Macchi C.202 Folgore 1° Stormo 88° Squadriglia 1S88SA 88-1 flown by Capt Dante Ocarso Lybia 1942

Macchi C.202 Folgore 1° Stormo 88° Squadriglia 1S88SA 88-9 flown by Baschirotto Lybia 1942
Unit: 151 Squadriglia, 20 Gruppo, 51 Stormo Caccia Terrestre
Serial: 88-9 (MM9400)
Pilot - GianLino 'Giri' Baschirotto. Gabes, Tunisia, Spring 1943.
Baschirotto GianLino 'Giri'
Artist: © Roberto Gualdoni Source: "Aermacchi C.202" by Gianni Cattaneo and Giovanni Massimello. Ali d'Italia. Collana di monografie aeronautiche diretta da Giorgio Apostolo. (c) La Bancarella Aeronautica - Torino, 2006.

Macchi C.202 Folgore 1° Stormo 6 Gruppo 81° Squadriglia 1S6G81SA 81-5 Libya, December 1941
Unit: 81 Squadriglia, 6 Gruppo, 1 Stormo Caccia Terrestre
Serial: 81-5 (MM77??)
Libya, December 1941. Camouflage: upper surfaces - Nocciola Chiaro 4 with spots Verde Oliva Scuro; undersides - Grigio Azzuro Chiaro. This is typical camouflage for the Macchi built aircraft.
Artist: unknown Source: Kartonowa Encyklopedia Lotnictwa


1 Stormo

6 Gruppo

  6 Gruppo CT Squadriglie 79, 81, 88 Stormo Auto

6 Gruppo CT Squadriglie 79, 81, 88 Stormo Auto
Arrival Base Country Aircraft Zone Duties
3 Jun 1940 Fontanarossa Sicily MC 200 SQA2 TG. DF. AE
21 Jun 1941 Campoformido Italy MC 202 SQA2 TG
25 Nov 1941 Martuba Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 DF
12 Dec 1941 Derna Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 DF
18 Dec 1941 Sidi Magrum Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 DF
20 Dec 1941 El Merduma Tripolitan MC 202 SQA5 DF
22 Dec 1941 Tarnet Tripolitan MC 202 SQA5 DF
Jan 1942 Ara Fileni Tripolitan MC 202 SQA5 DF. AR
29 Jan 1942 Agedabia Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 DF
Feb 1942 Benghasi K3 Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 TG. DF
Mar 1942 Martuba Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 AE. DF. AR
Jun 1942 Campoformido? Italy MC 202 SQA2 TG
Dec 1942 Margana Pantelleria MC202 ASIC DF. AE. CE. GA. AN
Jan 1943 Sciacca Sicily MC 202 MC.205V ASIC DF
24 Jan 1943 Sfax Tunisia MC 202 ATUN DF. AE
5 Mar 1943 Gabes Tunisia MC 202 SQA5 DF. AE
Mar 1943 Lonate Pozzolo Italy MC.205V SQA1 TG
Apr 1943 Pantelleria Pantelleria MC.205V ASIC DF. CE. AE
May 1943 Catania Sicily MC.205V ASIC DF
25 Jun 1943 Torino-Caselle Italy MC.205V SQA1 DF
2 Jul 1943 Osoppo Italy MC.205V SQA2 DF
30 Jul 1943 Ronchi Italy MC.205V SQA2 DF


96 Gruppo

This was the first unit to receive the MC 200 Saetta. taking 29 on charge by I November 1939. After two fatal crashes and numerous technical problems with the Series I. they were all grounded for inspection. Thus the unit did not begin operations until September I940. At the end of July, they joined I Stormo and carried out their first operation on 15 September with later Series aircraft escorting Ju 87s of 96 Gruppo over Malta. On I November two Macchis downed a Sunderland flyingboat off Augusta. In the winter a section was detached to Reggio Calabria for armed recces over the Messina Straits. In early 1941 the unit was involved in medium and high level sweeps over Malta. They tried out at least one Re 2000 in March at Catania. The comparative comments with the MC 200 were not officially recorded.

Returning to Italy to re-equip with MC 202s, six being received on 15 October, they prepared for the Libyan front. Tropical filters were added to the new fighters. After acclimatising, the unit began fighter sweeps in January 1942 with Series 3 aircraft. Withdrawing in the Spring to Benghasi for a rest and local defence duties, they soon launched back into the fight by March. Escorts, sweeps and intercepts were made over the Gambut. Tobruk, and Bir Hacheim areas until they were recalled to Italy in June.

With the campaign for Tunisia under way. the unit was sent to Pantelleria. with two squadriglie detached to Sfax in northern Tunisia. Operations were carried out. strafing the invasion fleets off the Tunisian coast, and escorting the sea and air traffic between Sicily and Tunisia. By 21 February 1943 the unit was split between Sfax (79 sq). Achichina (81 sq) and Gammart (88 sq). The latter squadriglia flew in to that base on 3 February with nine fighters.

The first MC205 V Veltros were received in Italy during this period, when 79 sq arrived at Sciacca. At the end of March the Gruppo returned to Italy to fully equip with the new fighter. They rejoined 1 Stormo.

On rejoining the fray over Pantelleria, they were the main defence unit, maintaining air superiority through April and May. On 20 April 32 MC.205Vs of 1 Stormo claimed 18 out of 80 Spitfires and P 38s for the loss of one!

By June they were back in the homeland, defending northern Italy with their few remaining airworthy fighters. On 7 September they had no serviceable aircraft left.


1 Stormo

  17 Gruppo CT Squadriglie 71, 72, 80 Stormo 1

17 Gruppo CT Squadriglie 71, 72, 80 Stormo 1
Arrival Base Country Aircraft Zone Duties
10 Jun 1940 Boccadifalco Sicily CR 32 SQA2 DF
Sep 1940 Trapani-Milo Sicily MC 200 SQA2 TG. AE. AR. DF
21 Jun 1941 Campoformido Italy MC 202 SQA2 TG
Nov 1941 Ciampino Italy MC 202 SQA3 TG
Nov 1941 Comiso Sicily MC 202 ASIC IT. DF
25 Nov 1941 Martuba Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 DF
Nov 1941 Benina Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 DF
12 Dec 1941 Benghasi K 2 Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 DF
Dec 1941 Sidi Magrum Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 DF
20 Dec 1941 Bir el Merduma Tripolitan MC 202 SQA5 DF
21 Dec 1941 Ara Fileni Tripolitan MC 202 SQA5 DF
22 Dec 1941 Tarnet Tripolitan MC 202 SQA5 DF. AR
Jan 1942 Benghasi K 3 Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 DF
16 Mar 1942 Martuba 4 Cirenaica MC 202 SQA5 DF, AR
24 Jun 1942 Sidi Barrani Egypt MC 202 SQA5 IT. DF
26 Jun 1942 Campoformido Italy MC 202 SQA2 TG
Nov 1942 Pantelleria Pantelleria MC 202 ASIC GA. AE. AN. DF
Nov 1942 Pontedera Italy MC 202 SQA3 TG
6 Nov 1942 Decimomannu Sardinia MC 202 ASAR GA. AN
Jan 1943 Capodichino Italy MC 202 SQA3 DF. CE
Jan 1943 Lonate Pozzolo Italy MC.205V SQA1 TG
Feb 1943 Sciacca Sicily MC.205V ASIC TG
Apr 1943 Pantelleria Pantelleria MC.205V ASIC CE. AE. DF
14 May 1943 Chinisia Sicily MC.205V ASIC AE. DF
21 May 1943 Finocchiara Sicily MC.205V ASIC AE. DF
26 Jun 1943 Torino-Caselle Italy MC.205V SQA1 DF
Jul 1943 Osoppo Italy MC.205V SQA2 DF
17 Jul 1943 Ronchi Italy MC.205V SQA2 DF

In May 1940 this unit passed its MC 200s to 6 Gruppo. returning provisionally to the CR 32. Easier logistics demanded this action.

So. on the eve of war there were 26 CR 32s in readiness. Moving to Trapani and receiving new MC 200s. operations began on 15 September when they escorted Ju 87s of 96 Gruppo to Malta. For the rest of that year they used Castelvetrano and Pantelleria as forward bases. The Gruppo transport was provided by three Ca 133s.

In early 1941. fighter sweeps were flown over Malta, and a section was sent to Pantelleria for local defence during the w inter period. 80 sq used Fontanarossa in January. From August the previous year. 72 sq had been at Comiso, escorting bombers and recce aircraft over Malta.

From June to October 1941. the unit trained in Italy on the new MC 202. being only the second unit to receive them. The aircraft were taken to Ciampino where they were fitted with sand filters and prepared for Africa.

Stopping briefly in Sicily, the unit arrived in Cirenaica. doing much to reduce the RAF's dominance there. In December, at Martuba. they additionally received 9 Gruppo’s old MC 202s. Fighter sweeps were carried out from Tarnet and Benghasi port was defended. During May 1942 sweepsand intercepts were made in the Tobruk and Bir Hacheim areas. The following month the unit returned to Italy for a rest and refit.

Due to the poor production supply, the unit was without aircraft for several weeks. Eventually it went to Pantelleria. where it operated against the Allied fleet at Bone, escorting bombers, strafing and making intercepts. Moving to Sardinia with 33 fighters, it dealt with targets on or near the Algerian coast, being among the few units capable of surviving such missions.

Retiring briefly to escort warships and defend Italian cities from the increasing bomber raids, it was re-equipped with the superb MC.205V and sent back to Sicily. Communication problems caused the navy to be attacked four times in January before the fighters could intervene. The inter-service wrangles did not help!

Hastily completing its training, operations recommenced at the end of April in support of the evacuation of Tunisia. Protection was given to the air and sea transports plodding between Tunisia and Sicily. Moving to Chinisia. with Finocchiara as a forward landing ground, they continued their intercepts and escorted torpedo-bombers who still tried to break the Allied flow. With few aircraft left, they retreated at the end of June to Italy where further equipment was awaited.

 Flight Simulators

   IL-2 Sturmovik 'Cliff's of Dover' Blitz

   IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad

   DCS World - has no 3D model


Regia Aeronautica Aces (World War II)
Ace No of Kills
Teresio Vittorio Martinoli22 kills
Franco Lucchini22 kills (1 in Spain)
Leonardo Ferrulli21 kills (1 in Spain)
Franco Bordoni-Bisleri19 kills
Luigi Gorrini19 kills
Mario Visintini17 kills
Ugo Drago17 kills
Mario Bellagambi14 kills
Luigi Baron14 kills
Luigi Gianella12 kills
Attilio Sanson12 kills
Willy Malagola11 Kills
Carlo Magnaghi11 kills
Angelo Mastroagostino11 kills
Giorgio Solaroli di Briona11 kills
Mario Veronesi11 kills
Fernando Malvezzi10 kills
Giulio Reiner10 kills
Giuseppe Robetto10 kills
Carlo Maurizio Ruspoli di Poggio Suasa10 kills
Massimo Salvatore10 kills
Claudio Solaro10 kills
Ennio Tarantola10 kills
Giulio Torresi10 kills
Adriano Visconti10 kills


 Italy Map


    Macchi C.202 Folgore Bibliography:

  • Angelucci, Enzo and Paolo Matricardi. World Aircraft: World War II, Volume I (Sampson Low Guides). Maidenhead, UK: Sampson Low, 1978. ISBN 978-0-528-88170-1.
  • Bergström, Christer. Stalingrad—The Air Battle: 1942 through January 1943. Hinckley, UK: Midland, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-276-4.
  • Beurling, George and Leslie Roberts. Malta Spitfire: The Story of a Fighter pilot. New York/Toronto: Farrar & Rinehart Inc., 1943. NO ISBN.
  • Borgiotti, Alberto and Cesare Gori. Le Macchine e la Storia, Profili 1: Macchi MC 202 Folgore (in Italian). Modena, Italy: STEM-Mucchi, 1970. No ISBN.
  • Caruana, Richard J. Victory in the Air. Malta: Modelaid International Publications, 1996. ISBN 1-871767-12-1.
  • Cattaneo, Gianni. "The Macchi C.202." Aircraft in Profile no.28. Windsor, Berkshire, UK: Profile Publications, 1971.
  • Ciampaglia, Giuseppe. "La Produzione Aeronautica nella II GM." (in Italian)." RID, May 1994.
  • De Marchi, Italo and Pietro Tonizzo. Macchi MC. 200 / FIAT CR. 32 (in Italian). Modena, Italy: Edizioni Stem Mucchi 1994. NO ISBN.
  • Duma, Antonio. Quelli del Cavallino Rampante – Storia del 4° Stormo Caccia Francesco Baracca (in Italian). Roma: Aeronautica Militare – Ufficio Storico, 2007. NO ISBN.
  • Dunning, Chris. Solo coraggio! La storia completa della Regia Aeronautica dal 1940 al 1943 (in Italian). Parma, Italy: Delta Editrice, 2000. No ISBN.
  • Ethell, Jeffrey L. Aircraft of World War II. Glasgow: HarperCollins/Jane’s, 1995. ISBN 0-00-470849-0.
  • Ethell, Jeffrey L. and Joe Christy. P-40 Hawks at War. Shepperton, UK: Ian Allan Ltd, 1979. ISBN 0-7110-0983-X.
  • Gentilli, Roberto and Luigi Gorena. Macchi C.202 In Action. Carrollton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1980. ISBN 0-89747-100-8.
  • Ghergo, Federico. "La Caccia Italiana 1940–43" (in Italian). Storia Militare, February 2006.
  • Glancey, Jonathan. Spitfire: The Illustrated Biography. London: Atlantic Books, 2008. ISBN 978-1-84354-528-6.
  • Green, William. "The Macchi-Castoldi Series". Famous Fighters of the Second World War, vol.2. London: Macdonald, 1962. No ISBN.
  • Green, William and Gordon Swanborough. The Great Book of Fighters. St. Paul, Minnesota: MBI Publishing, 2001. ISBN 0-7603-1194-3.
  • Jackson, Robert. The Forgotten Aces. London: Sphere Books Ltd, 1989. ISBN 0-7474-0310-4.
  • Malizia, Nicola. Aermacchi Bagliori di Guerra – Flashes of War (Macchi MC.200- MC.202 – MC.205/V) (in Italian). Rome: Ibn Editore, 2002. ISBN 88-7565-030-6.
  • Malizia, Nicola. "L'armamento Dei Velivoli Della Regia Aereonautica" (in Italian). Storia Militare, Sebtembre 1997.
  • Marcon, Tullio. "Hawker in Mediterraneo (in Italian)." Storia Militare N.80.
  • Massiniello, Giorgio. "Lo Sviluppo del (Macchi) Veltro (in Italian)." Storia Militare, N.150.
  • Massiniello, Giorgio. "Via da Korba, con ogni mezzo" (in Italian). Storia Militare 1996 (31). Parma, Italy: Ermanno Albertelli Ed.
  • Mattioli, Mario. "L'esordio del Macchi C 202" (in Italian). Storia Militare, 1996. Parma, Italy: Ermanno Albertelli Ed.
  • Matricardi, Paolo. Aerei Militari: Caccia e Ricognitori (in Italian). Milan, Italy: Mondadori Electa Editore, 2006.
  • Mondey, David. The Hamlyn Concise Guide to Axis Aircraft of World War II. London: Bounty Books, 2006. ISBN 0-7537-1460-4.
  • Neulen, Hans Werner. In the Skies of Europe. Ramsbury, Marlborough, UK: The Crowood Press, 2000. ISBN 1-86126-799-1.
  • Nijboer, Donald: "Spitfire V vs C.202 Folgore – Malta 1942 (Osprey Duel ; 60)". Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-1-78200-356-4
  • Nolan, Brian. Hero: The Buzz Beurling Story. London: Penguin Books, 1981. ISBN 0-14-006-266-1.
  • Palermo, Michele (2014). Eagles over Gazala: Air Battles in North Africa, May–June 1942. Roma: IBN Editore. ISBN 88-7565-168-X.
  • Pesce, Giuseppe and Giovanni Massimello. Adriano Visconti Asso di Guerra (in Italian). Parma, Italy: Albertelli Edizioni speciali s.r.l., 1997.
  • Rogers, Anthony: Battle over Malta: Aircraft Losses & Crash Sites 1940–42 London: Sutton Publishing, 2000. ISBN 0-7509-2392-X.
  • Savic, Dragan and Boris Ciglic. Croatian Aces of World War II (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces-49). Oxford, UK: Oxford, 2002. ISBN 1-84176-435-3.
  • Sgarlato, Nico. "Macchi Folgore" (in Italian). Aerei Nella Storia 1998 (8): 8–20. Parma, Italy: West-Ward sas.
  • Sgarlato, Nico. "Macchi Folgore" (in Italian). Publisher unknown, 2008.
  • Sgarlato Nico. "Reggiane fighters (Delta Editions)" (in Italian). Monography N.17, July 2005.
  • Shores, Christopher, Brian Cull and Nicola Malizia. Malta: The Hurricane Years (1940–1941). London: Grub Street, 1987. ISBN 0-948817-06-2.
  • Shores, Christopher, Brian Cull and Nicola Malizia. Malta: The Spitfire Year (1942). London: Grub Street, 1991. ISBN 0-948817-16-X.
  • Skulski, Przemysław. Macchi C.202 Folgore(in English). Petersfield, Hampshire: Mushroom Model Publications, 2012. ISBN 978-83-614-21-66-5.
  • Skulski, Przemysław. Macchi C.202 Folgore, seria "Pod Lupa" 7(in Polish). Wrocław, Poland: Ace Publications, 1997. ISBN 83-86153-55-5.
  • Skulski, Przemysław. Macchi C.202 Folgore(in Polish). Sandomierz, Poland/Redbourn, UK: Stratus/Mushroom Model Publications, 2005. ISBN 83-89450-06-2.
  • Skulski, Przemysław. Macchi C.202 FOLGORE. MMPBOOKS, 2012. ISBN 978-83-61421-66-5.
  • Snedden, Robert. World War II Combat Aircraft. Bristol, UK: Parragon, 1997. ISBN 0-7525-1684-1.
  • Spick, Mike. Allied Fighter Aces of World War II. London: Greenhill Books, 1997. ISBN 1-85367-282-3.
  • Williams, Anthony G. and Dr. Emmanuel Gustin. Flying Guns: World War II – Development of Aircraft Guns, Ammunition and Istallations 1933–1945. Ramsbury, Marlborough, UK: The Crowood Press, 2003. ISBN 978-1-84037-227-4.
  • Winchester, Jim. "Macchi M.C.202 and M.C.205V." Aircraft of World War II: The Aviation Factfile. Kent, UK: Grange Books plc, 2004. ISBN 1-84013-639-1.

    Magazine References: +

  • Airfix Magazines (English) -
  • Avions (French) -
  • FlyPast (English) -
  • Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
  • Flugzeug Classic (German) -
  • Klassiker (German) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Osprey (English) -
  • Revi Magazines (Czech) -

    Web References: +

  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:


This webpage was updated 21st December 2021
