG26 pilot Lt Roderich Cescotti 1941 01
Aircrew Luftwaffe KG26 pilot Lt Roderich Cescotti 1941 02
Artwork emblem or unit crest KG26 variation 01
Artwork showing a map of KG100 Targets during Norwegian Campaign 1940 01
COD AS He 111H4 8.KG26 (1T+HK) Sestschinskaja Russia 1942
Heinkel He 111 1.KG26 (1H+BH) taxing accident Kristiansand Norway 1940 01
Heinkel He 111B KG26 White 78 location unknown 01
Heinkel He 111B KG26 White 78 location unknown 02
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG26 (1H+AH) during Battle of Britain 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG26 (1H+AH) unit emblem during Battle of Britain 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG26 (1H+FH) 1939 01
Heinkel He 111H1 1.KG26 (1H+LH) 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H1 2.KG26 (1H+EN) WNr 6853 captured RAF AW177 01
Heinkel He 111H1 2.KG26 (1H+EN) WNr 6853 captured RAF AW177 02
Heinkel He 111H1 5.KG26 (1H+BN) Norwegian Campaign 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H1 5.KG26 (1H+BN) Norwegian Campaign 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H1 5.KG26 (1H+EN) WNr 6853 France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H1 5.KG26 (1H+EN) WNr 6853 RAF AW177 1426 Enemy Aircraft 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG26 (1H+GK) aerial phot 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG26 (1H+KK) Lt. Roderich Cescotti Wevelghem 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG26 (1H+KK) shot down England 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 3.KG26 (1H+HL) Norway 1941 0A
Heinkel He 111H3 2.KG26 (1H+ K) Aalborg 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H3 2.KG26 (1H+NK) Lt. Roderich Cescotti Aug Sep 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H3 5.KG26 (1H+DN) WNr 5306 belly landed Sitasjauresee Norrbotten County Sweden 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H3 Stab I.KG26 (1H+CB) crew after force landing at Burmarsh Kent 11th Sep 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H3 Stab I.KG26 (1H+CB) crew after force landing at Burmarsh Kent 11th Sep 1940 02
Heinkel He 111H 4.KG26 (1H+FM) shot down England 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 4.KG26 (1H+FM) shot down England 1940 02
Heinkel He 111H 4.KG26 (1H+FM) shot down England 1940 03
Heinkel He 111H4 3.KG26 (1H+ML) transit Malmi 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H4 3.KG26 (1H+ML) transit Malmi 1942 02
Heinkel He 111H4 8.KG26 (1T+HK) Sestschinskaja Russia 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H4 8.KG26 (1T+HK) Sestschinskaja Russia 1942 02
Heinkel He 111H4 8.KG26 (1T+HK) Sestschinskaja Russia 1942 0A
Heinkel He 111H4 KG26 twin PVC1006 Torpedos 01
Heinkel He 111H4 KG26 twin PVC1006 Torpedos 02
Heinkel He 111H 5.KG26 (1H+AN) Sicily 1941 0
Heinkel He 111H 5.KG26 (1H+AN) Sicily 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H 5.KG26 (1H+EH) WNr6353 shot down Scotland by 602Sqn Feb 8 1939 01
Heinkel He 111H 5.KG26 (1H+FN) most likely Sardinia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H 5.KG26 (1H+GN) WNr 4139 Athens 1941
Heinkel He 111H 6.KG26 (1H+EP) 1940
Heinkel He 111H6 2.KG26 (1H+FK) Sardinia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H6 2.KG26 (1H+FK) Sardinia 1943 0A
Heinkel He 111H6 5.KG26 (1H+CN) North Africa
Heinkel He 111H6 5.KG26 (1H+HN) France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H6 6.KG26 (1H+BP) crash landed Spain 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H6 6.KG26 (1H+BP) Italy 1942 0A
Heinkel He 111H6 6.KG26 (1H+BP) Italy 1942 0B
Heinkel He 111H6 6.KG26 (1H+BP) Italy 1942 0C
Heinkel He 111H6 6.KG26 (1H+GP) Italy 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H6 6.KG26 (1H+GP) Italy 1942 0A
Heinkel He 111H6 6.KG26 (1H+GP) Italy 1942 0B
Heinkel He 111H6 6.KG26 (1H+HP) crash landed Allied Territory 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H6 KG26 armed with two training torpedos 01
Heinkel He 111H6 Stab I.KG26 (1H+BB) WNr 7383 1941 0A
Heinkel He 111H6 Stab I.KG26 (1H+BB) WNr 7383 1941 0B
Heinkel He 111H 8.JG26 1H+ES foreground with 7.KG4 5J+KR 01
Heinkel He 111H 8.KG26 (1H+LS) France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H KG26 (+A) mine laying mission 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H KG26 (1H+G ) loaded with two torpedos 01
Heinkel He 111H KG26 (1H+JA) WNr 5449 Crew Scotland Oct 28 1939 0B
Heinkel He 111H KG26 (1H+JA) WNr 5449 shot down Scotland Oct 28 1939 01
Heinkel He 111H KG26 (1H+JA) WNr 5449 shot down Scotland Oct 28 1939 02
Heinkel He 111H KG26 (1H+JA) WNr 5449 shot down Scotland Oct 28 1939 03
Heinkel He 111H KG26 (1H+JA) WNr 5449 shot down Scotland Oct 28 1939 04
Heinkel He 111H KG26 (1H+JA) WNr 5449 shot down Scotland Oct 28 1939 0A
Heinkel He 111H KG26 crash landed France 1940 eBay 01
Heinkel He 111H KG26 ground crew covering the engines 01
Heinkel He 111H KG26 ground crew covering the engines 02
Heinkel He 111H KG26 North Africa 01
Heinkel He 111H KG26 North Africa 02
Heinkel He 111H Stab I.KG26 (1H+BB) most likely Sardinia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H Stab IV.KG26 (1H+DF) abandoned El Ouoina Tunisia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111 KG26 (1H+DN) Mediterranean 1941 01
Heinkel He 111 KG26 (1H+DN) Mediterranean 1941 02
Heinkel He 111 KG26 (1H+FM) France 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111 KG26 (1H+MM) 0A
Heinkel He 111 KG26 1H+Bx behind the Siegfried Line 3rd Feb 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 KG26 armed with torpedos flying very low North Sea Norway 1942 01
Heinkel He 111 KG26 bomber being salvaged Banak Norway 01
Heinkel He 111 KG26 mission ready Norway 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P 4.KG26 (1H+xM) Aalborg 1941 01
Heinkel He 111P KG26 carring a SC1000 warms up its engines prior to take off 01
Heinkel He 111P KG26 shot down Northern Europe 01
Heinkel He 111 Stab II.KG26 (1H+EC) crash site 01
Lowengeschwaders Big Bang 1st Sep 1939 The Aviation Historian 2014 08 Page 40
Lowengeschwaders Big Bang 1st Sep 1939 The Aviation Historian 2014 08 Page 41
Lowengeschwaders Big Bang 1st Sep 1939 The Aviation Historian 2014 08 Page 42
Lowengeschwaders Big Bang 1st Sep 1939 The Aviation Historian 2014 08 Page 43

Kampfgeschwader 26 Ram

Kampfgeschwader 27

Aircraft Photo's
Artwork map showing Kaliningrad what use to be East Prussia 0A
COD MS He 111P2 1.KG27 (1G+KH) Buffalo Langendiebach Erlensee Sep 1939
COD MS He 111P2 1.KG27 (1G+KH) Buffalo Langendiebach Erlensee Sep 1939 V0A
COD MS He 111P2 3.KG27 (1G+DL) Pig Neukuhren Prussia Sep 1939
COD MS He 111P2 3.KG27 (1G+DL) Pig Neukuhren Prussia Sep 1939 V0A
COD MS He 111P2 3.KG27 (1G+EK) Jester Neukuhren Prussia Sep 1939
COD MS He 111P2 3.KG27 (1G+EK) Jester Neukuhren Prussia Sep 1939 V0A
COD MS He 111P2 3.KG27 (1G+HL) Luftikus Neukuhren Prussia Sep 1939
COD MS He 111P2 3.KG27 (1G+HL) Luftikus Neukuhren Prussia Sep 1939 V0A
COD MS He 111P 5.KG27 (1G+FN) WNr 1417 Seerappen East Prussia Sep 1939
COD MS He 111P 5.KG27 (1G+FN) WNr 1417 Seerappen East Prussia Sep 1939 V0A
COD MS He 111P Stab I.KG27 (1G+BB) Old Fritz Bavaria Germany 1939
COD MS He 111P Stab I.KG27 (1G+BB) Old Fritz Bavaria Germany 1939 V0A
Heinkel He 111 3.KG27 (1G+HL) covered with ice Ukraine 1st Mar 1942 NIOD
Heinkel He 111H11 V.KG27 (1G+BI) 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H5 1.KG27 (1G+LH) WNr 3635 Norway Apr 1st 1941 0A
Heinkel He 111H5 1.KG27 WNr 3681 crash landing France Apr 09 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H6 2.KG27 (1G+GK) transport and supply Stalingrad Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H6 2.KG27 (1G+HK) Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H6 2.KG27 (1G+HK) Russia 1943 0A
Heinkel He 111H6 2.KG27 (1G+xK) Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H6 3.KG27 (1G+BL) crash landed France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H6 6.KG27 (1G+HP) Eastern Front 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H 7.KG27 (1G+ER) in winter camouflage Russia 1941 0A
Heinkel He 111H 7.KG27 (1G+ER) Russia 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H 9.KG27 (1G+BT) Russia 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H KG27 (1G+) Eastern Front 01
Heinkel He 111H KG27 France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111 KG27 (1G+xx) crash site ebay 01
Heinkel He 111P 2.KG27 (1G+EK) Scholz during Invasion of Poland 1939 01
Heinkel He 111P 2.KG27 (1G+EK) Scholz during Invasion of Poland 1939 0A
Heinkel He 111P 2.KG27 (1G+EK) Scholz during Invasion of Poland 1939 0B
Heinkel He 111P 2.KG27 (1G+EK) Scholz during Invasion of Poland 1939 0C
Heinkel He 111P2 1.KG27 (1G+KH) Buffalo Langendiebach Erlensee Sep 1939 0A
Heinkel He 111P2 3.KG27 (1G+EK) Jester Neukuhren Prussia Sep 1939 01
Heinkel He 111P2 3.KG27 1G+HL Luftikus Neukuhren Prussia Sep 1939 0A
Heinkel He 111P 6.KG27 (1G+JP) de Bourges France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P 6.KG27 (1G+JP) de Bourges France 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111P 8.KG27 (1G+HS) Wunstorf France 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111P 9.KG27 (1G+NT) sd by 92Sqn belly landed nr Charterhouse Somerset 14th Aug 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P Geschwader Stab KG27 (1G+EA) force landed France May 15th 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P IV KG27 crash landed Europe summer 01
Heinkel He 111P KG27 (1G+) ritter artwork 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P Stab I.KG27 (1G+BB) Old Fritz Bavaria Germany 1939 V0A
Heinkel He 111 transport and supply Stalingrad Russia 1943 01
Werner Molders was killed as a passenger in this He 111 1G+BT which crashed Nov 22 1941 01

Kampfgeschwader 28

Kampfgeschwader 40

Kampfgeschwader 53

Aircraft Photo's
COD C6 He 111H6 1.KG53 (A1+BH) WNr 3273 France 1940
COD C6 He 111H6 1.KG53 (A1+BH) WNr 3273 France 1940 V01
COD C6 He 111H6 1.KG53 (A1+BH) WNr 3273 France 1940 V02
COD C6 He 111H6 9.KG53 (A1+BT) France 1940
COD C6 He 111H6 9.KG53 (A1+BT) France 1940 V0A
COD C6 He 111H6 Geschwader Stab KG53 (A1+DA) France 1940
COD C6 He 111H6 Geschwader Stab KG53 (A1+DA) France 1940 V0A
COD SO Heinkel He 111H Generic France 1940
COD SO Heinkel He 111H Generic France 1940 V0A
Heinkel He 111B6 II.KG53 Black J Russia 1942 0A
Heinkel He 111H16 2.KG53 (A1+AC) Olsufjewo Southern Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H16 9.KG53 (A1+BT) WNr 3340 France Sep 1940 by Aero 33 0A
Heinkel He 111H16 Stab II.KG53 (A1+AC) Olsufjewo Southern Russia 1943 0A
Heinkel He 111H1 9.KG53 (A1+BT) France 1939 0A
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG53 (A1+CC) Baltic 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG53 (A1+HK) WNr 161600 loaded with a V1 flyiing bomb 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG53 (A1+HK) WNr 161600 loaded with a V1 flyiing bomb 0A
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG53 (A1+JK) 0A
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG53 (A1+JK) Poland 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H2 5.KG53 (A1+BN) WNr 3142 sd by RAF 56Sqn Edward Gracie at Peverels Farm 30th Aug 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H2 5.KG53 (A1+BN) WNr 3142 sd by RAF 56Sqn Edward Gracie at Peverels Farm 30th Aug 1940 0B
Heinkel He 111H2 Geschwader Stab KG53 (A1+DA) France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H2 Geschwader Stab KG53 (A1+DA) France 1940 02
Heinkel He 111H2 Geschwader Stab KG53 (A1+DA) France 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H2 Geschwader Stab KG53 (A1+DA) France 1940 0B
Heinkel He 111H2 KG53 on their way to bomb London Sep 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H3 Geschwader Stab KG53 (A1+DA) France 1940 0C
Heinkel He 111H 4.KG53 (A1+EP) 01
Heinkel He 111H 4.KG53 (A1+EP) 02
Heinkel He 111H5 5.KG53 (A1+JN) Furthmann shot down Kent May 10 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H5 5.KG53 (A1+JN) Furthmann shot down Kent May 10 1941 02
Heinkel He 111H6 1.KG53 (A1+BH) WNr 3273 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H 7.KG53 (A1+CR) Ofw Martin Hering over France May 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 7.KG53 (A1+CR) Ofw Martin Hering over France May 1940 02
Heinkel He 111H 8.KG53 (A1+BS) Crimea 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H 8.KG53 (A1+NS) Poland 1941 0A
Heinkel He 111H 9.KG53 (A1+BT) France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H KG53 in tight formation 01
Heinkel He 111H showing the 2 staffel I.KG53 emblem and named Ansbach photo taken by Life 01
Heinkel He 111H Stab I.KG53 (A1+CB) shot down by GCII.5 Battle of France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111 KG53 belly landed ebay 01
Heinkel He 111P 3.KG53 (A1+BL) with night camouflage scheme 1941 01

Kampfgeschwader 54

Kampfgeschwader 55

Aircraft Photo's
COD C6 Heinkel He 111H 6.KG55 (G1+HP) France 1940
COD C6 Heinkel He 111H 6.KG55 (G1+HP) France 1940 V0A
COD C6 Heinkel He 111H 6.KG55 (G1+HP) France 1940 V0B
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White E France 1940
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White E France 1940 Fonts
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White E France 1940 V0A
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White E France 1940 V0B
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White H France 1940
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White I France 1940
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White J France 1940
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White K crossing the English Channel V01
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White K crossing the English Channel V02
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White K France 1940 (2)
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White K France 1940
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White M France 1940
COD C6 Heinkel He 111P KG55 White X France 1940
COD MS He 111P2 3.KG55 (G1+JL) Neville Chamberlain WNr 2149 France Sep 1940
COD MS He 111P2 3.KG55 (G1+JL) Neville Chamberlain WNr 2149 France Sep 1940 V0A
COD MS He 111P 8.KG55 White F Paris France Sep 1940
COD MS He 111P 8.KG55 White F Paris France Sep 1940 V0A
COD MS He 111P 8.KG55 White F Paris France Sep 1940 V0B
Heinkel He1H 2.KG55 (G1+SK) Stkz DS+xx being refueled Russia ebay 01
Heinkel He 111 2.KG55 (G1+CK) crash landed France May 1940 01
Heinkel He 111 4.KG55 (G1+AM) bomber crew showing battle damage 01
Heinkel He 111 4.KG55 (G1+AM) map of the crashsite shot down over Dorset 25th Sep 1940
Heinkel He 111 from 7.KG55 shot down by a direct flak hit over Lviv 27th June 1944 01
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG55 (G1+BH) shot down Dorset 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG55 (G1+BH) shot down Dorset 1940 0B
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG55 (G1+BH) shot down Dorset 1940 0C
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG55 (G1+BH) shot down Dorset 25th Sep 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG55 (G1+BH) shot down Dorset 25th Sep 1940 02
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG55 (G1+BH) shot down Dorset 25th Sep 1940 03
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG55 (G1+BH) shot down Dorset 25th Sep 1940 04
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG55 (G1+BH) shot down Dorset 25th Sep 1940 05
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG55 (G1+BH) shot down Dorset 25th Sep 1940 06
Heinkel He 111H16 2.KG55 (G1+NK) landing accident Russia 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG55 (G1+LK) WNr 2646 sd by 145Sqn East Beach Selsey Sussex 11th Jul 1940 IWM 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG55 (G1+LK) WNr 2646 sd by 145Sqn East Beach Selsey Sussex 11th Jul 1940 IWM HU104734
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG55 (G1+LK) WNr 2646 sd by 145Sqn East Beach Selsey Sussex 11th Jul 1940 IWM HU72440
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG55 (G1+LK) WNr 2646 sd by 145Sqn East Beach Selsey Sussex 11th Jul 1940 IWM HU72441
Heinkel He 111H 6.KG55 Yellow E France 1940 0B
Heinkel He 111H 6.KG55 Yellow E France 1940 0C
Heinkel He 111H6 1.KG55 (G1+DH) captured Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H6 3.KG55 (G1+BL) captured Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H 7.KG55 (G1+ZR) showing battle damage Russia 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H 8.KG55 (G1+ES) raid on Moscow 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H8 9.KG55 (G1+ET) Speck shot down Midland May 10 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H Gruppe Stab KG55 (G1+BB) shot down England 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H KG55 (G1+BA) Cambrai France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H KG55 being loaded with SC 500 bombs Operation Barbarossa 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H KG55 Russia winter 1942 43 01
Heinkel He 111H V.KG55 G1+SJ destroyed by bomb blast 01
Heinkel He 111 KG55 bomber crew Eastern front 01
Heinkel He 111 KG55 bomber landing in the Ukraine August 1941 01
Heinkel He 111P 2.KG55 (G1+GH) WNr2987 France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P2 3.KG55 (G1+JL) WNr 2149 France 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111P2 3.KG55 (G1+JL) WNr 2149 France 1940 0B
Heinkel He 111P2 3.KG55 (G1+JL) WNr 2149 France 1940 0C
Heinkel He 111P2 5.KG55 (G1+AN) France 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111P2 8.KG55 (G1+HS) belly landed Switzerland
Heinkel He 111P2 8.KG55 (G1+HS) belly landed Switzerland Avions 81 01
Heinkel He 111P2 8.KG55 (G1+HS) WNr 1705 belly landed Switzerland 2nd June 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P2 Geschwader Stab KG55 (G1+FA) belly landed at Hipley Hampshire 12 July 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P2 Geschwader Stab KG55 (G1+FA) belly landed at Hipley Hampshire 12 July 1940 IWM HU90819
Heinkel He 111P2 Geschwader Stab KG55 (G1+FA) France 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111P2 KG55 Black E Villacoublay France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P2 KG55 Black E Villacoublay France 1940 02
Heinkel He 111P2 KG55 Black E Villacoublay France 1940 03
Heinkel He 111P2 KG55 Black E Villacoublay France 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111P2 KG55 Black E Villacoublay France 1940 0C
Heinkel He 111P2 KG55 Black F France 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111P2 KG55 Black K 01
Heinkel He 111P2 KG55 in formation France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P2 KG55 White E France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P 4.KG55 shot down by Spitfire Sgt Wall 602Sqn Bracklesham Bay 01
Heinkel He 111P4 2.KG55 shot down by a RAF Defiant from 255Sqn over Yorshire 8th May 1941 01
Heinkel He 111P4 6.KG55 (G1+EP) Chartres France Sept 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111P4 6.KG55 (G1+FP) Chartres France May 1941 0A
Heinkel He 111P4 9.KG55 (G1+LT) Villacoublay France Sept 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111P 6.KG55 (G1+EP) France 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111P 7.KG55 (G1+FR) Rudolf Theopold WNr 1582 sd by RAF 602Sqn nr Worthing 16 Aug 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P 7.KG55 (G1+FR) Rudolf Theopold WNr 1582 sd by RAF 602Sqn nr Worthing 16 Aug 1940 02
Heinkel He 111P 7.KG55 (G1+FR) Rudolf Theopold WNr 1582 sd by RAF 602Sqn nr Worthing 16 Aug 1940 IWM HU72684
Heinkel He 111P 8.KG55 (G1+LS) belly landed 01
Heinkel He 111P 8.KG55 White F Paris France Sep 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111P Geschwader Stab KG55 (G1+EA) Battle of Britain France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111P Stab IV.KG55 (G1+JF) France 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111s from Kampfgeschwader 55 Greif group flying tight formation Battle of Britain 1940 01
RAF Corporal Harry King RAF Military Police was stationed at Worth Matravers Sept 1940 01
RAF Corporal Harry King RAF Military Police was stationed at Worth Matravers Sept 1940 02

Kampfgeschwader 100

Aircraft Photo's
COD WN Heinkel He 111H 1.KG100 (6N+NH) Norway 1940
COD WN Heinkel He 111H 1.KG100 (6N+NH) Norway 1940 V0A
COD WN Heinkel He 111H 1.KG100 (6N+NH) returning from a night mission V01
Heinkel He 111 bomber crew putting on their weather proof covers 01
Heinkel He 111H 1.KG100 (6N+KH) crew de icing their aircraft the hard way Norway Apr 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H1 13.KG100 (6N+AX) on skies Norway 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H1 2.KG100 (6N+BK) Stavanger Norway April 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H16 2.KG100 (6N+AH) Dnjepropetrovsk Southern Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H16 2.KG100 (6N+CH) Dnjepropetrovsk Southern Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H16 2.KG100 (6N+SK) Dnjepropetrovsk Southern Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H16 2.KG100 (6N+SK) Dnjepropetrovsk Southern Russia 1943 0A
Heinkel He 111H16 3.KG100 (6N+KL) Ludwig dispersal area 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 (6N+EK) transfering to a new base 4th Aug 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 (6N+GK) in formation 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 (6N+HK) tail section markings 1939 40 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 (6N+IK) Vannes Frankreich France spring 1941 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 (6N+IK) Vannes Frankreich France spring 1941 02
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 (6N+IK) Vannes Frankreich France spring 1941 03
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 (6N+IK) Vannes Frankreich France spring 1941 04
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 (6N+IK) Vannes Frankreich France spring 1941 05
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 (6N+IK) Vannes Frankreich France spring 1941 06
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 (6N+IK) Vannes Frankreich France spring 1941 07
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 transfering to a new base 4th Aug 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 2.KG100 transfering to a new base 4th Aug 1940 02
Heinkel He 111H2 1.KG100 (6N+NH) WNr 2320 belly landed Norway 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H2 1.KG100 (6N+NH) WNr 2320 Norway 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H2 2.KG100 (6N+FK) Stavanger Norway April 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H3 1.KG100 (6N+FH) Vannes France Aug 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H3 2.KG100 (6N+AK) Vannes France July 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H3 2.KG100 (6N+CK) Vannes France June 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H3 2.KG100 (6N+EK) Vannes France Sept 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H3 2.KG100 (6N+HK) France summer 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H3 2.KG100 (6N+HK) showing the Viking ship emblem France summer 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H 5.KG100 (6N+DN) unknown location ebay 01
Heinkel He 111H5 Stkz RN+GW KG100 for Y Verfahren trials Vannes Sep 1940 0A
Heinkel He 111H6 2.KG100 (6N+GK) Italy 01
Heinkel He 111H KG100 bomber showing the unit emblem and painted for night ops 01
Heinkel He 111H recently rescued from lake 01
Heinkel He 111H recently rescued from lake 02
Heinkel He 111H recently rescued from lake 03
Heinkel He 111H recently rescued from lake 04
Heinkel He 111 KG100 (6N+xx) Stkz DF+HH abandoned in Italy ebay 01
Heinkel He 111 KG100 (6N+xx) Stkz DF+HH abandoned in Italy ebay 02
Heinkel He 111 KG100 (6N+xx) Stkz DF+HH abandoned in Italy ebay 03
Heinkel He 111 KG100 (6N+xx) Stkz DF+HH abandoned in Italy ebay 04
Heinkel He 111s of 2.KG100 flying low over the Channel to avoid radar 1940 01
Heinkel He 177A3 2.KG100 (6N+HK) Roderich Cescotti Rhein early 1944 01
Heinkel He 177A3 2.KG100 6N+EK WNr 332637 at Chateaudun France Sep 1944 01
Heinkel He 177A5 5.KG100 6N+DN WNr 550131 at Aalborg Denmark Oct 1944 01
Heinkel He 177H 5.KG100 (6N+BN) Roderich Cescotti 1944 0A
Luftwaffe Kommandeur II.JG301 Oblt Roderich Cescotti in Fw 190D9 Stendal Apr 1945 01

Kampfgeschwader 255

Lehrgeschwader 1

Schieppgruppe 4



Heinkel He 111s

Aircraft Photo's
Aircrew Luftwaffe Erwin Seeger XI Flieger Film Korps photographer 01
Aircrew Luftwaffe He 111 crew Navigator Pilot and Gunner 01
Aircrew Luftwaffe Heinkel He 111 front cockpit view 01
Aircrew Luftwaffe Heinkel He 111 pilots position 01
Aircrew Luftwaffe Heinkel He 111 waist gunner manning a 7.92mm MG 15 01
Aircrew Luftwaffe Lt von Schwerin decorated with the Knight cross of the Iron Cross 6th Aug 1940 NIOD
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111B2 scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111B2 scale 1 72 Arkusz 02
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H11 scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H12 scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H16 scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H16 scale 1 72 Arkusz 02
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H1 scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H1 scale 1 72 Arkusz 02
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H1 scale 1 72 Arkusz 03
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H21 scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H2 H4 scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H5 scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H6 scale 1 72 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H6 scale 1 72 02
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H6 scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H6 scale 1 72 Arkusz 02
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H8 scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H8 scale 1 72 Arkusz 02
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H BV 226 flying bomb scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H HS 293 flying bomb scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H scale 1 72 28
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H scale 1 72 Arkusz 20
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H scale 1 72 Arkusz 21
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H scale 1 72 Arkusz 22
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H scale 1 72 Arkusz 23
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H scale 1 72 Arkusz 24
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H scale 1 72 Arkusz 25
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H showing model changes scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
Artwork line drawing or blue print of a Heinkel He 111H various bomb carried scale 1 72 Arkusz 01
A typical Luftwaffe wartime dispersal area as ground crew rearm their He 111s with 250kg bombs
A US officer posses next to a 2nd staffel belly landed Heinkel He 111H3 with from Jet Prop 01
Bundesarchiv Bild 183 1982 1022 509 Flugzeugkonstrukteur Prof Ernst Heinkel 01
Camera battle footage between Luftwaffe He 111H bombers and a RAF Spitfire off the coast 1941 01
Camera battle footage between Luftwaffe He 111H bombers and a RAF Spitfire off the coast 1941 02
Camera battle footage between Luftwaffe He 111H bombers and a RAF Spitfire off the coast 1941 03
Camera battle footage between Luftwaffe He 111H bombers and a RAF Spitfire off the coast 1941 04
Camera battle footage between Luftwaffe He 111H bombers and a RAF Spitfire off the coast 1941 05
Gun camera footage from RAF aircraft showing He 111 being hit 25th Sep 1940 01
Heinkel He6A Stkz ND+VQ transporter Germany 01
Heinkel He6A Stkz ND+VQ transporter Germany 02
Heinkel He 111 adopted for night ops Battle of Britain 24th Oct 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111A ebay 01
Heinkel He 111 approaching the English island of Jersey 3rd Aug 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 attacking a merchant ship 5th Jan 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 at the airport one of the Heinkel factories 01
Heinkel He 111 being guarded eastern front NIOD
Heinkel He 111 being moved to a scrap yard Oct 1940 IWM HU72439
Heinkel He 111 being rearmed 17th Feb 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 being rearmed 2500kg Bomb 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 being rearmed 3rd Feb 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 being rearmed during the Polish campaign 18th Sep 1939 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 being rearmed ebay 01
Heinkel He 111 being rearmed Norway 10th Feb 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 being refueled 4th Jan 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 being refueled in Italy transit flight 7th Mar 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 belly landed back in France Battle of Britain 1940
Heinkel He 111 belly landed nr Copenhagen Denmark 1944 Flickr 01
Heinkel He 111 bomber crew standing by a SC 1800 Satan bomb 01
Heinkel He 111 bomber flies over the Soviet Black Sea port of Nikolaev 01
Heinkel He 111 bomber shot down during a night raid on the Anzio bridgehead 25th Jan 1944 01
Heinkel He 111C3 D ABYE Konigsberg operated by DLH from 1936 to 1940 01
Heinkel He 111 cockpit view over France 11th May 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 coded EJ with Walter Nowotny from JG54 october 1943 01
Heinkel He 111 counting sheep location and unit unknown 25th Oct 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 crashed at Bunde Zambia 20th Apr 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 crashed into the Thames Estuary Jan 1941 01
Heinkel He 111 crashsite at Eastmans Cairn in Cairnsmore of Fleet Scotland Aug 1940 01
Heinkel He 111 crash site beinng examined by French troops France 1940 01
Heinkel He 111 damaged after being ramed by a Soviet Rata 21st Apr 1942 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 ditched near the shore Battle of Britain 1940 01
Heinkel He 111 ditching near a ship Mediterranean Sea 1941 42 01
Heinkel He 111 dropping a SC 1000 Demyansk Area Russia Feb 1942 02
Heinkel He 111 during Battle of Britain 01
Heinkel He 111 during Battle of Britain 03
Heinkel He 111E 21+B41D showing pre war marking 01
Heinkel He 111E 21+B41D showing pre war marking 0A
Heinkel He 111E hangard Germany 1937 ebay 01
Heinkel He 111 flying low over Denmark 27th Feb 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 force landed over Holland May 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 formation heading for England 18th Sep 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 formation heading for England 2nd Jul 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 formation heading for England 2nd Sep 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 front cockpit view from the navigators position over Poland 01
Heinkel He 111 front cockpit view from the navigators position over Poland 02
Heinkel He 111 front cockpit view looking out over Norway 01
Heinkel He 111 fully laden taking off at dusk 1st Mar 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111H 1.Fliegerkorps (B1+BA) Roupti Luga Russia 1941 42 01
Heinkel He 111H11 with 13mm MG131 during engine run up prior to another mission 01
Heinkel He 111H16 4.KGrzbV23 (+BM) Konstantinowka Ukraine Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H16 nose section showing MG FF MG15 calibre guns 01
Heinkel He 111H18 FuG 200 Lichtenstein radar 01
Heinkel He 111H18 FuG 200 Lichtenstein radar 02
Heinkel He 111H 2.(F)122 France Oct 19 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H22 Test Centre E2+CF carring FZG 76 Reichenberg IV AeroMagazin Nr11 Oct 2003 0A
Heinkel He 111H2 in formation during Battle of Britain Sep 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H2 Stkz NG+JQ Benina Cyrenaira 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H 4.KGrzbV23 Lt Roderich Cescotti Konstantinowka Ukraine Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111H4 Fuhrungskette X.Fliegerkorps (P4+BA) Catane 1942
Heinkel He 111H 4 Staffel II Gruppe coded AM undergoing repairs 01
Heinkel He 111H4 taxing into position Grosse 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H balloon cable cutter 01
Heinkel He 111H battle damaged from flack after a night sortie 01
Heinkel He 111H Benina Cyrenaira 1942 0A
Heinkel He 111H bombardier points the way to the target Battle of Britain 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H burnt out wreckage Germany 1945 01
Heinkel He 111H carrying Go 242 Gliders 01
Heinkel He 111H carrying Go 242 Gliders 02
Heinkel He 111H carrying Go 242 Gliders 03
Heinkel He 111H cut away 0A
Heinkel He 111H dropping a SC 1000 Demyansk Area Russia Feb 1942 01
Heinkel He 111H factory fresh 01
Heinkel He 111H in the preliminary stage of wing installation 01
Heinkel He 111H mixed war time BW photographs 01
Heinkel He 111H mixed war time BW photographs 02
Heinkel He 111H mixed war time BW photographs 03
Heinkel He 111H mixed war time BW photographs 04
Heinkel He 111H mixed war time BW photographs 05
Heinkel He 111H mixed war time BW photographs 06
Heinkel He 111H mixed war time BW photographs 10
Heinkel He 111H mixed war time BW photographs 12
Heinkel He 111H over London Battle of Britain 01
Heinkel He 111H propaganda photos 1939 01
Heinkel He 111H propaganda photos 1939 02
Heinkel He 111H propaganda photos 1939 03
Heinkel He 111H ready for its next mission summer Eastern front 01
Heinkel He 111H shot down by RAF 81Sqn near Bone Algeria 15th Nov 1942 IWM 01
Heinkel He 111H shot down by RAF 81Sqn near Bone Algeria 15th Nov 1942 IWM CNA73
Heinkel He 111H unknown crew and unit force landed awaiting pick up 01
Heinkel He 111H World War 2 color photo Eastern front 01
Heinkel He 111H World War 2 color photo Eastern front 02
Heinkel He 111H World War 2 color photo Eastern front 03
Heinkel He 111H World War 2 color photo Eastern front 05
Heinkel He 111H World War 2 color photo night opps 01
Heinkel He 111H World War 2 color photo North Africa 01
Heinkel He 111H World War 2 mixed color photo 01
Heinkel He 111H World War 2 mixed color photo 02
Heinkel He 111H World War 2 mixed color photo 03
Heinkel He 111 landing mishap ebay 01
Heinkel He 111 lies in shallow water nr Blakeney Norfolk after being shot down June 1940 01
Heinkel He 111 over Thameshaven 13th Sep 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 over the drop zone early war markings ebay 01
Heinkel He 111P4 at the factory Stkz NA+IU WNr 2922 Germany 1939 01
Heinkel He 111P a colorized photo 01
Heinkel He 111P crash landed Battle of Britain 01
Heinkel He 111 pilot HA Kopitz sd by flak Netherlands 20th Apr 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111P KG76 close combat formation flying 01
Heinkel He 111P shot down Soesterberg Netherlands 11th May 1940 NIOD1
Heinkel He 111P shot down Soesterberg Netherlands 11th May 1940 NIOD2
Heinkel He 111P showing a crew after landing at night 01
Heinkel He 111P with their crew after force landing at West Malling Kent Sept 1940 01
Heinkel He 111 reconnaissance plane sd by RAF fighter during the phoney war 7th Nov 1939 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 sd by flak during Operation Barbarossa 7th Aug 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 sd over Denmark May 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 shot down at Clacton on Sea 1 May 1940 IWM HU70832
Heinkel He 111 shot down over England is camouflaged Battle of Britain 1940 IWM HU7963
Heinkel He 111 shot down over England partial code F at Chester 15th Aug 1940 IWM HU106837
Heinkel He 111 shot down over England partial code F at Chester 15th Aug 1940 IWM HU7958
Heinkel He 111 taking off 19th May 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 taxing for a night raid on England 18th Dec 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 taxing for a raid on England 12th Mar 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 TGr30 tugs DFS230 Glider 01
Heinkel He 111 TGr30 tugs DFS230 Glider 02
Heinkel He 111 transport and supply Stalingrad Russia 1943 01
Heinkel He 111 under going field maintenance 12th Nov 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111V8 Prototype D AQUO Germany ebay 01
Heinkel He 111 which blew up and crashed over southern England 1940 IWM HU104735
Heinkel He 111 which crashed in Suffolk England 8 June 1940 IWM HU104715
Heinkel He 111 wreckage shot down over Holland 12th May 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 177A3 Greif bombers on a unknown airfield summer 1944 01
Heinkel He 177V5 Stkz PM+DD heavy bomber prototype ca 1942 43 01
Luftwaffe bombing recon photo of Stalingrad 1942 43 Armees No387 2014 P62
Luftwaffe photo showing a direct hit on the oil storage tanks at Purfleet nr Tilbury on the Thames 01
RAF airman picks amongst the fragmented remnants of a Heinkel 111 sd at Bishops Court Chelmsford Jun 1940 01
Russia the remains of a He 111 bomber after being ramed by Alexei Sevastyanov 01

He 111Z Zwilling

Stkz Heinkel He 111s

Aircraft Photo's
Heinkel He 111B Stkz VB+xx Banak Norway 01
Heinkel He 111E4 Stkz CH+NR and Bf 108 Stkz GE+NN Germany 01
Heinkel He 111E4 Stkz CH+NR used as a transport and liaison aircraft He 111C 01
Heinkel He 111H11 Stammkennzeichen CI+IE WNr7960 1943
Heinkel He 111H1 Stammkennzeichen NT+AJ 01
Heinkel He 111H2 Stkz RH+NF
Heinkel He 111H5 Stammkennzeichen GD+KA WNr 3511 Rostock Marienehe July 1940 01
Heinkel He 111H6 Stkz BK+CO WNr3891 test aircraft L950 torpedo 01
Heinkel He 111H6 Stkz BK+CO WNr3891 test aircraft L950 torpedo 02
Heinkel He 111H6 Stkz BK+CO WNr3891 test aircraft L950 torpedo 03
Heinkel He 111H6 Stkz BK+CO WNr3891 test aircraft L950 torpedo 04
Heinkel He 111H6 Stkz DF+OV test aircraft L950 torpedo 0A
Heinkel He 111H Stammkennzeichen Stkz PH+CI used for Hs 293 tests 01
Heinkel He 111H Stkz VC+XP Poland 01
Heinkel He 111P1 Stammkennzeichen NO+GO WNr 3106 01
Heinkel He 111P4 at the factory Stkz NA+IU WNr 2922 Germany 1939 02
Heinkel He 111P4 Stammkennzeichen Stkz NO+GP WNr 3105 showing upper wing camouflage 01
Heinkel He 111 production line Germany NIOD
Heinkel He 111P Stammkennzeichen GA+D Finland 01
Heinkel He 111P Stkz GA+PW WNr580 Finland 1942 01
Heinkel He 111P Stkz GA+PW WNr580 Finland 1942 02
Heinkel He 111 Sktz NT+AJ in flight 01
Heinkel He 111 Stammkennzeichen VA+CJ Germany 01
Heinkel He 111 Stkz BO+JR WNr 1267 factory fresh ebay 01
Heinkel He 111 Stkz GD+GW over England 10th Aug 1940 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 Stkz NO+GP during Operation Barbarossa 9th Sep 1941 NIOD
Heinkel He 111 Stkz VC+QR in flight 01
Heinkel He 111 Stkz VC+QR in flight 02

Chinese Airforce

Captured He 111s

Iraq Heinkel He 115s



Slov AF

  Spanish Nationalist

Aircraft Photo's
Artwork emblem or unit crest Condor Legion 01
Artwork emblem or unit crest Condor Legion 02
Artwork emblem or unit crest Condor Legion 03 Stuka Landing Gear
Artwork emblem or unit crest Italian 01
Artwork emblem or unit crest Italian 02
Artwork emblem or unit crest Italian 03
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 01
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 02
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 03
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 04
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 05
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 06
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 07
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 08
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 09
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 10
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 11
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 12
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 13
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 14
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 15
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 16
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 17
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist 18
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Nationalist Republican Air Force Insignia
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Republican 01
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Republican 02
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Republican 03
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Republican 04
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Republican 05
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Republican 06
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Republican 07
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Republican 08
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Republican 09
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Republican Air Mail Services
Artwork emblem or unit crest Spain Republican Sahara Squadron
COD SB He 111B2 Nationalist AF K88 25 77 Condor Legion Spain 1938
COD SB He 111B2 Nationalist AF K88 25 77 Condor Legion Spain 1938 V0A
COD SB He 111B2 Nationalist AF K88 25 77 Condor Legion Spain 1938 V0B
COD SB He 111 Nationalist generic skin 01
COD SB He 111 Nationalist generic skin 02
Heinkel He 111B1 Condor Legion 1.K88 25x15 named Holzauge Nationalist Spain 1937 01
Heinkel He 111B1 Condor Legion 1.K88 25x15 named Holzauge Nationalist Spain 1937 02
Heinkel He 111B1 Condor Legion 1.K88 25x15 named Holzauge Nationalist Spain 1937 03
Heinkel He 111B1 Condor Legion 1.K88 25x15 named Holzauge Nationalist Spain 1937 04
Heinkel He 111B1 Condor Legion 1.K88 25x15 named Holzauge Nationalist Spain 1937 0A
Heinkel He 111B1 Nationalist AF 1.K88 25x27 Condor Legion Spain 1938 01
Heinkel He 111B2 Nationalist AF 1.K88 25x14 Condor Legion Spain 1938 01
Heinkel He 111B2 Nationalist AF 1.K88 25x28 Condor Legion Spain 1938 01
Heinkel He 111B2 Nationalist AF 1.K88 25x29 Condor Legion Spain 1938 01
Heinkel He 111B2 Nationalist AF K88 25x37 Condor Legion Spain 1938 01
Heinkel He 111B2 Nationalist AF K88 25x92 Condor Legion Spain 1938 01
Heinkel He 111B2 Nationalist AF K88 25x93 Condor Legion Spain 1938 01
Heinkel He 111B2 Nationalist AF K88 25x96 Condor Legion Spain 1938 01
Heinkel He 111B2 Nationalist AF K88 Condor Legion Spain 1938 01
Heinkel He 111B Nationalist AF 2.K88 25x45 Spain 01
Heinkel He 111B Nationalist AF K88 25x34 Spain 01
Heinkel He 111B Nationalist AF K88 25x35 Spain 01
Heinkel He 111B Nationalist AF K88 25x46 Spain 01
Heinkel He 111B Nationalist AF K88 25x49 Spain 01
Heinkel He 111B Nationalist AF K88 Operation Neptune Spain 1938 01
Heinkel He 111B Nationalist AF K88 personal tailfin markings Spain 1938 01
Heinkel He 111B Nationalist AF K88 Profile 0A
Heinkel He 111B Nationalist AF Pedro 9 Spain 01
Heinkel He 111B Nationalist AF VB88 25x6 Burgos Airfield Spain 01
Heinkel He 111E Nationalist AF K88 25x79 with Do 17P Spain 1938 01

  Spanish Airforce

  Cliifs of Dover game skins

Heinkel He 115 aircraft list
Heinkel He 111Z Zwilling aircraft list


This webpage was updated 20th February 2023
