Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm 1844 NAS (Naval Air Squadron)

List of Royal Navy Ships WWIIHMS Indomitable

Grumman Hellcat Mk.I RN FAA 1844NAS P/O Hannay FN430 HMS Indomitable August 24th 1944

The aircraft carrier HMS Indomitable, along with HMS Victorious, was engaged in Pacific operations in the Indian Ocean from July, 1944. Attacks were conducted against Sumatra. Through August, her aircraft took part in Operations 'Boomerang' and 'Banquet'. On August 24, 1944, Operation 'Banquet' saw attacks on Palembang and vicinity, including local refineries. These actions saw the participation of aircraft FN430, piloted by P/O Hannay. Further activity that followed in September was concentrated against targets in the Nicobar Islands, and again, against Sumatra. After a short break at the beginning of 1945, aircraft flying off of HMS Indomitable carried on in combat ops up to the end of the war.

Letadlová loï HMS Indomitable se spolu s HMS Victorious od èervence 1944 úèastnila operací britské pacifické flotily v Indickém oceánu. Jednalo se o útoky na cíle na Sumatøe. V prùbìhu srpna se stroje z její paluby úèastnily operaci "Boomerang" a "Banquet". Operace "Banquet", což byl útok na Palembang a ropné rafinerie v jeho okolí, se dne 24. 8. 1944 zúèastnil i stroj FN430, jehož pilotem byl toho dne P/O Hannay. Dalši akce, následujicí v záøí, byly zamìøeny proti cílùm na Nikobarských

 Additional Information Eduard plastic models -

Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat from 1844 NAS (Naval Air Squadron) operated from HMS Indomitable (pennant number 92) of the East Indies Fleet, SEAC (South East Asia Command) from Jan 1945 and coded FN439 White 128.

Grumman F6F-3 RN 1839 and 1844 NAS Indomitable 1945 01

Photo 01: Modified 32in roundels are marked on the Temperature Sea Scheme camouflaged Hellcats of HMS Indomitable's 1839 and 1844 Sqns seen here on the flight deck sometime in April or May 1945.

Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat from 1844 NAS (Naval Air Squadron) operated from HMS Indomitable (pennant number 92) of the East Indies Fleet, SEAC (South East Asia Command) from Jan 1945 and coded white 116.

Photo showing Grumman F6F-5 Hellcats of Royal Navy 1844 NAS including White 116 White 136 aboard HMS Indomitable 1945

Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat from 1844 NAS (Naval Air Squadron) operated from HMS Indomitable (pennant number 92) of the East Indies Fleet, SEAC (South East Asia Command) from Jan 1945 and coded JX827 W125.

Grumman F6F-3 RN 1839 and 1844 NAS HMS Indomitable 1945 01

Photo 01: Modified 32in roundels are marked on the Temperature Sea Scheme camouflaged Hellcats of HMS Indomitable's 1839 and 1844 Sqns seen here on the flight deck sometime in April or May 1945.

Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat from 1844 NAS (Naval Air Squadron) operated from HMS Indomitable (pennant number 92) of the East Indies Fleet, SEAC (South East Asia Command) from Jan 1945 and coded JX866 W126.

Grumman F6F-3 RN 1839 and 1844 NAS HMS Indomitable 1945 01

Photo 01: Modified 32in roundels are marked on the Temperature Sea Scheme camouflaged Hellcats of HMS Indomitable's 1839 and 1844 Sqns seen here on the flight deck sometime in April or May 1945.

Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat from 1844 NAS (Naval Air Squadron) operated from HMS Indomitable (pennant number 92) of the East Indies Fleet, SEAC (South East Asia Command) from Jan 1945 and coded JX817 W129.

Grumman F6F-3 RN 1839 and 1844 NAS HMS Indomitable 1945 01

Grumman Hellcat Mk.II 1844 Sqn FAA  Sub-Lieutenant W. M. C. Foster JX814 HMS Indomitable Okinawa April 12, 1945

Profile Source: Model Airplane Int 080 2011-01 Page 54

Grumman Hellcat Mk.II 1844 Sqn FAA  Sub-Lieutenant W. M. C. Foster JX814 HMS Indomitable Okinawa April 12, 1945

Hellcats flying off the deck of HMS Indomitable in the Pacific accumulated a total of forty aerial victories. One aircraft that was a part of the total was JX814, which, on April 12, 1945, was flown by Sub-Lieutenant W. C. M. Foster in combat against a Ki-61, which he subsequently shot down. A short while later, the same fate was met by a Ki-43.These were Foster's second and third kills. By the end of the battle for Okinawa, he managed a further two victories, and thus became one of the few Hellcat aces in British service. The fate of JX814 was sealed the following day, when, in combat with enemy aircraft and flown by Ch. R. Thurston, the plane was fatally hit by antiaircraft fire from friendly ships.

Hellcaty z paluby HMS Indomitable dosáhly bìhem bojù v Pacifiku celkem 40 vzdušných vítìzství. Jedním ze strojù, které se na tomto skóre podílely, byl i JX814, se kterým 12. 4. 1945 odstartoval Sub-Lieutenant W. C. M. Foster vstøíc nepøátelskému stíhaèi, stroji Ki-61, který vzápìtí sestøelil. Krátce nato se objevil další nepøátelsky letoun, Ki-43, který postihl stejný osud. Šlo o to Fosterovo druhé a tøetí vzdušné vítìzství. Do konce bojù o Okinawu dosáhl ještì dvou dalších a stal se tak jedním z mála es na stroji Hellcat v britském námoøním letectvu. Osud Hellcatu JX814 se naplnil již následující den. Bìhem pronásledování nepøátelského stroje byl spolu se svým pilotem, Ch. R. Thurstonem smrtelnì zasažen protileteckou palbou vlastních lodí.

 Additional Information Eduard plastic models -

Grumman Hellcat Mk.II 1839  Sqn FAA Sub-Lieutenant T. B. Speak JZ935 HMS Indomitable April 5th, 1945.

During the course of March, 1945, aircraft flying off the deck of HMS Indomitable took part in Operation 'Iceberg', covering the Allied invasion of Okinawa. On April 1st, 1945, the ship was damaged by a kamikaze attack, but was repaired in quick order, and was able to continue operations with combat missions against Formosa (Taiwan). Attacks were also undertaken against the Japanese islands. Hellcat JZ935, flown by Sub Lt. T. B. Speak, was damaged on April 5th, 1945, during landing.

Bìhem bøezna 1945 se stroje z paluby HMS Indomitable podílely, v rámci operace "Iceberg", na vylodìní spojeneckých jednotek na Okinawì. Dne 1.dubna 1945 byla loï poškozena pøi útoku kamikaze. Škody se ovšem podaøilo rychle opravit, a tak mohla loï v následujících dnech pokraèovat v bojových operacích proti cílùm na pobøeží Formosy (Taiwan). Útoèila i na cíle v okolí Japonských ostrovù. Hellcat JZ935, pilotovaný Sub Lt T. B. Speakem, byl 5.dubna 1945 poškozen bìhem pøistáni.

FAA Hellcat being readied for flight 01

Grumman Hellcat MkII RN FAA 1839NAS pilot T B Speak JZ935 HMS Indomitable April 5th 1945 01

Grumman Hellcat MkII RN FAA 1839NAS pilot T B Speak JZ935 HMS Indomitable April 5th 1945 0A

Grumman Hellcat MkII RN FAA 1839NAS pilot T B Speak JZ935 HMS Indomitable April 5th 1945 0B

Grumman Hellcat MkII RN FAA 1844NAS W116 W136 HMS Indomitable 1945 01

Grumman Hellcat MkII RN FAA 1844NAS W132 WMC Foster JX814 HMS Indomitable Okinawa April 12 1945 0A

Grumman Hellcat MkII RN FAA 1844NAS W132 WMC Foster JX814 HMS Indomitable Okinawa April 12 1945 V0B

Grumman Hellcat MkII RN FAA 1844NAS W132 WMC Foster JX814 HMS Indomitable Okinawa April 12 1945 V0C

Grumman Hellcat MkII RN FAA 1844NAS W132 WMC Foster JX814 HMS Indomitable Okinawa April 12 1945 V0D

Grumman Hellcat MkII RN FAA 1844NAS W145 JZ935 HMS Indomitable 1945 0A

Grumman Hellcat MkII RN FAA 1844NAS White 126 JX886 aboard HMS Indomitable Okinawa April 12 1945 0A

Grumman Hellcat MkI RN FAA 1844NAS 6R PO Hannay FN430 HMS Indomitable August 24th 1944 0A

Grumman Hellcat MkI RN FAA 1844NAS 6R PO Hannay FN430 HMS Indomitable August 24th 1944 0B

 Okinawa Airport, Naha, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan Map

IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover - COD/CLOD skins - No 3d model at this stage
IL2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles (FB), Ace Expansion Pack (AEP), Pacific Fighters (PF), 1946 skins
  IL2 game skin by C6 F6F-5 RN 1844NAS White 125 JX827 SEAC 1945
  IL2 game skin by C6 F6F-5 RN 1844NAS White 126 JX866 SEAC 1945
  IL2 game skin by C6 F6F-5 RN 1844NAS White 129 JX817 SEAC 1945
  IL2 game skin by C6 F6F-5 RN 1844NAS White 132 JX814 SEAC 1945
  IL2 game skin by C6 F6F-5 RN 1844NAS White 134 JX778 SEAC 1945
  IL2 game skin by C6 F6F-5 RN 1839NAS White 139 JZ829 SEAC 1945
  IL2 game skin by C6 F6F-5 RN 1844NAS White 142 JZ847 SEAC 1945
  IL2 game skin by C6 F6F-5 RN 1844NAS White 145 JZ835 SEAC 1945
  IL2 game skin by C6 F6F-5 RN 1844NAS artist cover sheet

  C6 Martel

  IL2 game skin by IL2 RO F6F-5 RN 1844NAS W145 JZ935 SEAC 1945
  IL2 game skin by IL2 RO F6F-5 RN 1844NAS W145 JZ935 SEAC 1945 NM
  IL2 game skin by IL2 RO F6F-5 RN 1844NAS W145 JZ935 SEAC 1945 V0A

  RN Ronnco


  • Barrett Tillman, Hellcat: The F6F in World War II, Naval Institute Press, 1979
  • David McCampbell article from National Aviation Hall of Fame website
  • Edward Sims, Greatest Fighter Missions, Harper and Brothers, 1962 - This sequel includes U.S. Navy and Marine Corps pilots
  • Barrett Tillman, Hellcat Aces of World War 2, Osprey

    Magazine References: +

  • Airfix Magazines (English) -
  • Avions (French) -
  • FlyPast (English) -
  • Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
  • Flugzeug Classic (German) -
  • Klassiker (German) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Osprey (English) -
  • Revi Magazines (Czech) -

      Web References: +

  • History of RAF Organisation:
  • Corsair
  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:


This webpage was updated 4th June 2021
