Photo 01: During the initial phase of the Russian campaign Generaloberst Löhr, commander of Air Fleet 4, made use of a Stork bearing the title ‘Flotten-Chef’ (Fleet Chief). The aircraft was a Fieseler Fi-156C-3 Störch (Stork) liaison plane and coded with manufacturers code Stammkennzeichen code KH+YM werk nr. 5153. The photo is believed to have been taken in July 1941 in Jasionka, Poland, where the Headquarters of Air Fleet 4 was based just prior to the attack on Russia. This would mean that the utility squadrons second emblem was introduced before ‘Operation Barbarossa’.

Profile 00: This il2 skin profile is of a Luftwaffe Aufklarer German Reconnaissance Fieseler Fi-156C-3 Störch (Stork) operated by Stab Luftflotte.4 KH+YM, WNr: 5153 personal plane of the commander of Luftflotte 4 Gen.Obst Löhr and based at Luftflotte 4 HQ Jasoinka, Poland July 1941 just prior to Operation Barbarossa attack on the Soviet union.

Lieutenant General Generalleutnant Alexander Löhr

Alexander Löhr

Am 1. Januar 1943 wurde aus dem bisherigen auf dem Balkan eingesetzten Armee-Oberkommando 12, das zugleich als Wehrmacht-Befehlshaber Südost fungierte, das Oberkommando der neuformierten "Heeresgruppe E" gebildet. Das Oberkommando übernahm zugleich bis zum 26. August 1943 die Funktion als "Oberbefehlshaber Südost". Vom 26. August 1943 bis zum 25. März 1945 war das Oberkommando auf die Führung der Heeresgruppe E beschränkt, erst ab dem 25. März 1945 fungierte es zugleich wieder als "Oberbefehlshaber Südost".
Die Zuständigkeit erstreckte sich über Griechenland, einschließlich Ägäis und Kreta, Serbien und Kroatien, der Einsatzschwerpunkt lag vor allem in der Partisanenbekämpfung.

Oberbefehlshaber 1.1.1943 Alexander Löhr

Alexander Löhr

  • 20.5.1885 Turnu-Severin (Rumänien) – 26.2.1947 Belgrad (hingerichtet)
    Österreichisches Bundesheer:
  • 1.7.1928 Oberst
  • 1.4.1934 Kommandant des Luftschutz
  • 25.9.1934 Generalmajor
  • 1.7.1935 Kommandant der Luftstreitkräfte (bis 31.3.1938)
    Deutsche Wehrmacht:
  • 13.3.1938 Übernahme in die Wehrmacht (Luftwaffe)
  • 24.3.1938 Generalleutnant
  • 1.4.1938 Kommandierender General der Luftwaffe in Österreich
  • 1.7.1938 Kommandierender General Luftwaffen-Kommando Österreich
  • 1.2.1939 Kommandierender General Luftwaffen-Kommando Ostmark
  • 25.3.1939 General der Flieger (mit Wirkung vom 18.3.) und Chef Luftflotte 4 und Befehlshaber Südost
  • 3.5.1941 Generaloberst
  • 3.7.1942 Wehrmacht-Befehlshaber Südost; mit der Führung der 12. Armee beauftragt
  • 1.1.1943 Oberbefehlshaber Südost (bis 26.8.1943); mit der Führung der Heeresgruppe E beauftragt
  • 25.3.1945 zusätzlich wieder Oberbefehlshaber Südost
  • 8.5.1945 Kriegsgefangenschaft
  • 15.5.1945 Auslieferung an Jugoslawien; Anklage wegen Kriegsverbrechen; verurteilt zum Tode
  • 26.2.1947 in Belgrad hingerichtet
    Personalakte: Pers 6/46
  • © BArch Bild 146-1969-041-30

Alexander Löhr (20 May 1885 – 26 February 1947) was an Austrian Air Force (Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte) commander during the 1930s and, after the "Political Union of Germany and Austria" (Anschluss), he was a German Air Force (Luftwaffe) commander. Löhr served in the Luftwaffe during the Second World War.

Early years

Löhr was born in Turnu-Severin in the Kingdom of Romania.

Early career

Löhr served as Platoon Commander of a Pioneer battalion in the 85th Infantry Regiment of the Austro-Hungarian army in World War I.

By 1921 Löhr had reached the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel (Oberstleutnant). Between 1921 and 1934 he held many staff positions in the military, including Director of the Air Force in the Federal Armies Ministry. In 1934, he was made Commander of the small Austrian Air Force, a position which he held until the Anschluss in 1938.


On 15 March 1938, Löhr was transferred to the German Air Force (Luftwaffe) where he became commander of the German Air Force in Austria. By then he had been promoted to Lieutenant-General (Generalleutnant). He was commander of Luftflotte (Air Fleet) 4 in the East from May 1939 until June 1942. Luftflotte 4 carried out the bombing of Warsaw, Poland in September 1939 and of Belgrade, Yugoslavia in April 1941. He was promoted to Colonel General effective 3 May 1941. Löhr commanded the 12th Army from July 12, 1942 through to December 1942.

From 1 January to 23 August 1943, Löhr was Commander-in-Chief of the South East. He was also the Commander-in-Chief of Army Group E from 1 January up to the end of the war. As Commander-in-Chief of Army Group E, Löhr oversaw the successful Dodecanese Campaign. He surrendered on 9 May 1945 to Slovenian Partizans (part of Yugoslav People's Liberation War) at Topolšica, Slovenia.

Imprisonment, trial, and death

Löhr was imprisoned by the Yugoslavs from 15 May 1945 to 26 February 1947. He was found guilty of war crimes, and executed on 26 February 1947. Specifically, Lohr was executed by firing squad in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, for his role as the commander of the Luftwaffe units involved in the Bombing of Belgrade in 1941.


 Jasionka, Poland Map


    Bibliography: +

  • Axworthy Mark. 'On Three Fronts: Romania's Aircraft Industry During World War Two.' Air Enthusiast No.56, pp. 8–27. Stamford: Key Publishing, 1994. ISSN 0143-5450.
  • Axworthy Mark, Cornel Scafes and Cristian Craciunoiu. Third Axis Fourth Ally: Romanian Armed Forces in the European War, 1941–1945. London: Arms & Armour Press, 1995. ISBN 1-85409-267-7.
  • Bateson, Richard. Fieseler Fi 156 Storch Aircraft Profile No. 228. Windsor, Berkshire, UK: Profile Publications Ltd., 1971. ASIN: B000J443X2.
  • Beevor, Antony. Berlin: The Downfall 1945. London: Penguin Books, 2002. ISBN 0-670-88695-5.
  • Karnas, Dariusz and Pawel Przymusiala. Fi 156 Storch Vol.1 (Militaria n.68). Warsaw: Wydawnictwo, 1998. ISBN 83-7219-019-4.
  • Karnas, Dariusz and Pawel Przymusiala. Fi 156 Storch Vol.2 (Militaria n.100) Warsaw: Wydawnictwo, 1999. ISBN 83-7219-059-3.
  • Ricco, Philippe and Jean-Claude Soumille. Les Avions Allemands aux Couleurs Francaises, Tome 1. Rochemaure, France: Airdoc, 1997. ISBN 2-9509485-5-3.
  • Soumille, Jean-Claude. L'Aviation Francaise en Indochine 1946–1954, Tome 2. Rochemaure: Airdoc, 1997.
  • Winchester Jim. Aircraft of World War II. San Diego, California: Thunder Bay Press, 2004. ISBN 1-59223-224-8.

    Magazine References: +

  • Airfix Magazines (English) -
  • Avions (French) -
  • FlyPast (English) -
  • Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
  • Flugzeug Classic (German) -
  • Klassiker (German) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
  • Osprey (English) -
  • Revi Magazines (Czech) -

    Web References: +

  • National Museum of the U.S. Air Force Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433 Tel: (937) 255-3286
  • Collings Foundation
  • - Wikimedia Commons has media related to Fieseler Fi-156 Storch


This webpage was updated 16th November 2021
