Brewster MkI Buffalo NEIAF 2-VLG-V B-395 Java 1942

Brewster MkI Buffalo NEIAF 2-VLG-V B-396 flown by LT Deibel Java 1942

Brewster MkI Buffalo NEIAF 2-VLG-V B-3103 Indonesia 1941

Brewster MkI Buffalo NEIAF 2-VLG-V B3110 flown by LT G. Deibel Java 1942

Brewster MkI Buffalo NEIAF 2-VLG-V B3114 Java 1942

Brewster MkI Buffalo NEIAF 2-VLG-V B-3122 Indonesia 1942

Brewster MkI Buffalo NEIAF 2-VLG-V ML-KNIL B-3132 van Dalen Indonesia 1942

IL-2 Sturmovik 'Cliff's of Dover' - CLOD/COD has no 3D model yet !
IL-2 Battle of Moscow and Battle of Stalingrad
They have this aircraft now available but the skins are in dds format which is too large for me to host at this stage!
IL2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles (FB), Ace Expansion Pack (AEP), Pacific Fighters (PF), 1946 skins
  IL2 game skin by JF Buffalo MkI NEIAF 2-VLG-V ML-KNIL B-3132 van Dalen Indonesia 1942
  IL2 game skin by JF Buffalo MkI NEIAF 2-VLG-V ML-KNIL B-3132 van Dalen Indonesia 1942 V0A

  Sunday, November 02, 2008
Buffalo MkI also known as FA2-A by the US Navy
Hi to all, This Skin work in Buffalo MkI folder...
Netherlands East Indies campaign (1941-1942) Buffalo Model 339D Unit: 2-VLG-V, ML-KNIL Serial: B-3132 Pilot - Sgt van Dalen. He was lost above Tjiater (Indonesia), on 21st February 1942. Template by IMME. Tnx. Cheers from Spain by Jose Manuel Lopez Fuertes

  IL2 game skin by VP MkI NEIAF 2-VLG-V B-3122 Indonesia 1942
  IL2 game skin by VP MkI NEIAF 2-VLG-V B-3122 Indonesia 1942 V0A

  RNEIAF (Royal Netherlands Indies Army) serving in Singapoore, 1942. Vpmedia_


    Magazine References: +

  • Airfix Magazines (English) -
  • Avions (French) -
  • FlyPast (English) -
  • Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
  • Flugzeug Classic (German) -
  • Klassiker (German) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Osprey (English) -
  • Revi Magazines (Czech) -

    Web References: +

  • History of RAF Organisation:
  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

This webpage was updated 14th January 2017