Brewster Buffalo MkI RAAF 805Sqnn AS419 Maleme Crete 1941
Brewster Buffalo MkI RAAF 805Sqnn AS420 Maleme Crete 1941
Brewster Buffalo MkI RAAF 805Sqnn AX814 Maleme Crete 1941
Brewster Buffalo MkI RAAF 805Sqnn B-339B AS413 Middle East in March 1941
Photo: Brewster B-339B AS413 seen shortly after its arrival in the Middle East in March 1941 for service with No. 805 Sqn
Brewster Buffalo MkI RAAF 805Sqnn B-339B AS4?? Middle East in March 1941
Most of the ex-Belgian B-339Bs were sent to Egypt where they equipped No. 805 Squadron of the FAA. They served from land bases only until 1942.
Brewster Buffalo MkI RAAF 805Sqnn B-339B AX815 Middle East in March 1941
Brewster B-339B AX815 of No. 805 Sqn in Spring 1941.
IL-2 Sturmovik 'Cliff's of Dover' - CLOD/COD has no 3D model yet !
IL-2 Battle of Moscow and Battle of Stalingrad
They have this aircraft now available but the skins are in dds format which is too large for me to host at this stage!
IL2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles (FB), Ace Expansion Pack (AEP), Pacific Fighters (PF), 1946 skins
IL2 game skin by Immel IL2 IM Brewster Buffalo MkI RAAF 805Sqnn AS419 Maleme Crete 1941
IL2 game skin by Immel IL2 IM Brewster Buffalo MkI RAAF 805Sqnn AS419 Maleme Crete 1941 V0A
Three Buffalo of FAA 805 Squadron, Maleme (Northeastern Crete) 1941. This Squadron had only three Buffalos with code numbers AS419, AS420 and AX814. Originally the Buffalos belongs to a delivery to Belgium. Because of German occupation they don?t reach their destination. IM_Immel_
Some of the most widely used References:-
Magazine References: +
Airfix Magazines (English) -
Avions (French) -
FlyPast (English) -
Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
Flugzeug Classic (German) -
Klassiker (German) -
Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
Osprey (English) -
Revi Magazines (Czech) -
Web References: +
History of RAF Organisation:
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
This webpage was updated 14th January 2017