List of Bf 109 early models

List of Bf 109 E models

List of Bf 109 F models

List of Bf 109 G models

List of Bf 109 K models

Stab Jagdgeschwader 51 - Stab JG51

Stab I. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - Stab I./JG51

Stab II. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - Stab II./JG51

Stab III. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - Stab III./JG51

Stab IV. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - Stab IV./JG51

I Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - I./JG51

1 Staffel I Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 1./JG51

2 Staffel I Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 2./JG51

3 Staffel I Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 3./JG51

II Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - II./JG51

4. Staffel II.Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 4./JG51

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/Trop 4./JG51 White -12+ Wilhelm Mink Tuscania Jan 1944

Profile Source Mark Styling

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/Trop 4./JG 51 White -2+ Italy 1943

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/Trop 4./JG 51 White -5+ Italy 1943

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2 4./JG51 W(-5+) Anton Hafner Bizerta Tunisia Nov 1942

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/Trop 4./JG 51 White -6+ Italy 1943

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 4.JG51 White -7+ Elias Paul WNr 163269 Kuehlein Radomir Bulgaria Jun 1944

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 4.JG51 White 7 Elias Paul WNr 163269 Kuehlein Radomir Bulgaria Jun 1944

Artist: © Kow Yokoyama Source: "Messerschmitt Bf.109G-6". Modeller's eye series 3. Special Edition. ISBN 4-499-22782-8.

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/Trop 4./JG 51 White -10+ Italy 1943

Profiles and Photo Data: A series of Bunders photos showing a series of JG 51 at one of there Mediterranean bases

Luftwaffe future JG51 ace Rudolf Nielinger whilst Adjudanten des General von Kluge

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/Trop/R6 4.JG51 White 4 Rudolf Nielinger WNr 15264 Caltagirone AB Italy 1943 01

Photograph Source: Flugzeug Classic 2011-09

Messerschmitt Bf 109G6 4./JG 54 White (-4+) Italy

Profiles and Photo Data: A series of Bunders photos showing a series of JG 54 at one of there Mediterranean bases

Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6 4./JG51 piloted by Elias Kuhlein W.Nr. 163269 Bulgaria May 1944

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/Trop 4./JG51 (W-12+) Wilhelm Mink Tuscania 1944

5. Staffel II.Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 5./JG51

6. Staffel II.Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 6./JG51

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10/U4 Erla 6./JG51 Yellow (-5+) Hans Mikoleit WNr 613xxx Veszprem Hungary Jan 1945

Source Profile: Luftwaffe Fighters 1945 (Topcolours 15009) by Murawski and Wróbel

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2/Trop 6./JG51 Yellow -5+ Anton Hafner El Aouina Tunisia Nov 1942

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-2/Trop 6./JG51 Yellow -5+ Anton Hafner El Aouina Tunisia 1942

Messerschmitt Bf 109G2 6./JG51 Y(-5+) Anton Hafner El-Aouina Tunisia Aug 1942 0B

Profile Source Mark Styling

Messerschmitt Bf 109G6 6./JG 51 Yellow (-8+) Italy 1943

Profiles and Photo Data: A series of Bunders photos showing a series of JG 51 at one of there Mediterranean bases

Messerschmitt Bf 109G6 6./JG 51 Yellow (-13+) Italy 1943

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10 (Y-5+) Hans Mikoleit of 6./JG51 Italy/Rumania 1944

III Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - III./JG51

8. Staffel III. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 8./JG51

Messerschmitt Bf-109 G-6 Erla 8./JG 51 (B2+I) Unknown Pilot

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 8./JG51 (B5+I)Summer 1944

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G 4/Trop 8./JG51 Black 16 Lt U Seiffert WNr 15013 Tindja Tunisia Apr 1943

Bf 109G 4/trop, W. Nr. 15013, flown by Lt. U. Seiffert, 8./JG 53, Tindja, Tunisia, April 1943 III./JG 53 took part in the defensive battles of the German Afrika Korps in the face of increasingly offensive pressure emanating from the Allied advance through today's Tunisia at the end of spring 1943. This unit was based in Sicily, but a temporary home for the 8th Staffel was made at the Tunisian base at Tindja from April 1st to the 20th. This tropicalized Bf 109G 4 was flown by Lt. Seiffert during this time period. The aircraft was sprayed in a desert camouflage consisting of RLM 79 which covered the upper and side surfaces, while RLM 78 was the bottom side colour. The white bottom wing tips and the white fuselage band ahead of the tail surfaces were identifying marks for aircraft on the southern front. The upper surfaces would later receive a squiggle pattern of RLM 80. Source Eduard Bf 109G 4 1/48

IV Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - IV./JG51

10. Staffel IV.Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 10./JG51

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 10./JG51 (Black 1+I) Anton Hafner Bobruisk 1944

Bf 109G-6 W.Nr. 442013 'Black 1' of 10./JG51 in which Toni Hafner died on 17 October 1944

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-10 10./JG51 (Black 5+0297) flown by Feldwebel Horst Petzschler WNr. 130297 April 1945

Profiles and Photo Data: The G-10 was an attempt to match the proven Bf 109 G-6/G-14 airframe with the new and more powerful DB 605D engine with minimal distruption of the production lines. Despite what the designation would suggest, it appeared in service after the G-14 and somewhat the K-4 in November 1944. Early production G-10s used fuselages taken from the G-14 production lines, this was probably a source of confusion as many authors still believe many G-10 were based on recycled G-series fuselages. The most recognizable change was the standardized use of the 'Erla-Haube' canopy, sometimes referred to (incorrectly) as the 'Galland' hood. This canopy improved the pilot's view by reducing the number of support struts, which was often criticized before. The G-10 was produced in very substantial numbers, with some 2600 G-10s produced until the war's end. The Bf 109 G-10, AS-engined G-5s, G-6s and G-14s as well as the K-4 saw a refinement of the bulges covering the breeches of the cowl mounted MG 131, these taking on a more elongated and streamlined form, barely discernible on the upper sides of the cowl panels, as the large engine supercharger required a redesign of the cowling.

11. Staffel IV.Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 11./JG51

12. Staffel IV.Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 12./JG51

Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6 12./JG51 Brown 12 flown by Unteroffizier Rudolf Dreesmann from Lysiatycze Ukraine early 1944

15. Staffel V.Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 51 - 15./JG51

 Messerschmitt Bf 109 G Gustav

   IL-2 Sturmovik 'Cliff's of Dover' Blitz

   IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad

   DCS World - has no 3D model


Hans-Ekkehard Bob

'Our morale in combat was unbroken.'


Our morale in combat was unbroken and when the weather permitted, we flew many sorties each day. Comparatively speaking, the English were in the better position in that they fought over their own territory and thus could save themselves in an emergency by baling out or carrying out a crash landing. In contrast, if we found ourselves in such circumstances, we had to count on being captured or risk landing our damaged aircraft in the Channel.

In a dogfight during August 1940, my radiator was shot-up, causing the engine cooling system to fail and I had to turn off the ignition to prevent an engine fire. The Me109 1 had a glide angle of 13:1 2. which meant that with the engine stopped we could glide 13 kilometres for each kilometre of altitude. This occurred at an altitude of 4,000 metres over Canterbury, some 80 km from the French coast, so I knew I would never be able to glide that far and had to think of something new. From 4,000 metres I would be able to glide only 52 km at the most, then I would go down into the English Channel. Suddenly it occurred to me to allow the engine to cool during the descent. This I did and the temperature dropped quickly, so I restarted the engine and climbed at full throttle as high as possible until the engine overheated again. I did this repeatedly, climbing up and gliding down, until I finally reached the French coast and carried out an emergency landing on the beach at Calais. My report of this experience was distributed to the units and the method adopted. It later received the nickname 'gebobt' after Bob, my surname.

Our missions over England continued, becoming progressively more difficult until, in the last part of 1940, attacks became impossible to carry out due to the severe weather conditions. The German fighter-pilots were still optimistic even though the daylight bomber operations had been cancelled. The British fighters did not even take off if there were no German bomber formations flying in the English skies. Thus we German fighters could fly around over southern England without contact with the enemy until we reached London. In order to lure the British fighters into the air, some of the Me109 squadrons were equipped with bomb racks. This was the birth of the fighter-bomber.

As the Staffelkapitiin of 9./JG54, I had to carry out a test flight with a 250 kg bomb under the fuselage. The take-off, from a meadow at Guines-South, was quite risky since we fighter pilots had no idea how to handle bombs, how to hit the target, or how to operate the whole thing. In fact, the sortie was at first regarded as something suitable for a Himmelfahrtskommando, or suicide squad, but it proved worth the effort as the flight with the bomb was successful. Once in the air, I flew to a small spit of land extending from the English coast where I could release the bomb but exactly where it fell I could not determine as I really did not have the necessary experience. With time, however, and with improvisation - in order to dive at the correct angle, for example, we painted lines on the sides of the canopy - we achieved really good results. We then flew against England where our first targets were the airbase at Biggin Hill and Tilbury docks in London, where warships were being built.

During all of our operations the radio communications traffic of the British fighter pilots were being intercepted. On one occasion3, an interesting conversation took place between ground control and a British fighter formation when ground control said: 'Attack the German bomber formations! 'The English formation leader shouted back: 'There are no bomber formations here!' Ground control: 'But bombs have been dropped' Formation leader: 'I see only Me-109s but they can't drop bombs!' Word quickly got around, though, that the bombs were being dropped by the Me-109 units with the result that air combat was resumed.

1. German pilots of the period referred to the Messerschmitt 109 as the 'Me-109' instead of the technically correct 'Bf109'.
2. Rudolf Rothenfelder of JG2 has stated that the ratio between height and the glide distance was 12:1.
3. Probably 20 September 1940. See main text for further details.

Messerschmitt Bf-109E 8./JG54 (Y9+) Oblt. Hans Ekkehard Bob France Oct 1940 01

Photo 01: 'Yellow 9' of Oblt. Hans Ekkehard Bob's 9./JG54. On 21 October, the entire III./JG54 moved from Guines to Holland where it was based on airfields at Schiphol, KatWijk, Haamstede and de Kooi. Between 4 December and 15 January, the Gruppe was recalled to Germany to rest and refit.

Hans-Ekkehard Bob

Major Hans-Ekkehard Bob was born on 24 January 1917 at Freiburg/Breisgau. Bob joined the Luftwaffe on 1 December 1936 with the rank of Fahnenjunker. He spent his first year at the Luftskriegsschule Wildpark Werder undergoing six months of basic military training before commencing his flying training on 1 June 1937. At the beginning of 1938, he attended the Officer's Academy. Oberfähnrich Bob was then transferred Jagdfliegergruppe 133 based at Wiesbaden. His first operational missions came during the occupation of the Sudetenland flying with an Arado Ar 68 biplane fighter equipped unit escorting bomber and transport aircraft. Following the successful conclusion of the operation, Bob was transferred to JG334, equipped with Bf 110 Zerstörer twin-engine fighters and based at Gablingen, where he also received promotion to the rank of Leutnant on 1 September 1938. In July 1939, Bob was transferred to the newly formed 3./JG21, based at Jesau. On 6 June 1940, 3./JG21 was redesignated 9./JG54. He flew his first combat missions of World War 2 in Poland and France as a Schwarmführer (leader of four aircraft). On 10 May 1940, Bob claimed his first victory, a Gloster Gladiator biplane fighter shot down near Tongeren in Belgium. By the end of the French campaign he had recorded four victories. On 1 August 1940, Bob was promoted to the rank of Oberleutnant. He was appointed Staffelkapitän of 7./JG54 on 10 October 1940, replacing Oberleutnant Günther Scholz (34 victories, DK) who had left to lead III./JG54. However, his stay with this unit was short. On 28 November, Bob was appointed Staffelkapitän of 9./JG54, which he led until 1 August 1943. During the Battle of Britain, Bob's unit became one of the first fighter-bomber (Jabo) units. 9.Staffel mostly attacked shipping targets with 250kg bombs. By 11 November 1940, Bob had recorded 19 victories.

Oberleutnant Bob was awarded the Ritterkreuz by Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring on 7 March 1941. On 21 March 1941, Bob undertook a flight in a Bü-131 (W.Nr. 4506) (BG+AB) training aircraft, which resulted in a ditching in Cherbourg harbour following engine failure. He survived unhurt. Staffelkapitän of 9./JG54 Oberleutnant Hans-Ekkehard Bob. Parndorf, March 1941. The rudder of his Bf109E shows 19 victories.

Bob participated in the Balkan campaign, shooting down two Yugoslavian fighters: a Bf109 on 6 April 1941 for his 20th victory and an IK-2 on 9 April for his 21st victory. Following the conclusion of operations in the Balkans, JG54 was re-equipped with the new Bf 109F and relocated to airfields in East Prussia. On 22 June 1941, 9./JG54 flew their first missions of Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of Russia. Bob recorded his first victory in Russia on 23 June, when he shot down a SB twin-engine bomber. However, his Bf 109 F-2 (W.Nr. 9207) 'Yellow 1' + ~ was hit by return fire from the bomber's gunner necessitating a forced landing deep inside enemy controlled territory near Radviliskis. He managed to make his way back to German lines two days later. He was shot down for a second time on 13 July and was again forced to make an emergency landing this time near Borodkino. On 20 August, Oberleutnant Bob was again forced to make an emergency landing 50km south of Dno, when his Bf109F-2 (W.Nr. 12696) (Y1+~) received hits in the radiator. During a freie Jagd over the Volkhov River on 30 October, Bob encountered a Russian I-16 fighter. In the subsequent engagement, his Bf109F-2 (Y1+~) took hits in the radiator. He made a belly-landing behind enemy lines and was fortunate to evade capture. By the end of 1941, Bob had 39 victories to his credit. On 29 September 1942, he recorded his 50th victory. The sojourn in Russia ended for 9./JG54 on 12 February 1943, when III.Gruppe and 4./JG54 were ordered by the General der Jagdflieger, Adolf Galland, to change positions with units of JG26 based on the Western front. This tactical operation was cancelled, but III./JG54 stayed in the West and was separated from its parent Geschwader for the remainder of the war.

On 17 April 1943, Hauptmann Bob claimed his 57th victory by ramming a USAAF B-17 four-engine bomber near Bremen. He was forced to bale-out of his stricken Bf109G-4 (W.Nr. 14935) (Y1+I). He suffered injuries in the incident. On 1 August 1943, Bob was promoted to the rank of Major and was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of IV./JG51 based on the Eastern front. He gained two further victories with this unit. Bob was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of II./JG3, based on the Normandy invasion front, on 9 May 1944. He also led the unit on Reichsverteidigung duties. In August 1944, Bob transferred to Erprobungskommando 262 where he received very rudimentary training on the Me-262 jet fighter. At the beginning of 1945, he became one of the small team of experienced flying officers assigned to the staff of Generalmajor Josef Kammhuber. He worked on the staff directly responsible for allocating newly built Me 262s to operational units before being ordered by Kammhuber to Silesia. Here he joined I. and II/EJG2, both these units being responsible for training of former bomber pilots on to single-engine fighters. Bob next became a member of JV44; the Me-262 equipped unit led by the now former General der Jagdflieger, Adolf Galland (104 victories, RK-Br). At the capitulation on 8 May 1945, Bob was in Koppl, a small village near Salzburg. From there he walked 1,700km in 6 weeks to Celle. After the war Bob initially took employment as a farm labourer before establishing a transport business. In 1956, he founded Bohrmaschinen und Geräte GmbH (BOMAG) in Celle, manufacturing drilling equipment, which does business in 87 countries. He continued flying, establishing the Celle Flying Club.

Hans-Ekkehard Bob flew approximately 700 combat missions and claimed 60 victories. He recorded 37 victories over the Eastern front.

List of 60 aerial victories for Hans-Ekkehard Bob

No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location / Comments
1 10.5.1940 10:33 Gladiator 3./JG 21 Tongeren
2 24.5.1940 15:20 Dewoitine 3./JG 21 Hénin-Lietard
3 25.5.1940 19:45 Morane 406 3./JG 21 N Cambrai
4 26.5.1940 9:10 Curtiss 3./JG 21 Cambrai
5 26.6.1940 18:10 Blenheim 9./JG 54 60km W Rotterdam
6 12.8.1940 18:33 Spitfire 9./JG 54 Canterbury
7 15.8.1940 19:27 Spitfire 9./JG 54 Dover
8 16.8.1940 13:13 Spitfire 9./JG 54 Calais
9 18.8.1940 14:40 Hurricane 9./JG 54 Ramsgate
10 31.8.1940 11:40 Hurricane 9./JG 54 Eastchurch
11 31.8.1940 11:42 Hurricane 9./JG 54 Eastchurch
12 4.9.1940 10:10 Hurricane 9./JG 54 Folkestone
13 9.9.1940 18:40 Spitfire 9./JG 54 Tunbridge
14 30.9.1940 14:35 Spitfire 9./JG 54 Tunbridge
15 9.10.1940 16:38 Spitfire 9./JG 54 Chatham
16 9.10.1940 14:00 Spitfire 9./JG 54 Ashford
17 20.10.1940 15:40 Spitfire 9./JG 54 London
18 27.10.1940 10:30 Hurricane 9./JG 54 Tunbridge
19 11.11.1940 13:17 Spitfire 9./JG 54 Margate
20 6.4.1941 17:30 Bf 109 9./JG 54 Belgrade / Possibly Bf 109 E of 32 Grupa, JKRV
21 7.4.1941 14:20 IK-2 9./JG 54 Martinac / Possibly IK-2 of 107 Esk, 34 Grupa, JKRV
22 23.6.1941 11:50 SB-2 9./JG 54 Kedainiai
23 30.6.1941 7:05 SB-3 9./JG 54 Daugavpils
24 30.6.1941 7:09 SB-3 9./JG 54 Daugavpils
25 30.6.1941 12:35 SB-3 9./JG 54 Daugavpils
26 30.6.1941 15:10 SB-3 9./JG 54 Daugavpils
27 6.7.1941 18:40 SB-3 9./JG 54 Ostrov
28 6.7.1941 18:41 SB-3 9./JG 54 Ostrov
29 6.7.1941 18:45 SB-3 9./JG 54 Ostrov
30 15.7.1941 19:15 SB-3 9./JG 54 Orly
31 24.7.1941 19:55 SB-2 9./JG 54 Duo
32 10.9.1941 14:50 I-18 9./JG 54 Dem’yansk
33 11.9.1941 9:45 I-18 9./JG 54 Dem’yansk
34 15.9.1941 15:15 DB-3 9./JG 54 Krasnoje-Selo
35 15.9.1941 15:25 DB-3 9./JG 54 Krasnoje-Selo
36 21.9.1941 7:05 I-153 9./JG 54 Krasnowardeist
37 7.10.1941 9:40 Il-2 9./JG 54 Krasnoje-Bor
38 6.11.1941 10:37 E/a 9./JG 54 Kolpino
39 1.12.1941 9:42 I-18 9./JG 54 Mostovaja
40 25.4.1942 11:30 MiG-3 9./JG 54 Leningrad
41 28.8.1942 11:30 Il-2 9./JG 54 Kilosi
42 1.9.1942 9:26 LaGG-3 9./JG 54 Kilosi
43 1.9.1942 12:10 Il-2 9./JG 54 Rabotschi
44 2.9.1942 13:50 Il-2 9./JG 54 Estonski
45 2.9.1942 14:00 Il-2 9./JG 54 Gaitolowo
46 10.9.1942 17:04 Il-2 9./JG 54 Tortolowo
47 15.9.1942 6:02 LaGG-3 9./JG 54 10 113
48 15.9.1942 15:20 LaGG-3 9./JG 54 Schlüsselburg
49 22.9.1942 5:35 MiG-3 9./JG 54 Beresowka
50 29.9.1942 16:08 LaGG-3 9./JG 54 Newa-Bogen
51 17.12.1942 10:51 Il-2 9./JG 54 Ssytschewka
52 17.12.1942 11:23 Il-2 9./JG 54 Ssytschewka
53 29.12.1943 9:52 Il-2 9./JG 54 Kolpina
54 30.12.1943 9:55 Il-2 9./JG 54 Velikije-Luki
55 30.12.1942 10:12 LaGG-3 9./JG 54 Velikije-Luki
56 14.1.1943 11:37 LaGG-3 9./JG 54 Velikije-Luki
57 17.4.1943 12:45 B-17 9./JG 54 Oldenburg / Rammed
58 27.7.1943 20:20 Spitfire 9./JG 54 W Haarlem
59 ? - MiG-3 IV./JG 51 Apostolovo
60 ? - MiG-3 IV./JG 51 Apostolovo

Victories : 60
Awards : Ehrenpokal (28 September 1940)
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (24 December 1942)
Ritterkreuz (7 March 1941)
Units : JG54, JG51, JG3, EJG2, JV 44 Aces of the Luftwaffe - Hans-Ekkehard Bob

Asisbiz Database of 60 aerial victories for Hans-Ekkehard Bob

Date Name Unit A/c Type Height Time Comments
10-May-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 3./JG21 Gladiator   10.33 Tongeren (as 9/JG54)
24-May-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 3./JG21 Dewoitine   15.20 Henin-Lietard
25-May-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 3./JG21 Morane 406 4000m 19.45 N Cambrai
26-May-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 3./JG21 Hawk-75A   09.10 Cambrai
26-Jun-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob Stab I./JG21 Blenheim 10m 18.10 60km W Rotterdam
12-Aug-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Spitfire   18.33 Canterbury
13-Aug-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Spitfire   13.13  
15-Aug-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Spitfire 800m 19.27 SE Dover
16-Aug-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Spitfire   13.13 Calais
18-Aug-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Hurricane 6500m 14.40 10km E Ramsgate
31-Aug-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Hurricane   11.40 Eastchurch
31-Aug-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Hurricane   11.42 Eastchurch
04-Sep-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Hurricane   10.10 Folkestone
09-Sep-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Spitfire   18.40  
30-Sep-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 7./JG54 Spitfire   14.35 Tonbridge
30-Sep-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 7./JG54 Spitfire      
09-Oct-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 7./JG54 Spitfire   14.00 Ashford
09-Oct-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 7./JG54 Spitfire   16.38 Chatham
20-Oct-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 7./JG54 Spitfire   15.40  
27-Oct-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob Stab III./JG54 Hurricane 5000m 10.30 10km E Tunbridge Wells
11-Nov-40 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Spitfire   13.17 Margate
06-Apr-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Bf 109E   17.30 Petrowgrad
07-Apr-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 IK-2   14.20 Martinae
23-Jun-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 SB-2   11.50  
30-Jun-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 SB-3   15.10  
30-Jun-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 SB-3   07.05  
30-Jun-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 SB-3   07.09  
30-Jun-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 SB-3   12.35  
06-Jul-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 SB-3   18.40  
06-Jul-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 SB-3   18.45  
15-Jul-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 SB-3   19.15  
24-Jul-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 SB-2   19.55  
10-Sep-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 I-18   14.50  
11-Sep-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 I-18   09.45  
15-Sep-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 DB-3   15.15  
15-Sep-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 DB-3   15.25  
21-Sep-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 I-153   07.05  
07-Oct-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
06-Nov-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
01-Dec-41 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 I-18   09.42  
25-Apr-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 MiG-3   11.30  
28-Aug-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
100m 11.30 10 191
01-Sep-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 LaGG-3 2000m 09.26 10 191
01-Sep-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
200m 12.10 10 153
02-Sep-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
300m 13.50 10 183
02-Sep-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
300m 14.00 10 182
10-Sep-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
150m 17.04 10 183
15-Sep-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 LaGG-3 1000m 06.02 10 113
15-Sep-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 LaGG-3 5000m 15.20 10 113
22-Sep-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 MiG-3 2000m 05.35 10 354
29-Sep-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 LaGG-3 500m 16.01 00 283
17-Dec-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
1500m 10.51 46 131
17-Dec-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
20m 11.23 47 791
29-Dec-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob Stab III./JG54 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
300m 09.52 07 583
30-Dec-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
500m 09.55 07 672
30-Dec-42 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 LaGG-3 800m 10.12 07 334
14-Jan-43 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 LaGG-3 2000m 11.37 07 671
27-Jul-43 Hans-Ekkehard Bob 9./JG54 Spitfire 20m 20.25 20km W Zandvoort
26-Sep-43 Hans-Ekkehard Bob Stab IV./JG51 Yak-1 4000m 16.37 S Jantschekrak
27-Sep-43 Hans-Ekkehard Bob Stab IV./JG51 LaGG-5 2500m 13.32 ENE Tsisslovka

Herbert Epphardt

Units: 3./JG-51 (2/42 S.U.), Stab I./JG-51 (5/43 S.U.)

Awards: EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109F & G

Remarks: His first known victory, a Soviet I-61 on 3 February, 1942. An Il-2 on 6 May, 1943. Two Il-2's on 7 May, 1943. A 5th, an Il-2 (m.H.) on 15 August, 1943. A 6th, a Yak-7B on 28 May, 1944. A 7th, another Yak-7B on 29 May, 1944.

Asisbiz database list of 7 aerial victories for Herbert Epphardt

Date Name Unit A/c Type Height Time Comments
Tuesday, February 03, 1942 Herbert Epphardt 3./JG51 I-61   13:47  
Thursday, May 06, 1943 Herbert Epphardt Stab I./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 13:20 63 391
Friday, May 07, 1943 Herbert Epphardt Stab I./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
50m 05:04 63 121
Friday, May 07, 1943 Herbert Epphardt Stab I./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
  05:00 64 783
Sunday, August 15, 1943 Herbert Epphardt Stab I./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 13:20 51 851
Sunday, May 28, 1944 Herbert Epphardt Stab I./JG51 Yak-7B 150m 17:30 05 489
Monday, May 29, 1944 Herbert Epphardt Stab I./JG51 Yak-7B 150m 17:30 05 481

Karl Heinz Rammelt

Units: 4./JG-51 (5/42), Stfkpt 4./JG-51 (3/43 N.Africa), Kdr II./JG-51 (6/43)

Awards: RK(10/24/44), DK-G(1/16/44), EP(6/25/43), EK 1 & 2, Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109F-2 WNr 12808 (force land 9/3/42), Bf 109G, & G-2 (Trop in Africa) in Staffel in '42, Bf 109G-6 WNr 160717 '<<'(lost 12/28/43), Bf 109G-14 WNr 780887 'Black <<+' (WIA 12/23/44)

Remarks: Opposed the Schweinfurt Raid. On 28 December, 1943, he was forced to bail with wounds from Wk# 160717 after being hit by B-24 return fire over Padova. On Christmas 1944, bailed for the 3rd time, with serious wounds, from Bf 109G-14 Werk# 780887 '<<' over Hungary, after downing a B-24. After this incident, he did not return to combat duty. 450 missions including numerous low level attacks. 11 bombers. One known bomber victory, a B-17 35 km NNE of Frankfurt on 14 October, 1943. 18 victories in the East. His 1st known Soviet victory, a Yak-1 on 12 June, 1942. A double Soviet victory, both Il-2's on 5 July, 1942. A Soviet triple on 5 July; two Pe-2's and an Il-2. A Pe-2 on 10 August, 1942. A Yak-1 on 13 August, 1942. Numerous victories in N.Africa. One known Balkan victory, a B-24 100 km NE of Craiova on 5 April, 1944. A B-24 at Radomir on 24 June, 1944. Another B-24 on 15 July, 1944 at Stalati. Another Soviet victory, an Il-2 on 13 October, 1944. A B-24 on 6 December, 1944. A Boston III and an La-5 on 8 December, 1944. A Yak-9 and an Il-2 on 21 December, 1944. Photo

Asisbiz Database of 42 aerial victories for Karl Heinz Rammelt

Date Name Unit A/c Type Height Time Comments
12-Jun-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Yak-1   17.45  
05-Jul-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
05-Jul-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
05-Jul-42 Karl Rammelt 1./JG51 Pe-2 2000m 05.00 20km SW Baleno
05-Jul-42 Karl Rammelt 1./JG51 Pe-2 2000m 05.05 10km NW Baleno
05-Jul-42 Karl Rammelt 1./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
20m 05.20 15km NE Bolkhov
06-Jul-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
10-Aug-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Pe-2 1400m 17.05 47 554
13-Aug-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Yak-1 2500m 18.05 54 432
23-Aug-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 06.43 54 253
27-Aug-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 17.54 64 764
28-Aug-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 13.51 25km NNW Belev
08-Sep-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Pe-2 5000m 09.00 ENE Dubno
14-Sep-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Pe-2 1500m 17.07 47 732
27-Nov-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Spitfire 400m 09.18 12km SW Beja
28-Nov-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Spitfire 2500m 15.35 30km SW Bizerta
28-Nov-42 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Spitfire 4000m 15.42 33km SW Bizerta
20-Mar-43 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 P-40 Kittyhawk 700m 18.05 30km NW Maknassy
21-Mar-43 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Spitfire 1000m 13.06 5km SE Gabes
29-Mar-43 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 P-40 Kittyhawk Low Level 18.45 05 581 10km E Cekhira
05-Apr-43 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 P-40 Kittyhawk 50m 14.48 10km SW Harjeb
19-May-43 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 Spitfire 2000m 13.33 8634
31-May-43 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 P-38 Lightning 2000m 12.57 8044
05-Jun-43 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 P-38F Lightning 400m 15.16 90761
18-Jun-43 Karl Rammelt 4./JG51 B-26 Marauder 2500m 11.22 7087
14-Oct-43 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 B-17 Fortress 7000m 14.22 35km NNE. Frankfurt
14-Oct-43 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 B-17 Fortress 7000m 14.22 35km NNE Frankfurt
02-Nov-43 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 B-17 Fortress 7000m 13.35 14 Ost N/HM-52 (NE Graz)
02-Nov-43 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 B-17 Fortress 7000m 13.35 14 Ost N/HM-52 (NE Graz)
25-Dec-43 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 P-38 Lightning 5000m 11.20 Villa Estense
28-Dec-43 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 B-17 Fortress 7000m 11.52 1km SW Padua
05-Apr-44 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 B-24 Liberator 7000m 14.13 100km NE Craiova
15-Apr-44 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 P-38 Lightning   12.30 AN/AO
05-May-44 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 P-38 Lightning 2500m 15.30 24 Ost S/CB-3 (Rashka)
24-Jun-44 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 B-24 Liberator 5000m 08.42 24 Ost S/GJ 5 (Radomir)
15-Jul-44 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 B-24 Liberator 4000m 13.10 24 Ost S/CB-3 (Stalati)
13-Oct-44 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
1000m 16.01 24 Ost N/18 GD-4
06-Dec-44 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 B-24 Liberator 5500m 11.35 14 Ost N/EQ-4
08-Dec-44 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 La-5 2500m 14.10 14 Ost N/FT-3
08-Dec-44 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 A-20 Boston III 2000m 13.55 14 Ost N/ET-96
21-Dec-44 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
1500m 14.40 14 Ost N/DS-61
21-Dec-44 Karl Rammelt Stab II./JG51 Yak-9 2500m 11.35 14 Ost N/ES-33

Günther Josten DOB 11/7/1921

Units: JGr Drondheim, 1/JG-51 (3/43 S.U.), Stfkpt 3/JG-51 (2/45), Kdr IV/JG-51

Awards: RK(2/5/44)-EL(3/28/45), DK-G(10/17/43), EP(8/31/43), EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109E & F, Fw 190A-2 WNr 0445 (lost 11/42), Fw 190A-6 'Wh 14' in Staffel (Orsha, 3/44), Bf 109G-6 'Wh 9' (Bobruisk, 4/44)

Remarks: 1 Bomber. This bomber may have been his B-17 victory in the Warsaw area on 18 September, 1944. 60+ Stormoviks, plus 25 unconfirmed victories. His first known victory, a Soviet Il-2 on 22 March, 1943. Three Il-2's on 10 June, 1943. A MiG-3, an Il-2 and a Pe-2 on 10 July, 1943, while serving in 1/JG-52. An Il-2 on 12 July, 1943. Five Il-2's on 13 July, 1943. Three Il-2's (all m.H.) on 25 July, 1943. An Il-2(m.H.) and a LaGG-3 on 31 July, 1943. A LaGG-5 and two Il-2's (m.H.) on 2 August, 1943. An LaGG-5 and two Soviet Hurricanes on 13 August, 1943. Four Il-2's (m.H.) in the Merepa-Podolychov areas on 14 August, 1943. Eight victories on 15 September, 1943. Two Pe-2's on 26 March, 1944. A B-17, Werk # 43-38175 'BI-S', piloted by 1/Lt Francis E.Akins, near Warsaw Poland on 18 September, 1944. Shot down five 'enemy aircraft' (probably Soviet type) on 16 February, 1945. His 178th victory, one of seven 'enemy aircraft' on 25 April, 1945. 420 combat missions, including 80 close support missions. One of the best fighter pilots of the younger generation, who was never shot down. Retired LW-Bundeswehr Oberst. Deceased 7 July, 2004.

Asisbiz Database of 154 aerial victories for Gunther Josten

Date Name Unit A/c Type Height Time Comments
22-Mar-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
800m 08.10 63 372
08-Jun-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
200m 19.13 54 863
10-Jun-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
200m 19.16 44 593
10-Jun-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 19.21 44 484
10-Jun-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 19.25 44 462
10-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG52 Pe-2 400m 11.30 53 664
10-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG52 MiG-3 2000m 07.24 63 577
10-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG52 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
300m 11.25 63 587
12-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
200m 05.46 63 233
13-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
300m 07.03 64 886
13-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 13.45 63 244
13-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 180m 13.50 63 219
13-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 150m 14.05 63 244
13-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
800m 07.00 64 881
17-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
300m 10.42 63 532
19-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-1 200m 11.32 64 845
22-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. Low Level 18.20 64 749
25-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 12.55 53 426
25-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 12.50 53 422
25-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 4000m 12.34 53 616
28-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 10.30 54 649
28-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 10.33 54 681
31-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 08.58 54 679
31-Jul-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-3 300m 09.03 54 675
02-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 08.45 SW Kronje
02-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 09.25 SSW Kronje
02-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-5 200m 08.42 SO Kronje
03-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-5 Low Level 15.20 54 445
03-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 15.10 53 414
05-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 8./JG51 A-20 Boston 2000m 04.37 55 176
07-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 P-39 Aircobra 4000m 05.32 53 227
07-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 MiG-3 50m 08.17 54 843
13-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-5 200m 05.50 NW Boromlya
13-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Hurricane 4500m 18.36 NE Oleschanoy
13-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Hurricane 4500m 18.37 NE Oleschanoy
14-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 06.26 E Krysino
14-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 18.17 NE Merepa
14-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 06.00 51 847
14-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 18.20 N Podolychov
19-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 MiG-3 2000m 15.48 41 696 (E Akhtryka)
21-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. Low Level 14.40 N Lyubotin
21-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 14.10 WNW Charkov (61 777)
21-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 14.38 West of Charkov
21-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 50m 14.38 West of Charkov
23-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Pe-2 3600m 16.43 S Losjevo
23-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Pe-2 3600m 16.40 NE Deselyudovka
23-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 MiG-3   06.45 SE Olschany
23-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-3 2500m 12.45 E Italovka
30-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-5 2000m 17.30 SW Nikitino
31-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 P-2 2500m 15.28 NE Beresovka
31-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 P-2 2000m 15.29 West of Straina
31-Aug-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. Low Level 18.00 NW Yelnya
04-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 P-2 2500m 17.14 N Kazanka
04-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 P-2 2500m 17.13 S Leonovo
04-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 10.14 E Tsowkino
04-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 10.16 bei Tsadki
05-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 MiG-3 3800m 15.28 bei Berezkino
07-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 16.11 E Mokroye
07-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-7 3000m 08.28 bei ssamnilovo
07-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 11.28 bei Buda
07-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-1 300m 11.30 44 135
07-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. Low Level 11.33 West of Kosmalschewa
07-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 16.10 N Bagonova
07-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 16.10 bei Bhf Felipovo
10-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 17.10 S Ljudinovo
10-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-1 Low Level 16.50 SW Vorlovo
10-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-1 500m 16.43 E Golyshevka
10-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-1 500m 16.46 Kupava
14-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-5 1200m 16.30 Schalkova
15-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
400m 13.12 Galinska
15-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-7 1500m 13.15 Bolinskaya
15-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Pe-2 1000m 09.45 Brykovo
15-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 09.53 Plotki (Krs Smolensk)
15-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 09.56 Chantsovo (Krs Smolensk)
15-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-5 1500m 12.05 Norje-Byki
15-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-5 1000m 12.50 Tishevo (Krs Smolensk)
15-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 1000m 13.10 Sharipino
17-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Pe-2 2500m 10.50 Rusinezy
17-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-9 5000m 11.20 5km SW Yelnya
17-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-5 Low Level 13.50 Jselo
20-Sep-43 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-5 2000m 16.30 1km S Stugatovo
05-Feb-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 A-20 Boston 1500m 09.00 93 362
05-Feb-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 A-20 Boston 1500m 09.02 93 366
26-Mar-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Pe-2 2300m 12.40 04 556
26-Mar-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Pe-2 2000m 12.50 04 725
05-Apr-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-1 1000m 09.35 42 689
05-Apr-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-7 1800m 09.25 42 818
27-Apr-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 MiG-3 3000m 11.23 42 885
30-Apr-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 LaGG-5 1500m 14.00 42 872
22-Jun-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Pe-2 3000m 10.25 15 587
23-Jun-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-9 Low Level 06.10 05 193
23-Jun-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-9 1000m 06.40 05 695
24-Jun-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-9 300m 12.13 05 448
25-Jun-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-9 200m 17.30 05 442
25-Jun-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-9 400m 17.10 05 389
26-Jun-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 P-39 Aircobra 100m 11.47 96 467
14-Jul-44 Gunther Josten 1./JG51 Yak-9 1800m 11.20 44 846
19-Jul-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 1500m 15.20 32 691
19-Jul-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. Low Level 15.40 42 744
20-Jul-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
100m 14.40 31 827
12-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 P-39 Aircobra 800m 13.02 12 337
16-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 80m 08.50 24 792
16-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 50m 08.55 24 796
18-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-1 2000m 16.32 13 543
20-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-9 1000m 16.25 13 562
20-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 12.40 13 561
20-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-9 100m 13.10 13 529
21-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-7 300m 13.22 13 395
22-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-7 1000m 08.30 23 125
22-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-7 500m 08.35 23 127
28-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 La-5 1500m 10.32 13 245
28-Aug-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-9 200m 13.42 13 362
01-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-7 900m 14.20 13 527
01-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-7 200m 14.12 13 527
02-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-7 1000m 08.22 13 527
03-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-7   16.00  
04-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-7 1200m 15.58 13 211
05-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-7 1200m 15.55 13 345
05-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
200m 16.17 13 348
06-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-7 600m 08.13 13 381
12-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 P-39 Aircobra 3500m 09.21 13 713
18-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 B-17 Fortress 4000m 13.45 03 661 (Warsaw area)
18-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 B-17 Fortress II 4000m 13.45 03 661
18-Sep-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 B-17 Fortress 7000m 13.45 03 661 (Raum Warsaw)
09-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-9 1000m 14.31 26 769
09-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 MiG-3 600m 14.46 26 526
09-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-9 1500m 16.04 26 849
10-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-9 2600m 14.54 26 728
16-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. Low Level 10.20 25 496
16-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 La-5 200m 10.40 25 435
18-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-9 2000m 09.45 25 613
18-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-9 3000m 13.15 25 292
18-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-9 3000m 15.53 25 431
20-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 12.40 25 474
20-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 12.37 25 399
20-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 12.43 25 532
22-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Pe-2 2500m 13.40 25 397
25-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-9 1600m 14.55 13 328
26-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Yak-9 3000m 10.53 03 633
26-Oct-44 Gunther Josten 13./JG51 Yak-9 1500m 11.03 13 377
16-Jan-45 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Abschu?      
16-Jan-45 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Abschu?      
16-Feb-45 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2      
16-Feb-45 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2      
16-Feb-45 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2      
16-Feb-45 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2      
16-Feb-45 Gunther Josten 3./JG51 Il-2      
25-Apr-45 Gunther Josten Stab IV./JG51 Abschu?      
25-Apr-45 Gunther Josten Stab IV./JG51 Abschu?      
25-Apr-45 Gunther Josten Stab IV./JG51 Abschu?      
25-Apr-45 Gunther Josten Stab IV./JG51 Abschu?      
25-Apr-45 Gunther Josten Stab IV./JG51 Abschu?      
25-Apr-45 Gunther Josten Stab IV./JG51 Abschu?      
25-Apr-45 Gunther Josten Stab IV./JG51 Abschu?      

Gunther Josten wurde am 07.11.1921 in Rhynern bei Hamm geboren. Er trat im Januar 1940 in die Luftwaffe ein und kam als Uffz. am 01.11.1941 zur Jagdgruppe Drontheim, bei der es kaum Gelegenheit gab, sich beim ermudenden Kustenschutz auszuzeichnen. Ende August 1942 wurd er zur 3./JG51 an die Ostfront versetzt. Am 23.02.1943 konnte er seinen ersten Luftsieg erzielen, am 10.07.1943 schaffte er den 8.-10. und am 13.07. konnte er 5 Il 2 als seinen 12.-16.Abschuss zum Absturz bringen. Im Juli brachte er es auf 19 Abschusse und im August sogar zu 30, der vielbesagte Knoten war also auch bei ihm geplatzt. Auch der September sah einen erfolgreichen Gunther Josten, der 26 gegnerische Flugzeuge bezwingen konnte. Nach 82 Abschussen wurde er zur Luftkriegsschule Furstenfeldbruck kommandiert und er kehrte am 03.02.1944 zu seiner Staffel zuruck. Bereits 2 Tage spater schoss er 2 Boston ab und wurde, als Oberfeldwebel, mit dem Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes ausgezeichnet.

Am 02.05.1944 fiel der 90. Gegner und am 11.05.1944 wurde er zum Leutnant befordert. Am 18.09.1944 ubernahm er die 3./JG51 und am 20. erreichte er 100. Abschusse. Am 18.09.1944 schoss er als seinen 123. Luftsieg eine B-17 ab, deren Verband einen Versorgungseinsatz nach Warschau flog. Bis zu 26.10. erhohte er die Zahl seiner Abschusse auf 139. Den 150. erreichte er am 16.02.1945. Am 28.03.1945 erhielt er als Oberleutnant das Eichenlaub (Nr.810) nach 161. Luftsiegen. Am 18.04.1945 wurde er Kommandeur der IV./JG51 und am 25.04.1945 schoss er noch einmal 7 russische Gegner ab (172.-178. Abschuss).

Gunther Josten gehorte zweifellos zu den besten Piloten, die nicht die Vorkriegsausbildung genossen hatten. Er wurde auf 420 Feindflugen nie selbst abgeschossen und erzielte 178 Luftsiege (bei weiteren etwa 25 nicht bestatigten). Sein ebenfalls beim JG51 dienender Bruder Reinhard fiel am 21.04.1942. Gunther blieb dem Militar auch in der Bundesrepublik treu und diente bis zum 31.03.1981 zuletzt als Oberst im Generalstab. Er starb am 07.07.2004.

(Quelle: Obermaier: Die Ritterkreuztrager der Luftwaffe Bd. 1 Jagdflieger) und :

Das Modell
Als ich die Fotos von Gunther Jostens Bf 109 im Buch von Stipdonk das erste Mal sah, wusste ich, dass ich diese Szene im Modell festhalten wollte.

Mit der Zeit nahm das Ganze dann etwas gro?ere Ausma?e an. In Traudl's Modellbauladen in Munchen fand ich dann noch mehrere zusatzliche Accessoirs (Figuren von Hecker&Goros und Tarmac sowie ein Pferd mit Schlitten und Benzinfassern) die ich verbauen wollte. Die Decals von Third Group Decals besorgte mir ein Freund bei Hannants und ein Cockpit-Satz von Aires fand sich auch noch an.

Schon konnte es losgehen. Wie das meistens bei mir so der Fall ist, lag das ganze Zeug dann erst mal ein paar Wochen rum. Dann Cockpit einbauen. Wieder 1-2 Wochen rumliegen, da ich immer dazu keine Lust habe, was als nachstes ansteht, au?erdem habe ich immer mindestens 3 oder 4 Modelle gleichzeitig im Bau. Irgendwann konnte ich mich dann doch durchringen, das Cockpit zu bemalen. Von da an schritt das Ganze dann recht ordentlich voran. Eines abends hatte ich dann auch Mu?e die Figuren anzustreichen. Ich benutze hier absichtlich nicht das Wort 'bemalen'! Fur meine Fahigkeiten sind die Soldaten dann doch recht gut geraten, so dass ich mit dem Bau des Dioramas begann. Als Untergrund benutzte ich ein Brettchen, das beim letzten Regalbau oder einer ahnlichen Aktion ubrig blieb. Darauf brachte ich eine Lage Fugenspachtel auf (das war irgendwas fertiges aus einer Tube - Molto oder so).

Da ich ja eine winterliche Szene darstellen wollte hatte ich mir Kunstschnee aus dem Eisebahnbedarf besorgt. Diesen Brachte ich auf die noch feuchte Masse auf. Dabei hielt naturlich nicht genugend 'Schnee' am Untergrund, so dass ich noch einiges mit verdunntem Wei?leim befestigte. Gleichzeitig bekamen auch die Figuren ihre Stellplatze. Nachdem auch das Modell inzwischen fast fertig gebaut war, passte ich es an die Oberflache an oder besser gesagt die Flache an das Modell. Ganz zufrieden war ich mit der Schneelandschaft mit Modell nicht. Ich habe deshalb noch etwas mit Sekundenkleber fixiertes Fullmaterial (von Greven) auf dem Diorama verteilt, insbesondere an den Stellen, wo sich der von den Flachen gefegte Schnee befinden sollte.

Der Rest ist schnell geschrieben: Modell komplettieren, auf der Platte befestigen und fertig ist das Klein-Diorama. Den Schlittenzug habe ich dann schlie?lich doch nicht installiert, da mir das Diorama damit zu uberfullt schien.

Steffen Arndt, Schwerins or Microsoft CFS skins we'd be delighted to host your material.

Anton 'Toni' Hafner

Awards: RK(8/23/42)-EL(4/11/44), DK-G(6/1/42), EP(4/27/42), EK 1 & 2, Wnd Badge, Ftr Oper.Clasp w/Pend

Known Aircraft: Bf 109E-4/B WNr 3766 (80% dam 3/29/41), Bf 109G-2 WNr 13985 (1/43), Bf 109G-2 'White 5' in Tunisia 12/42, Bf 109G-6 WNr 165350 'Black 1+I' in 8/JG-51, Bf 109G-6 WNr 442013 'Black 1' (lost 10/17/44)

Remarks: 2 Bombers. KIA 17 October, 1944 in his 'Black 1' after downing his 204th victory. He collided with a tree while pursuing a Russian Yak-7 fighter. Top scoring Ace of JG-51. 795 combat missions, including 175 close support missions. Crash landed at Mardyck on 29 March, 1941 in Wk# 3766, no cause given. Suffered severe facial wounds 5 July, 1941 combating an I-16. He was able to land without accident, with a doctor and ambulance waiting for him. On 5 July, 1942, he scored seven victories throughout the day; a MiG-1, three Yak-1's and three Il-2's. On 2 January, 1943, he was shot down in Bf 109G-2 Wk# 13985, by F/O Robt Oxspring of RAF No 72 Sq.. He broke his hand bailing, and was out of action for six months. Known to fly the Fw 190A in August, 1943. One of many Soviet multiple victories, two Il-2's (m.H.) on 29 August, 1943. A Pe-2 and two LaGG-5's ESE of Yelsk on 3 October, 1943. Two Boston III's, two Yak-7's and a LaGG-3 near Loyev on 28 October, 1943. Two La-5's on 7 February, 1944. One of many multiples, three Yak-7's, three Il-2's, and a Pe-2 on 22 February, 1944. 20 victories in the West.

Anton "Toni" Hafner was born on 2 June 1918 at Erbach near Ulm located in the Wurttemberg region. After completing his training as a pilot in 1940 he joined the Erganzungstaffel JG51 (reserve flight). On 23 February 1941, Gefreiter Hafner joined 6./JG51. On 29 March he crash-landed at Mardyck. Hafner was wounded and his Bf 109 E-4 (W.Nr. 3766) was 80% damaged. Hafner recorded his first victory operating over the Eastern Front on the 24 June 1941, and by the end of the month he had added another victory to his account. He had recorded 14 victories by the end of 1941. His 25th victory was obtained on 21 March 1942. On 5 July, he claimed seven Russian aircrafts shot down to record his 35th through 41st victories. On 23 July 1942, Feldwebel Hafner shot down his 50th enemy aircraft and, on 22 August, he destroyed his 60th and received the Ritterkreuz on 23 August. Hafner was then granted leave. Hafner returned to combat duty in November 1942, by which time II./JG51 had transferred to Tunisia. Hafner, flying with 4./JG51, succeeded in destroying a RAF Spitfire fighter as his 63rd victory and his first in the Mediterranean theatre on 16 November. On 2 January 1943, II./JG51 engaged a formation of Hurricane and Spitfire fighters. In the subsequent combat, Hafner was hit probably by British ace Robert Oxspring (13.333/2/13 victories, D.F.S.) of 72 Sqn, RAF. He was forced to bail out of his Bf 109 G-2 (W.Nr. 13 985) but hit the rudder of his plane and suffered a splinter fracture of his hand. He spent six months in a German hospital as a result. He had 82 victories his credit at this time.

In August 1943, Hafner returned to the Eastern Front with the Stabstaffel of JG51, a unit equipped with the Focke-Wulf 190 A. On 15 October, he shot down three Russian aircraft (98-100). On 20 October, he shot down five enemy aircraft (102-106) and five more on 28 October 1943 (107-111). He shot down seven Russian aircrafts on 22 February 1944 (126-132), his 134th on 27 March and five on 24 June (140-144). Leutnant Hafner was awarded the Eichenlaub (Nr 452) on 11 April for 134 victories. On 15 May, he took over 8./JG51 from Hauptmann Fritz Stendel (49 victories, DK) equipped with the Bf 109 G-6. On 28 June, he succeeded in bringing down his 150th victory but, two days later, his Bf 109 G-6 was hit in the engine while still over the Front. After an emergency landing he was able to return to his unit and was soon back in action. On 15th August 1944, 8./JG51 was renamed 10./JG51. He shot down seven Russian Il-2 Sturmoviks on 8 August (162-168). On 21 August, Hafner claimed Il-2 Sturmovik as his 175th victory. On 16 October, Hafner destroyed four fighters (199-202) thus taking him past the 200-victory mark. Hafner shot down a Russian Yak-7 fighter as his 204th victory on 17 October 1944. However, during the dogfight his plane hit a tree. His Bf 109G-6 (W.Nr. 442 013) "Black 1" crashed killing Hafner, the highest scoring pilot of JG51 "Molders".
Anton Hafner was credited with 204 victories in 795 combat missions. He recorded 184 victories over the Eastern Front. Of his 20 victories recorded over the Western front, eight were P-38 two engine fighters. Included in his total are 55 Il-2 Sturmoviks.

Asisbiz database list of 204 aerial victories for Anton Hafner

No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location / Comments
1 24.6.1941   SB-2 6./JG51  
2 25.6.1941   SB-2 6./JG51  
3 3.7.1941 15:12 Potez 63 6./JG51 15km SE Stara Bychow
4 3.7.1941   Potez 63 6./JG51  
5 3.7.1941   Potez 63 6./JG51  
6 23.7.1941   DB-3 6./JG51  
7 31.8.1941 15:55 DB-3 6./JG51 30km SW Potschep
8 12.9.1941   R-3 6./JG51  
9 12.9.1941   R-3 6./JG51  
10 20.9.1941 12:11 R-Z 6./JG51  
11 27.9.1941   I-18 6./JG51  
12 4.10.1941 14:42 I-16 6./JG51  
13 15.11.1941 13:10 DB-3 6./JG51  
14 18.11.1941 15:15 I-16 6./JG51  
15 17.2.1942 9:55 R-Z 6./JG51  
16 23.2.1942 11:00 R-10 6./JG51  
17 23.2.1942 11:05 I-18 6./JG51  
18 1.3.1942 16:10 I-16 6./JG51  
19 4.3.1942 15:58 I-16 6./JG51  
20 6.3.1942 10:35 I-18 6./JG51  
21 6.3.1942 13:40 I-18 6./JG51  
22 7.3.1942 9:55 R-3 6./JG51  
23 16.3.1942 14:25 I-18 6./JG51  
24 20.3.1942 13:40 I-18 6./JG51  
25 21.3.1942 8:20 Pe-2 6./JG51  
26 22.3.1942 17:30 I-61 6./JG51  
27 22.3.1942 17:33 I-61 6./JG51  
28 29.3.1942 14:55 R-Z 6./JG51  
29 30.3.1942 7:43 MiG-1 6./JG51  
30 30.3.1942 17:03 MiG-3 6./JG51  
31 5.4.1942 10:55 MiG-3 6./JG51  
32 5.4.1942 12:30 MiG-3 6./JG51  
33 6.4.1942 8:40 Pe-2 6./JG51  
34 27.4.1942 17:35 Il-2 6./JG51  
35 5.7.1942 6:05 MiG-1 6./JG51  
36 5.7.1942 6:15 Il-2 6./JG51  
37 5.7.1942 9:32 Il-2 6./JG51  
38 5.7.1942 9:45 Il-2 6./JG51  
39 5.7.1942 11:20 Yak-1 6./JG51 20km NE Bolkhov: 1400m
40 5.7.1942 11:45 Yak-1 6./JG51 13km N Bolkhov: 1200m
41 5.7.1942 15:46 Yak-1 6./JG51  
42 6.7.1942 19:12 Yak-1 6./JG51  
43 8.7.1942 4:30 Yak-1 6./JG51  
44 8.7.1942 16:15 Yak-1 6./JG51  
45 10.7.1942 12:13 MiG-1 6./JG51  
46 10.7.1942 19:25 Yak-1 6./JG51  
47 11.7.1942 5:05 MiG-1 6./JG51  
48 11.7.1942 5:08 MiG-1 6./JG51  
49 23.7.1942 10:20 Pe-2 6./JG51 15km NW Bolskaya: 1800m
50 23.7.1942 10:45 MiG-3 6./JG51 15km NW Shostka: 800m
51 5.8.1942 6:12 Yak-1 6./JG51 47 654: at 2500m
52 5.8.1942 9:16 MiG-1 6./JG51 47 664: at 2200m
53 6.8.1942 11:03 Yak-1 6./JG51 47 824: at 2400m
54 7.8.1942 14:50 MiG-1 6./JG51 56 141: at 400m
55 12.8.1942 9:25 MiG-1 6./JG51 54 272: at 1500m
56 21.8.1942 14:42 I-16 6./JG51 64 854: at 1100m
57 22.8.1942 5:03 Yak-1 6./JG51 54 253: at 500m
58 22.8.1942 8:35 MiG-3 6./JG51 54 461: at 2800m
59 22.8.1942 13:12 Yak-1 6./JG51 54 274: at 800m
60 22.8.1942 17:58 Il-2 6./JG51 54 282
61 23.8.1942 17:20 Il-2 6./JG51 54 281
62 24.8.1942 18:42 I-180 6./JG51 54 244: at 800m
63 16.11.1942 12:12 Spitfire 4./JG51 20km E Bone / Spitfire of 81 Sqn RAF
64 17.11.1942 13:38 Beaufort 4./JG51 15km NW Bizerta / Blenheim of 18 Sqn RAF
65 ??.11.1942   E/a 4./JG51  
66 27.11.1942 9:17 Spitfire 4./JG51 8km E Beja, 400m
67 27.11.1942 16:48 Spitfire 4./JG51 20km SW Mateur, 800m
68 28.11.1942 16:48 Stirling 4./JG51 B-17, 35km W Bizerta, 4000m
69 30.11.1942 14:47 P-38 4./JG51 15km SW Tunis, 600m
70 1.12.1942 10:41 Spitfire 4./JG51 13km SW Mateur
71 1.12.1942 10:46 Spitfire 4./JG51 20km SW Mateur
72 2.12.1942 8:32 Spitfire 4./JG51 5km S Tebourba, 1800m
73 3.12.1942 12:35 P-38 4./JG51 15km SW Tunis, 800m
74 5.12.1942 12:03 P-38 4./JG51 10 km. S. Tebourba: 6.500 m.
75 5.12.1942 12:18 Spitfire 4./JG51 5 km. N. Tebourba: 2.200 m.
76 7.12.1942 12:08 Spitfire 4./JG51 3km NW Tabourba, 1200m / Sqt. D.G.Guy, 185 Sqn RAF
77 17.12.1942 15:55 P-38 4./JG51 P-38 of 1 FG, USAAF flown by Lt Widen / 2km SE Medjez el Bab 2200m
78 18.12.1942 11:30 P-38 4./JG51 8km NW Tunis
79 18.12.1942 11:34 P-38 4./JG51 Tunis
80 28.12.1942 15:31 P-38 4./JG51 Pl.Qu. 03 Ost 95631
81 2.1.1943 12:28 P-38 4./JG51 10km SW Pont du Fahs / Lt. H.K. Smith, 27. FS
82 2.1.1943 16:45 Spitfire 4./JG51 15km SW Tunis, 1000m
83 29.8.1943 13:05 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 42 134
84 29.8.1943 13:07 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 42 165
85 1.9.1943 18:13 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 35 347: at 300m
86 1.9.1943 18:14 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 35 349: at 300m
87 2.9.1943 11:11 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 25 498: at 500-600m
88 2.9.1943 11:13 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 35 377: at 150m
89 5.9.1943 11:23 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 SW Yel'nya: at 300m
90 5.9.1943 11:25 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 SSW Yel'nya: at 400m
91 11.9.1943 10:45 MiG-3 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 N Bryansk: at 2000m
92 11.9.1943 10:46 MiG-3 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 NNE Bryansk: at 200m
93 3.10.1943 13:25 Pe-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 ESE Yelsk: at 1800m
94 3.10.1943 16:00 LaGG-5 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 ESE Yelsk: at 1000m
95 3.10.1943 16:03 LaGG-5 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 ESE Yelsk: at 1800m
96 4.10.1943 14:16 MiG-3 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 NE Tschernobyl: 3500m (Chernobyl)
97 6.10.1943 13:35 Yak-7 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 ESE Amrutsch: at 2000m
98 15.10.1943 9:45 LaGG-5 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 WNW Radul: at 2500m
99 15.10.1943 9:47 Boston III Stabsstaffel/JG 51 NW Hubetch: at 2000m
100 15.10.1943 9:51 Boston III Stabsstaffel/JG 51 NW Hubetch: at 1800m
101 19.10.1943 12:05 LaGG-5 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 NE Radul: at 1200m
102 20.10.1943 8:20 MiG-3 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 N Radul: at 2500m
103 20.10.1943 11:50 LaGG-5 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 SE Loyev: at 1700m
104 20.10.1943 11:57 LaGG-3 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 W Loyev: at 1800m
105 20.10.1943 15:08 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 NW Loyev: at 800m
106 20.10.1943 15:12 LaGG-5 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 W Loyev: 1800m
107 28.10.1943 12:50 Boston III Stabsstaffel/JG 51 N Loyev: at 2800m
108 28.10.1943 12:53 Yak-7 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 SE Retschiza: at 3000m
109 28.10.1943 13:04 Yak-7 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 NW Lage: at 3500m
110 28.10.1943 14:55 Boston III Stabsstaffel/JG 51 SE Retschiza: at 3300m
111 28.10.1943 14:59 LaGG-3 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 W Loyev: at 2800m
112 5.11.1943 15:08 Yak-7 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 SE Nevel: at 3800m
113 10.11.1943 9:25 Yak-9 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 SW Nevel: at 1000m
114 10.11.1943 9:29 Yak-9 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 SW Nevel: at 600m
115 11.11.1943 10:50 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 E Vitebsk: at 400m
116 17.11.1943 9:46 Pe-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 S Nevel: at 6500m
117 22.11.1943 9:05 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 W Vetka: 150m
118 29.11.1943 14:23 P-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 25km E Shlobin: at 1500m
119 10.1.1944 12:27 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 93 614: at 400m
120 10.1.1944 12:30 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 93 536: at 500m
121 12.1.1944 13:20 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 93 537 at 200m
122 12.1.1944 13:22 LaGG-5 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 93 533 at 200m
123 16.1.1944 13:02 Pe-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 93 475 at 1000m
124 7.2.1944 8:07 La-5 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 06 788 at 2500m
125 7.2.1944 12:58 La-5 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 06 795 at 1500m
126 22.2.1944 11:21 Pe-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 03 151 at 1200m
127 22.2.1944 13:02 Yak-7 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 94 857 at 1600m
128 22.2.1944 13:10 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 04 742 at 1100m
129 22.2.1944 15:02 Yak-7 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 93 239 at 1800m
130 22.2.1944 15:03 Yak-7 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 94 897 at 1000m
131 22.2.1944 15:04 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 94 895 at 500m
132 22.2.1944 15:06 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 04 119 at 600m
133 24.3.1944 9:00 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 42 679
134 27.3.1944 15:10 U-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 42 448: at 100m
135 28.3.1944 7:07 Il-2 Stabsstaffel/JG 51 42 698: at 200m
136 30.5.1944 8:01 Yak-7 8./JG51 52 515: at 100m
137 23.6.1944 16:40 Yak-9 8./JG51 05 637: at 2000m
138 23.6.1944 16:55 Yak-9 8./JG51 05 625: at 1200m
139 23.6.1944 17:12 LaGG-5 8./JG51 05 429: at 2200m
140 24.6.1944 8:25 Il-2 8./JG51 93 358: at 150m
141 24.6.1944 8:30 Il-2 8./JG51 93 355: at 150m
142 24.6.1944 11:21 Il-2 8./JG51 93 325: at 100m
143 24.6.1944 15:57 Yak-9 8./JG51 94 859: at 2000m
144 24.6.1944 16:10 Yak-9 8./JG51 94 863: at 2000m
145 25.6.1944 9:43 Il-2 8./JG51 93 333: at 500m
146 25.6.1944 12:34 Yak-9 8./JG51 93 141: at 600m
147 25.6.1944 19:01 Yak-9 8./JG51 84 763: at 3800m
148 26.6.1944 13:20 Yak-9 8./JG51 83 229: at 300m
149 26.6.1944 15:55 Yak-9 8./JG51 94 872: at 1500m
150 26.6.1944 16:01 Yak-9 8./JG51 94 876: at 4000m
151 16.7.1944 8:42 Pe-2 8./JG51 50 355: at 1500m
152 16.7.1944 8:48 Il-2 8./JG51 50 178: at 1000m
153 16.7.1944 12:21 Il-2 8./JG51 40 463: at 1000m
154 16.7.1944 12:25 Il-2 8./JG51 50 373: at 500m
155 16.7.1944 18:30 LaGG-5 8./JG51 50 354: at 3000m
156 17.7.1944 19:30 Il-2 8./JG51 50 313: at 300m
157 17.7.1944 19:32 Il-2 8./JG51 50 312: at 300m
158 28.7.1944 9:05 Yak-7 8./JG51 35 689: at 300m
159 1.8.1944 7:05 LaGG-5 8./JG51 35 351: at 1500m
160 2.8.1944 10:40 Il-2 8./JG51 24 436: at 200m
161 5.8.1944 10:20 Yak-7 8./JG51 24 833: at 3500m
162 8.8.1944 14:27 Il-2 8./JG51 36 545: at 200m
163 8.8.1944 14:29 Il-2 8./JG51 36 548: at 300m
164 8.8.1944 14:30 Il-2 8./JG51 36 567: at 300m
165 8.8.1944 16:32 Il-2 8./JG51 36 548: at 800m
166 8.8.1944 16:33 Il-2 8./JG51 36 571: at 800m
167 8.8.1944 16:35 Il-2 8./JG51 36 575: at 600m
168 8.8.1944 18:12 Il-2 8./JG51 36 576: at 400m
169 13.8.1944 15:10 Il-2 8./JG51 24 613 at 800m
170 13.8.1944 17:57 Yak-7 8./JG51 24 442 at 3500m
171 17.8.1944 7:00 Yak-7 10./JG51 36 347 at 200m
172 17.8.1944 13:12 Yak-7 10./JG51 26 285 at 200m
173 17.8.1944 13:14 Yak-7 10./JG51 27 879
174 21.8.1944 16:51 Yak-7 10./JG51 37 541: at 1500m
175 21.8.1944 16:52 Il-2 10./JG51 37 582: at 400m
176 23.8.1944 12:11 Il-2 10./JG51 37 579: at 800m
177 23.8.1944 12:34 Il-2 10./JG51 27 863: at 300m
178 24.8.1944 9:12 Yak-7 10./JG51 37 754: at 4000m
179 24.8.1944 13:05 Il-2 10./JG51 27 499: at 500m
180 24.8.1944 15:05 LaGG-5 10./JG51 37 374: at 1500m
181 25.8.1944 16:32 LaGG-5 10./JG51 37 378
182 16.9.1944 16:52 Yak-9 10./JG51 17 367: at 3000m
183 16.9.1944 16:57 Yak-9 10./JG51 17 636: at 3000m
184 16.9.1944 17:01 Yak-9 10./JG51 17 496: at 1500m
185 17.9.1944 15:35 Il-2 10./JG51 27 497: at 1500m
186 19.9.1944 15:36 Pe-2 10./JG51 27 654: at 3000m
187 22.9.1944 10:29 Boston III 10./JG51 27 422: at 1000m
188 24.9.1944 8:30 Yak-7 10./JG51 37 362: at 1500m
189 28.9.1944 10:32 Pe-2 10./JG51 17 331: at 6500m
190 5.10.1944 11:22 Il-2 10./JG51 27 862: at 200m
191 5.10.1944 13:59 Il-2 10./JG51 36 145: at 150m
192 5.10.1944 14:11 Il-2 10./JG51 36 132: at 150m
193 6.10.1944 13:25 P-39 10./JG51 27 876: at 1500m
194 6.10.1944 15:45 Il-2 10./JG51 26 277: at 400m
195 13.10.1944 8:53 Pe-2 10./JG51 25 125: at 600m
196 13.10.1944 13:29 Boston III 10./JG51 25 356: at 7000m
197 14.10.1944 11:11 Yak-9 10./JG51 27 337: at 1800m
198 14.10.1944 11:13 Yak-9 10./JG51 27 455: at 2000m
199 16.10.1944 9:55 Boston III 10./JG51 35 316: at 1500m
200 16.10.1944 9:57 Il-2 10./JG51 35 314: at 300m
201 16.10.1944 12:00 Il-2 10./JG51 25 583: at 500m
202 16.10.1944 13:55 Il-2 10./JG51 25 496: at 300m
203 17.10.1944 4:47 Pe-2 10./JG51 25 455: at 3000m
204 17.10.1944 9:55 Yak-7 10./JG51 25 455: at 3000m

Victories : 204
Awards : Ehrenpokal (27 April 1942)
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (22 May 1942)
Ritterkreuz (23 August 1942)
Eichenlaub (11 April 1944)
Units : JG51

Asisbiz Database of 154 aerial victories for Anton Hafner

Date Name Unit A/c Type Height Time Comments
20-Sep-41 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 R-Zet   12.11  
04-Oct-41 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-16 Rata   14.42  
15-Nov-41 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 DB-3   13.10  
18-Nov-41 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-18   15.15  
17-Feb-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 R-Zet   09.55  
23-Feb-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-18   11.05  
23-Feb-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 R-10   11.00  
01-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-16 Rata   16.10  
04-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-16 Rata   15.58  
06-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-18   13.40  
06-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-18   10.35  
07-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 R-3   09.55  
16-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-18   14.25  
20-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-18   13.40  
21-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Pe-2   08.20  
22-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-61   17.33  
22-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-61   17.30  
29-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 R-Zet   14.55  
30-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-1   07.43  
30-Mar-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-3   17.03  
05-Apr-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-3   10.55  
05-Apr-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-3   12.30  
06-Apr-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Pe-2   08.40  
27-Apr-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
05-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1 1200m 11.45 13km N Bolkhov
05-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1   15.46  
05-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1   11.20  
05-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
05-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
05-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-1   06.05  
05-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1   11.45  
05-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
05-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1 1400m 11.20 20km NE Bolkhov
06-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1   19.12  
08-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1   16.15  
08-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1   04.30  
10-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1   19.25  
10-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-1   12.13  
11-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-1   05.08  
11-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-1   05.05  
23-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-3 800m 10.45 15km NW Shostka
23-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Pe-2 1800m 10.20 15km NW Bolskaya
23-Jul-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Pe-2   10.20  
05-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-1 2200m 09.16 47 664
05-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1 2500m 06.12 47 654
06-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1 2400m 11.03 47 824
06-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1 2400m 11.03 47 824
07-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-1 400m 14.50 56 141
12-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-1 1500m 09.25 54 272
21-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-16 Rata 1100m 14.42 64 854
22-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1 800m 13.12 54 274
22-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 17.58 54 282
22-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 MiG-3 2800m 08.35 54 461
22-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Yak-1 500m 05.03 54 253
23-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 17.20 54 281
24-Aug-42 Anton Hafner 6./JG51 I-180 800m 18.42 54 244
16-Nov-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 Spitfire 100m 12.12 20km E Bone
17-Nov-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 Beaufort Low Level 13.38 15km NW Bizerta
27-Nov-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 Spitfire 400m 09.17 8km E Beja
27-Nov-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 Spitfire 800m 16.48 20km SW Mateur
28-Nov-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 Stirling 4000m 16.48 35km W Bizerta
30-Nov-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 P-38 Lightning 600m 14.47 15km SW Tunis
01-Dec-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 Spitfire Low Level 10.41 13km SW Mateur
01-Dec-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 Spitfire Low Level 10.46 20km W Mateur
02-Dec-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 Spitfire 1800m 08.32 5km S Tebourba
03-Dec-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 P-38 Lightning 800m 12.35 15km SW Tunis
05-Dec-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 Spitfire 2200m 12.18 5km N Tebourba
05-Dec-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 P-38 Lightning 6500m 12.03 10km S Tebourba
07-Dec-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 Spitfire 1200m 12.08 3km NW Tabourba
17-Dec-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 P-38 Lightning 2200m 15.55 2km SE Medjez el Bab
18-Dec-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 P-38 Lightning 9000m 11.30 8km NW Tunis
18-Dec-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 P-38 Lightning 9000m 11.34 FlPl Tunis
28-Dec-42 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 P-38 Lightning Low Level 15.31 03 Ost 95631
02-Jan-43 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 Spitfire 1000m 16.45 15km SW Tunis
02-Jan-43 Anton Hafner 4./JG51 P-38 Lightning 200m 12.28 10km SW Pont du Fahs
29-Aug-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. Low Level 13.05 42 134
29-Aug-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. Low Level 13.07 42 165
01-Sep-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 18.13 35 347
01-Sep-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 18.14 35 349
02-Sep-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500-600m 11.11 25 498
02-Sep-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 150m 11.13 35 377
05-Sep-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 11.23 SW Yelnya
05-Sep-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 400m 11.25 SSW Yelnya
11-Sep-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 MiG-3 2000m 10.45 N Bryansk
11-Sep-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 MiG-3 200m 10.46 NNE Bryansk
03-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 LaGG-5 1000m 16.00 ESE Yelsk
03-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 LaGG-5 1800m 16.03 ESE Yelsk
03-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Pe-2 1800m 13.25 ESE Yelsk
04-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 MiG-3 3500m 14.16 NO Tschernobyl (Chernobyl)
06-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Yak-7 2000m 13.35 OSO Amrutsch
15-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 LaGG-5 2500m 09.45 WNW Radul
15-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 A-20 Boston III 2000m 09.47 NW Hubetch
15-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 A-20 Boston III 1800m 09.51 NW Hubetch
19-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 LaGG-5 1200m 12.05 NE Radul
20-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 LaGG-5 1800m 15.12 West of Loyev (Krs Gomel)
20-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 MiG-3 2500m 08.20 N Radul
20-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 LaGG-5 1700m 11.50 SE Loyev
20-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 LaGG-3 1800m 11.57 West of Loyev
20-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 800m 15.08 NW Loyev
28-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 A-20 Boston III 2800m 12.50 N Loyev
28-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Yak-7 3000m 12.53 SE Retschiza
28-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Yak-7 3500m 13.04 NW Lage
28-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 A-20 Boston III 3300m 14.55 SE Retschiza
28-Oct-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 LaGG-3 2800m 14.59 West of Loyev
05-Nov-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Yak-7 3800m 15.08 SE Nevel
10-Nov-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Yak-9 1000m 09.25 SW Nevel
10-Nov-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Yak-9 600m 09.29 SW Nevel
11-Nov-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 400m 10.50 E Vitebsk
17-Nov-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Pe-2 6500m 09.46 S Nevel
22-Nov-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 150m 09.05 West of Vetka (Krs Gomel)
29-Nov-43 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 P-2 1500m 14.23 25km E Shlobin
10-Jan-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 400m 12.27 93 614
10-Jan-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 12.30 93 536
12-Jan-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 13.20 93 537
12-Jan-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 LaGG-5 200m 13.22 93 533
16-Jan-44 Anton Hafner 7./JG51 Pe-2 1000m 13.02 93 475
07-Feb-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 La-5 2500m 08.07 06 788
07-Feb-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 La-5 1500m 12.58 06 795
22-Feb-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
1100m 13.10 04 742
22-Feb-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
600m 15.06 04 119
22-Feb-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
500m 15.04 94 895
22-Feb-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Yak-7 1600m 13.02 94 857
22-Feb-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Pe-2 1200m 11.21 03 151
22-Feb-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Yak-7 1800m 15.02 93 239
22-Feb-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Yak-7 1000m 15.03 94 897
24-Mar-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 09.00 42 679
27-Mar-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 U-2 100m 15.10 42 448
28-Mar-44 Anton Hafner Stab /JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
200m 07.07 42 698
30-May-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-7 100m 08.01 52 515
23-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-9 2000m 16.40 05 637
23-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-9 1200m 16.55 05 625
23-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 LaGG-5 2200m 17.12 05 429
24-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 150m 08.25 93 358
24-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-9 2000m 16.10 94 863
24-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-9 2000m 15.57 94 859
24-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 150m 08.30 93 355
24-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 11.21 93 325
25-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 09.43 93 333
25-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-9 600m 12.34 93 141
25-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-9 3800m 19.01 84 763
26-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-9 300m 13.20 83 229
26-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-9 1500m 15.55 94 872
26-Jun-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-9 4000m 16.01 94 876
16-Jul-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 12.25 50 373
16-Jul-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 LaGG-5 3000m 18.30 50 354
16-Jul-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 1000m 08.48 50 178
16-Jul-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Pe-2 1500m 08.42 50 355
16-Jul-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 1000m 12.21 40 463
17-Jul-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 19.30 50 313
17-Jul-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 19.32 50 312
28-Jul-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-7 300m 09.05 35 689
01-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 LaGG-5 1500m 07.05 35 351
02-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
200m 10.40 24 436
05-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-7 3500m 10.20 24 833
08-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
400m 18.12 36 576
08-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 14.30 36 567
08-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 14.27 36 545
08-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
600m 16.35 36 575
08-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
800m 16.33 36 571
08-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
800m 16.32 36 548
08-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 14.29 36 548
13-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 800m 15.10 24 613
13-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 8./JG51 Yak-7 3500m 17.57 24 442
17-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-7 200m 07.00 36 347
17-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-7 200m 13.12 26 285
17-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-7 Low Level 13.14 27 879
21-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-7 1500m 16.51 37 541
21-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 400m 16.52 37 582
23-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 800m 12.11 37 579
23-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 12.34 27 863
24-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-7 4000m 09.12 37 754
24-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 LaGG-5 1500m 15.05 37 374
24-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 13.05 27 499
25-Aug-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 LaGG-5   16.32 37 378
16-Sep-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-9 3000m 16.52 17 367
16-Sep-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-9 3000m 16.57 17 636
16-Sep-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-9 1500m 17.01 17 496
17-Sep-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
1500m 15.35 27 497
19-Sep-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Pe-2 3000m 15.36 27 654
22-Sep-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 A-20 Boston III 1000m 10.29 27 422
24-Sep-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-7 1500m 08.30 37 362 (E)
28-Sep-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Pe-2 6500m 10.32 17 331
05-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 150m 13.59 36 145
05-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 150m 14.11 36 132
05-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 11.22 27 862
06-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 400m 15.45 26 277
06-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 P-39 Aircobra 1500m 13.25 27 876
13-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Pe-2 600m 08.53 25 125
13-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 A-20 Boston III 7000m 13.29 25 356
14-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-9 1800m 11.11 27 337
14-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-9 2000m 11.13 27 455
16-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 A-20 Boston III 1500m 09.55 35 316
16-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 09.57 35 314
16-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 12.00 25 583
16-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 13.55 25 496
17-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Pe-2 3000m 04.47 25 455
17-Oct-44 Anton Hafner 10./JG51 Yak-7 3000m 09.55 25 455

Elias Paul Kühlein

Units: 4./JG-51 (7/42 S.U. & Nisch Yugoslavia), 7./JG-51 (6/44 S.U.), Stfkpt 6./JG-51 (12/44), JG-7

Awards: DK-G, EP, EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109F & G (Trop), Bf 109G-6/R3 WNr 163269 'White 7'(6/44 Yugoslavia) in Staffel, Me 262

Remarks: About 600 combat missions. His first victory, a Soviet Il-2 on 3 July, 1942. An Il-2 on 6 July, 1942. A Yak-1 on 9 July, 1942. A Pe-2 on 5 August, 1942. A Yak-1 on 16 August, 1942. An Il-2 and a Fessel Baloon on 23 August, 1942. An Il-2 on 27 August, 1942. A Pe-2 on 14 September, 1942. A Pe-2 on 23 September, 1942. A Pe-2 on 27 September, 1942. Known Desert victories, both P-38's; one 25 km northeast of Siliana, the other Map Quadrant 3 East 97632, on 28 December, 1942. Another victory, a Spitfire 35 km north of Gabes on 16 January, 1943. Another, a P-38 15 km east of El Guettar on 6 February, 1943. On 21 March, 1943, he downed a Spitfire 35 km east southeast of Gabes. On 2 November, 1943, he downed a B-17 at Bad Vöslau, near Wiener Neustadt. A B-24 over Yugoslavia on 16 April, 1944. A B-24 on 6 June, 1944. A Soviet La-5 on 5 December, 1944. A captured Bf 109 on 11 December, 1944. A Yak-9 on 21 December, 1944. Bowers/Lednicer, 36 victories.

Asisbiz Database of 23 aerial victories out of 26 for Elias Kuhlein

Date Name Unit A/c Type Height Time Comments
03-Jul-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
05-Jul-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Yak-1   13.00  
06-Jul-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
09-Jul-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Yak-1   15.34  
05-Aug-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Pe-2 1500m 04.48 46 212
16-Aug-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Yak-1 800m 07.58 54 164
23-Aug-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Fesselballon 2000m 06.15 54 291
23-Aug-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 06.44 54 242
27-Aug-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 17.40 64 874
14-Sep-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Pe-2 1800m 09.55 47 554
23-Sep-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Pe-2 2500m 06.35 47 562
27-Sep-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Pe-2 2000m 11.10 47 533
28-Dec-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 P-38 Lightning Low Level 08.12 25km NE Siliana
28-Dec-42 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Spitfire   14.15 Souk-el-Arba
28-Dec-42 Elias Kuhlein 5./JG51 P-38 Lightning Low Level 15.27 03 Ost 97632
16-Jan-43 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 Spitfire 100m 16.26 35km N. Gabes
06-Feb-43 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 P-38 Lightning 7200m 13.30 15km E. El Guettar
02-Nov-43 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 B-17 Fortress 7000m 13.12 68 EN-7 (Bad Voslau)
16-Apr-44 Elias Kuhlein 4./JG51 B-24 Liberator   11.33 Qu.K-84
06-Jun-44 Elias Kuhlein 7./JG51 B-24 Liberator 2000m   14 Ost/SB-4
05-Dec-44 Elias Kuhlein 5./JG51 La-5 2500m 13.56 14 Ost N/EU-72
11-Dec-44 Elias Kuhlein 5./JG51 Bf-109 3000m 11.43 DS-91
21-Dec-44 Elias Kuhlein 5./JG51 Yak-9 3000m 11.11 14 Ost N/DT-75

Wilhelm Mink

Awards: RK(3/19/42), DK-G(2/9/42), EP(9/30/41), EK 1 & 2, Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109E in Stf, Bf 109G-6/R6/Trop 'Wh 12' in 5/JG-51, Bf 109G-6 WNr 160757 (lost 2/44), Fw 58, Bf 109G-14 WNr464454 (lost 3/45)

Remarks: KIA 12 March, 1945, shot down in his Fw 58 by British fighters while on a courier flight near Haderslev Denmark. Obermaier identifies this AC as Bf 109G-14 Wk# 464454, not the Fw 58 Courier AC. 'Air War over Denmark' also identifies the AC as Bf 109G-14 Werk # 464454, on an intercept mission, and that the victors were American P-51's. Shot down twice over the English Channel and rescued by German submarines. His 1st aerial victory was a Blenheim over the English Channel on 29 April, 1941. His 2nd, a Hurricane E of Ramsgate on 21 May, 1941. His first known Soviet victory, two DB-3's on 25 June, 1941. Another double victory on 1 July, 1941; an I-16 and a Vultee-11. An I-18 and two Pe-2's on 30 August, 1941. An I-16 on 1 November, 1941. Two MiG-1's on 7 July, 1942. A Pe-2 and and two Il-2's on 4 August, 1942. On 3 February, 1944, Mink was shot down and seriously injured in an attack on B-26 Marauders in his G-6 Wk# 160757. 70 victories in the East. After returning to combat status, his first victory, an Il-2 on 1 September, 1944. An Il-2 on 22 September, 1944. Bowers/Lednicer, 72 victories.

Asisbiz database list of 53 aerial victories out of 73 for Wilhelm Mink

Date Name Unit A/c Type Height Time Comments
29-Apr-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Blenheim   10.20 Armelkanal
21-May-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Hurricane   18.05  
25-Jun-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 DB-3   10.55  
25-Jun-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 DB-3   10.58  
01-Jul-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 I-16 Rata   14.17  
01-Jul-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Vultee-11   15.32  
11-Jul-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 DB-3   12.13  
13-Jul-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 R-10   12.06  
15-Jul-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 DB-3   18.26  
30-Jul-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 DB-3   06.08  
11-Aug-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 I-61   07.05  
30-Aug-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Pe-2   15.10  
30-Aug-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 I-18   14.48  
30-Aug-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Pe-2   15.00  
02-Sep-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 R-3   09.33  
06-Sep-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 I-18   16.23  
07-Sep-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 SB-2   06.05  
09-Sep-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 DB-3   18.00  
14-Sep-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Pe-2   06.33  
23-Sep-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 SB-2   16.09  
23-Sep-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 SB-2   16.11  
24-Sep-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 I-18   08.47  
04-Oct-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 DB-3   14.45  
08-Oct-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 SB-2   12.45  
08-Oct-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Pe-2   12.59  
13-Oct-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 I-18   14.55  
01-Nov-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 I-16 Rata   15.32  
08-Nov-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Pe-2   13.30  
15-Dec-41 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 DB-3   10.34  
04-Jan-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 I-61   12.20  
04-Jan-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 I-61   12.25  
04-Jan-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 I-61   12.32  
13-Jan-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Pe-2   14.28  
24-Jan-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Pe-2   12.10  
27-Jan-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Pe-2   15.35  
07-Jul-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 MiG-3   11.20  
07-Jul-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 MiG-1   17.48  
09-Jul-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 MiG-3   15.05  
11-Jul-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 MiG-3   10.07  
02-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Pe-2 1300m 18.15 47 572
04-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Pe-2 2000m 09.45 47 612
04-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 15.12 56 112
04-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 18.48 47 881
08-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Yak-1 1200m 15.12 47 874
11-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 MiG-3 5500m 09.12 54 122
12-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 MiG-3 2800m 09.18 55 854
13-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 MiG-3 1200m 08.42 54 362
16-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 10.09 54 133
22-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 18.36 54 421
23-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Pe-2 2500m 06.51 54 424
24-Aug-42 Wilhelm Mink 5./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
300m 12.50 64 171
01-Sep-44 Wilhelm Mink 1./JG52 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
300m 09.59 11 196
22-Sep-44 Wilhelm Mink 1./JG52 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2

Hans Mikoleit

Units: 6./JG-51

Awards: EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109G

Remarks: One known victory, a B-26 at lake Vico Italy on 16 January, 1944. Magnus Report, 5 victories.

Asisbiz database list of 1 aerial victories maybe 5 for Hans Mikoleit

Date Name Unit A/c Type Height Time Comments
Sunday, January 16, 1944 Hans Mikoleit 6./JG51 B-26 Marauder 2500m 13:02 14 Ost S/GE 2 (Lake Vico)

Further Studies

MTO - TACTICAL OPERATIONS (12AF): In Italy, B-25's bomb the marshalling yard and choke points at Terni; B-26's attack the marshalling yard and bridge at Orte; A-20's bomb the town of Atina; P-40's attack bridges in the San Giorgio del Sannio area and gun emplacements near Cassino; Sant' Angelo in Theodice and Picinisco; A-36's hit the railway junction at Cecina, road and railway S of Siena, and the town areas of Avezzano and Formia.

Known B-26 Marauder losses that day

USAAF s/n Aircarft Aircraft fate Squadrons Remarks
41-34764 Martin B-26C-5-MO Marauder Shot down 319BG440BS 319BG440BS Flying Circus/Big Tail Birds shot down by fighters Jan 16, 1944. MACR-2211
41-34887 Martin B-26C-10-MO Marauder Shot down 319BG437BS 319BG437BS Flying Circus/Big Tail Birds shot down by fighters Jan 16, 1944. MACR-2209
41-34900 Martin B-26C-10-MO Marauder Shot Down 320BG443BS 320BG443BS Marauders Code:64 Name:"Man-O-War" Shot down Jan 16 1944
42-43315 Martin B-26B-40-MA Marauder Shot Down 320BG444BS 320BG444BS Marauders Code:87 shot down by AAA Ja 16, 1944. MACR-2311

Rudolf Nielinger

Units: 4/JG-51 (6/41 S.U & N. Africa), JV-44

Awards: DK-G, EP, EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft: Bf 109F-2 WNr 8992 (50% dam 8/2/42 in Russia), Bf 109F & G (Trop), Me 262A-1a in JV-44

Remarks: Reported lost in Russia on 2 August, 1942, cause and location not reported. He returned later and Wk# 8992 was recovered. His first known Soviet victory, A SB-2 on 25 June, 1941. Another Soviet, a DB-3 on 3 July, 1941. An I-16 on 31 July, 1941. A Pe-2 on 9 August, 1941. An I-61 on 22 August, 1941. A double Soviet victory on 25 August, 1941; both DB-3's. An I-61 on 29 October, 1941. An I-61 on 18 February, 1942. A Pe-2 and a Yak-1 on 5 August, 1942. An Il-2 on 22 August, 1942. Two Il-2's on 23 August, 1942. An Il-2 on 27 August, 1942. Two Il-2's on 14 September, 1942. A N. African victory, a Beaufort 22 km northwest of Bizerta on 17 November, 1942. Another, a P-40 during a ground strike at Quadrant 80 492 on 21 May, 1943. Magnus, 23 victories.

Asisbiz Database of 20 aerial victories for Rudolf Nielinger

Date Name Unit A/c Type Height Time Comments
25-Jun-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 SB-2   18.08 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
03-Jul-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 DB-3   16.55 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
31-Jul-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 I-16 Rata   08.36 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
09-Aug-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Pe-2   12.15 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
22-Aug-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 I-61   11.30 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
25-Aug-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 DB-3   12.51 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
25-Aug-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 DB-3   07.55 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
29-Oct-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 I-61   12.50 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
18-Feb-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 I-61   07.55 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
05-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Pe-2 Low Level 04.58 46 452
05-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Yak-1 1820m 19.02 47 852
22-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 14.56 54 251
23-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 06.45 54 212
23-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 06.52 55 874
27-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
80m 17.40 63 121
14-Sep-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
  10.03 47 584
14-Sep-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
  10.05 47 584
17-Nov-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Beaufort Low Level 13.39 22km NW Bizerta
28-Dec-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Spitfire   14.15 Souk-el-Arba
21-May-43 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Curtiss P-43 Ground-Strike 17.58 80 493 Ground-Strike

Rudolf Dreesmann

Rudolf Dreesmann awards EP, EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

MIA 6 July, 1944 after being shot down during aerial combat with a P-51 in the Munich area. His first known victory, a Soviet LaGG-3 on 5 July, 1943. A LaGG-5 on 8 July, 1943. Two MiG-3's on 10 July, 1943. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 3 August, 1943. An Il-2 (m.H.) on 4 August, 1943. A Boston S of Schablojkino and an Il-2(m.H.) E of Malaja-Tsmenowka on 5 August, 1943. An Il-2 (m.H.) E of Mirgorod on 27 August, 1943. An Il-2 S of Novo-Alexandrovka on 29 October, 1943. A Pe-2 on 27 March, 1944. An Il-2 on 7 April, 1944. An Il-2 on 10 April, 1944. A Yak-9 on 27 April, 1944. An Il-2 on 28 April, 1944. A Pe-2 on 30 April, 1944. A Yak-9 on 1 May, 1944. A LaGG-5 on 3 May, 1944. A P-39 on 10 May, 1944. Victory numbers incorrect!! His 10th victory, a P-51 at Plattling on 9 June, 1944. A B-24 by Weidenbach on 13 June, 1944. A P-51 E of Pressburg/Bratislava on 16 June, 1944. A 13th, a P-51 at Pressburg on 26 June, 1944. His 14th, a B-17 at Budapest on 27 June, 1944. No. 26, a P-51 NW of Mor/Raab on 2 July, 1944. Magnus, 28 victories. His June 26, 1944 victory is reported as Victory #27 by the Perry Claims, so 28 is probably correct.

Asisbiz database list of 25 aerial victories for Rudolf Dreesmann

No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location / Comments
Monday, July 05, 1943 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 LaGG-3 1500m 16:45 63 554
Thursday, July 08, 1943 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 LaGG-5 1000m 17:10 63 533
Saturday, July 10, 1943 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 MiG-3 2000m 10:45 63 382
Saturday, July 10, 1943 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 MiG-3 100m 12:40 63 522
Tuesday, August 03, 1943 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 17:50 54 721
Wednesday, August 04, 1943 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 50m 18:25 44 832
Thursday, August 05, 1943 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 50m 17:35 O Malaja-Tsemenowka
Thursday, August 05, 1943 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 A-20 Boston 1500m 14:40 S Schablojkino
Friday, August 27, 1943 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 13:15 E Mirgorod (41 853)
Friday, October 29, 1943 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. Low Level 06:05 S Novo-Alexandrovka
Monday, March 27, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Pe-2 3500m 06:55 15 442
Friday, April 07, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
400m 11:40 50 794
Monday, April 10, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 11:50 50 734
Thursday, April 27, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Yak-9 800m 16:40 49 432
Friday, April 28, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Ilyushin Il-2
Илью́шин Ил-2
Low Level 14:30 50 522
Sunday, April 30, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Pe-2 1000m 17:26 59 184
Monday, May 01, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 Yak-9 200m 10:12 59 173
Wednesday, May 03, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 LaGG-5 Low Level 18:43 49 253
Wednesday, May 10, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 12./JG51 P-39 Aircobra 4000m 17:12 50 479
Friday, June 09, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 4./JG302 P-51 Mustang 5000m 10:10 AF 9 (Plattling)
Tuesday, June 13, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 4./JG302 B-24 Liberator   10:32 bei Weidenbach
Friday, June 16, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 4./JG302 P-51 Mustang   09:40 DQ-1 (E Pressburg/Bratislava)
Monday, June 26, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 4./JG302 P-51 Mustang 6500m 09:10 14 Ost N/CP (Pressburg)
Tuesday, June 27, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 4./JG302 B-17 Fortress     Budapest
Sunday, July 02, 1944 Rudolf Dreesmann 2./JG302 P-51 Mustang 7500m 10:40 FR-7 (NW Mór/Raab)

Horst Petzschler

Horst Petzschler was born on 1 September 1921 at Berlin. He completed an apprenticeship as a toolmaker with Henschel Flugzeugwerke A.G. at Schonefeld after leaving school in April 1938. He was also active flying gliders. Petzschler joined the Luftwaffe on 1 April 1941. He spent five months receiving military training before reporting to Flugzeugfuhrerschule A/B 10 at Grottau. Having qualified for his pilot's licence, Unteroffizier Petzschler entered the flying schools at Oels and Ohlau to qualify on multi-engine aircraft following which he was transferred to the pilot training school at Prenzlau as an instructor. On 7 March 1943, he was assigned to JG105 at Villacoublay near Paris for fighter pilot training. Petzschler completed his final training on the Fw 190 A-2 near Toulouse, France.

Petzschler was posted to JG51, where he was assigned to the Geschwaderstab, based at Smolensk, arriving there on 23 August 1943. On his first mission on 7 September, flying as wingman to Feldwebel Anton Hafner (204 victories, RK-EL, killed in action 17 October 1944), he was shot down by Russian flak and baled out. His primary role was Jagdbomber tank busting, however he was also often involved in aerial combat and claimed his first victory on 11 May, when he shot down a Russian Yak-7 fighter near Nevel. He had completed 126 fighter-bomber missions and had three victories to his credit when he was advised of his transfer to the Western front. Petzschler was to 2./JG3, based at Burg in Germany, on 13 April 1944. On 12 May, he flew his first mission against the USAAF when he was scrambled to intercept an incoming raid. In the subsequent aerial combat southeast of Frankfurt, Petzschler claimed a B-17 four-engine bomber Herausschuss and an escorting P-51 fighter shot down. However, he received hits from other P-51 fighters necessitating a forced-landing near Fritzlar.

He was shot down again a few days later when, attempting to intercept a large formation of USAAF four-engine bombers heading for Berlin, he was intercepted and shot up by USAAF P-38 twin-engine fighters necessitating another belly-landing. On 28 May, he shot down a USAAF P-51 fighter near Magdeburg but was then again shot down himself. He baled unhurt near Rothensee.

Reassigned to JG51 in June 1944, Petzschler was reassigned to the Geschwaderstaffel, based at Minsk. He recorded his 10th victory in July when he shot down a Russian Yak-9 fighter near Wilkowischken. In September, Petzschler was transferred to the Fighter Pilot School at Liegnitz as an instructor. He returned to the Geschwaderstaffel of JG51 on 13 February 1945. He recorded his 20th victory in March, when he shot down a Russian Il-2 ground-attack aircraft near Zinten. On 1 April, he received promotion to the rank of Fahnenjunker-Feldwebel. He had taken his victory total to 26 when, on 4 May 1945, III./JG51 were ordered to leave East Prussia for Schleswig-Holstein. However, Petzschler, due to navigational problems and a damaged fuel tank, make a dead-stick landing at Bulltofta in neutral Sweden because he had run out of fuel. The Swedish authorities interned Petzschler. In January 1946, Sweden handed Petzschler over to the Russians who imprisoned him. He was eventually released on 22 September 1949. After six months recuperation, Petzschler joined the Berlin police force. However, he soon returned to aircraft manufacturing, his pre-war profession. In 1951, he gained employment with British European Airways. In 1953, he and his family immigrated to Canada. There he worked as an auto mechanic before moving to the United States. In the US he started to work in the aircraft industry. He has worked for Boeing, Lear, Northrop and Beechcraft. He finally retired in 1988.

Horst Petzschler was credited with 26 victories in 297 missions. He recorded four victories over the Western front, including two four-engine bombers. Petzschler was shot down 13 times during his combat career, baling out twice due to enemy fighters and shot down 11 times after receiving flak damage making 11 forced landings.

After reading that you'd have to say he was a 'very lucky prick!'

No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location / Comments
1 11.5.1943   Yak-7 Stab/JG51 S Nevel
2 10.11.1943   Il-2 Stab/JG51 SE Nevel
3 10.11.1943   Il-2 Stab/JG51 SW Nevel
4 12.5.1944 12:28 B-17 HSS 2./JG3 Frankfurt
5 12.5.1944 12:35 P-51 2./JG3 SE Frankfurt
6 14.5.1944   B-24 2./JG3 N Braunschweig
7 28.5.1944 14:15 P-51 2./JG3 NE Magdeburg / P-51 of 352FG, USAAF
8 VI.1944   Yak-9 Stab/JG51 SW Baranowice
9 VI.1944   Pe-2 Stab/JG51 E Baranowice
10 VII.1944   Yak-9 Stab/JG51 SE Wilkowischken
11 VII.1944   MiG-3 Stab/JG51 W Wilkowischken
12 VII.1944   Il-2 Stab/JG51 SW Wilkowischken
13 9.8.1944   La-5 Stab/JG51 E Schaken
14 7.9.1944   Pe-2 Stab/JG51 W Memel
15 IX.1944   Pe-2 Stab/JG51 NE Memel
16 IX.1944   Il-2 Stab/JG51 SW Autz
17 IX.1944   La-5 Stab/JG51 E Autz
18 IX.1944   A-20 Stab/JG51 S Memel
19 II.1945   La-5 Stab/JG51 SE Graudenz
20 III.1945   Il-2 Stab/JG51 SW Zinten
21 III.1945   Yak-9 Stab/JG51 NW Danzig
22 III.1945   Il-2 Stab/JG51 SE Pruess-Stargard
23 III.1945   La-7 Stab/JG51 SE Gotenhafen
24 III.1945   Yak-3 Stab/JG51 S Danzig
25 III.1945   Yak-3 Stab/JG51 NW Gotenhafen
26 IV.1945   Pe-2 Stab/JG51 NE PIllau

Victories : 26
Awards : Ehrenpokal (10 September 1944)
Units : JG51, JG3

Web Reference:

Horst Walter Petzschler

Asisbiz Database of 16 out 26 aerial victories for Horst Walter Petzschler

No Date Time Enemy A/C Type Unit Location / Comments
Friday, November 05, 1943 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 Yak-7 900m 09:40 S Nevel
Wednesday, November 10, 1943 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 12:20 15km SW Nevel
Wednesday, November 10, 1943 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 50m 09:42 15km S Nevel
Friday, May 12, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler 2./JG3 P-51 Mustang 6500m 12:35 05 Ost S/OS (Giessen)
Friday, May 12, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler 2./JG3 B-17 Fortress Hss 7000m 12:28 05 Ost S/PR (Hochtaunus)
Wednesday, May 24, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler 2./JG3 B-24 Liberator Hss      
Sunday, May 28, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler 2./JG3 P-51 Mustang 4000m 14:15 HD-35 (Mockern E Magdeburg)
Friday, July 07, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 Yak-7 4000m 17:32 53 273
Saturday, July 08, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 Pe-2 6000m 08:37 64 753
Wednesday, July 26, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 Yak-9 2000m 18:20 34 753
Wednesday, August 02, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 Yak-9 3000m 13:20 24 425
Friday, August 04, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 08:05 35 355
Wednesday, August 09, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 MiG-3 1500m 19:50 35 347
Friday, September 01, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 LaGG-5 1500m 17:47 35 122
Thursday, September 07, 1944 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 P-2 5000m 09:58 06 168
Wednesday, February 28, 1945 Horst Walter Petzschler Stab /JG51 La-5 *   - SE Graudenz

Günther 'Franzl' Lützow

Günther 'Franzl' Lützow was born on 4 September 1912 at Kiel to an illustrious German naval family. He was descended from an old Prussian family of the same name. In 1931, he learned to fly at the Deutschen Verkehrsfliegerschule at Schliessheim. Later, he underwent fighter pilot training at the clandestine German base at Lipetsk in Russia. 1934 saw Lützow serving as a Leutnant with an Infantry Regiment before transferring to the newly formed Luftwaffe. Initially, he served with I./JG132 'Richtofen'.

Lützow commenced his operational career as a fighter pilot as Staffelkapitän of 2./J88 of the Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil War. Between March and September 1937, Oberleutnant Lützow accumulated five victories, including the first ever recorded by the Bf-109, and was awarded the Spanienkreuz in Gold mit Schwerten und Brillanten. From November 1938, Lützow undertook instructing duties at Jagdfliegerschule 1, based at Werneuchen, before being appointed Gruppenkommandeur of I./JG3 on 3 November 1939. He led the Gruppe through the French campaign recording nine victories, including his first in World War 2, on 14 May 1940, when he shot down two French Curtiss Hawk 75 fighters near Dinant. Lützow led I./JG3 into the Battle of Britain. On 21 August 1940, Oberstleutnant Lützow was appointed Kommodore of JG3. He recorded eight further victories during the aerial battles over England.

Lützow was awarded the Ritterkreuz on 18 September. In spring 1941, Stab/JG3 was relocated to Mannheim-Sandhofen in Germany for rest and refit. Here the unit received new Bf 109F-2 fighters before again being relocated to the Channel front on 4 May 1941. Lützow led JG3 during the invasion of Russia. On 17 July 1941, he recorded his 40th victory. He was awarded the Eichenlaub (Nr 27) on 20 July. On 17 September, he shot down his 72nd victim. He was shot down by flak on 23 September, force-landing behind enemy lines. He successfully returned unhurt.

In October, he recorded 29 victories, including five Russian twin-engine bombers shot down on 8 October. He was awarded the Schwerten (Nr 4) on 11 October 1941, after his 92nd victory. He became the second Experte to achieve 100 victories, when he downed three Russian fighters in the Moscow area on 24 October to record victories 99 through 101. Lützow was promptly grounded on orders from above. On 4 November, he led Stab/JG3 back to Germany and a base at Wiesbaden-Erbenheim to rest and re-equip. In May 1942, Lützow led JG3 back to the Russian front commencing operations in the Kharkov area. There followed much action in the Crimea and before Stalingrad. Lützow added one additional victory when he shot down a Russian I-61 fighter on 21 May 1942 for his 107th victory. On 11 August 1942, Lützow was posted to the staff of the General der Jagdflieger where he took up the role of Inspector of Day Fighters, Eastern area. In July 1943, Oberst Lützow was appointed Kommandeur of Jagdabschnittsführer Italien, based at Naples. In September, the unit was absorbed into Jagdfliegerführer Oberitalien.

He then commanded 1. Jagddivision based at Döberitz from 15 September until 23 March 1944, where he assumed overall command for day and night fighter operations in north western Germany, Holland and Belgium. By January 1944, he was commanding 4. Fliegerschuldivision based at Strassburg, responsible for the training of new fighter pilots. Lützow would become known as the prinicipal architect behind the so-called 'Fighter Pilots' Mutiny'. In fact the 'Mutiny' was a valiant and well-intended attempt to 'save' Adolf Galland who had been dismissed as General der Jagdflieger for his out spokeness of the Luftwaffe high command. Lützow's part in the affair was regarded as 'mutiny' by Göring who relieved him of his command of 4. Fliegerschuldivision and had him posted, in exile, to Italy to take over Jagdfliegerführer Oberitalien. He was later granted approval to join Adolf Galland's JV44. Lützow recorded two additional victories flying the Me-262 jet fighter, but then went missing on 24 April 1945 near Donauworth attempting to intercept a USAAF B-26 twin-engine bomber raid. His body was never recovered and his aircraft never found…

Günther Lützow was credited with 110 victories achieved in over 300 combat missions. He scored 5 victories during the Spanish Civil War. He recorded 20 victories over the Western Front, including at least one four-engine bombers, and 85 victories over the Eastern Front.

List of 110 aerial victories for Gunther Lutzow

No Date Time A/c Type Unit Location / Comments
1 6.4.1937 - I-15 2. J/88 Spain
2 22.5.1937 - I-15 2. J/88 Spain
3 28.5.1937 - I-15 2. J/88 Spain
4 18.8.1937 - I-15 2. J/88 Spain
5 22.8.1937 - I-16 2. J/88 Spain
6 14.5.1940 20:20~ Curtiss I./JG3 NW Dinant
7 14.5.1940 20:20~ Curtiss I./JG3 NW Dinant
8 15.5.1940 13:20 Curtiss I./JG3 SE Charleroi
9 19.5.1940 19:15 I./JG3 N Arras
10 31.5.1940 19:35 Morane 406 I./JG3 S Amiens
11 31.5.1940 19:35 Morane 406 I./JG3 S Amiens
12 3.6.1940 - Curtiss I./JG3 Compiegnie-Meaux
13 6.6.1940 - I./JG3 St Valery-Abbeville
14 8.6.1940 13:05 I./JG3 Abbeville
15 16.8.1940 - I./JG3 -
16 26.8.1940 - Defiant Stab/JG3 -
17 26.8.1940 - Defiant Stab/JG3 -
18 7.9.1940 - Stab/JG3 -
19 9.9.1940 - Stab/JG3 -
20 15.9.1940 - Stab/JG3 -
21 5.10.1940 - Curtiss Stab/JG3 -
22 5.10.1940 - Curtiss Stab/JG3 -
23 5.11.1940 - Stab/JG3 -
24 22.6.1941 4:30 I-18 Stab/JG3 -
25 23.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG3 -
26 23.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG3 -
27 24.6.1941 - I-153 Stab/JG3 -
28 26.6.1941 13:20 SB-2 Stab/JG3 -
29 26.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG3 -
30 26.6.1941 - Pe-2 Stab/JG3 -
31 27.6.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
32 28.6.1941 - Pe-2 Stab/JG3 -
33 7.7.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
34 10.7.1941 - V-11 Stab/JG3 -
35 10.7.1941 - I-53 Stab/JG3 -
36 10.7.1941 - I-53 Stab/JG3 -
37 10.7.1941 - I-53 Stab/JG3 -
38 11.7.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG3 -
39 15.7.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG3 -
40 15.7.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG3 -
41 15.7.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
42 16.7.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG3 -
43 16.7.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG3 -
44 16.7.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
45 17.7.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
46 20.7.1941 - V-11 Stab/JG3 -
47 20.7.1941 - V-11 Stab/JG3 -
48 29.7.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG3 -
49 31.7.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
50 31.7.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
51 31.7.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG3 -
52 7.8.1941 - I-153 Stab/JG3 -
53 7.8.1941 - I-153 Stab/JG3 -
54 8.8.1941 - I-153 Stab/JG3 -
55 9.8.1941 - Pe-2 Stab/JG3 -
56 9.8.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG3 -
57 11.8.1941 - R-5 Stab/JG3 -
58 12.8.1941 12:35 I-153 Stab/JG3 -
59 12.8.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
60 13.8.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG3 Kanev region / I-16 of 88IAP VVS flown by Mladshiy Lt Ivan Novikov
61 13.8.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG3 Kanev region / I-16 of 88IAP VVS
62 6.9.1941 - R-10 Stab/JG3 -
63 6.9.1941 - R-10 Stab/JG3 -
64 7.9.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG3 -
65 7.9.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG3 -
66 7.9.1941 - I-153 Stab/JG3 -
67 7.9.1941 - I-153 Stab/JG3 -
68 8.9.1941 - R-10 Stab/JG3 -
69 9.9.1941 - I-26 Stab/JG3 -
70 9.9.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG3 -
71 11.9.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
72 11.9.1941 - I-61 Stab/JG3 -
73 12.9.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG3 -
74 13.9.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
75 13.9.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
76 14.9.1941 - I-26 Stab/JG3 -
77 17.9.1941 - PS-84 Stab/JG3 -
78 5.10.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
79 5.10.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
80 5.10.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
81 5.10.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
82 6.10.1941 - I-153 Stab/JG3 -
83 6.10.1941 - I-153 Stab/JG3 -
84 6.10.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
85 7.10.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
86 8.10.1941 12:00 Pe-2 Stab/JG3 -
87 8.10.1941 12:01 Pe-2 Stab/JG3 -
88 8.10.1941 12:02 Pe-2 Stab/JG3 -
89 8.10.1941 14:25 DB-3a Stab/JG3 -
90 8.10.1941 14:28 DB-3a Stab/JG3 -
91 9.10.1941 12:00 I-18 Stab/JG3 -
92 9.10.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG3 -
93 9.10.1941 - Il-2 Stab/JG3 -
94 9.10.1941 - Pe-2 Stab/JG3 -
95 10.10.1941 14:10 I-18 Stab/JG3 -
96 10.10.1941 14:13 I-18 Stab/JG3 -
97 11.10.1941 11:10 I-61 Stab/JG3 -
98 12.10.1941 14:30 Pe-2 Stab/JG3 -
99 12.10.1941 14:35 Pe-2 Stab/JG3 -
100 12.10.1941 - TB-3 Stab/JG3 -
101 14.10.1941 - I-61 Stab/JG3 -
102 14.10.1941 - DB-3 Stab/JG3 -
103 23.10.1941 15:25 I-16 Stab/JG3 -
104 24.10.1941 10:40 I-16 Stab/JG3 -
105 24.10.1941 10:50 I-16 Stab/JG3 -
106 24.10.1941 14:23 I-16 Stab/JG3 -
107 21.5.1942 12:30 I-61 Stab/JG3 -
108 29.7.1942 10:20 LaGG-3 Stab/JG3 NE Kalatsch
109 ?.4.1945 - Viermot JV 44 -
110 24.4.1945 - B-26 JV 44 Augsburg area

Victories : 110
Awards : Ritterkreuz (18 September 1940)
Eichenlaub (20 July 1941)
Schwerten (11 October 1941)
Units : J/88, JG3, JG51, JV 44

Asisbiz Database of 38 aerial victories for Gunther Lutzow

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
14-May-40 Gunther Lutzow Stab I./JG3 Hawk-75A   20.20+ NW Dinant
14-May-40 Gunther Lutzow Stab I./JG3 Hawk-75A   20.20+ NW Dinant
15-May-40 Gunther Lutzow Stab I./JG3 Hawk-75A   13.20 SE Charleroi
19-May-40 Gunther Lutzow Stab I./JG3 4.500m 19.15 N. Arras
31-May-40 Gunther Lutzow Stab I./JG3 Morane 406   19.35 S Amiens
03-Jun-40 Gunther Lutzow Stab I./JG3 Hawk-75A     Compiegne-Meaux
06-Jun-40 Gunther Lutzow Stab I./JG3 1500m - St. Valery-Abbeville
08-Jun-40 Gunther Lutzow Stab I./JG3 7500m 13.05 Abbeville
15-Aug-40 Gunther Lutzow Stab I./JG3      
16-Aug-40 Gunther Lutzow Stab I./JG3 3200m - -
26-Aug-40 Gunther Lutzow StabJG3 Defiant 6000-7000m - -
07-Sep-40 Gunther Lutzow StabJG3 3300m - -
09-Sep-40 Gunther Lutzow StabJG3 800m - -
15-Sep-40 Gunther Lutzow StabJG3 4500m - -
05-Oct-40 Gunther Lutzow StabJG3 Curtiss P-36 3200m - -
05-Oct-40 Gunther Lutzow StabJG3 Curtiss P-36 500m - -
05-Nov-40 Gunther Lutzow StabJG3 3500m - -
22-Jun-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 I-18   04.30  
26-Jun-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 SB-3   13.20  
12-Aug-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 I-153   12.35  
08-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 Pe-2   12.02  
08-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 DB-3A   14.25  
08-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 DB-3A   14.28  
08-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 Pe-2   12.01  
08-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 Pe-2   12.00  
09-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 I-18   12.00  
10-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 I-18   14.13  
10-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 I-18   14.10  
11-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 I-61   11.10  
12-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 Pe-2   14.30  
12-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 Pe-2   14.45  
23-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 I-16 Rata   15.25  
24-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 I-16 Rata   10.40  
24-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 I-16 Rata   10.50  
24-Oct-41 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 I-16 Rata   14.25  
21-May-42 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 I-61   12.30  
29-Jul-42 Gunther Lutzow Stab /JG3 LaGG-3 1200m 10.20 NE Kalatsch
24-Apr-45 Gunther Lutzow JV44 B-26 Marauder   - Raum Augsburg

Werner Molders


Werner Molders was born at Gelsenkirchen/Westfalia on 18 March 1913. At the time of Werner's birth his father, Victor, was working as a teacher in England but with the outbreak of war in August 1914 he was forced to escape home to Germany aboard a neutral Dutch ship. On returning home, he joined the German Army and was subsequently commissioned as a Leutnant, only to be killed while serving with Infantrie Regiment 145 near Vauquois on the Argonne Front on 2 March 1915 shortly before Werner's second birthday. Following the death of her husband his mother, Anna-Maria, returned to her family in Brandenburg/Havel, faced with the difficult task of raising four children (Hans Anne-Marie, Werner and Victor) on her own. The Molders family were devout Catholics but lived in a very strong Protestant environment. Since religion can often offer a form of lonely sanctuary, Werner developed into a very serious boy and would retain a seriousness all his life.

Service in the Army

Deciding to follow in his father's footsteps, Werner wanted to become an army officer. Obtaining his 'Abitur' at the age of 17, he enlisted in the small army allowed to Germany by the provisions of the 1919 Versailles Treaty. On 1 April 1931, he joined II./IR 2 at Allenstein in East Prussia. In October 1932, he was transferred to the Kriegsschule at Dresden and to the Pionierschule at Miinchen in June 1932. With aviation becoming the great dream of many young Germans who remembered the First World War exploits of Bokke and von Richthofen, the rise to power of the National Socialist Party in 1933 and the creation of a new air force gave Werner the opportunity to transfer to that arm of the services. But, as with his future contemporary Adolf Galland, Molders would also suffer problems. Whereas Galland's eyes were deficient, Molders suffered from a fear of heights, a fear that he would conquer with a major effort of willpower.

Service in the Luftwaffe

On 6 February 1934 Molders joined the DVS (Deutsche Verkehrsfliegerschule) at Cottbus and remained there until the end of that year. Following his promotion to Leutnant on 1 March 1934, he trained with Kampfliegerschule Tutow and jagdfliegerschule Schleissheim until the middle of 1935. On 1 July 1935, he was transferred to Fliegergruppe Schwerin, a ground support unit which was later redesignated I./St.G. 162 Immelmann. Flying He-45s and He-46s, he was transferred to fighters the following year. Promoted to Oberleutnant on 1 April 1936, he led the Jagdschulstaffel of II./JG134 Horst Wessel at Werl in Westfalia where his commanding officer was Major Theodor Osterkamp, a veteran of the First World War, credited with 32 aerial victories. On 15 March 1937 Molders took command of I.Staffel of I./JG334 at Wiesbaden and his unit, equipped with the Heinkel He-51, would be successively redesignated I./JG133, and then I./JG53 Pik As.

The Spanish Civil War

The seriously-minded Molders was still a bachelor when he was sent to Spain in May 1938. On the 24th of that month, he succeeded Adolf Galland as Kapitan of 3./J88. This was the first time that the paths of the two men crossed. At the same time, the obsolete He 51s were replaced by the new Bf109 Dora which would later be replaced by the Emil becoming the best fighter used by either side during the Spanish Civil War. Combining his own abilities with the qualities of the Messerschmitt fighter, Molders quickly achieved success and in his first aerial engagement, shot down an 1-15. Four days later, two further victories were added, another 1-15 and an 1-16.With the exception of an SB-2 shot down on 23 August 1938, Molders would claim only Polikarpov fighters until the end of his stay in Spain. On his return to Germany on 5 December 1938, he was credited with 14 victories plus an additional three that were unconfirmed. Promoted to Hauptmann as the highest scoring German ace of the Spanish Civil War, he was then temporarily assigned (as had been Galland earlier) to the Air Ministry to study and improve fighter tactics based upon experiences gained during the Spanish conflict. His influence was to be enormous in that he proposed the deployment of a loose formation of four aircraft - the 'Schwarm' - broken up into two elements of two - the'Rotte'.

The 'Sitzkrieg' While Galland was transferred to II.(Schlacht)/LG 2 equipped with the Hs-123, Molders returned to his old fighter unit to lead I./JG53 (formerly-1.I.JG133). It was during this time that he acquired his nickname of 'Vati' ('Papa') due to his serious nature, experience and rigidity. This nickname was not intended as offensive but one which was born out of respect. No-one feared Molders and he was very popular amongst his pilots. He was not an impetuous man and could drink a glass of beer like the rest - but never two!

If his successes in Spain were partly due to his good fortune in receiving the best aircraft of its time, then the Sitzkrieg - or Phoney War - was to prove that he was an excellent fighter pilot and tactician. His introduction to the new campaign was, nevertheless, quite unsettling. On 8 September 1939, he led three other Bf-109s in an attack on six French Curtiss H-75s of GC11/4 north of Karlsruhe. In the ensuing dogfight, Molders' Bf109 was heavily damaged, forcing him to crash land in a field near Wolfersweiler. Trapped in his cockpit and slightly wounded, he had to wait for a local Flak crew to release him. Strangely, the French pilots involved claimed two victories, attributed to three pilots (SIC Cruchant being credited with two claims combined with two other pilots)!

Molders recovered quickly and claimed his first victory over the border twelve days later. Taking off with his Schwarm to Trier, he destroyed another H-75 of GC11/5 from a patrol escorting a reconnaissance aircraft. Sgt Quequiner, piloting N°21, was able to bale out of this aircraft which crashed near Merzig.

After being promoted Kommandeur of III./JG53, Molders celebrated his new command by shooting down a Blenheim I (16694) of No. 57Sqn engaged in reconnaissance along the Moselle on 30 October 1939 but would have to wait until 22 December to obtain his third victory in France. While escorting a Do-17P of 1.(F)/123, he attacked some fighters identified as 'Moranes' but which were in fact, Hurricane Is of No. 73Sqn RAE With his wingman, Oblt. von Hahn, he shot down two (11967 and N2385) near Budange. With the onset of bad weather, the first months of 1940 were quiet but on 2 March, at the end of a very scrappy encounter, Hptm. Molders and Uftz. Neuhoff were able to claim two Hurricanes (11808 and L1958) from No. 73Sqn which crashed near Metz. The following day, again around Metz, Molders engaged a Morane Saulnier 406 of GCII/3. This was claimed destroyed but, in fact, C/C Koerber, although wounded, managed to land his damaged aircraft at Toul airfield. On 26 March, another MS-406 was claimed near Trier, but this proved to be a Hurricane of No. 73Sqn whose pilot, F/O Edgar James 'Cobber' Kain of the RNZAF, baled out after having previously been shot down on 2 March! On 2 April, another Hurricane, this time from No.1Sqn, was shot down near St Avold but the pilot was able to force-land his heavily damaged fighter behind the Allied lines and avoid capture.

On 20 April, III./JG53 were flying in the Zweibrucken area where they encountered Curtiss H-75s of GC11/4 escorting a Potez 63.11 reconnaissance aircraft of GR11/36. In the combat that ensued, anti-aircraft guns shot at both sides! An H-75 N°136 fell to Molders while another was damaged by Flak. The pilot, C/C Cruchand, was seriously wounded but managed to crash-land his fighter near Biesbriick. On 23 April, Molders claimed his last victory of the Sitzkrieg when he shot down a Hurricane I (N2391) of No. 73Sqn during the morning near Sierck-les-Bains, the pilot, Sgt C. Campbell parachuting to safety. During this campaign, Hptm. Molders was credited with nine additional victories while Adolf Galland flew only ground support. By the time Galland did transfer to the fighter arm, Werner Molders had 23 official victories.

The Campaign in the West

On 10 May 1940, III./JG53 was based at Wiesbaden airfield and Molders had to wait four days before he was credited with his first victory during the invasion of the West, this being a Hurricane on the 14th of the month. During the first days of the attack and mainly over France, III./JG53 had to escort the bombers and were ordered not to attack enemy fighters. On 15 May, Werner Molders at the celebratory dinner after receiving the Ritterkreuz on 29 May 1940 having achieved 20 aerial victories at this time, another Hurricane was claimed by the Kommandeur, but it would be a French cockade that was later painted on the rudder of all his aircraft to record that particular victory. On 17 May, III./JG53 was transferred to Douzy, near Sedan in France from where the unit flew air cover sorties over the Wehrmacht spearheads advancing near Cambrai. On 19 May, Molders was credited with a 'P-36' (almost certainly a Bloch 152, which was often confused with the Curtiss). During the evening of the 20th, Molders claimed his 13th victim, a British bomber described as a 'Wellesley'. On 21 May, three MS-406s were shot down (apparently aircraft from GC1/6 and III./6) and on the 22nd, it was the turn of a Potez 63.11, N0315 of GAO1/514, shot down near Montagne de Reims. Another Morane was lost during the evening of 25 May (Molders' 18th victory) and on the 27th, two Blochs, thought to have been from GC1/8, were claimed south of Amiens.

With 20 victories over France and 14 in Spain, Molders was awarded the Ritterkreuz which was presented to him on Loe airfield, near Le Selve. On 31 May, near Abbeville, Molders shot down a LeO 451 of GB1/12. On 3 June, during Operation Paula (launched primarily as a propaganda operation), Molders claimed two victories - a Curtiss H-75 (which, in fact, was a Bloch 152, and which was subsequently identified on his rudder with a British roundel!) and, very unusually, a Spitfire. Exactly, what a Spitfire was doing near Paris at a time when all RAF units had retreated to their bases in England to fight over Dunkirk is unclear. The 'Spitfire' was probably a D.520 of GC1/3. Two days later, Molders experienced altogether different circumstances. At around noon, he was credited with the destruction of a Bloch 152 (N°651 of GC 118?) and a Potez 63.11 (N0250 of GAO 501?) and later that afternoon, whilst on his second mission of the day, he spotted some 'Moranes' attacking some Bf-109s. He decided to intervene but the 'MS-406s' turned out to be potent D.520s of GC11/7. Having under estimated the enemy type, Molders was shot down by S/Lt Rene Pommier Layrargues, his Bf109E-3 crashing near Canly. Molders was able to parachute to safety, but was captured on the ground by soldiers of 195e RALT, an artillery unit who set upon him before an officer intervened. Interested in the man who shot him down, Molders asked to meet him, only to find that Pommier Layrargues was already dead, having been brought down and killed at Marissel a few minutes after their engagement.

Molders ended the Westfeldzug in a French POW camp at Montferrand.With the fall of France, he was eventually freed at the end of June 1940 and this is where there is cause for some interesting speculation! If he had been captured by the British in May, he would almost certainly have been sent to a POW camp in Canada, ending the war in safety and terminating the career of a great pilot. But as a prisoner of the French, he was liberated and became - posthumously - a flying legend. Which was the better fate?

The Battle of Britain

After a short period of leave, Molders, promoted to Major on 19 July, returned to III./JG53. Soon afterwards, however, he left to take over command of JG51. At that time, Adolf Galland was appointed to lead III./JG26 after having shot down 14 planes in the Westfeldzug whilst with JG27.

As is often the case, establishing a new command proved hectic for Molders. On 28 July, the new Kommodore damaged a Spitfire I (P9429) of No. 41Sqn, RAF. Wounded in the thigh, the pilot, F/O A.D.J. Lovell, managed to land his damaged aircraft at Hornchurch. F/O Lovell survived to become an ace in his own right, only to be killed in a flying accident in 1945. Shortly afterwards, Molders himself was shot down by F/Lt John Webster of the sameSqn. This was Webster's fifth claim but he was killed on 5 September 1940 when his parachute failed to open after baling out following a collision with another Spitfire of 41Sqn. (Author's note: another source attributes this claim to the ace, 'Sailor' Malan of 74Sqn). Wounded in the knee, Molders was able to force-land his damaged Bf109 on the French coast. He returned to his unit on 7 August, but would have to wait some time before he could fly again.

On 26 August 1940, Molders submitted his 27th claim, another Spitfire. By 20 September, his score had reached 40 enemy aircraft shot down, proof that the battles over England were very intense and on that day, he was credited with two more Spitfires (X4417 and N3248) of No. 92Sqn and was awarded the Oak Leaves to his Ritterkreuz. He was only the second member of the German armed forces to receive the decoration. Four days later, Adolf Galland also received the award, becoming the third person to do so. It was at about this time that German newspapers devised a kind of competition between the two aces. One publication would be 'for Molders' another 'for Galland'; in reality however, Molders was not interested in such 'competition'. He told Galland: 'In this war; you will be the Richthofen and I the Bolcke' - yet further proof that the serious Kommodore was more interested in tactics than glory.

Molders score continued to increase; on 27 September, it was a Spitfire over Kent, possibly P9364 of No. 222Sqn. piloted by Sgt Ernest Scott, who was killed after having shot down a Bf109 - his fifth confirmed victory. On 11 October, another Spitfire I went down (X4562 of No. 66Sqn) and next day, three Hurricane Is (P3896,V7251 andV7426) of No. 145Sqn. On 17 October, Molders claimed another Spitfire (R6800 LZ-N of No.66Sqn.) followed by three more Hurricanes on 22 October (possibly from Nos. 46 and 257Sqn's) off the English coast. Molders now had his fiftieth victory. Galland reached this total eight days later. From the beginning of October, Molders became the first pilot to test the new Bf109F in combat, which soon proved superior to contemporary British fighters. Certainly, this also helped in his subsequent successes.

After spending a few days leave skiing, JG51's Kommodore returned to action at the beginning of 1941. Exploiting the relative inactivity of the Luftwaffe in the west (the German High Command was preparing to attack the Soviet Union and had moved many units to the east), the RAF were beginning to conduct sorties over France and the fighting now took place mainly off the French coast. On 20 February, Molders claimed two Spitfires (his 57th and 58th victories). Five days later, a Spitfire II (X4592 of No. 611Sqn) was shot down, and on the following day he scored his 60th victory. Galland had to wait until 15 April to attain the same score.

On 13 March, Molders shot down another British ace, S/Ldr Aeneas 'Donald' MacDonnel. MacDonnel, from No. 64Sqn, was born in Baku in 1913, and was the 22nd Hereditary Chief of the Glengarry Clan. Leading a sweep over Northern France, MacDonnel (credited with nine or ten victories) was shot down by Molders (his 62nd victory) and baled out into the Channel. He was rescued by a German motor boat but remained a prisoner of war until 1945.

The new versions of the Hurricane and Spitfire proved no match for the Bf109E. This is well indicated by a list of Molders's claims for the period: Hurricane II of No.615Sqn two Hurricane II's of No.601Sqn (one claimed as a 'Spitfire') Hurricane II (Z3087) of No.601Sqn Hurricane II (Z2743) of No.601Sqn Spitfire II of No.92Sqn.

Molders' aerial victories declined following the transfer of JG51 to the East. On 21 June, Adolf Galland - then with 69 claims - was the first Luftwaffe pilot to add the Swords to his Ritterkreuz. On the eve of Barbarossa - the German invasion of the Soviet Union, Molders had 'only' 68 claims, but on the day of the invasion, he claimed an I-153 (which must have brought back memories of Spain!) and three SB-2s shot down. He was awarded the Swords but this time as the second pilot to receive the decoration.

At this time, Soviet aircraft and pilots were seen as generally inferior to their German counterparts and this enabled Molders and his men to claim unprecedented scores and on 30 June, he was credited with the destruction of no fewer than five enemy aircraft. By 15 July 1941, on his 291st combat mission he claimed his 100th and 101st victories and was awarded the Diamonds to his Ritterkreuz. By comparison, Galland, would have to wait until 28 January 1942 for this decoration.

By this time, Molders had achieved an almost mythical status, seen to be deserving of 'protection'. He was ordered not to fly ('Flugverbot) to avoid risking his life at the front and was transferred to the Air Ministry in Berlin. On 7 August 1941, he was promoted to Inspector of Fighters and left his unit and on 13 September 1941, he married Louise Baldauf, the widow of a fallen comrade.

Molders could have remained safely at the Ministry, close to his wife, but he was preoccupied with the Soviet campaign and visited the Eastern Front many times. In the autumn of 1941, he went to the Crimea to lead the combined operations of Stukas and fighters where he discovered an important supply problem which he tried to resolve. In spite of the Flugverbot, he wanted to have a clearer picture of the situation in the air by flying again. On 8 and 11 November, Molders borrowed a Bf109 of III./JG77 and shot down three more Soviet aircraft over Sevastopol and the Kertsch peninsula, though he did not record them officially. Future Ritterkreuztriiger, Herbert Hahne, remembered serving as Molders' wingman at this time. After spotting enemy aircraft, the Inspector led his Kaczmarek, giving him instructions by radio and 'donating' him his victories. It would seem that 'Vati' Molders enjoyed the role of 'counsellor' and adviser.

On 17 November 1941, Generaloberst Ernst Udet committed suicide and Molders was called back to Berlin to assist with the funeral. Four days later, he began his journey to the capital as a passenger in a He-111 of III./KG27 piloted by Oblt. Kolbe, another former flyer from Spain. The weather was bad and following an interim stop at Lemberg, the Heinkel took off again but the weather conditions continued to deteriorate. Near Breslau, the port engine failed and the crew tried to land at the nearest available airfield, Schmiedefelde. At low altitude, the second engine cut and the He-111 (1G+TH) hit the ground near Martin Quander Farm at N°132 Flughafenstrasse. Molders was killed at 11.30 on 22 November. He was succeeded as Inspector of Fighters by Adolf Galland.

As is often the case after a plane crash (Balbo, Sikorsky, Todt, etc.), rumors circulated in some quarters about a plot to kill Molders but post-war research has found these to be totally without foundation. It is true that Molders, as a devout Catholic, criticized the Nazi Party many times for its activities against the church. But to kill Germany's greatest ace for such beliefs at such a critical period in the war is, in the author's opinion, inconceivable.

Werner Molders was buried in the Invalidenfriedhof at Berlin where Manfred von Richthofen already lay. His Geschwader, JG51, later adopted the honor name 'Jagdgeschwader Molders'. As a postscript to this biography it is worth quoting the words of another ace, Dietrich Hrabak: 'Wir waren nur jagdflieger. Molders was mehr als das!': 'We were only fighter pilots. Molders was more than that!'.

Pre-production Bf 109F-0, was tested by Obstlt. Werner Molders

An early example of the Bf109F, a pre-production Bf 109F-0, was tested by Obstlt. Werner Molders of JG51 who first flew it in action on 22 October and claimed one victory. On the 25th, Molders again flew the Bf109F, taking off with his usual Katschmarek, or wingman, together with Hptm. Hans Asmus, who had recently joined the Stab of JG51. Both Molders' companions were flying Bf-109Es, Hptm. Asmus piloting Molders' old W.Nr 3737. While flying at about 30,000 ft over Kent, they spotted a formation of some 15 Spitfires flying in the opposite direction 1,500 ft below. The German pilots were making a wide curve in order to attack the British formation from behind when Asmus noticed that the squadron they were about to attack was covered by another full squadron of Spitfires flying 2,500 ft higher. With his faster Bf109F, Molders soon left his companions behind, and Asmus found himself alone with an entire Spitfire squadron on his tail. To escape, he dived away and then saw a battle formation of about eight Bf-109 Jabos at about 20,000ft. As flying alone over England was dangerous, Asmus decided to fly the rest of the mission with them and pulled out below the friendly aircraft. Unfortunately, on observing the Spitfires, the Jabos jettisoned their bombs, one of which struck Asmus's aircraft and knocked him unconscious. When he came to, he found so little of his aircraft remaining that he merely unfastened his straps and allowed his seat and the few attached fuselage parts to fall away. The next Asmus knew he was in Maidstone General Hospital with suspected skull fracture, concussion and temporary amnesia. Examining the widely scattered wreckage of his aircraft, RAF personnel found the rudder marked with 49 victory bars and first assumed they had captured an ace. However, the Luftwaffe's leading pilot, Werner Molders, had returned safely to France with another two victories to his credit.

Asisbiz Database list of 72 aerial victories for Werner Molders

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
20-Sep-39 Werner Molders 1./JG53 Hawk-75A   07.45 Sierck
30-Oct-39 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53   11.12 Klusserath NE Trier
22-Dec-39 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53   15.05 15km NE Metz
02-Mar-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53   12.15 S Bitsch
03-Mar-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Morane   13.55 12km SE Diedenhofen
26-Mar-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Morane   15.00 Wolkenfeld
02-Apr-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53   12.10 S Saargemund
20-Apr-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Hawk-75A   11.54 7km W Saargemund
23-Apr-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53   11.14 S Diedenhofen
14-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53   16.30 Sedan
15-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53   13.05 Charleville
19-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Bloch 152   09.35 NE Reims
20-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Wellesley   19.15 Compiegne
21-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Morane 406   17.30 SW Compiegne
21-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Morane 406   17.50 SW Compiegne
21-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Morane 406   19.18 SW Compiegne
22-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Potez 63   17.50 SW Mourmelon-le-Grand
25-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Morane 406   18.55 Foret de Compiegne
27-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Hawk-75A   09.10 15km W Amiens
27-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Hawk-75A   09.11 15km W Amiens
31-May-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 LeO 451   19.00 30km S Abbeville
03-Jun-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Hawk-75A 3000m 14.40 SE Paris
03-Jun-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Hawk-75A   14.30 Paris
05-Jun-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Potez 63   11.23 NW Pont Ste Maxance
05-Jun-40 Werner Molders Stab III./JG53 Bloch   11.20 West of Compiegne
28-Jul-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   15.30 Dover
26-Aug-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   12.55 Folkestone
28-Aug-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51 Hawk-75A   10.05 NE Dover
28-Aug-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   18.25 Canterbury
31-Aug-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   10.01 NE Folkestone
31-Aug-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   10.00 NE Folkestone
31-Aug-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   10.10 NE Folkestone
06-Sep-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   14.45 Folkestone
07-Sep-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   18.32 South of London
09-Sep-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   18.45 South of London
11-Sep-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   17.10 SE London
14-Sep-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   17.30 SW London
16-Sep-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   09.24 South of London
20-Sep-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   12.35 Dungeness
20-Sep-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   12.34 Dungeness
27-Sep-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   17.03 Maidstone
28-Sep-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   15.01 Littlestone
11-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   12.30 Folkestone
12-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   10.40 Lympne
12-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   10.43 Canterbury
12-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   14.12 Dungeness
15-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   09.15 South of London
17-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   16.22 South of London
22-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   15.40 NW Maidstone
22-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   15.41 NW Maidstone
22-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   15.42 NW Maidstone
25-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   10.45 NW Dover
25-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   13.20 Margate
29-Oct-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   13.55 Dungeness
01-Dec-40 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   15.15 Ashford
10-Feb-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   17.29 5km NE Calais
20-Feb-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   16.57 Dover
20-Feb-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   16.56 Dover
25-Feb-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51      
25-Feb-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   15.20 N. Gravelines
26-Feb-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51      
26-Feb-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   18.37 SE Dungeness
12-Mar-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51 3500m   off Dungeness
13-Mar-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   15.22 20km W. Cap Gris Nez
15-Apr-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   18.00 SW Boulogne
16-Apr-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   18.42 SW Dungeness
16-Apr-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   18.32 5km W. Berck
28-Apr-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   13.10 Dungeness
04-May-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51 2000m 12.17 5km E. Deal
04-May-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51 2000m 12.30 5km E Deal
06-May-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   12.00 Dover
08-May-41 Werner Molders Stab /JG51   12.20 vor Dover

Werner 'Vati' Mölders Oberst

Werner "Vati" Mölders was born on 18 March 1913, at Gelsenkirchen in the Ruhrgebiet. He joined the army in 1931 and served as an officer cadet in the Infantry. In 1934, with the rebirth of the Luftwaffe as a result of Hitler coming to power, Mölders requested a transfer to become a pilot. At his first attempt to join the Luftwaffe, he was declared unfit for flying. He tried again and was accepted for flying training. He was badly afflicted by air sickness but overcame the problem through sheer willpower..

On 1 July 1935, Leutnant Mölders was posted to Fliegergruppe Schwerin (later to be redesignated I./StG 162). He was appointed Staffelkapitän of 1./JG 334 (later to be redesignated 1./JG 53) on 15 March 1936. On 1 April 1936, he was transferred to the Schulstaffel of JG 134 to undertake instructing duties. For two years he was an instructor at Wiesbaden. He volunteered for the Condor Legion and arrived by sea in Cadiz on 14 April that year. He took over from Adolf Galland at the head of 3.J/88. During the Spanish conflict he showed considerable qualities not only as a pilot and marksman but also, and especially, as a tactician and organiser. Together with other airmen, in Spain he developed the technique known as the "finger four", or fan, which improved a flight's all-round vision and encouraged the pilots' initiative. Between 15 July and 3 November 1938, he shot down fourteen aircraft: eleven I-16 "Mosca", two Polikarpov I-15 "Chato" and one SB-2 "Katyuska", as well as one unconfirmed I-16 victory, most of these at the controls of the Bf 109 C-1 coded 6-79 "Luchs"..

He was awarded the Spanienkreuz in Gold mit Schwertern und Brillanten in recognition of his achievements. At the end of the year he returned to Germany as the highest scoring German pilot of the Spanish conflict, with a glowing reputation and a maturity beyond his years and rank. At the beginning of World War II, Mölders was Staffelkapitän of 1./JG 53 "Pik As", based at Wiesbaden-Erbenheim. He became known by those under his command as "Vati" (Daddy) Mölders. He shot down his first aircraft of the Second World War on 21 September 1939, a French Curtiss 75 A fighter. On 1 November he went on to command III./JG 53, also based at Wiesbaden-Erbenheim..

On 27 May 1940, after his 20th victory, a French Curtiss 75 A SW of Amiens, he was promoted to Hauptmann and decorated with the Knight's Cross. He was shot down in combat on 5 June 1940, by French ace Sous Lieutenant René Pommier Layragues (6 victories) flying a D.520 of GC II/7 after having scored 25 victories during 128 missions and was taken prisoner. He was liberated two weeks later upon the armistice with France. He returned to Germany to be promoted to Major and given command of JG 51 as Kommodore..

On 28 July 1940, during his first flight with his new unit, he succeeded in downing a Spitfire, but his aircraft was then hit by the enemy aircraft. Severely wounded in the legs, Mölders just managed to make an emergency landing at the airfield at Wissant in France. It was not until a month later that he was able to return to combat, most likely flying the Bf 109 E-4 W.Nr. 2404 (photographed on 31 August with 32 victory bars), as well as W.Nr. 3737, (shot down over England while being flown by Hptm Asmus on 25 October, with no stab markings according to the crash report, but 49 victory bars). He quickly brought his score up by downing 28 British fighters during the remainder of the Battle of Britain, including his 40th, a Spitfire over Dungeness, on 20 September, for which he was awarded the Oak Leaves (No. 2) the next day. On 22 October he downed three RAF Hurricanes to become the first Luftwaffe pilot to reach a score of 50 aerial victories. By the end of the Battle of Britain he had a total of 54 victories, and he would add one more before the end of the year.

Pilots Werner Molders and Oblt. Hartmann Grasser 01

Major Werner Mölders and Oblt. Hartmann Grasser of the Stab flight of JG 51 after a mission over the British Isles during the Battle of Britain. Grasser was later assigned to JG 11 and would survive the war with 103 confirmed victories.

He continued flying and fighting over the Channel Front until early May, by which time he had brought down an additional 13 British aircraft. On 22 June 1941, the first day of Operation Barbarossa on the Eastern Front, he shot down four Russian aircraft, one I-153 and three SB-2 bombers, his 69th through 72nd victories, and was awarded the Schwertern (No. 2). He was the first pilot to surpass von Richthofen's WW I record score of 80 on 30 June, when he shot down 5 SB-2 bombers to score his 78th to 82nd victories on a day that JG 51 claimed 110 SB-2 and DB-3 bombers. He shot down a further four enemy aircraft on 5 July for his 83rd to 86th victories..

On 15 July he became the first pilot in history to record 100 victories and was immediately awarded the Brillanten (No. 1), the first German soldier to be so recognized. He was immediately forbidden to fly combat on the personal orders of Göring. At only 28 years of age, he was promoted to Oberst and appointed Inspector General of Fighters on 7 August. Even though ordered to cease flying combat missions, he continued to do so and achieved several unconfirmed victories over the Crimea. He personally instructed many pilots on how to achieve success, and helped develop the forward air controller concept. On 22 November 1941, he was flying as a passenger in a He 111 from the Crimea to Germany to attend the funeral of Ernst Udet. Landing during a thunderstorm at Breslau the aircraft crashed and Mölders and the pilot were killed. In his memory, on 20 December 1941, JG 51 was bestowed the honor name "Mölders".

He flew a total of some 330 missions during the Second World War, 100 of these on the Eastern Front, during which he shot down a total of 101 aircraft, 33 of these in the East. He also was the top scorer of the Legion Condor in Spain with 14 victories achieved in some 100 missions, and helped develop many of the modern fighter tactics still in use today.

List of aerial victories for Werner 'Vati' Mölders

No Date Time A/c Type Unit Location Comments
1. 15.7.1938 - Curtiss 3. J/88 Algar area  
2. 17.7.1938 - Curtiss 3. J/88 N Liria  
3. 19.7.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 W Villar del Arzobispo  
4. 19.8.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 Flix area  
5. 23.8.1938 - SB-2 3. J/88 Albi area  
6. 9.9.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 Flix area  
7. 13.9.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 Flix area  
8. 23.9.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 SW Ginestar  
- 23.9.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 not confirmed  
9. 10.10.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 NE Flix  
10. 15.10.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 W La Figuera  
11. 15.10.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 Sierra de Montsant area  
12. 31.10.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 NW Flix  
13. 31.10.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 S Ribarroja  
14. 3.11.1938 - Rata 3. J/88 Mola area  
15. 20.9.1939 14:30 Curtiss 1./JG 53 W Merzig Hawk H-75A of GC II/5, Armée de l’air flown by Sgt Queginer, baled out
16. 30.10.1939 11:12 III./JG 53 Near Klüsserath Blenheim I (L6694) of 18 Sqn, RAF flown by Flt Lt AA Dilnot, crew killed
17. 22.12.1939 15:05 Morane III./JG 53 15km NE Metz Hurricane (N2385) of 73 Sqn, RAF flown by Sgt RM Berry, killed
18. 2.3.1940 12:20 III./JG 53 Völklingen Possibly Hurricane I (L1808) of 73 S1n, RAF flown by F/O EJ Kain (19/0/2 victories), crash-landed at Toul
19. 3.3.1940 13:55 Morane III./JG 53 Metz Morane 406 of GC II/3, Armée de l’air flown by Cpl Chef Korber, crash-landed at Toul
20. 26.3.1940 15:00 Morane III./JG 53 Diedenhofen Hurricane I of 73 Sqn, RAF flown by F/O N Orton, returned damaged
21. 2.4.1940 12:10 III./JG 53 St Avold Hurricane I of 1 Sqn, RAF flown by P/O CD Palmer, baled out
22. 20.4.1940 11:54 Curtiss III./JG 53 Zweibrücken area Probably Hawk H-75A (No 136) of GC II/4, Armée de l’air flown by Adj Chef Cruchant, crash-landed near Bliesbück badly wounded
23. 23.4.1940 11:14 III./JG 53 S Diedenhofen Probably Hurricane I (N2391) of 73 Sqn, RAF flown by Sgt CNS Campbell, baled out wounded
24. 14.5.1940 16:30 III./JG 53 Sedan-Charville  
25. 15.5.1940 13:05 III./JG 53 Sedan  
26. 19.5.1940 9:35 Curtiss III./JG 53 NE Reims  
27. 20.5.1940 19:15 Vickers III./JG 53 Compiegne Possibly Vickers Wellesley
28. 21.5.1940 17:30 Morane III./JG 53    
29. 21.5.1940 17:50 Morane III./JG 53    
30. 21.5.1940 19:18 Morane III./JG 53    
31. 22.5.1940 17:50 Potez 63 III./JG 53 SW Mourmelon airfield  
32. 25.5.1940 18:55 Morane III./JG 53 Villers Cotterets Forest  
33. 27.5.1940 9:10 Curtiss III./JG 53 15km SW Amiens Mölders said it was a Bloch 152
34. 27.5.1940 9:11 Curtiss III./JG 53 15km SW Amiens Mölders said it was a Bloch 152
35. 31.5.1940 19:00 LeO 45 III./JG 53 Abbéville-Amiens LeO 451
36. 3.6.1940 14:30 Curtiss III./JG 53 Paris Possibly D.520
37. 3.6.1940 15:00 III./JG 53 Paris  
38. 5.6.1940 11:20 Bloch III./JG 53 Compiegne  
39. 5.6.1940 11:23 Potez 63 III./JG 53 Compiegne  
40. 28.7.1940 - Stab/JG 51 Dover Spitfire I of 41 Sqn, RAF flown by F/O ADJ Lovell (18.5/2/10.666 victories), crash-landed wounded
41. 26.8.1940 12:55 Stab/JG 51 Folkestone  
42. 28.8.1940 10:40 Curtiss Stab/JG 51 NE Dover  
43. 28.8.1940 18:40 Stab/JG 51 Canterbury  
44. 31.8.1940 9:50 Stab/JG 51 between Folkestone and Dover  
45. 31.8.1940 9:50~ Stab/JG 51 between Folkestone and Dover  
46. 31.8.1940 9:50~ Stab/JG 51 between Folkestone and Dover  
47. 6.9.1940 14:40 Stab/JG 51 Folkestone  
48. 7.9.1940 18:30 Stab/JG 51 London  
49. 9.9.1940 18:45 Stab/JG 51 London  
50. 11.9.1940 17:05 Stab/JG 51 SE London  
51. 14.9.1940 17:40 Stab/JG 51 SW London  
52. 16.9.1940 8:50 Stab/JG 51 London  
53. 20.9.1940 12:34 Stab/JG 51 Near Folkestone Spitfire of 92 Sqn, RAF flown by P/O HP Hill
54. 20.9.1940 12:34 Stab/JG 51 Near Folkestone Spitfire of 92 Sqn, RAF flown by Sgt PR Eyles
55. 27.9.1940 17:00 Stab/JG 51 Near Maidstone Possibly Spitfire I (P9364) of 222 Sqn, RAF flown by Sgt E Scott (5/3/0 victories), killed
56. 28.9.1940 15:00 Stab/JG 51 Near Littlestone  
57. 11.10.1940 12:30 Stab/JG 51 Near Folkestone Spitfire I (X4562) of 66 Sqn, RAF flown by P/O JHT Pickering, baled out over Canterbury, wounded
58. 12.10.1940 10:40 Stab/JG 51 Liquizue  
59. 12.10.1940 10:40 Stab/JG 51 Cauberberg  
60. 12.10.1940 10:45 Stab/JG 51 Dungeness  
61. 15.10.1940 9:15 Stab/JG 51 Kneleig  
62. 17.10.1940 16:25 Stab/JG 51 London  
63. 22.10.1940 15:40 Stab/JG 51 NW Maidstone  
64. 22.10.1940 15:40~ Stab/JG 51 NW Maidstone  
65. 22.10.1940 15:40~ Stab/JG 51 NW Maidstone  
66. 25.10.1940 10:45 Stab/JG 51 NW Dover Spitfire I (P7365) of 603 Sqn, RAF flown by P/O SF Soden
67. 25.10.1940 13:10 Stab/JG 51 Margate Spitfire I (P7309) of 603 Sqn, RAF flown by P/O P Oliver
68. 29.10.1940 13:55 Stab/JG 51 Dungeness  
69. 1.12.1940 15:15 Stab/JG 51 Ashforth  
70. 10.2.1941 17:29 Stab/JG 51 5km NNE Calais  
71. 20.2.1941 16:56 Stab/JG 51 Dover  
72. 20.2.1941 16:59 Stab/JG 51 Dover  
73. 25.2.1941 15:20 Stab/JG 51 N Gravelines  
74. 26.2.1941 18:22 Stab/JG 51 SW Dungeness  
75. 12.3.1941 19:15 Stab/JG 51 Dungeness Spitfire II of 74 Sqn, RAF flown by Sgt JN Glendinning (4/1/1 victories), killed
76. 13.3.1941 15:22 Stab/JG 51 SW Boulogne Spitfire of 64 Sqn, RAF flown by Sqn Ldr ARD MacDonnell ( victories), baled out, POW
77. 15.4.1941 - Stab/JG 51 Boulogne  
78. 16.4.1941 - Stab/JG 51 SW Dungeness  
79. 16.4.1941 - Stab/JG 51 S Le Touquet  
80. 4.5.1941 - Stab/JG 51 E Canterbury  
81. 6.5.1941 - Stab/JG 51 Dover  
82. 8.5.1941 - Stab/JG 51 Dover  
83. 22.6.1941 - Curtiss Stab/JG 51   I-153 of 123 IAP/10SAD, VVS
84. 22.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51    
85. 22.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51    
86. 22.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51    
87. 22.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51    
88. 24.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51    
89. 25.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51    
90. 29.6.1941 - Pe-2 Stab/JG 51    
91. 29.6.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG 51    
92. 30.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51 Bobyruysk area  
93. 30.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51 Bobyruysk area  
94. 30.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51 Bobyruysk area  
95. 30.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51 Bobyruysk area  
96. 30.6.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51 Bobyruysk area  
97. 5.7.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51    
98. 5.7.1941 - SB-2 Stab/JG 51    
99. 5.7.1941 - I-18 Stab/JG 51   MiG-3
100. 5.7.1941 - I-18 Stab/JG 51   MiG-3
101. 9.7.1941 - Curtiss Stab/JG 51 Rogachev-Orsha-Smolensk area I-153
102. 9.7.1941 - Curtiss Stab/JG 51 Rogachev-Orsha-Smolensk area I-153
103. 9.7.1941 - I-16 Stab/JG 51 Rogachev-Orsha-Smolensk area  
104. 10.7.1941 - RZ Stab/JG 51 Rogachev-Orsha-Smolensk area  
105. 10.7.1941 - RZ Stab/JG 51 Rogachev-Orsha-Smolensk area  
106. 11.7.1941 - E/a Stab/JG 51 Rogachev-Orsha-Smolensk area  
107. 11.7.1941 - E/a Stab/JG 51    
108. 12.7.1941 - E/a Stab/JG 51    
109. 13.7.1941 - E/a Stab/JG 51    
110. 13.7.1941 - E/a Stab/JG 51    
111. 14.7.1941 - Pe-2 Stab/JG 51    
112. 14.7.1941 - Pe-2 Stab/JG 51    
113. 14.7.1941 - Pe-2 Stab/JG 51    
114. 15.7.1941 - E/a Stab/JG 51    
115. 15.7.1941 - E/a Stab/JG 51    
- 8.11.1941 - Il-2 Stab/JG 77    

Victories : 115
Awards : Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds
Units : J/88, JG 53, JG 51

Website Reference:

Major Heinz (Hainz Bernhard) Schumann

Units:Stfkpt 1./JG-71 (redesig. 4./JG-52 in 9/39), Stab I./JG-51 (5/41), 10(Jabo)./JG-2, Kdr II/SKG-10 (1/43), Kdr IV/SG-10(10/43), Kdr SKG-210

Awards:RK(3/18/43), Spanish Cross, DK-G(1/25/42), EP(9/15/41), EK 1 & 2, Fighter & Assault Operational Clasps

Known Aircraft:Bf 109D & E, Bf 109F-2/B 'Red 1' in JG-51, He-51 in '39, Fw 190G-3 WNr 160336 (lost 11/43) in SKG-10 in '43

Remarks:KIA 8 November, 1943 in aerial combat in his G-3 with Spitfires near Charleroi. Obermaier suggests that he crashed as a result of bad weather and engine trouble on a return flight from Berlin. Buried Champigny-St Andre France, Block 6/9/787 (Rosseels). His first victory, a Fesselballon near Weissenburg, 7 November, 1939. His 2nd, a Battle in the Sedan area, 14 May, 1940. One source states victories at 21. 6 victories in the West. His 6th, a Hurricane at Folkestone on 15 May, 1941. Magnus, 21 victories, and judging by his awards, this is probably correct. Bowers/Lednicer, 18 victories.

Asisbiz database list of aerial victories for Major Heinz (Hainz Bernhard) Schumann

Date Unit Pilot Claimed Locatation Time Front
08/11/1939 Oblt. Heinz Schumann 4./JG 52   Weissenburg 12.45 Western Front
14/05/1940 Oblt. Heinz Schumann 4./JG 52 Battle Raum Sedan 16.35 Western Front
15/05/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 Hurricane Folkestone 20.04 Western Front
25/06/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 SB-2 - 12.35 Eastern Front
25/06/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 SB-2 - 12.36 Eastern Front
25/06/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 SB-2 - 12.38 Eastern Front
29/06/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 Skua - 19.52 Eastern Front
30/06/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51   - 16.25 Eastern Front
02/07/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 SB-2 - 14.48 Eastern Front
02/07/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 SB-2 - 15.34 Eastern Front
10/07/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 V-11 - - Eastern Front
14/07/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 Pe-2 SE Gori 16.05 Eastern Front
24/07/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 SB-2 - 14.55 Eastern Front
24/07/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 SB-2 S. Propojsk 14.58 Eastern Front
24/07/1941 Oblt. Heinz Schumann Stab I./JG 51 SB-2 S. Propojsk 14.59 Eastern Front
24/09/1943 Hptm. Heinz Schumann 3./Schl.G. 77 Jak-9 10 132: 1200m 11.25 Eastern Front

Joachim Brendel

Units:1 & 2./JG-51 (6/41 S.U.), Stfkpt 1./JG-51 (4/43), Kdr III./JG-51 (4/45)

Awards:RK(11/22/43)-EL(1/14/45), DK-G(7/12/43), EP(3/15/43), EK 1 & 2, Wound Badge, Fighter Oper.Clasp w/Pendant

Known Aircraft:Bf 109E-7 WNr 5079 (ceashed), Bf 109F 'Black 7' in '41, Bf 109F-2 WNr 8079 (lost 2/6/42; WIC at Stataja-Russa, his bomb exploded), Bf 109G in '42, Fw 190A-6 WNr 470002 'White 1' (lost 7/28/43) in Staffel, Bf 109G-10 in III Grp

Remarks:WIA 28 July, 1943; hit by flak over Map Quadrant Pl.Qu. 54654. 90+ Il-2 Stormoviks with tailgunners!. 950 combat missions. 162 missions were close support missions. All victories in the East. His first known Soviet victory, a DB-3 on 29 June, 1941. An Il-2 on 8 December, 1942. A MiG-3 SW of Srelyj on 14 December, 1942. Among many multiple victories, three Pe-2's on 6 January, 1943. Three Pe-2's on 18 January, 1943. Two Il-2's on 24 February, 1943. Three Il-2's on 18 March, 1943. A LaGG-5 and a LaGG-3 on 21 March, 1943. An R-5 on 5 May, 1943. Two Il-2's (m.H.) on 22 July, 1943. His 100th victory, one of six this date, a Soviet Il-2 (m.H.) near Logatino on 22 November, 1943. Two 'e/a' (most likely Soviet) on 18 February, 1945. Three more of the same on 20 February, 1945. His 189th, and last victory, an 'e/a' on 25 April, 1945. Survived the war. Germany's 18th ranked fighter Ace. Deceased 7 July 1974.

Asisbiz Database list of 159 aerial victories for Joachim Brendel

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
Sunday, June 29, 1941 Joachim Brendel 12./JG51 DB-3   18:20  
Tuesday, December 08, 1942 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 100m 13:00 26 192
Monday, December 14, 1942 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 MiG-3 400m 10:42 SW Srelyj
Wednesday, January 06, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Pe-2 2000m 10:44 07 813
Wednesday, January 06, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Pe-2 1500m 10:57 07 851
Wednesday, January 06, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Pe-2 800m 11:00 07 822
Saturday, January 16, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 MiG-3 100m 08:16 17 712
Monday, January 18, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Pe-2 1000m 08:05 07 783
Monday, January 18, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Pe-2 1500m 08:09 06 131
Monday, January 18, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Pe-2 2000m 08:02 07 744
Wednesday, February 24, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Low Level 09:15 54 131
Wednesday, February 24, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Low Level 09:12 54 122
Sunday, March 07, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 100m 14:25 36 432
Tuesday, March 09, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 200m 07:27 63 244
Tuesday, March 09, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Low Level 07:32 63 433
Thursday, March 18, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 800m 06:40 53 562
Thursday, March 18, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 100m 06:42 53 543
Thursday, March 18, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 2000m 06:44 53 822
Sunday, March 21, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 LaGG-5 1500m 16:23 45 521
Sunday, March 21, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 LaGG-3 Low Level 16:05 53 763
Thursday, April 15, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Pe-2 7000m 09:28 64 813
Wednesday, May 05, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 R-5 Low Level 07:00 62 141
Thursday, May 06, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 100m 13:30 64 754
Friday, May 07, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Low Level 05:05 63 121
Friday, May 07, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 50m 05:15 63 181
Saturday, May 08, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 Low Level 07:49 63 644
Tuesday, May 11, 1943 Joachim Brendel 2./JG51 100m 13:30 53 632
Friday, May 28, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 LaGG-5 100m 11:24 63 151
Saturday, June 05, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Pe-2 3000m 09:35 44 484
Tuesday, June 08, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 150m 19:11 54 892
Tuesday, June 08, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 150m 19:12 54 864
Thursday, June 10, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-1 3000m 19:37 44 472
Thursday, June 10, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Pe-2 3000m 19:49 45 893
Thursday, June 10, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Pe-2 3000m 19:49 45 893
Monday, July 05, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 100m 08:52 63 694
Monday, July 05, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 150m 08:54 73 571
Tuesday, July 06, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 A-20 Boston III 2000m 05:39 53 653
Tuesday, July 06, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 LaGG-5 2000m 13:55 63 553
Wednesday, July 07, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 A-20 Boston 2000m 08:20 53 693
Thursday, July 08, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 800m 03:58 63 573
Thursday, July 08, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 500m 03:51 63 741
Friday, July 09, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 600m 05:41 63 553
Friday, July 09, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 LaGG-3 1000m 05:42 63 552
Friday, July 09, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 200m 05:44 63 523
Sunday, July 11, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 MiG-3 800m 03:55 63 567
Monday, July 12, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 19:40 54 275
Monday, July 12, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 19:46 54 249
Monday, July 12, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 05:54 64 897
Monday, July 12, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 05:48 63 231
Monday, July 12, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 05:45 63 226
Tuesday, July 13, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 800m 11:47 63 264
Tuesday, July 13, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 150m 09:30 62 225
Wednesday, July 14, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 14:37 54 172
Saturday, July 17, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 600m 10:23 53 636
Saturday, July 17, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 MiG-3 2000m 19:08 54 639
Monday, July 19, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-1 Low Level 12:03 63 814
Tuesday, July 20, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-1 100m 09:20 64 875
Wednesday, July 21, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 LaGG-5 1000m 18:15 64 811
Thursday, July 22, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 1000m 13:08 63 133
Thursday, July 22, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 13:10 63 135
Sunday, July 25, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 400m 12:32 53 425
Sunday, July 25, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 LaGG-3 800m 12:30 53 427 (in 19743)
Wednesday, July 28, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 150m 10:35 54 657
Wednesday, July 28, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 150m 10:37 54 654
Wednesday, July 28, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 10:39 54 643
Tuesday, August 03, 1943 Joachim Brendel 8./JG51 LaGG-3 1100m 16:27 53 456
Friday, August 06, 1943 Joachim Brendel 8./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 12:18 O Karatschew
Wednesday, September 15, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 3000m 17:05 West of Yelnya
Wednesday, September 15, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 LaGG-3 2000m 08:00 NE Akatovskoye-See
Friday, September 17, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 13:48 Chamino
Friday, September 17, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 6000m 07:18 Volkovo
Friday, September 17, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Pe-2 2500m 10:43 Wjasoka
Sunday, September 19, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 1500m 15:42 West of Schenkovo
Monday, September 20, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 700m 13:20 Olegniki
Tuesday, October 05, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 LaGG-5 400m 15:10 Lenino
Wednesday, October 06, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 11:30 06 172
Wednesday, October 06, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 15:15 06 149
Tuesday, October 12, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 3000m 11:20 Gorki
Wednesday, October 13, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Pe-2 6000m 13:00 Litovka
Wednesday, October 13, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Pe-2 3000m 08:55 bdOrt Dajevo
Wednesday, October 20, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 2500m 15:00 Uborov
Wednesday, October 20, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 15:15 Trud
Thursday, October 21, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 1500m 10:10 02 251
Thursday, October 21, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 12:28 02 211
Friday, October 22, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 13:43 Kortchevka
Monday, October 25, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 200m 11:15 03 878
Saturday, November 06, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 1000m 14:35 Molovilovka
Saturday, November 06, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 3500m 07:30 NW Kiev
Thursday, November 11, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 30m 09:40 NE Biala-Terkiev
Monday, November 22, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 09:07 13 371
Monday, November 22, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 2500m 12:05 SW Klimovka
Monday, November 22, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 12:25 NE Kostyukovka
Monday, November 22, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 12:27 Logatino
Monday, November 22, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 12:30 13 377
Monday, November 22, 1943 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 09:05 03 493
Monday, January 10, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 4500m 14:30 66 749
Wednesday, January 12, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 13:50 05 162
Wednesday, January 12, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab I./JG51 LaGG-3 2000m 10:36 06 788
Wednesday, January 12, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab I./JG51 LaGG-3 2000m 10:35 05 126
Wednesday, January 12, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab I./JG51 Yak-9 2500m 09:58 96 831
Saturday, February 05, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Pe-2 2000m 14:28 93 337
Saturday, April 08, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 3000m 09:38 42 676
Sunday, April 30, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 500m 13:47 42 871
Friday, June 23, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 LaGG-5 1500m 10:30 05 421
Saturday, June 24, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 100m 10:50 05 382
Saturday, June 24, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 10:36 05 427
Friday, June 30, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 LaGG-5 1000m 17:50 94 313
Sunday, July 09, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 2000m 07:15 64 744
Wednesday, July 19, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 800m 17:50 32 816
Saturday, July 29, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 3000m 10:05 34 746
Monday, August 07, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 500m 08:30 22 312
Monday, August 14, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 1000m 17:22 12 328
Wednesday, August 16, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 08:36 24 765
Wednesday, August 16, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 LaGG-5 2500m 14:20 24 791
Friday, August 18, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 50m 16:40 13 392
Sunday, August 20, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 300m 12:42 13 523
Monday, August 21, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 500m 16:22 12 522
Tuesday, August 22, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51   08:42 23 129
Tuesday, August 22, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 1000m 08:25 23 128
Thursday, August 24, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 600m 14:37 13 264
Thursday, August 24, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. Low Level 11:45 24 745
Friday, August 25, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-7 300m 06:57 13 529
Friday, August 25, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 07:14 13 521
Saturday, August 26, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 LaGG-3 500m 08:45 13 264
Monday, August 28, 1944 Joachim Brendel 1./JG51 Yak-9 1000m 14:11 13 245
Saturday, September 16, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Pe-2 2500m 16:55 27 516
Saturday, September 16, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Pe-2 2000m 16:58 27 556
Sunday, September 17, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 500m 16:12 37 346
Sunday, September 17, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Yak-9 500m 15:56 37 354
Friday, September 22, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 A-20 Boston III 2000m 10:27 27 491
Sunday, September 24, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Pe-2 2000m 08:28 37 362 (E)
Thursday, October 05, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 15:27 27 883
Thursday, October 05, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 200m 15:30 27 739
Friday, October 06, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 11:44 36 345
Friday, October 06, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 11:58 36 377
Monday, October 09, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 400m 14:38 26 725
Friday, October 13, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 1000m 15:34 25 267
Saturday, October 14, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 14:45 16 173
Saturday, October 14, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 800m 15:05 16 326
Saturday, October 14, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 12:05 25 228
Saturday, October 14, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 14:47 16 155
Saturday, October 14, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 500m 14:46 16 157
Monday, October 16, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 100m 09:59 25 256
Monday, October 16, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Yak-9 1000m 10:02 25 261
Wednesday, October 18, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Yak-9 1000m 09:46 25 484
Friday, October 20, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. Low Level 10:06 25 243
Sunday, October 22, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Yak-9 1000m 12:36 25 367
Tuesday, October 24, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik m.H. 50m 12:45 25 511
Thursday, December 14, 1944 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Yak-3 Low Level 12:18 25 329
Sunday, February 18, 1945 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Abschuß   - -
Sunday, February 18, 1945 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Abschuß   - -
Tuesday, February 20, 1945 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Abschuß   - -
Tuesday, February 20, 1945 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Abschuß   - -
Tuesday, February 20, 1945 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Abschuß   - -
Friday, February 23, 1945 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Abschuß   - -
Sunday, March 18, 1945 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Abschuß   - -
Sunday, March 18, 1945 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Abschuß   - -
Sunday, March 18, 1945 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Abschuß   - -
Wednesday, April 25, 1945 Joachim Brendel Stab III./JG51 Abschuß   - -

Kurt Knappe

Kurt Knappe was born on 2 June 1918 at Berlin. On completion of fighter pilot training in spring 1941, Knappe was posted to JG51. Gefreiter Knappe was assigned to 5./JG51.Knappe participated in the invasion of Russia and gained his first victory on 24 July 1941. By the end of the year his victory total had risen to nine. Unteroffizier Knappe gained his 50th and 51st victories on 4 October 1942 and was awarded the Deutches Kreuz in Gold. He was awarded the Ritterkreuz on 3 November 1942.

Knappe was then transferred to 7./JG2 at the end of November 1942 to undertake Reichverteidigung duties. On 20 April, he transferred to 10./JG2 where he gained his final victories. On 3 September 1943, Knappe was shot down and killed in combat with USAAF B-17 four-engine bombers and escorting P-47 fighters over Evreux, France in Fw-190A-6 (W.Nr. 470016).

Kurt Knappe was credited with 56 victories. He recorded 51 victories over the Eastern front. Of the
five victories recorded over the Western front, four were four-engine heavy bombers.

Units:5./JG-51 (6/41 S.U.), 7./JG-2 (11/42), 10./JG-2 (4/43), 11./JG-2 (9/43)

Awards:RK(11/3/42), DK-G(10/5/42), EP(5/18/42), EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft:Bf 109F-2 'Blk 4'(8/42)in 5/JG-51, Fw 190A-4 WNr 2413 'Wh 1+I' in 7/JG-2, Fw 190A-6 WNr 470016 (lost 9/3/43)

Remarks:KIA 3 September, 1943 in aerial combat with Spitfires of RAF No. 421 Sq. over Evreux France. 1 bomber. 51 victories in the East. His first known Soviet victory, a DB-3 on 26 July, 1941. A Douglas on 26 August, 1941. A DB-3 on 13 September, 1941. A Pe-2 on 28 September, 1941. A DB-3 on 17 November, 1941. A Pe-2 on 21 January, 1942. An I-18 SW of Modyn on 7 March, 1942. Three MiG-3's on 9 July, 1942. An Il-2 and a Pe-2 on 2 August, 1942. A MiG-3 and a Pe-2 on 4 August, 1942. Two MiG-3's on 22 August, 1942. Three Il-2's in the Rzhev area on 9 September, 1942. A U-2 and a Yak-1 on 14 September, 1942. One known Western victory, a B-17 on 30 December, 1942. Another, a B-17 near Paris on 3 September, 1943. Bowers/Lednicer, 54 victories.

Asisbiz Database of 43 aerial victories for Kurt Knappe

No Date Time A/c Type Unit Location
1 24.7.1941   E/a 5./JG51  
2 26.7.1941 12:35 DB-3 5./JG51  
3 26.8.1941 18:15 Douglas 5./JG51  
4 30.8.1941 17:40 Pe-2 5./JG51  
5 6.9.1941 13:35 R-3 5./JG51  
6 13.9.1941 10:10 DB-3 5./JG51  
7 28.9.1941 10:00 Pe-2 5./JG51  
8 11.10.1941 11:07 T-2 5./JG51  
9 17.11.1941 14:32 DB-3 5./JG51  
  21.1.1942 12:27 Pe-2 5./JG51  
  7.3.1942 14:15 I-18 5./JG51 SW Modyn: no height
  31.3.1942 13:37 Il-2 5./JG51 SE Juschnowo: no height
  7.7.1942 11:21 MiG-3 5./JG51  
  9.7.1942 7:35 MiG-3 5./JG51  
  9.7.1942 7:37 MiG-3 5./JG51  
  9.7.1942 7:47 MiG-3 5./JG51  
  11.7.1942 13:05 MiG-1 5./JG51  
  2.8.1942 13:05 Il-2 5./JG51 47 583: at 600m
  2.8.1942 18:17 Pe-2 5./JG51 47 574: at 1.000m
  4.8.1942 10:16 MiG-3 5./JG51 47 591: at 700m
  4.8.1942 14:25 Pe-2 5./JG51 47 563: at 1.000m
  5.8.1942 18:10 Pe-2 5./JG51 56 432: at 2.800m
  13.8.1942 8:52 Il-2 5./JG51 64 512: tiefflug
  18.8.1942 8:15 Yak-1 5./JG51 54 211: at 3.000m
  22.8.1942 13:10 MiG-3 5./JG51 55 764: at 1.000m
  22.8.1942 18:12 MiG-3 5./JG51 64 171: at 400m
  23.8.1942 10:05 LaGG-3 5./JG51 64 171: at 500m
  23.8.1942 10:08 LaGG-3 5./JG51 64 171: at 600m
  9.9.1942 10:57 Il-2 5./JG51 E Rzhev: no height
  9.9.1942 11:01 Il-2 5./JG51 NE Rzhev: no height
  9.9.1942 17:30 Il-2 5./JG51 47 754: no height
  14.9.1942 10:01 U-2 5./JG51 47 584: no height
  14.9.1942 10:14 Yak-1 5./JG51 47 571: at 2.000m
  21.9.1942 8:02 R-5 5./JG51 47 812: no height
  23.9.1942 15:00 I-16 Rata 5./JG51 47 612: at 2.000m
  1.10.1942 9:35 R-5 5./JG51 46 214: tiefflug
50 4.10.1942 13:05 LaGG-3 5./JG51 8km E Peno
51 4.10.1942 13:10 LaGG-3 5./JG51 5km SE Peno
52 30.12.1942 11:45 B-17 7./JG2 14 West N/45/2/1
  6.3.1943 15:11 B-17 7./JG2 14 West N/58217 / Claimed as Stirling
  28.6.1943 19:03 B-17 10./JG2 604 / 15 West
56 3.9.1943 9:50 B-17 10./JG2 Paris area

Victories : 56
Awards : Ehrenpokal (18 May 1942)
Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (24 September 1942)
Ritterkreuz (3 November 1942)
Units : JG51, JG2

Asisbiz Database of 43 aerial victories out 56 for Kurt Knappe

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
26-Jul-41 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 DB-3   12.35  
26-Aug-41 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 Douglas   18.15  
30-Aug-41 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 Pe-2   17.40  
06-Sep-41 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 R-3   13.35  
13-Sep-41 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 DB-3   10.10  
28-Sep-41 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 Pe-2   10.00  
11-Oct-41 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 T-2   11.07  
17-Nov-41 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 DB-3   14.32  
21-Jan-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 Pe-2   12.27  
07-Mar-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 I-18   14.15 SW Modyn
31-Mar-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51   13.37 SE Juschnowo
07-Jul-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 MiG-3   11.21  
09-Jul-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 MiG-3   07.47  
09-Jul-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 MiG-3   07.35  
09-Jul-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 MiG-3   07.37  
11-Jul-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 MiG-1   13.05  
02-Aug-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 Pe-2 1000m 18.17 47 574
02-Aug-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 600m 13.05 47 583
04-Aug-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 Pe-2 1000m 14.25 47 563
04-Aug-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 MiG-3 700m 10.16 47 591
05-Aug-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 Pe-2 2800m 18.10 56 432
13-Aug-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 Low Level 08.52 64 512
18-Aug-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 Yak-1 3000m 08.15 54 211
22-Aug-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 MiG-3 1000m 13.10 55 764
22-Aug-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 MiG-3 400m 18.12 64 171
23-Aug-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 LaGG-3 500m 10.05 64 171
23-Aug-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 LaGG-3 600m 10.08 64 171
09-Sep-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51   11.01 NE Rzhev
09-Sep-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51   17.30 47 754
09-Sep-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51   10.57 E Rzhev
14-Sep-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 Yak-1 2000m 10.14 47 571
14-Sep-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 U-2   10.01 47 584
21-Sep-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 R-5   08.02 47 812
23-Sep-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 I-16 Rata 2000m 15.00 47 612
01-Oct-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 R-5 Low Level 09.35 46 214
04-Oct-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 LaGG-3 3000m 13.05 8km E Peno
04-Oct-42 Kurt Knappe 5./JG51 LaGG-3 3000m 13.10 5km SE Peno
30-Dec-42 Kurt Knappe 7./JG2 B-17 Fortress 5000m 11.45 14 West N/45/2/1
06-Mar-43 Kurt Knappe 7./JG2 B-17 Fortress 4000m 15.11 14 West N/58217 as Stirling
28-Jun-43 Kurt Knappe 1./JG2 B-17 Fortress 50m 19.03 604/15 West
03-Sep-43 Kurt Knappe 10./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 09.50 Raum Paris
06-Mar-44 Kurt Knappe 7./JG2 B-17 Fortress 4000m 15.11 14 West N/58217 as Stirling
10-Oct-44 Kurt Knappe 3./JG54 La-5 1500m 09.08 47 123

Heinrich 'Gaudi' Krafft

Heinrich 'Gaudi' Krafft was born on 13 August 1914 at Bilin in Böhmen. He joined the army and served with Infanterieregiment 9 before transferring to the Luftwaffe in 1936. In 1939, Krafft was serving with JG51. Oberleutnant Krafft was assigned to III./JG51. He claimed his first victories during the French campaign, when he shot down two RAF Hurricane fighters near Rotterdam on 11 May 1940. He was wounded in aerial combat during May, which resulted in his being out of action for a considerable period. Krafft had four victories to his credit at the time. Krafft was appointed Staffelkapitän of III./JG51 on 11 November 1940 and led the unit for the invasion of Russia. On the first day of the campaign, 22 June 1941, Krafft shot down four Russian aircraft to record his fifth through ninth victories. He recorded his 10th victory on 29 June when he shot down a Russian I-16 fighter. On 31 August he claimed three DB-3 twin-engined bombers (16-18). His 20th victory was achieved on 4 October when he claimed another I-16 shot down. On 6 December, Krafft shot down three enemy aircraft to record his 29th through 31st victories. By the end of 1941, he had increased his victory total to 34.

On 17 February 1942, Krafft shot down a Russian I-61 fighter to record his 40th victory. Oberleutnant Krafft was awarded the Deutsches Kreuz on 25 January 1942 and the Ritterkreuz on 18 March 1942 for 48 victories recorded in over 300 missions. On 1 June 1942, Hauptmann Krafft was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of I./JG51 after Hauptmann Josef Fözö (27 victories, RK) was injured in a landing accident the previous day. In August 1942, I./JG51 transferred to Jesau for conversion to the Fw-190A-2 and A-3, returning to action on 6 September as the first unit to introduce the new fighter on the Eastern Front. Shortly afterwards, I./JG51 was transferred to the Leningrad sector as the Russians attempted to lift the siege of the city. Krafft claimed his 60th victory south of Belyi on 14 December 1942. He survived the crash-landing but was beaten to death by Russian soldiers.

Heinrich 'Gaudi' Krafft flew a total of 350 missions and claimed 78 victories, all but four on the Eastern Front, including at least nine Il-2 Sturmoviks.

Units:3./JG-51 (5/40), Stfkpt 3./JG-51 (2/42 Stolzy), JG-3, Kdr I./JG-51 (6/42 S.U.)

Awards:RK(3/18/42), DK-G(1/25/42), EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft:Bf 109E in 3/51, Bf 109F-2 WNr 7221 'Yellow 7' (2/42), Fw 190A-5, Fw 190A-3 WNr 130539 (or 1305539) 'Black <<+3' (lost 12/14/42)

Remarks:KIA 14 December, 1942. Shot down in Wk# 0539 by AA fire southwest of Rzhev, near Bjelic and killed (beaten to death) by Soviet troops. Two known victories, his 1st & 2nd, both Hurricanes over Rotterdam, 11 May, 1940. His 3rd, a Morane 406 at Abbeville on 21 May, 1940. His 4th, a Hawk-75 at Abbeville on 22 May, 1940. His first known Soviet victory, a SB-3 on 25 June, 1941. An I-16 on 29 June, 1941. A V-11 on 26 August, 1941. A triple Soviet victory on 31 August, 1941; all three DB-3's. An I-61 on 1 December, 1941. A triple victory on 6 December, 1941; two I-61's and a 'BSch'. Two I-61's on 10 February, 1942. An Il-2 on 7 August, 1942. A LaGG-3 E of Lagodanaya on 23 October, 1942. A LaGG-3 on 11 November, 1942. Three Il-2's on 26 November, 1942. An Il-2 on 30 November, 1942. Two Il-2's in the Solamino/Barnicki areas on 4 December, 1942. An La-5 on 8 December, 1942. Victories 77 & 78, a LaGG-3 and a Pe-2 on 10 December, 1942, days before his death. Flew Bf 109 F-2 'Yellow 7' in 3/JG-51 in March 1942. 4 victories in the West. Nicknamed 'Gaudi'. Bowers/Lednicer, 78 victories. Photo

List of aerial victories for Heinrich 'Gaudi' Krafft

No Date Time A/c Type Unit Location
1 11.5.1940 18:08 3./JG 51 Rotterdam
2 11.5.1940 18:16 3./JG 51 Rotterdam
3 21.5.1940 8:10 Morane 406 3./JG 51 Abbeville
4 22.5.1940 - Hawk-75A 3./JG 51 Abbeville
5 22.6.1941 7:02 I-15 3./JG 51 -
6 22.6.1941 9:55 DB-3 3./JG 51 -
7 22.6.1941 10:02 DB-3 3./JG 51 -
8 22.6.1941 17:45 DB-3 3./JG 51 -
9 25.6.1941 14:00 SB-3 3./JG 51 -
10 29.6.1941 12:40 I-16 3./JG 51 -
11 30.6.1941 13:05 SB-3 3./JG 51 -
12 30.6.1941 18:50 DB-3 3./JG 51 -
13 13.7.1941 14:55 SB-3 3./JG 51 -
14 24.7.1941 11:30 Seversky 3./JG 51 -
15 26.8.1941 17:14 V-11 3./JG 51 Il-2
16 31.8.1941 10:25 DB-3 3./JG 51 -
17 31.8.1941 10:31 DB-3 3./JG 51 -
18 31.8.1941 10:36 DB-3 3./JG 51 -
19 8.9.1941 9:30 Pe-2 3./JG 51 -
20 4.10.1941 8:20 I-16 3./JG 51 -
21 8.10.1941 14:45 DB-3 3./JG 51 -
22 10.10.1941 11:00 I-61 3./JG 51 -
23 11.10.1941 14:35 I-61 3./JG 51 -
24 22.10.1941 11:35 I-61 3./JG 51 -
25 24.10.1941 15:45 I-61 3./JG 51 -
26 25.10.1941 8:50 I-61 3./JG 51 -
27 1.12.1941 13:13 I-61 3./JG 51 -
28 5.12.1941 14:30 I-61 3./JG 51 -
29 6.12.1941 11:32 I-61 3./JG 51 -
30 6.12.1941 14:38 Schlachtflugzeug 3./JG 51 -
31 6.12.1941 14:40 I-61 3./JG 51 -
32 12.12.1941 12:19 I-61 3./JG 51 -
33 18.12.1941 11:00 I-61 3./JG 51 -
34 18.12.1941 11:07 Schlachtflugzeug 3./JG 51 -
35 25.1.1942 15:03 I-61 3./JG 51 -
36 26.1.1942 15:20 I-61 3./JG 51 -
37 10.2.1942 15:14 I-61 3./JG 51 -
38 10.2.1942 15:17 I-61 3./JG 51 -
39 16.2.1942 15:25 I-61 3./JG 51 -
40 17.2.1942 16:20 I-61 3./JG 51 -
41 18.2.1942 15:30 I-61 3./JG 51 -
42 20.2.1942 10:10 U-2 3./JG 51 -
? 30.4.1942 16:33 Il-2 3./JG 51 -
? 7.8.1942 9:55 Il-2 Stab I./JG 51 46 293: at 600m
60 30.9.1942 - E/a Stab I./JG 51 -
? 23.10.1942 15:22 LaGG-3 Stab I./JG 51 E Lagodanaya Divina: no height
? 11.11.1942 14:16 LaGG-3 Stab I./JG 51 27 814 at 1.500-2.000m
? 26.11.1942 - E/a Stab I./JG 51 -
? 26.11.1942 12:24 Il-2 Stab I./JG 51 26 422: tiefflug
? 26.11.1942 12:26 Il-2 Stab I./JG 51 26 284: tiefflug
? 26.11.1942 12:28 Il-2 Stab I./JG 51 26 284: tiefflug
? 30.11.1942 12:07 Il-2 Stab I./JG 51 46 131: no height
71 4.12.1942 - E/a Stab I./JG 51 -
72 4.12.1942 - E/a Stab I./JG 51 -
73 4.12.1942 - E/a Stab I./JG 51 -
74 4.12.1942 9:25 Il-2 Stab I./JG 51 Solamino: 200m
75 4.12.1942 9:30 Il-2 Stab I./JG 51 Barnicki: 300m
76 8.12.1942 13:35 La-5 Stab I./JG 51 26 281 at 2.000m
77 10.12.1942 9:35 LaGG-3 Stab I./JG 51 2.000m
78 10.12.1942 12:28 Pe-2 Stab I./JG 51 -

Victories : 78
Awards : Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (25 January 1942)
Ritterkreuz (18 March 1942)
Units : JG51

Asisbiz Database of 55 aerial victories for Helmut Meckel

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
11-May-40 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51   18.08 Rotterdam
11-May-40 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51   18.16 Rotterdam
21-May-40 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 Morane 406 5700m 08.10 Abbeville
22-May-40 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 Hawk-75A     Abbeville
22-Jun-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 DB-3   17.45 Eastern Front
22-Jun-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 DB-3   10.02 Eastern Front
22-Jun-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-15 Rata   07.02 Eastern Front
22-Jun-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 DB-3   09.55 Eastern Front
25-Jun-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 SB-3   14.00 Eastern Front
29-Jun-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-16 Rata   12.40 Eastern Front
30-Jun-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 SB-3   13.05 Eastern Front
30-Jun-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 DB-3   18.50 Eastern Front
13-Jul-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 SB-3   14.55 Eastern Front
24-Jul-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 Seversky   11.30 Eastern Front
26-Aug-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 V-11   17.14 Eastern Front
31-Aug-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 DB-3   10.25 Eastern Front
31-Aug-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 DB-3   10.31 Eastern Front
31-Aug-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 DB-3   10.36 Eastern Front
08-Sep-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 Pe-2   09.30 Eastern Front
04-Oct-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-16 Rata   08.20 Eastern Front
08-Oct-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 DB-3   14.45 Eastern Front
11-Oct-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   14.35 Eastern Front
22-Oct-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   11.35 Eastern Front
24-Oct-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   15.45 Eastern Front
25-Oct-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   08.50 Eastern Front
01-Dec-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   13.13 Eastern Front
05-Dec-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   14.30 Eastern Front
06-Dec-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   11.32 Eastern Front
06-Dec-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 BSch FL 2   14.38 Eastern Front
06-Dec-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   14.40 Eastern Front
12-Dec-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   12.19 Eastern Front
18-Dec-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   11.00 Eastern Front
18-Dec-41 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 BSch   11.07 Eastern Front
25-Jan-42 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   15.03 Eastern Front
26-Jan-42 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   15.20 Eastern Front
10-Feb-42 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   15.17 Eastern Front
10-Feb-42 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   15.14 Eastern Front
16-Feb-42 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   15.25 Eastern Front
17-Feb-42 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   16.20 Eastern Front
18-Feb-42 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 I-61   15.30 Eastern Front
20-Feb-42 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51 U-2   10.10 Eastern Front
30-Apr-42 Heinrich Krafft III./JG51   16.33 Eastern Front
07-Aug-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51 600m 09.55 46 293
23-Oct-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51 LaGG-3   15.22 E Lagodanaya Divina
11-Nov-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51 LaGG-3 1500-2000m 14.16 27 814
26-Nov-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51 Low Level 12.24 26 422
26-Nov-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51 Low Level 12.26 26 284
26-Nov-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51 Low Level 12.28 26 284
30-Nov-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51   12.07 46 131
04-Dec-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51 200m 09.25 b Solamino
04-Dec-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51 300m 09.30 b Barnicki
08-Dec-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51 La-5 2000m 13.35 26 281
10-Dec-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51 LaGG-3 2000m 09.35 bei Location
10-Dec-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51 Pe-2   12.28 bei Location Bodennahe
14-Dec-42 Heinrich Krafft Stab I./JG51     MiA bei Bjeloj Jagerbeschuss

Heinz Schawaller

Units:1/JG-51 (S.U.)

Awards:EP, EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft:Bf 109F-2 WNr 6663 'White 7' (lost 10/23/41)

Remarks:KIA 23 October, 1941 in aerial combat near Moshaisk with Soviet fighters of the 34 Fighter Aviation Regt.. Magnus, 12 victories. Alternate spelling: Schwaller.

Walter Schick

Units:2./JG-51 (7/41 S.U.)

Awards:EP, EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft:Bf 109F-2 WNr 9713 'Black 5' (lost 11/15/41)

Remarks:MIA 15 November, 1941, no cause or location reported. His first known Soviet victory, a ZKB-19 on 5 July, 1941. An I-16 on 27 July, 1941. A 2nd, an R-5 on 9 August, 1941. An SB-3 on 23 September, 1941. An I-61 on 10 October, 1941. Another I-61 on 22 October, 1941. A 'Trainer AC' on 24 October, 1941. A Pe-2 on 13 November, 1941.

Asisbiz Database of 9 aerial victories for Walter Schick

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
05-Jul-41 Walter Schick 2./JG51 ZKB-19   12.20 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
27-Jul-41 Walter Schick 2./JG51 I-16 Rata   17.22 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
09-Aug-41 Walter Schick 2./JG51 R-5   07.50 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
23-Sep-41 Walter Schick 2./JG51 SB-3   14.35 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
10-Oct-41 Walter Schick 2./JG51 I-61   13.06 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
12-Oct-41 Walter Schick 2./JG51 Pe-2   13.32 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
22-Oct-41 Walter Schick 2./JG51 I-61   16.03 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
24-Oct-41 Walter Schick 2./JG51 Schl.Flugz.   12.31 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
13-Nov-41 Walter Schick 2./JG51 Pe-2   15.15 Ostfront (Eastern Front)

Erich Viebahn

Units:3./JG-51 (6/41 S.U.), 2./JGr Süd (8/43), Stfkpt 10./JG-11 (5/44)

Awards:EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft:Bf 109F in JG-51, Fw 190A

Remarks:Two known Soviet victories, both DB-3's on 22 June, 1941. A 3rd, a SB-3 on 13 July, 1941. A B-17 by Johanneinberg on 17 August, 1943.

Asisbiz Database of 5 aerial victories for Lt. Erich Viebahn

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
22-Jun-41 Erich Viebahn 3./JG51 DB-3   09.58 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
22-Jun-41 Erich Viebahn 3./JG51 DB-3   09.56 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
30-Jun-41 Erich Viebahn 3./JG51 I-16 Rata   13.25 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
13-Jul-41 Erich Viebahn 3./JG51 SB-3   14.56 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
17-Aug-43 Erich Viebahn 2./JGr.Sud B-17 Fortress 5500m 12.25 bei Johanneinberg

Josef 'Joschko' Fözö

Josef 'Joschko' Fözö was born on 7 November 1912 at Wien in Austria. He joined the Austrian Luftstreitkräfte before transferring to the Luftwaffe following Germany's annexation of Austria in 1938. From summer 1938 until March 1939, Fözö flew with 3. Staffel of J 88, operating in support of the Nationalist cause during the Spanish Civil War. He claimed three victories in 147 missions during that conflict. He was awarded the Spanienkreuz in Gold mit Schwertern for his achievements during that conflict. On his return to Germany, Oberleutnant Fözö was appointed Staffelkapitän of 10./JG72 operating Ar 68 biplane fighters. The unit was based at Böblingen at the outbreak of World War 2.

Fözö was appointed Staffelkapitän of 2./JG71 on 16 July 1939. In October 1939, 2./JG71 was redesignated 4./JG51. Fözö recorded his first victory of World War 2 on 16 April 1940 when he shot down a tethered artillery-spotting balloon near Breisach during the French campaign. During the Battle of Britain, Fözö was particularly successful. Fözö was appointed Gruppenkommandeur of II./JG51 on 21 February 1941. By the time Fözö participated in the invasion of Russia, he had at least 15 victories to his credit. Hauptmann Fözö was awarded the Ritterkreuz on 2 July for 22 victories. He recorded his 24th victory on 11 July.

However, he was badly injured in a take-off accident at Stava Bychow the same day in Bf109F-2 (W.Nr. 12836) Black <<- and was hospitalised for a lengthy period. Fözö returned to combat duty as Gruppenkommandeur of I./JG51, based on the Eastern front, on 3 May 1942. On 31 May, he was again badly injured in a landing accident at Tubelja in Bf 109F-2 (W.Nr. 8086). On recovery from his injuries, Fözö was appointed Kommodore of JG108 on 4 June 1944. He led the unit until 10 January 1945. Fözö died on 4 March 1979 at Wien. 'Joschko' Fözö was credited with 27 victories. He recorded three victories during the Spanish Civil War, 15 over the Western front and nine over the Eastern front.

Units:Legion Condor (3/J-88), Stfkpt 2./JG-71 (redsg 4./JG-51 7/39), Kdr I./JG-51 (2/41 S.U.), Kdr JG-108

Awards:RK(7/2/41), Spanish Cross-G w/Swords, EK 1 & 2, Wound Badge, Fighter Operational Clasp w/Pendant

Known Aircraft:Bf 109D 'Red 6', Bf 109E-1 '6-129' L.C.(dam), Bf 109E-1 'White 1' in 4/JG-51, Bf 109E-4 WNr 703 'Black <<' in II/JG-51, (Bf 109F-2 WNr 12836 'Blk <<' (dam 7/11/41), Bf 109F-2 WNr 8086 (dam 5/31/42), Bf 109F-2 WNr 9462 (dam 6/23/41)

Remarks:One known victory, his 1st, a Fesselballon west of Breisach, 16 April, 1940. His 2nd, a Spitfire N of Dover on 8 July, 1940. His 3rd & 4th , both Hurricanes over England on 13 July, 1940. His 5th, a Spitfire NW of Dover on 31 July, 1940. His 6th, a Spitfire SE of Folkestone on 8 August, 1940. His 7th, a Hurricane E of Burnham-on-Crouch on 15 August, 1940. Nos.8, 9 & 10; two Hurricanes and a Spitfire E of Dover on 16 August, 1940. His 11th, a Hurricane E of Ramsgate on 18 August, 1940. His 12th, a Hurricane NW of Dover on 24 August, 1940. No.15, a Spitfire 3 km N of Mardyck on 9 April, 1941. Suffered serious skull injuries in a take-off accident in Wk# 12836 at Stava Bychow on 11 July, 1941. Soon after recovery, crashed 31 May, 1942, during landing at Tubelja in Wk# 8086. After these injuries, he served in staff and training schools. Commanded I/JG-108 in June, 1944. 370 missions in East and West and another 147 in Spain. Three victories in Spain and 9 in Russia. His first known Soviet victory, a R-Z on 29 June, 1941. A triple victory on 30 June, 1941; two DB-3's and a TB-6. Deceased 4 March, 1979 in Vienna. Photo

List of aerial victories for Josef 'Joschko' Fözö

No Date Time A/c Type Unit Location
1 18.9.1938 - I-16 3. J/88 Spain
2 31.10.1938 - I-16 3. J/88 Spain
3 17.1.1939 - I-16 3. J/88 Spain
4 16.4.1940 15:55 Fesselballon 4./JG51 W Breisach
5 8.7.1940 16:45 4./JG51 N Dover / Spitfire of 65 Sqn, RAF flown by S/Ldr D Cook
6 13.7.1940 16:45 4./JG51 10km W Cap Gris Nez / Hurricane of 56 Sqn, RAF flown by F/Lt Cohlan, damaged
7 13.7.1940 16:45 4./JG51 10km W Cap Gris Nez / Hurricane of 56 Sqn, RAF flown by Sgt Whiteheld
8 31.7.1940 16:55 4./JG51 NW Dover / Spitfire of 74 Sqn, RAF flown by P/O Gunn
9 8.8.1940 12:35 4./JG51 SE Folkestone / Spitfire of 64 or 610 Sqn, RAF
10 15.8.1940 16:17 4./JG51 E Burnham-on-Crouch
11 16.8.1940 - 4./JG51 E Dover
12 16.8.1940 - 4./JG51 E Dover
13 16.8.1940 18:05 4./JG51 E Dover
14 18.8.1940 - 4./JG51 E Ramsgate / Hurricane of 501 Sqn, RAF flown by S/Ldr Stoney
15 24.8.1940 9:35 4./JG51 NW Dover / Spitfire of 610 Sqn, RAF flown by Sgt Arnfield
16 26.8.1940 13:15 4./JG51 Canterbury / Spitfire of 616 Sqn, RAF flown by F/O Moberlay
17 15.10.1940 9:32 4./JG51 London
18 9.4.1941 12:00 II./JG51 3km N Mardyck
19 29.6.1941 19:25 I-16 II./JG51 -
20 30.6.1941 10:35 R-10 II./JG51 -
21 30.6.1941 10:40 DB-3 II./JG51 -
22 30.6.1941 16:45 DB-3 II./JG51 -
23 30.6.1941 17:30 TB-6 II./JG51 -
24 1.7.1941 14:30 I-16 II./JG51 -
25 2.7.1941 14:32 SB-2 II./JG51 -
26 9.7.1941 15:15 I-16 II./JG51 -
27 11.7.1941 17:05 DB-3 II./JG51 -

Victories : 27
Awards : Ritterkreuz (2 July 1941)
Units : JG72, JG71, JG51

Asisbiz Database of 23 aerial victories for Josef Fozo

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
16-Apr-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51 Fesselballon   15.55 West of Breisach Norway
08-Jul-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51   16.45 North of Dover
13-Jul-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51   19.26 10km W. Cap Gris Nez
13-Jul-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51   19.30 10km W. Cap Gris Nez
31-Jul-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51   16.55 NW Dover
08-Aug-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51   12.35 SE Folkestone
15-Aug-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51   16.17 East of Burnham-on-Crouch
16-Aug-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51     East of Dover
16-Aug-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51     East of Dover
16-Aug-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51   18.05 East of Dover
18-Aug-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51     East of Ramsgate
24-Aug-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51   09.35 NW Dover
26-Aug-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51   13.15 Canterbury
15-Oct-40 Josef Fozo 4./JG51   09.32 South of London
09-Apr-41 Josef Fozo Stab II/JG51 300m 12.00 3km North of Mardyck
29-Jun-41 Josef Fozo Stab II./JG51 R-Zet   19.25 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
30-Jun-41 Josef Fozo Stab II./JG51 DB-3   10.40 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
30-Jun-41 Josef Fozo Stab II./JG51 TB-6   17.30 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
30-Jun-41 Josef Fozo Stab II./JG51 DB-3   16.45 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
01-Jul-41 Josef Fozo Stab II./JG51 I-16 Rata   14.30 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
02-Jul-41 Josef Fozo Stab II./JG51 SB-2   14.32 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
09-Jul-41 Josef Fozo Stab II./JG51 I-16 Rata   15.15 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
11-Jul-41 Josef Fozo Stab II./JG51 DB-3   17.05 Ostfront (Eastern Front)

Erich Hohagen

Units:4./JG-51(6/41), 2./JG-27(Stfkpt,Grp Kdr), 7./JG-2(1/43), Kdr I./JG-2('43), III./JG-7(11/44), JV-44(4/45)

Awards:RK(10/6/41), DK-G(12/12/43), EK 1 & 2, Wound Badge(6/1/43), Fighter Operational Clasp w/Pendant

Known Aircraft:Bf 109F-2 WNr 9211 'White 1+-' in 4/JG-51 (WIA 9/7/41), Bf 109G-6 WNr16391(lost 6/43), Fw 190A-4 2418 'White 11+I' in 7/JG-2 & Fw 190A-6 WNr 550532 (30% dam 9/16/43; WIA enemy fire belly lands at Rennes airfield) in JG-2, Fw 190A-8 WNr 171559 (lost 9/29/44), Me 262A-1a WNr170071 'White 2'

Remarks:13 bombers. One, a B-24 on 15 February, 1943, 'Railway Express' of the 44BG, flown by 1/Lt Rufus A. Oliphant Jr.. All the crew perished. Two others, both B-17's on 23 January, 1943. A P-47 NW of Paris on 13 May, 1944. A Typhoon on D-Day at Beaumont le Roger. A P-47 S of Pacy-sur-Eure on 12 June, 1944. A P-47 at Coutances on 22 June, 1944. A P-47 E of Paris on 27 August, 1944. Channel pilot. His 1st victory, a Spitfire N of Hythe, 5 July, 1940. 20 victories in Russia. His first Soviet victories being three SB-2's on 22 June, 1941. Over 500 combat missions. Flew combat missions for five years. Wounded seriously several times, once on 8 September, 1941 during Operation Barbarossa; again on 1 June, 1943, in Werk# 16391. On 1 June, 1943, he was mistaken by Wilhelm Steinmann, as a Spitfire, and shot down. For his punishment, Steinmann was sent to Romania. He bore the marks of his valor, said Johannes Steinhoff. 'He had a piece of plastic in his skull, and a face whose two halves no longer quite matched'. This, a result of a crash in 171559 after combat with '4 mots'. So disgusted with the Luftwaffe High Command, he renounced his RK, but continued to oppose the Allied bombing raids up to the very end. Photo

Asisbiz Database of 50 aerial victories for Erich Hohagen

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
05-Jul-40 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51     North of Hythe
09-Jul-40 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51   21.45 NE Dover
10-Jul-40 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51   - E. Ramsgate
31-Jul-40 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51   16.58 West of Dover
16-Aug-40 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51   13.22 Herne Bay
26-Aug-40 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51   13.16 Canterbury
29-Oct-40 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51   17.55 South of London
05-Nov-40 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51   16.03 North of London
05-Nov-40 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51   16.00 North of London
01-Dec-40 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51   12.20 West of London
21-May-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51   17.55 Reich (Western Front)
21-May-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 1000-1500m 17.55 30km NW Dunkirk
22-Jun-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 SB-2   09.37 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
22-Jun-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 SB-2   09.35 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
22-Jun-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 SB-2   09.32 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
25-Jun-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 SB-2   18.07 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
29-Jun-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 R-Zet   18.10 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
30-Jun-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 R-10   16.15 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
02-Jul-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 I-16 Rata   16.47 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
09-Jul-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 R-10   19.35 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
13-Jul-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 I-16 Rata   10.20 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
13-Jul-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 DB-3   10.05 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
24-Jul-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 Vultee-11   11.17 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
26-Jul-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 I-18   19.01 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
11-Aug-41 Erich Hohagen 4./JG51 I-61   14.46 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
18-Aug-41 Erich Hohagen Stab II./JG51 I-61   08.05 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
22-Aug-41 Erich Hohagen Stab II./JG51 I-61   07.30 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
25-Aug-41 Erich Hohagen Stab II./JG51 SB-3   12.50 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
02-Sep-41 Erich Hohagen Stab II./JG51   06.40 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
03-Jan-43 Erich Hohagen 7./JG2 B-17 Fortress 5500m 11.37 14 West N/3859
23-Jan-43 Erich Hohagen 7./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 13.48 14 West N/4929
23-Jan-43 Erich Hohagen 7./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 14.02 14 West N/4967
13-Feb-43 Erich Hohagen 7./JG2 1500m 09.55 N Boulogne
15-Feb-43 Erich Hohagen 7./JG2 B-24 Liberator 4500m 16.04 1284/05 Ost 15km E Dover
21-Apr-43 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG27 Ventura 1500m 12.19 4km W Somme-Mundung
21-Apr-43 Erich Hohagen 7./JG2 Ventura 1500m 12.19 4km W Somme-Mundung
13-May-43 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG27 B-17 Fortress 6000m 16.20 409 - 4
25-May-43 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG27 B-25 Mitchell 2500m 10.58 South of Somme-Mundung
27-Aug-43 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 B-17 Fortress 5500m 19.50 Reims
06-Sep-43 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 B-17 Fortress 6000m 12.14 CH-6 (3km NW Troyes)
14-Oct-43 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 B-17 Fortress 7000m 15.55 SW Verdun
13-May-44 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 3500m 12.18 05 Ost S/UD-4 (NW Paris)
06-Jun-44 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 Typhoon 1000m 17.25 UB Beaumont-le-Roger
12-Jun-44 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 600m 06.10 AC-3 (S Pacy-sur-Eure)
14-Jun-44 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 P-51 Mustang 500m 06.44 UC-1 (Louviers)
15-Jun-44 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 200m 06.42 UC-8 (E evreux)
22-Jun-44 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 2500m 14.33 US (Coutances)
24-Jun-44 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 P-51 Mustang 1500m 12.22 UB (Bernay area)
29-Jun-44 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 4000m 08.02 AB-6 (N Breteuil)
27-Aug-44 Erich Hohagen Stab I./JG2 P-47 Thunderbolt 3000m 14.31 05 Ost S/AF-BF (E Paris)

Rudolf Nielinger

Units:4/JG-51 (6/41 S.U & N. Africa), JV-44

Awards:DK-G, EP, EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft:Bf 109F-2 WNr 8992 (50% dam 8/2/42 in Russia), Bf 109F & G (Trop), Me 262A-1a in JV-44

Remarks:Reported lost in Russia on 2 August, 1942, cause and location not reported. He returned later and Wk# 8992 was recovered. His first known Soviet victory, A SB-2 on 25 June, 1941. Another Soviet, a DB-3 on 3 July, 1941. An I-16 on 31 July, 1941. A Pe-2 on 9 August, 1941. An I-61 on 22 August, 1941. A double Soviet victory on 25 August, 1941; both DB-3's. An I-61 on 29 October, 1941. An I-61 on 18 February, 1942. A Pe-2 and a Yak-1 on 5 August, 1942. An Il-2 on 22 August, 1942. Two Il-2's on 23 August, 1942. An Il-2 on 27 August, 1942. Two Il-2's on 14 September, 1942. A N. African victory, a Beaufort 22 km northwest of Bizerta on 17 November, 1942. Another, a P-40 during a ground strike at Quadrant 80 492 on 21 May, 1943. Magnus, 23 victories.

Asisbiz Database of 20 aerial victories for Rudolf Nielinger

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
25-Jun-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 SB-2   18.08 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
03-Jul-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 DB-3   16.55 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
31-Jul-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 I-16 Rata   08.36 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
09-Aug-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Pe-2   12.15 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
22-Aug-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 I-61   11.30 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
25-Aug-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 DB-3   12.51 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
25-Aug-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 DB-3   07.55 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
29-Oct-41 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 I-61   12.50 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
18-Feb-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 I-61   07.55 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
05-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Pe-2 Low Level 04.58 46 452
05-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Yak-1 1820m 19.02 47 852
22-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Low Level 14.56 54 251
23-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Low Level 06.45 54 212
23-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Low Level 06.52 55 874
27-Aug-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 80m 17.40 63 121
14-Sep-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51   10.03 47 584
14-Sep-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51   10.05 47 584
17-Nov-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Beaufort Low Level 13.39 22km NW Bizerta
28-Dec-42 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51   14.15 Souk-el-Arba
21-May-43 Rudolf Nielinger 4./JG51 Curtiss P-43 Ground-Strike 17.58 80 493 Ground-Strike

Werner Bielefeldt

Units:I./JG-21 ('39), 7./JG-51 (11/40) (7/41 Bobruisk-South, S.U.)

Awards:DK-G, EP, EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft:Bf 109D & E, Bf 109F-2 'White 11+I' (7/41)

Remarks:His first known victory, a Spitfire at London on 7 September, 1940. His 2nd, a Hurricane near London on 30 October, 1940. A 3rd, a Hurricane 10 km S of Dunkirk on 29 April, 1941. His 10th, a Pe-2 bomber NE of Mogilev on 11 July, 1941, still in 7/JG-51.

Asisbiz Database of 3 aerial victories for Werner Bielefeldt

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
07-Sep-40 Werner Bielefeldt 7./JG51      
30-Oct-40 Werner Bielefeldt 7./JG51   13.40  
29-Apr-41 Werner Bielefeldt 7./JG51   10.30 10km S. Dover

Ottmar Maurer

Units:9/JG-51 (S.U.)

Awards:EP, EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft:Bf 109F-2 WNr 5657 'Yellow 5+I' (lost 8/11/41)

Remarks:MIA 11 August, 1941 after aerial combat near Jelnja. His first known Soviet victories, six SB-2 bombers shot down on 24 June, 1941. A 7th victory, a DB-3 on 29 June, 1941. An 8th, a DB-3 on 30 June, 1941. A 9th, a Pe-2 on 11 July, 1941. A 10th, A Vultee-11 on 28 July, 1941. Two Pe-2's on 9 August, 1941.

Asisbiz Database of 12 aerial victories for Ottmar Maurer

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
24-Jun-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 SB-2   17.50 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
24-Jun-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 SB-2   17.50 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
24-Jun-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 SB-2   17.50 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
24-Jun-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 SB-2   14.00 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
24-Jun-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 SB-2   14.00 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
24-Jun-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 DB-3   10.58 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
29-Jun-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 DB-3   17.50 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
30-Jun-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 DB-3   14.30 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
11-Jul-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 Pe-2   15.20 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
28-Jul-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 Vultee-11   05.53 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
09-Aug-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 Pe-2   13.05 Ostfront (Eastern Front)
09-Aug-41 Ottmar Maurer 9./JG51 Pe-2   13.07 Ostfront (Eastern Front)

Edmund Wagner

Units:3/JG-2 ('40), 9/JG-51 (9/40 BoB), 9/JG-51 (6/41 S.U.)

Awards:RK(11/17/41 Post.), EP(9/1/41), EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp

Known Aircraft:Bf 109E, Bf 109F-2 WNr 9693 'Yellow 1+I' (11/13/41) in 9/JG-51

Remarks:The most successful individual pilot in October 1941 with 22 victories. KIA 13 November, 1941 in 'Yellow 1' while pursuing Pe-2's at treetop level over the front lines. Raked by the rear gunners machine gun fire, he plunged into the ground, exploding on impact. 1 victory in the West, his first victory, a Spitfire in the Dungeness area on 14 September, 1940. His first known Soviet victories, five SB-2's on 24 June, 1941. Three DB-3's on 25 June, 1941. Two more DB-3's on 26 June, 1941. A DB-3 on 10 August, 1941 and an I-15 & I-16 on 11 August, 1941. Four victories on 10 September, 1941; all I-61's. His 57th victory, an I-61 at Pafmutovkaon 12 November, 1941, one day before his death. Bowers/Lednicer, 57 victories.

Asisbiz Database of 53 aerial victories for Edmund Wagner

Date Pilot Name Unit EA Type Height Time Location
Saturday, September 14, 1940 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51      
Tuesday, June 24, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 SB-2   14:00  
Tuesday, June 24, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 SB-2   17:50  
Tuesday, June 24, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 SB-2   17:51  
Tuesday, June 24, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 SB-2   17:54  
Tuesday, June 24, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 SB-2   10:58  
Wednesday, June 25, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   11:25  
Wednesday, June 25, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   11:26  
Wednesday, June 25, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   11:27  
Thursday, June 26, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   15:50  
Thursday, June 26, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   15:50  
Friday, July 11, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   15:15  
Tuesday, July 15, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-18   10:41  
Monday, August 04, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-15 Rata   11:50  
Sunday, August 10, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   19:15  
Monday, August 11, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-16 Rata   11:00  
Monday, August 11, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-15 Rata   11:20  
Sunday, August 17, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51   09:20  
Wednesday, August 27, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   17:57  
Wednesday, September 10, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   11:40  
Wednesday, September 10, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   11:40  
Wednesday, September 10, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   11:40  
Wednesday, September 10, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   11:40  
Monday, September 15, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   15:50  
Monday, September 22, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   12:25  
Monday, September 22, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   12:25  
Wednesday, October 01, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   06:00  
Thursday, October 02, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   13:05  
Saturday, October 04, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-16 Rata   15:15  
Sunday, October 05, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   10:17  
Sunday, October 05, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   14:25  
Friday, October 10, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 Pe-2   08:00  
Friday, October 10, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 Pe-2   08:00  
Friday, October 10, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   08:15  
Monday, October 13, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   13:07  
Tuesday, October 14, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   15:35  
Friday, October 17, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   14:03  
Friday, October 17, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   14:03  
Wednesday, October 22, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   12:20  
Thursday, October 23, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   13:40  
Thursday, October 23, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 Pe-2   15:40  
Friday, October 24, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   13:05  
Saturday, October 25, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   11:41  
Saturday, October 25, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   11:43  
Saturday, October 25, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   11:45  
Monday, October 27, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   08:55  
Tuesday, October 28, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   15:30  
Wednesday, October 29, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   12:24  
Wednesday, November 05, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 Pe-2   15:15  
Thursday, November 06, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 DB-3   07:25  
Thursday, November 06, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 Pe-2   13:30  
Wednesday, November 12, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51 I-61   09:08  
Thursday, November 13, 1941 Edmund Wagner 9./JG51       Pafmutovka (RK 171141 ndT)


 Bobruisk, Mogilev Province, Belarus Map

 Lisiatycze, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine Map

 El Aouina, Tunis, Tunisia Map

 Caltagirone, Catania, Italy Map

 Tuscania, Viterbo, Italy Map

 Bad Langensalza, Germany Map


Spanish Civil War

    Bibliography: +

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  • Shores, C., B. Cull and N. Malizia. Air War for Yugoslavia, Greece & Crete – 1940–41. London: Grub Street, 1987. ISBN 0-948817-07-0.
  • Starr, Chris. "Developing Power: Daimler-Benz and the Messerschmitt Bf 109." Aeroplane magazine, Volume 33, No. 5, Issue No 385, May 2005. London: IPC Media Ltd.
  • Stenman, Kari and Kalevi Keskinen. Finnish Aces of World War 2 (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 23). London: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1998. ISBN 1-85532-783-X.
  • Taylor, John W.R. "Messerschmitt Bf 109." Combat Aircraft of the World from 1909 to the present. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1969. ISBN 0-425-03633-2.
  • U.S. Army Air Force. German Aircraft and Armament: Informational Intelligence, Summary No. 44-32, October 1944 (Informational Intelligence Summary). New York: Brassey's Inc., 2000 (first edition 1944). ISBN 1-57488-291-0.
  • Valtonen, Hannu. Messerschmitt Bf 109 ja saksan sotatalous (Messerschmitt Bf 109 and the German war economy). Helsinki, Finland: Keski-Suomen Ilmailumuseo (Central Finnish Aviation Museum), 1999. ISBN 978-951-95688-7-4.
  • Vogt, Harald. Messerschmitt Bf 109 G/K Rüstsatze. Flugzeug Profile 21. Illertissen, Flugzeug Publikations GmbH.
  • Wagner, Ray and Heinz Nowarra. German Combat Planes: A Comprehensive Survey and History of the Development of German Military Aircraft from 1914 to 1945. New York: Doubleday, 1971.
  • Weal, John. Bf 109 Aces of the Russian Front. Oxford: Osprey, 2001. ISBN 978-1-84176-084-1.
  • Weal, John. BF 109D/E Aces 1939–41. Oxford: Osprey, 1996. ISBN 978-1-85532-487-9.
  • Weal, John. Bf 109F/G/K Aces of the Western Front. Oxford: Osprey, 2000. ISBN 978-1-85532-905-8.
  • Winchester, Jim. "Messerschmitt Bf 109." Aircraft of World War II: The Aviation Factfile. Kent, UK: Grange Books plc, 2004. ISBN 1-84013-639-1.

    Messerschmitt Bf 109 operational history Bibliography: +

  • Beale, Nick, Ferdinando D'Amico and Gabriele Valentini. Air War Italy: Axis Air Forces from Liberation of Rome to the Surrender. Shrewsbury, UK: Airlife, 1996. ISBN 1-85310-252-0.
  • Bergström, Christer. Barbarossa – The Air Battle: July–December 1941. London: Chevron/Ian Allan, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-270-2.
  • Bergström, Christer and Martin Pegg. Jagdwaffe:The War in Russia, January–October 1942. Luftwaffe Colours, Volume 3 Section 4. London: Classic Colours Publications, 2003. ISBN 1-903223-23-7.
  • Feist, Uwe. The Fighting Me 109. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1993. ISBN 1-85409-209-X.
  • Green, William. Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Augsburg Eagle; A Documentary History. London: Macdonald and Jane's Publishing Group Ltd., 1980. ISBN 0-7106-0005-4.
  • Hooton, Edward R. Blitzkrieg in the West, 1939 -1940 (Luftwaffe at War: 2). Hersham, Surrey, UK: Midland Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-272-6.
  • Jackson, Robert. Aircraft of World War II: Development – Weaponry – Specifications. Enderby, Leicester, UK, Amber Books, 2003. ISBN 1-85605-751-8.
  • Mankau, Heinz and Peter Petrick. Messerschmitt Bf 110, Me 210, Me 410. Raumfahrt, Germany: Aviatic Verlag, 2001. ISBN 3-925505-62-8.
  • Mason, Francis K. Messerschmitt Bf 109B, C, D, E in Luftwaffe & Foreign service. London, UK: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1973. ISBN 0-85045-152-3.
  • Massimello, Giovanni and Giorgio Apostolo. Italian Aces of World War Two. Oxford/New York, Osprey Publishing, 2000. ISBN 978-1-84176-078-0.
  • Morgan, Eric B. and Edward Shacklady. Spitfire: The History. Stamford, UK: Key Books Ltd, 2000. ISBN 0-946219-48-6.
  • Neulen, Hans Werner. In the skies of Europe – Air Forces allied to the Luftwaffe 1939–1945. Ramsbury, Marlborough, THE CROWOOD PRESS, 2000. ISBN 1-86126-799-1
  • Price, Alfred. Spitfire Mark I/II Aces 1939–41 (Aircraft of the Aces 12). London: Osprey Books, 1996, ISBN 1-85532-627-2.
  • Punka, György. "A Messzer": Bf 109s in the Royal Hungarian "Honvéd" Air Force. Budapest, Hungary: OMIKK, 1995. ISBN 963-593-208-1.
  • Savic, D. and B. Ciglic. Croatian Aces of World War II (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 49). Oxford, UK: Oxford, 2002. ISBN 1-84176-435-3.
  • Stenman, Kari and Kalevi Keskinen. Finnish Aces of World War 2 (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 23). London: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1998. ISBN 1-85532-783-X.

    Some of the most widely used Book References:

  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase One: July-August 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 1) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Eddie J Creek (Author)
  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Two: August-September 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 2) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Three: September-October 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 3) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
  • Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Four: November 1940-June 1941 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 4) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)

    Magazines: +

  • Airfix Magazines (English) -
  • Avions (French) -
  • FlyPast (English) -
  • Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
  • Flugzeug Classic (German) -
  • Klassiker (German) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Osprey (English) -
  • Revi Magazines (Czech) -

    Web References: +

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This webpage was updated 13th January 2023