- Aircrew Luftwaffe ace and ex Olympian Joachim Muncheberg reviewing documents ebay 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3 7./JG26 White 4 line up Gela Sicily March 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4 7./JG26 White 1 Joachim Munchenberg France Sep 1940 0A
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4 7./JG26 White 1 Sicily 1941 0A
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4 7./JG26 White 3 Ernst Laube Gela Sicily May 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4 7./JG26 White 3 Ernst Laube Gela Sicily May 1941 02
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4 7./JG26 White 5 Ernst Laube Gela AF Sicily 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 7./JG26 armoures 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 7./JG26 ebay 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 7./JG26 line up Gela Sicily March 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 7./JG26 line up Gela Sicily March 1941 02
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 7./JG26 taxing Gela Sicily March 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 7./JG26 White 12 Joachim Muncheberg Libya July 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 7./JG26 White 7 ebay 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 7./JG26 White 9 Gela Sicily 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7 7./JG26 White 9 Gela Sicily 1941 02
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 Gela Sicily 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 Gela Sicily 1941 02
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 Gela Sicily 1941 03
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 Gela Sicily 1941 04
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 Joachim Muncheberg WNr 3826 Gela Sicily 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 Joachim Muncheberg WNr 3826 Gela Sicily 1941 02
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 Joachim Muncheberg WNr 3826 Gela Sicily March 1941 0A
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 Joachim Muncheberg WNr 3826 Gela Sicily March 1941 0B
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 Joachim Muncheberg WNr 3826 Gela Sicily March to April 1941 0A
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 Joachim Muncheberg WNr 4148 Gela Sicily 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 Joachim Muncheberg WNr 4148 Gela Sicily 1941 02
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 Joachim Muncheberg WNr 4148 Gela Sicily 1941 03
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 Staffelkaptain Joachim Muncheberg Gela Sicily 1941 0A
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 Staffelkaptain Joachim Muncheberg Gela Sicily 1941 0B
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 WNr 3826 with ground crew Gela Sicily 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 WNr 3826 with ground crew Gela Sicily 1941 02
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 WNr 3826 with ground crew Gela Sicily 1941 03
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 12 WNr 4148 undergoing maintanence Gela Sicily 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 13 Klaus Mietusch MTO 1941 0A
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 13 Klaus Mietusch North Africa 1941 0A
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 14 Hans Johannsen Gela Sicily March 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 14 Hans Johannsen Gela Sicily March 1941 0A
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 1 Munchenberg Gela Sicily Feb 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 3 background Gela Sicily March 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 4 WNr 7684 force landed Derna 17th July 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 8 Sicily 1941 0A
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7B 7./JG26 White 8 Sicily 1941 0B
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7N 7./JG26 Gela Sicily spring 1941 ebay 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7N 7./JG26 Sicily 1941 Avions 190 P10
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7N 7./JG26 White 11 Theo Lindemann WNr 4139 Gazala 21st Aug 1941 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7N 7./JG26 White 11 Theo Lindemann WNr 4139 Gazala 21st Aug 1941 02
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7N 7./JG26 White 11 Theo Lindemann WNr 4139 Gazala 21st Aug 1941 0A
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7Z 7./JG26 abandoned most likely Gambut 1943 ebay 01
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-7Z 7./JG26 abandoned most likely Gambut 1943 ebay 02
7. Staffel III. Gruppe Jagdgeschwader 26 - 7./JG26
Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4 7./JG26 (W1+I) Joachim Muncheberg Aug 1940 00
Profile 00: Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4 flown by Oblt. Joachim Muncheberg, Staffelkapitan of 7.f JG26, 'White 1' the Bf 109E-4 of Oblt. Joachim Muncheberg, Staffelkapitan of 7./JG26 as it is believed to have appeared, circa 24 August. As was usual with the aircraft of III./JG26, the Balkenkreuz, aircraft number and Gruppe symbol were of smaller proportions than usual and the 65 fuselage sides lacked mottling although some was carried on the fin, probably in 02. Upper camouflage colors were 02/71 and a white pennant was carried on the antenna mast. The entire engine cowling was roughly painted yellow back to the base of the windscreen, leaving the white background to the 7.Staffel heart emblem with an irregular white border. The rudder was yellow with a small section left in the original 65 on which were painted Muncheberg's fourteen Abschuss bars in red. This profile is based on a poor quality photograph, regrettably not suitable for publication, which also shows the very similar Bf 109E-1, 'White 2', of 7./JG26. A photograph of 'White 2', taken after Uffz. Karl-Heinz Bock forced landed at Rye on 17 September, shows the similarity in the finish.
MesserschmittBf 109E 7./JG26 (W1+I) Munchenberg Gela Sicily Feb 1941 01
Photo 01: This deceptively tranquil scene shows Oblt-Joachim Muncheberg in the cockpit of his White 1, but note the open bay on the underside of the wing and the magazine for the MG FF cannon lying on the grass. This photograph is believed to have been taken on or shortly after 16 February 1941 when 7/JG26 escorted Ju-87s of Stukageschwader 2 to Malta and Muncheberg shot down a Hurricane, the pilot of which was seriously wounded.
Pilots 7./JG26 Joachim Muncheberg Jan 1941 01
Photo 01: On 7 February 1941, 7./JG26, known as the 'Red Hearts' Staffel on account of its emblem, moved to Sicily to provide escort for the Ju87, Ju88, He111 and Bf110 units fighting for air supremacy over Malta. Here, Oblt. Joachim Muncheberg, left, greets Lt. Johannes Naumann of 9./JG26 who, at the time of this photograph, taken shortly before the 7. Staffel moved to Sicily, had two victories but would later be awarded the Ritterkreuz.
Pilots 7./JG26 Joachim Muncheberg Cognac Feb 1941 01
Oblt. Hubertus von Holtey, right, commanding officer of the Erganzungs-gruppe of JG26, greets Oblt. Joachim Muncheberg during the latter's visit to Cognac in February 1941, possibly to arrange the transfer of pilots to his Staffe!, shortly before Muncheberg took his 7./JG26 to Sicily.
Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG26 (W12+) Joachim Müncheberg Gela Sicily 1941 01
Photo 01: General airfield scenes at Gela on Sicily showing various aircraft of 7./JG26 in the maintenance area. Closest to the camera is Oblt. Münchebergs White 12 with the rudder now apparently marked with his 35th and 36th victories which were claimed on 11 April 1941.
Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG26 (W12+I) Joachim Müncheberg Gela Sicily Mar 28, 1941 01
Photo 01: Oblt-Joachim Müncheberg, the Staffelkapitan of 7/JG26 on his return to Gela after completing his 200th war flight on 28 March 1941. On this occasion he claimed a Hurricane destroyed south of the island of Gozo, off Malta, bringing his personal victory tally to 33.
Pilots 7./JG26 Joachim Müncheberg France August 1941 01
Photo 01: At the end of August 1941, 7./JG26, then in North Africa under the command of Oblt. Joachim Müncheberg, began to return to the Channel coast. Müncheberg himself was one of the first pilots to arrive back in France and is seen here with (centre foreground) Feldmarschall Hugo Sperrle, AOC Luftflotte 3. Müncheberg flew his first sortie after returning to France on 26 August, during which he shot down a Spitfire.
Pilots 7./JG26 Joachim Müncheberg Gela Sicily March 28 1941 01
Photo 01: By the time 7./JG26 returned to France in September 1941, Münchebergs claims had reached 48, of which 25 were claimed destroyed while he was operating in the Mediterranean theatre. Thus Müncheberg claimed almost half the total of at least 52 enemy aircraft that the Staffel destroyed in the Mediterranean theatre, a record made all the more remarkable by the fact that it sustained no losses during this period.
Pilots 7./JG26 Joachim Müncheberg signed 01-02
http://www.leisuregalleries.com/munch.htmlMesserschmitt Bf 109E7 7./JG26 (W12+I) Joachim Müncheberg Gela Sicily 1941
Profile 00: Messerschmitt Bf 109E.7/N White 12 flown by Oblt. Joachim Müncheberg, Staffelkapitan of 7./JG26, Sicily, March 1941 Oblt. Müncheberg flew two aircraft while operating from Sicily, White 1 and this White 12, both of which were finished in similar 02/71 European-style camouflage schemes. Both aircraft were also marked with a record of Münchebergs Abschuss tally, roundels above the bars denoting the nationality of his claims which were all British aircraft except his second, which was French. White 12 is shown here after the rudder had been marked with Münchebergs 32nd victory, a Wellington shot down off Gozo. Note, however, that these bars are not exactly parallel with the rudder hinge line.
Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG26 (W1+) Sicily 1941
Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG26 (W3+) Gela Sicily March 1941 01
Photo 01: This Bf 109E-7 coded White 14 is believed to have been flown in Sicily by Lt. Hans Johannsen of 7./JG26. Before arriving in Sicily, Johannsen had no kills but by the time the Staffel returned to France he had been awarded seven confirmed aerial victories and had destroyed a number of aircraft on the ground.
Note White 3 in the foreground.Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG26 (W3+I) Ernst Laube Gela, Sicily May 1941 01
Photo 01: Ofw. Ernst Laube of 7./JG26 claimed his first victory, a Hurricane, off Malta on 1 May 1941, although it is not known whether this was confirmed. Laube normally flew White 3 and is seen seated in this aircraft at Gela in Sicily.
Pilots 7./JG26 Ernst Laube Gela, Sicily May 1941 01
Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG26 (W5+I) Ernst Laube Gela AF Sicily 01
Photo 01: Ofw. Ernst Laube of 7./JG26 entering the cockpit of his Bf 109E 'White 5' at Gela. Laube ended the war as Kommandeur of IV./JG4.
Pilots 7./JG26 Ernst Laube with Joachim Muncheberg 01
Photo 01: 7./JG26 was in action over Yugoslavia for just one day, after which it returned to its base at Gela airfield in Sicily. This photograph shows the Staffelkapitan, Oblt. Joachim Muncheberg, with Ofw. Ernst Laube, also from 7./JG26.
Pilots 7./JG26 Ernst Laube Gela Sicily May 1941 01
Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG26 (W8+) Sicily 1941
Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG26 (W9+) Gela Sicily 1941 01
Photo 01-02: General airfield scenes at Gela on Sicily showing various aircraft of 7./JG26 in the maintenance area. Closest to the camera is Oblt. Münchebergs White 12 with the rudder now apparently marked with his 35th and 36th victories which were claimed on 11 April 1941. White 9 can be seen in the background.
Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG26 (W14+) Hans Johannsen Gela Sicily March 1941 00
Profile 00: Messerschmitt Bf 109E.7 Trop White 14 of 7./JG26, Sicily, early 1941 The general appearance of this aircraft suggests it has seen some hard use. The 02/71 finish, applied in a splinter pattern on the wing uppersurfaces and fuselage top decking with mottled fuselage sides, is weathered and even the auxiliary tank is faded and stained. Unit markings consisted of a white 14 thinly outlined in black and the Red Heart emblem of 7./JG26 on the nose. The Schlageter shield appeared in the usual position on the other side of the fuselage.
Messerschmitt Bf 109E 7./JG26 (W14+) Hans Johannsen Gela Sicily March 1941 01
Photo 01: This Bf 109E-7 coded White 14 is believed to have been flown in Sicily by Lt. Hans Johannsen of 7./JG26. Before arriving in Sicily, Johannsen had no kills but by the time the Staffel returned to France he had been awarded seven confirmed aerial victories and had destroyed a number of aircraft on the ground.
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 E Emil
IL-2 Sturmovik 'Cliff's of Dover' Blitz
IL-2 Sturmovik Battle of Stalingrad
DCS World - has no 3D model
Luftwaffe pilot Hans Johannsen
Units: 7./JG-26 (3/41 Sicily & N.Africa)
Awards: EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp
Known Aircraft: Bf 109E-7 'White 14+I', Fw 190A-1 WNr 10075 (lost 3/28/42)
Remarks: KIA in aerial combat with a Spitfire SW of the Audembert airfield. One known victory, his 1st, a Blenheim W of Gozo Is. on 7 March, 1941. His 2nd, 3rd & 4th all Hurricanes of RAF No. 261 Sq. over Malta on 30 April, 1941. His 5th & 6th both P-40's; one at Sidi Barrani, the other NW of Mersa Matruh, Egypt on 29 July & 2 August, 1941. His 7th a Spitfire 20 km west of Cape Gris Nez on 21 September, 1941. His 8th a Spitfire 2 km south of Boulogne on 21 October, 1941. Alternate spelling: Johansen and Johanssen.
Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database list of 10 aerial victories for Hans Johannsen
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 21-Sep-41 Hans Johannsen 7./JG26 Spitfire 6000m 16.20 20km W Cap Gris Nez 21-Oct-41 Hans Johannsen 7./JG26 Spitfire 13.00 2km S Boulogne 07-Mar-41 Hans Johannsen 7./JG26 Blenheim IV 50m 12.15 West of Gozo Island (Malta) 16-Mar-41 Hans Johannsen 7./JG26 Hurricane Malta 30-Apr-41 Hans Johannsen 7./JG26 Hurricane 3000m Valetta (Claim not admitted) 01-May-41 Hans Johannsen 7./JG26 Hurricane 1500m 07.54 Ta Venezia auf Malta 01-May-41 Hans Johannsen 7./JG26 Hurricane 1500m 17.14 SW Luqa airfield 25-May-41 Hans Johannsen 7./JG26 Hurricane II 15.00 Takali airfield 249Sqn 29-Jul-41 Hans Johannsen 7./JG26 P-40 Tomahawk 100m 17.50 20km S Sidi Barrani 02-Aug-41 Hans Johannsen 7./JG26 P-40 Tomahawk I 18.55 NW Marsa Matruh
Luftwaffe pilot Ernst Laube
Units: Stfkpt 3./JG-77 (7/42), JGr-25, 7./JG-26 (4/41), Jasta Erla (1/44), 1./JG-3 (5/44), Kdr IV./JG-4 (1/45)
Awards: DK-G, EP, EK 1 & 2, Fighter Operational Clasp
Known Aircraft: Bf 109E-7 'White 15' and 'White 13+I' in 7/JG-26, Bf 109G-10/AS 'White 3+I' in JG-4
Remarks: All 22 victories scored in the West. Opposed the 6 March, 1944 Berlin Raid while serving in Einsatzstaffel 'Erla'. Served in Sicily in the Spring of 1941 before being transferred to N. Africa. One known Desert victory, his 3rd, a P40E in N. Africa on 13 January, 1943. Another Desert victory, a P-40 on 27 January, 1943. His 5th victory, another Desert victory, a P-40 on 26 February, 1943. His 15th a P-51 at Wittstock on 19 May, 1944. His 17th a U.S. fighter at Bapaume-Albert on 20 June, 1944. His 18th a P-47 over the Normandy countryside on 22 June, 1944. A 19th a Lancaster in the Ruhr Valley on 12 December, 1944. A 20th a P-47 in the Wittlich area on 23 December, 1944. A P-51 on 24 December, 1944, no location given (Perry Claims). A P-47 20 km S of Kaiserlautern on 2 January, 1945.
Luftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database list of 20 aerial victories for Ernst Laube
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 03-May-42 Ernst Laube 7./JG26 Spitfire 16.03 Calais 06-Mar-44 Ernst Laube Stab Ind./St./Erla P-51 Mustang 7000m 13.55 Stendal 06-Mar-44 Ernst Laube Stab Ind./St./Erla P-51 Mustang 500m 14.10 Stendal 19-May-44 Ernst Laube 1./JG3 P-51 Mustang 13.40-50 Wittstock 24-May-44 Ernst Laube 1./JG3 P-51 Mustang 7500m 11.15-25 Eberswalde 20-Jun-44 Ernst Laube Stab I./JG3 P-51 o. P-47 7-8000m 07.12 QF-RG (Bapaume-Albert) 22-Jun-44 Ernst Laube Stab I./JG3 P-47 Thunderbolt 12-Dec-44 Ernst Laube 15./JG27 Lancaster 6000m 14.15 KP-LP (Ruhr Valley) 29-Apr-41 Ernst Laube 7./JG26 Hurricane 4000m 18.46 Stab Pauls Bay auf Malta 27-Jan-43 Ernst Laube 3./JG77 P-40 Kittyhawk 14.54 13-Jan-43 Ernst Laube 3./JG77 P-40E Warhawk 07.58 26-Feb-43 Ernst Laube 3./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 17.14 27-Feb-43 Ernst Laube 3./JG77 P-40 Warhawk 14.00 05-Mar-43 Ernst Laube 3./JG77 Spitfire 08.00 04-Jul-43 Ernst Laube 3./JG77 10.15 02-Jan-45 Ernst Laube Stab IV./JG4 P-47 Thunderbolt 09.48 20km S Kaiserslautern 24-Dec-44 Ernst Laube Stab IV./JG4 P-51 Mustang 14.57 QS 7/05 Ost S 23-Dec-44 Ernst Laube Stab IV./JG4 P-47 Thunderbolt 09.49 05 Ost S/RO (Raum Wittlich) 25-May-41 Ernst Laube 7./JG26 Hurricane II 6500-0m 15.00 auf Boden Fl.Pl. Takali (Malta)
Luftwaffe pilot Joachim Müncheberg
- Born: 18 December 1918 Friedrichsdorf, Dramburg, Province of Pomerania
- Died: 23 March 1943 (aged 24) Maknassy, Tunisia
- Allegiance: Nazi Germany
- Service/branch: Heer (1936 – 1938)
- Luftwaffe: (1938 – 1943)
- Years of service: 1936 – 1943
- Rank: Major
- Units: JG 26, JG 51, JG 77
- Commands held: 7./JG 26, II./JG 26 , JG 77
- Battles/wars:
World War II
Battle of France
Battle of Britain
Eastern Front
Mediterranean Theatre †- Awards:
Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Medaglia d'oro al Valore MilitareJoachim Müncheberg (18 December 1918 – 23 March 1943) was a German Luftwaffe fighter ace during World War II. A flying ace or fighter ace is a military aviator credited with shooting down five or more enemy aircraft during aerial combat. [1] He is credited with 135 enemy aircraft shot down claimed in over 500 combat missions. The majority of his victories were claimed over the Western front with 33 claims over the Eastern Front. Of his 102 aerial victories achieved over the Western Allies are 46 Supermarine Spitfire fighters.
Early World War II
Müncheberg was born at Friedrichsdorf near Dramburg. In his youth he was very much interested in flying and other technical things. He also showed a certain aptitude and talent for athletics prior to joining the military service. [2] After joining the Wehrmacht Heer in 1936, he transferred to the Luftwaffe in 1938. He was then posted to Jagdgeschwader 234. [3]
In October 1939, Müncheberg joined III Gruppe, Jagdgeschwader 26 (JG 26). He claimed his first victory on 7 November 1939, a Royal Air Force Bristol Blenheim Mk. I bomber L1325 of No. 57 Squadron RAF, piloted by P/O HR Bewley. During the invasion of France, Müncheberg claimed eight Allied aircraft shot down, with 4 claimed on one day, 31 May 1940.
or the early part of the Battle of Britain Müncheberg flew as wingman to Major Adolf Galland, Gruppenkommandeur of III./JG 26. In late August he was promoted to Staffelkapitän of 7. Staffel (7th squadron) of JG 26, and on 14 September 1940 was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes) the same day he achieved his 20th aerial victory. This achievement earned Müncheberg a reference in the Wehrmachtbericht (his first of five in total), an information bulletin issued by the headquarters of the Wehrmacht. He claimed 14 victories in total during the Battle of Britain.
Malta Operations
From February 1941, Müncheberg's staffel became the first Bf 109 unit to operate in the Mediterranean theatre, and from bases in Sicily the staffel was to achieve success out of all proportion to its size, with some 52 victories claimed without losing a single pilot. Müncheberg claimed almost half of these victories. Flying missions over Yugoslavia in support of the German invasion of the Balkans, he also claimed a Yugoslav 'Hawker Fury biplane' on 6 April 1941 of Ind. Fighter Esk, 81 (Bomber) Grupa, JKRV (Porucnik Milenko Milivojevic was killed). He claimed another destroyed on the ground (Both victories were in fact Avia BH-33 biplanes). On 16 February Müncheberg claimed the No. 261 Squadron Hurricane of ace F/L. James MacLachlan, who baled out severely wounded, losing his arm, but returning to combat in 1943. He shot down and killed 261 Squadron's 7-kill Malta ace F/O FF Taylor on 26 February.
In May 1941, Müncheberg was awarded the Oak Leaves and the Italian Medaglia d'Oro and by this time had 43 victories. A 2-month spell in Libya in mid 1941 to support the Afrika Korps saw a further 5 victories claimed.
In August 1941, 7./JG 26 returned to France. Müncheberg was to claim a further 35 victories (including 34 Spitfires) by June 1942. On 19 September, Müncheberg was promoted to the rank of Hauptmann and became Gruppenkommandeur of II/JG 26. On 29 April 1942 Müncheberg probably shot down and killed the Northolt Wing Leader and Polish ace Wing Commander Marian Pisarek.
Russia 1942
In July 1942, Müncheberg was posted to the Eastern Front, joining Jagdgeschwader 51. On 5 September, he claimed his 100th kill. On 9 September, he was awarded the 'Swords' following his 103rd victory. Müncheberg shot down 33 victories over Russian aircraft while being shot down twice himself.
North Africa
On 1 October 1942, Major Müncheberg was appointed Geschwaderkommodore of Jagdgeschwader 77, operating over North Africa and Tunisia. He scored over a No. 92 Squadron Spitfire on 9 November, the first of 24 further victories in the theatre. He force-landed unhurt in his Bf 109-G2 after combat with Kittyhawks flown by F/Lt. HC Shaver & F/Lt. RR Smith of No. 112 Squadron on 10 December 1942. In the spring of 1943 Müncheberg became the second German fighter pilot to achieve 100 aerial victories over Anglo-American adversaries. [4]
Müncheberg was killed on 23 March 1943 over Tunisia when his 135th victim, a USAAF 52nd Fighter Group Spitfire exploded in front of him after a close burst of cannon fire. The Spitfire was piloted by Captain Theodore Sweetman. [5] [6] Müncheberg managed to bail out and landed severely wounded in his parachute. Although the search team quickly recovered him, Müncheberg died on the way to a field hospital. [4]
Awards and honors
- Iron Cross (1939)
2nd Class (17 September 1939)
1st Class (10 May 1940)- German Cross in Gold on 5 June 1942 as Hauptmann in the II./JG 26 [7]
- Front Flying Clasp of the Luftwaffe for Fighter Pilots in Gold with Pennant "400" [2]
- Combined Pilots-Observation Badge [2]
- Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords
Knight's Cross on 14 September 1940 as Oberleutnant and Adjutant of the III./JG 26 "Schlageter" [8]
12th Oak Leaves on 7 May 1941 as Oberleutnant and Staffelkapitän of the 7./JG 26 "Schlageter" [8]
19th Swords on 15 June 1942 as Hauptmann and deputy Geschwaderkommodore of JG 51 "Mölders" [8]- Mentioned five times in the Wehrmachtbericht
- Medaglia d'oro al Valore Militare (7 May 1941)
- On 30 November 1962 an honorary one-time pension of 1,500 DM was paid to the relatives of Müncheberg (and relatives of Hans-Joachim Marseille) by the Italian Minister of Defence Giulio Andreotti. [9]
References in the Wehrmachtbericht
Date Original German Wehrmachtbericht wording Direct English translation Sunday, 15 September 1940 Oberleutnant Müncheberg errang seinen 20. Luftsieg. [10] Oberleutnant Müncheberg achieved his 20th aerial victory. Thursday, 1 May 1940 Oberleutnant Müncheberg errang bei Luftkämpfen über der Insel Malta seinen 39. und 40. Luftsieg. [11] Oberleutnant Müncheberg achieved his 39th and 40th aerial victory in aerial combat over the island Malta. Thursday, 11 December 1940 Hauptmann Müncheberg errang seinen 60. Luftsieg. [12] Hauptmann Müncheberg achieved his 60th aerial victory. Thursday, 4 June 1942 Hauptmann Müncheberg errang am 2. Juni seinen 80., Oberleutnant Marseille am 3. Juni in Nordafrika seinen 70. bis 75. Luftsieg. [13] Hauptmann Müncheberg recorded on 2 June, his 80th Oberleutnant Marseille on 3 June in North Africa his 70th to 75th aerial victory. 25 March 1943 Major Müncheberg, ausgezeichnet mit dem Eichenlaub und Schwertern zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, fand nach seinem 135. Luftsieg den Heldentod. [14] Major Müncheberg, recipient of the Oak Leaves and Swords to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross, found a heroes death after his 135th aerial victory.
Luftwaffe pilot Joachim Müncheberg
Joachim Müncheberg was born on 18 December 1918 at FriedrichsdoRG in the Dramburg region of Pommern. He joined the Wehrmacht as an infantryman in October 1936. In October 1938, ObeRGähnrich Müncheberg transferred to the Luftwaffe. On completion of his flying training, he was posted to I./JG234. In October 1939, Müncheberg joined III./JG26. Leutnant Müncheberg was assigned to 10.(N)/JG26. On 23 September, he was appointed Adjutant of III./JG26.
He recorded his first victory on 7 November: a RAF Blenheim twin-engine bomber shot down near Opladen. During the invasion of France, Müncheberg claimed eight French and British aircraft shot down. Oberleutnant Müncheberg had recorded 10 victories by end of July 1940. On 22 August 1940, he was appointed Staffelkapitän of 7./JG26. On 14 September 1940, he was awarded the Ritterkreuz. Müncheberg achieved his 20th victory the same day. He claimed 14 victories during the Battle of Britain.
From February 1941, Müncheberg's unit operated in the Mediterranean theatre from bases in Sicily. The unit was to achieve success out of all proportion to its size. The unit gained 52 victories without losing a single pilot. Müncheberg claimed almost half of the victories. In addition to flying missions over Malta, Müncheberg also flew over Yugoslavia in support of the German invasion of the Balkans. He claimed a JKRV Fury biplane fighter shot down near Podgorica on 6 April 1941 and claimed another as a ground victory.
Müncheberg had mis-identified his victims. Both victories were, in fact, over Avia BH-33 biplane fighters. On 7 May 1941, Müncheberg was awarded the Eichenlaub (Nr 12) and the Italian Medagalia d'Oro. Müncheberg had 43 victories to his credit. A sojourn in Libya during June-July 1941, to support Rommel's Afrika Korps repel the British relief of Tobruk, saw Müncheberg add a further five victories to his tally. In August 1941, 7./JG26 was transferred to France. Müncheberg shot down a RAF Spitfire fighter near Dunkirk on 29 August to record his 50th victory. From the time he returned from North Africa until he left JG26 in late June 1942, Müncheberg was to claim 35 victories of which 34 would be Spitfires, including his 50th victory on 29 August, his 60th on 8 December, his 70th on 26 April 1942 and his 80th on 2 June. On 19 September, Müncheberg was promoted to the rank of Hauptmann and appointed Gruppenkommandeur of II./JG26. On 22 July 1942, Müncheberg was posted to the Eastern Front to join JG51.
On 5 September, he recorded his 100th victory. On 9 September, he was awarded the Schwertern (Nr 19) following his 103rd victory. Müncheberg achieved 33 victories over Russian aircraft (84 – 116). However, Müncheberg was shot down twice during his four weeks on the Eastern Front. On 1 October 1942, Major Müncheberg was appointed Kommodore of JG77, operating over North Africa, Sicily and Tunisia. Müncheberg added 24 victories to his victory total but had to force-land his Bf 109 G-2 (W.Nr. 10725) following aerial combat with RAF Kittyhawk fighters on 10 December 1942. Müncheberg was killed on 23 March 1943 over Tunisia in combat with USAAF Spitfire fighters from the 52nd Fighter Group when, after shooting down one, he was in collision with a second. He crashed to his death in Bf 109G-6 (W.Nr. 16381).
Joachim Müncheberg scored 135 aerial victories in over 500 missions. 102 victories were achieved over the Western Front and 33 on the Eastern Front. He shot down at least 46 Spitfire fighters.
Luftwaffe pilot List of aerial victories for Joachim Muncheberg
No Date Time A/c Type Unit Location Comments 1 7.11.1939 13:43 Blenheim Stab III./JG26 SW Opladen Blenheim I (L1325) of 57Sqn RAF flown by P/O HR Bewley, 2 crew baled out, POW 2 11.5.1940 Curtiss Stab III./JG26 NNE Antwerp Hawk H 75A of GC I/4, Armée de l'Air - 3 14.5.1940 18:45 Hurricane Stab III./JG26 E Ath Hurricane of 504Sqn RAF 4 15.5.1940 13:00 Hurricane Stab III./JG26 Near Overijse Hurricane (L1645) of 3Sqn RAF flown by Sgt JLC Williams, killed 5 29.5.1940 18:10 Spitfire Stab III./JG26 W Dunkirk Spitfire of 64, 229 or 610Sqn, RAF 6 31.5.1940 15:35 Lysander Stab III./JG26 Furnes-Dunkirk - 7 31.5.1940 15:40 Hurricane Stab III./JG26 SW Dunkirk Hurricane of 213 or 264Sqn, RAF 8 31.5.1940 15:45 Hurricane Stab III./JG26 NE Dunkirk Hurricane of 213 or 264Sqn, RAF 9 31.5.1940 20:10 Spitfire Stab III./JG26 Channel-Dunkirk Spitfire of 609Sqn RAF 10 28.7.1940 15:15 Hurricane Stab III./JG26 15km NE Dover Hurricane of 257Sqn, RAF 11 8.8.1940 12:55 Spitfire Stab III./JG26 NE Margate Spitfire of 65Sqn, RAF 12 14.8.1940 13:29 Hurricane Stab III./JG26 Folkestone-Dover Hurricane of 32 or 615Sqn, RAF 13 15.8.1940 16:01 Spitfire Stab III./JG26 SE Dover Spitfire of 64Sqn, RAF 14 24.8.1940 12:22 Hurricane 7./JG26 Ashford Hurricane of 151Sqn, RAF 15 31.8.1940 10:00 Hurricane 7./JG26 NW Braintree Hurricane of 56Sqn, RAF 16 1.9.1940 14:52 Hurricane 7./JG26 W Goodhurst Hurricane 79 or 85Sqn, RAF 17 6.9.1940 10:28 Hurricane 7./JG26 Dungeness Hurricane of 303Sqn, RAF 18 7.9.1940 18:45 Spitfire 7./JG26 SE London Spitfire of 603Sqn, RAF 19 11.9.1940 19:25 Spitfire 7./JG26 E Ashford Spitfire of 66 or 92Sqn, RAF 20 14.9.1940 17:05 Spitfire 7./JG26 S Maidstone Spitfire of 222Sqn, RAF 21 17.10.1940 14:55 Bloch 151 7./JG26 S Faversham - 22 25.10.1940 14:40 Spitfire 7./JG26 Marden Spitfire of 92Sqn, RAF 23 14.11.1940 15:32 Spitfire 7./JG26 SE Dover Spitfire of 66 or 74Sqn, RAF 24 12.2.1941 16:41 Hurricane 7./JG26 S Siggiwi, Malta Hurricane of 261Sqn, RAF 25 16.2.1941 10:38 Hurricane 7./JG26 Off Dingli, SW Malta Hurricane of 261Sqn RAF, damaged 26 16.2.1941 10:45 Hurricane 7./JG26 E Ta Venezia, Malta Hurricane (V7731) of 261Sqn RAF flown by F/L JAF MacLachlan, baled out wounded 27 25.2.1941 16:45 Hurricane 7./JG26 E St Paul's Bay, Malta Hurricane of 261Sqn, RAF 28 26.2.1941 14:06 Hurricane 7./JG26 S Krendi, Malta Hurricane (V7671) of 261Sqn RAF flown by F/O FF Taylor, killed 29 26.2.1941 14:10 Hurricane 7./JG26 10km S Malta Hurricane of 261Sqn, RAF 30 2.3.1941 10:45 Hurricane 7./JG26 2km W Marsa Scirocco, Malta Fulmar of 806Sqn FAA, damaged 31 5.3.1941 17:32 Hurricane 7./JG26 S Hal Far, Malta Hurricane of 261Sqn, RAF 32 15.3.1941 7:50 Wellington 7./JG26 10 km NW Gozo Is Wellington (W5644) of Reserve Flt, Stradishall, RAF 33 28.3.1941 17:32 Hurricane 7./JG26 10km S Gozo Is Hurricane of 261Sqn, RAF 34 6.4.1941 12:05 Fury 7./JG26 NE Podgorica Avia BH-33E of Ind Fighter Esk, 81 (Bomber) Grupa, JKRV flown by Porucnik Milenko Milivojevic, killed - 6.4.1941 - Fury 7./JG26 Podgorica Avia BH-33E of Ind Fighter Esk, 81 (Bomber) Grupa, JKRV – ground victory - 6.4.1941 - Breguet XIX 7./JG26 Podgorica Ground victory – not confirmed 35 11.4.1941 11:31 Hurricane 7./JG26 SE Malta Hurricane of 261Sqn, RAF 36 11.4.1941 11:53 Hurricane 7./JG26 SE St Paul's Bay, Malta Hurricane (V7116) of 261Sqn RAF flown by P/O PA Mortimer, crash-landed 37 23.4.1941 18:07 Hurricane 7./JG26 SE Hal Far Hurricane II (Z3032) of 261Sqn RAF flown by F/O FM Auger, killed - 27.4.1941 - Sunderland 7./JG26 Kalafrana Bay, Malta Sunderland (L5807) of 228Sqn, RAF – ground victory 38 29.4.1941 18:47 Hurricane 7./JG26 St Paul's Bay, Malta Hurricane of 261Sqn, RAF 39 1.5.1941 7:53 Hurricane 7./JG26 SE St Paul's Bay, Malta Hurricane II (Z2900) of 261Sqn RAF flown by P/O RA Innes, wounded 40 1.5.1941 7:54 Hurricane 7./JG26 SW Ta Venezia Hurricane II (Z3061) of 261Sqn RAF flown by Sgt BC Walmsley, wounded 41 1.5.1941 17:15 Hurricane 7./JG26 SW Luqa a/f Hurricane of 261Sqn, RAF 42 6.5.1941 12:22 Hurricane 7./JG26 NE St Paul's Bay Hurricane II (Z3060) of 261Sqn RAF flown by P/O CK Gray, baled out, wounded 43 6.5.1941 12:26 Hurricane 7./JG26 1km SW Hal Far Hurricane II (Z3059) of 261Sqn RAF flown by Sgt RA Branson, baled out - 25.5.1941 15:00 Hurricane 7./JG26 Takali Hurricane of 249Sqn, RAF – ground victory - 25.5.1941 15:00 Hurricane 7./JG26 Takali Hurricane of 249Sqn, RAF – ground victory 44 20.6.1941 7:55 Hurricane 7./JG26 20km E BuqBuq Hurricane of 1 or 2Sqn, SAAF 45 24.6.1941 8:00 Hurricane 7./JG26 Lauyet Ungheila Hurricane of 6Sqn, RAF flown by P/O JAF Sowrey 46 15.7.1941 18:40 Hurricane 7./JG26 SW Ras el Milh Hurricane of 73 or 229Sqn, RAF 47 29.7.1941 17:48 P-40 7./JG26 50km E Bardia Tomahawk of 2Sqn, SAAF 48 29.7.1941 17:52 P-40 7./JG26 40km E Bardia Tomahawk of 2Sqn, SAAF 49 28.8.1941 19:30 Spitfire 7./JG26 2km N Gravelines - 50 29.8.1941 8:40 Spitfire 7./JG26 10km NE Dunkirk - 51 4.9.1941 17:26 Spitfire 7./JG26 Vollezelle - 52 4.9.1941 17:29 Spitfire 7./JG26 Zeggers - 53 7.9.1941 17:22 Spitfire 7./JG26 NW Montreuil Spitfire of 71Sqn, RAF 54 16.9.1941 19:40 Spitfire 7./JG26 E Boulogne Spitfire of 306 or 315Sqn, RAF 55 18.9.1941 16:06 Hurricane 7./JG26 Yvetot Hurricane of 607Sqn, RAF 56 18.9.1941 16:15 Spitfire 7./JG26 Ste Helene Spitfire of 452Sqn, RAF 57 13.10.1941 14:33 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 Samer - 58 8.11.1941 13:07 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 Loon Plage Spitfire of Digby Wg or 412Sqn, RAF 59 8.11.1941 13:15 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 NNE Dunkirk Spitfire of Digby Wg or 412Sqn, RAF 60 8.12.1941 14:17 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 W Boulogne - 61 16.12.1941 16:01 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 NW Dunkirk Spitfire of 411Sqn, RAF 62 16.12.1941 16:04 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 N Gravelines Spitfire of 411Sqn, RAF 63 13.3.1942 16:17 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 Wirre Effroy Spitfire of 124Sqn, RAF 64 24.3.1942 16:30 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 NW Rue-Cambron Spitfire of 412Sqn, RAF 65 24.3.1942 16:35 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 Cambron Spitfire of 412Sqn, RAF 66 4.4.1942 11:46 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 W Calais - 67 10.4.1942 17:50 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 NW Etaples Spitfire of 340Sqn, RAF 68 25.4.1942 16:40 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 SW Crécy - 69 25.4.1942 16:43 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 SW Rue - 70 26.4.1942 18:05 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 WNW Calais Spitfire of 485Sqn, RAF 71 26.4.1942 18:06 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 10km W Cap Gris Nez Spitfire of 485Sqn, RAF 72 27.4.1942 14:47 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 NE Dunkirk Spitfire of Tangmere Wg or 340Sqn, RAF 73 27.4.1942 16:06 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 N Mardyck Spitfire of 303Sqn, RAF 74 29.4.1942 16:04 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 Le Touquet Spitfire of Northolt Wg or 317Sqn, RAF 75 30.4.1942 19:36 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 W Somme Estuary Spitfire of 222Sqn, RAF 76 1.5.1942 19:31 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 SW Calais Spitfire of 122 or 222Sqn, RAF - 1.5.1942 19:40 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 5km N Calais Not confirmed 77 6.5.1942 18:53 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 NW Cap Gris Nez Spitfire of 303Sqn, RAF - 9.5.1942 13:43 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 15km S Gravelines Spitfire of 118 or 501Sqn, RAF / not confirmed - 9.5.1942 13:44 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 15km S Gravelines Spitfire of 118 or 501Sqn, RAF / not confirmed - 17.5.1942 17:35 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 Guines-St Omer not confirmed 78 31.5.1942 19:37 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 S Crécy Forest Spitfire of 485Sqn, RAF 79 31.5.1942 19:41 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 Quend Plage les Pins Spitfire of 302Sqn, RAF 80 2.6.1942 11:01 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 SW Abbeville Spitfire of 403Sqn, RAF 81 2.6.1942 11:07 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 15km W Étaples Spitfire of 403Sqn, RAF 82 20.6.1942 15:44 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 S Ardres Spitfire of 118 or 501Sqn, RAF 83 20.6.1942 15:47 Spitfire Stab II./JG26 E Boulogne Spitfire of 118 or 501Sqn, RAF 84 3.8.1942 10:32 Pe-2 Stab/JG51 47 591 - 85 3.8.1942 10:36 Pe-2 Stab/JG51 47 514 - 86 4.8.1942 10:38 Il-2 Stab/JG51 6km ENE Sübzow - 87 5.8.1942 18:48 LaGG-3 Stab/JG51 47 880 - 88 9.8.1942 14:30 MiG-3 Stab/JG51 47 844 - 89 10.8.1942 18:40~ Yak-1 Stab/JG51 47 563 - 90 22.8.1942 10:25 Il-2 Stab/JG51 47 761 - 91 24.8.1942 6:20 Il-2 Stab/JG51 47 754 - 92 24.8.1942 6:21 Il-2 Stab/JG51 47 791 - 93 25.8.1942 17:11 Pe-2 Stab/JG51 47 381 - 94 2.9.1942 8:23 LaGG-3 Stab/JG51 SW Karmanovo - 95 2.9.1942 10:52 Il-2 Stab/JG51 SW Gshatsk - 96 2.9.1942 10:55 Il-2 Stab/JG51 SSW Gshatsk - 97 2.9.1942 10:55 Il-2 Stab/JG51 SSW Gshatsk - 98 3.9.1942 14:32 Il-2 Stab/JG51 46 192 - 99 4.9.1942 17:35 Pe-2 Stab/JG51 S Zubtsowo - 100 5.9.1942 17:53 P-39 Stab/JG51 Kubinka - 101 5.9.1942 17:57 P-39 Stab/JG51 66 380 - 102 9.9.1942 17:08 Il-2 Stab/JG51 47 733 - 103 9.9.1942 17:12 Il-2 Stab/JG51 47 762 - 104 10.9.1942 7:09 Pe-2 Stab/JG51 47 843 - 105 10.9.1942 7:13 Il-2 Stab/JG51 47 764 - 106 10.9.1942 10:35 LaGG-3 Stab/JG51 47 811 - 107 14.9.1942 7:35 Il-2 Stab/JG51 47 762 - 108 14.9.1942 17:01 Il-2 Stab/JG51 47 594 - 109 14.9.1942 17:13 Il-2 Stab/JG51 47 591 - 110 14.9.1942 17.VII Pe-2 Stab/JG51 47 732 - 111 22.9.1942 9:25 MiG-3 Stab/JG51 47 612 - 112 22.9.1942 9:31 R-5 Stab/JG51 47 611 - 113 26.9.1942 12:23 LaGG-3 Stab/JG51 47 522 - 114 26.9.1942 16:08 LaGG-3 Stab/JG51 47 572 - 115 27.9.1942 6:59 LaGG-3 Stab/JG51 47 592 - 116 27.9.1942 7:03 LaGG-3 Stab/JG51 47 612 - 117 9.11.1942 15:07 Spitfire Stab/JG77 E Buq Buq Spitfire V of 92Sqn, RAF flown by F/Sgt Blades - 9.11.1942 - Spitfire Stab/JG77 - - 118 27.11.1942 7:32 Spitfire Stab/JG77 - Spitfire of 1Sqn, SAAF flown by Lt Marshall 119 10.12.1942 15:05 P-40 Stab/JG77 12km NW Agheila P-40F of 66FS 57FG USAAF 120 14.12.1942 15:08 P-40 Stab/JG77 SW Agheila P-40F of 57FG USAAF 121 14.12.1942 15:25 P-40 Stab/JG77 SW Agheila P-40F of 57FG USAAF 122 15.12.1942 10:58 P-40 Stab/JG77 Ras el Aali - 123 13.1.1943 8:45 Baltimore Stab/JG77 - - 124 14.1.1943 11:17 P-40 Stab/JG77 - - 125 14.1.1943 11:21 P-40 Stab/JG77 - - 126 14.1.1943 11:23 P-40 Stab/JG77 - - 127 18.1.1943 16:40 P-40 Stab/JG77 - - 128 22.1.1943 12:55 P-40 Stab/JG77 - - 129 22.1.1943 13:05 P-40 Stab/JG77 - - 130 10.3.1943 16:33 P-40 Stab/JG77 - - 131 10.3.1943 16:48 P-40 Stab/JG77 - - 132 13.3.1943 15:04 P-40 Stab/JG77 - - 133 13.3.1943 17:51 P-39 Stab/JG77 - - 134 22.3.1943 14:27 P-40 Stab/JG77 - - 135 23.3.1943 9:50 Spitfire Stab/JG77 - - 135 23.3.1943 9:50 Spitfire Stab/JG77 - - Victories : 135
Awards : Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (5 June 1942)
Ritterkreuz (14 September 1940)
Eichenlaub (7 May 1941)
Schwertern (15 June 1942)
Medagalia d'Oro (7 May 1941)
Units : JG26, JG51, JG77
http://www.luftwaffe.cz/muncheberg.htmlLuftwaffe pilot Asisbiz database list of 135 aerial victories for Joachim Muncheberg
Date Pilot Name Unit Enemy A/C Type Height Time Location 07-Nov-39 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Blenheim 13.43 SW Opladen N. Leverkusen 11-May-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Hawk-75A 17.45 NNE Antwerpen 14-May-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Hurricane 18.45 E Ath 20km NNW Mons 15-May-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Hurricane 13.00 Overijsche SE Brussels 29-May-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Spitfire I 18.10 West of Dunkirk 31-May-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Hurricane 15.45 NE Dunkirk 31-May-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Hurricane 15.40 SW Dunkirk 31-May-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Lysander 50m 15.35 Furnes-Dunkirk 31-May-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Spitfire 20.30 Dunkirk-Dover 28-Jul-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Hurricane 15.15 15km NE Dover 08-Aug-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Spitfire 3000m 12.55 Margate 14-Aug-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Hurricane 13.29 Dover-Folkestone 15-Aug-40 Joachim Muncheberg Stab III./JG26 Spitfire 16.01 SE Dover (mid-Channel) 24-Aug-40 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 12.22 Ashford 31-Aug-40 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 5500m 10.00 NW Braintree 01-Sep-40 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 14.55 W. Goudhurst 01-Sep-40 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 14.52 West of Goudhurst 06-Sep-40 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 10.28 Dungeness 07-Sep-40 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Spitfire 5500m 18.45 SE London 11-Sep-40 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Spitfire 6500m 19.25 East of Ashford 14-Sep-40 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG27 Spitfire 6500m 17.05 South of Maidstone 17-Oct-40 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Bloch 151 14.55 Faversham 25-Oct-40 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Spitfire 14.40 Marden 14-Nov-40 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Spitfire 100m 15.32 Kanal West of Dover 12-Feb-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 16.41 S. Sigguwi W. Takali (Malta) 12-Feb-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 14.41 Siġġiewi W Takali (Malta) 16-Feb-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 10.38 Sea off Dingli SW Malta 16-Feb-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 14.45 E Ta Venezia (Malta) 25-Feb-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 2000m 16.45 E. St. Paul's Bay (Malta) 26-Feb-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 2500m 14.06 S Krendi (Malta) 26-Feb-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 2500m 14.10 10km S Malta 02-Mar-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 2500m 10.45 2km W Marsa Scirocco (Malta) 05-Mar-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 3500m 17.32 S. Hal Far (Malta) 15-Mar-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Wellington 07.50 10km NW Insel Gozo (Malta) 28-Mar-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 17.20 10km S Gozo Island (200 waRGlight) (Malta) 06-Apr-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Avia B.33E Ground Pogorica 06-Apr-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Breguet XIX Ground Pogorica (Claim not admitted) 06-Apr-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Avia B.33E 12.05 NE Pogorica 11-Apr-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 11.53 SE Paul's Bay (Malta) 11-Apr-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 11.31 SE Malta 11-Apr-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 11.53 SE Pauls Bay (Malta) 23-Apr-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 18.07 SE Hal Far (Malta) 27-Apr-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Sunderland Anchor Kalafrana Bay (Malta) 29-Apr-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 4000m 18.47 Stab Pauls Bay (Malta) 01-May-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 100m 07.55 3km zw FlPl Takali Ta Venezia (Malta) 01-May-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 3000m 07.53 SE Stab Pauls Bay 01-May-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 100m 17.15 SW Luqa airfield 06-May-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane II 12.22 NE Paul's Bay (Malta) 06-May-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane II 600m 12.26 1km SW Hal Far (Malta) 25-May-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane II 15.00 Takali airfield 249Sqn (Malta) 25-May-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane II 15.00 Takali airfield 249Sqn (Malta) 20-Jun-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane II 07.55 20km E. Buq Buq (Egypt) 24-Jun-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 08.00 Lavyet Ungheila 15-Jul-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Tomahawk I 18.40 SW Ras-el-Milh (Libya) 29-Jul-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Tomahawk 100m 17.52 40km E. Bardia 29-Jul-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Tomahawk 100-50m 17.48 50km E Bardia 100-50m 26-Aug-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Spitfire 19.30 2km N Gravelines 29-Aug-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Spitfire 5500-1500m 08.35-40 10km NE Dunkirk 04-Sep-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Spitfire 17.26 Bollezeele S Dunkirk 04-Sep-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Spitfire 17.29 Zeggers-Capelle S Dunkirk 07-Sep-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Spitfire 17.22 NW Montreuil 16-Sep-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Spitfire 19.40 12km E Boulogne 18-Sep-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Spitfire 16.05 Yvetot 18-Sep-41 Joachim Muncheberg 7./JG26 Hurricane 16.15 Sainte-Helene 13-Oct-41 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 14.33 Samer 08-Nov-41 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 13.07 Leon Plage 08-Nov-41 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 13.15 NNE Dunkirchen 08-Dec-41 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 14.17 Boulogne 16-Dec-41 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 16.01 Dunkirk 16-Dec-41 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 16.04 Dunkirk 13-Mar-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 16.17 Wirre Effroy NE Boulogne 24-Mar-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 16.30 Pende 15km NW Abbeville 24-Mar-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 16.35 Cambron 4km W Abbeville 04-Apr-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 11.46 Sea W Calais 10-Apr-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 17.50 Sea NW Etaples 25-Apr-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 16.40 SW of Crecy-en-Ponthieu 25-Apr-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 16.43 SW of Rue 26-Apr-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 18.05 WNW Calais in See 26-Apr-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 18.07 10km W. Cap Gris Nez 26-Apr-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 18.06 10km W Cap Gris Nez 27-Apr-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 14.47 NE Dunkirchen 27-Apr-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 16.06 North of Dunkirk-Mardyck 29-Apr-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 16.04 bei Le Touquet 30-Apr-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 4000m 19.36 West of Somme-Mundung 01-May-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 19.31 SW Calais 01-May-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 19.40 5km N Calais 06-May-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 18.53-55 NW Cap Gris Nez 09-May-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 13.44 15km S Gravelines 09-May-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 13.39 15km S Gravelines 17-May-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 17.35 Guines-St Omer 31-May-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 19.41 Quend Plage-les-Pins 31-May-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 18.37 South of Foret de Crecy 02-Jun-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 600-800m 11.07 15km W Etaples 02-Jun-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 11.01 SW Abbeville 20-Jun-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 15.47 East of Boulogne 20-Jun-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab II./JG26 Spitfire 15.44 South of Ardres 03-Aug-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Pe-2 2000m 10.32 47 591 03-Aug-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Pe-2 1800m 10.36 47 514 04-Aug-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 50-100m 10.38 6km ENE Subzow 05-Aug-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 LaGG-3 1500m 18.48 47 880 09-Aug-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 MiG-3 800m 14.30 47 844 10-Aug-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Yak-1 2300m 18.40± 47 563 22-Aug-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik Low Level 10.25 47 761 24-Aug-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik Low Level 06.20 47 754 24-Aug-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik Low Level 06.21 47 791 25-Aug-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Pe-2 1800m 17.11 47 381 02-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 300m 10.52 SW Gshatsk 02-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 100m 10.55 SSW Gshatsk 02-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 100m 10.55 SSW Gshatsk 02-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 LaGG-3 800m 08.23 SW Karmanovo 03-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 600m 14.32 46 192 04-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Pe-2 1800m 17.35 S Zubtsowo 05-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 P-39 Aircobra 3000m 17.57 66 380 05-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 P-39 Aircobra 3500m 17.53 Kubinka 09-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 100m 17.08 47 733 09-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 100m 17.12 47 762 10-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 LaGG-3 2000m 10.35 47 811 10-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 3-400m 07.13 47 764 10-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Pe-2 2500m 07.09 47 843 14-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 200m 17.13 47 591 14-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Pe-2 1200m 17.07 47 732 14-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 07.25 47 762 14-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 Il-2 Sturmovik 1800m 17.01 47 594 22-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 R-5 09.31 47 611 22-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 MiG-3 1500m 09.25 47 612 26-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 LaGG-3 12.23 47 522 26-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 LaGG-3 2000m 16.08 47 572 27-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 LaGG-3 1500m 06.59 47 592 27-Sep-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG51 LaGG-3 07.03 47 612 09-Nov-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 Spitfire 15.07 E. Buq Buq 27-Nov-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 Spitfire 07.32 5km E. Bir el Ginn 10-Dec-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40 Warhawk 15.05 10km NW El Agheila 14-Dec-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40 Warhawk 15.08 15km SW El Agheila 14-Dec-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40 Warhawk 15.25 20km SW El Agheila 15-Dec-42 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40 Warhawk 10.58 Ras el Ali 13-Jan-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40E Warhawk 08.45 - 13-Jan-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 Baltimore 08.45 14-Jan-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40E Warhawk 11.21 14-Jan-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40E Warhawk 11.23 14-Jan-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40E Warhawk 11.17 18-Jan-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40E Warhawk 16.40 22-Jan-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40 Kittyhawk 13.05 - 22-Jan-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40 Kittyhawk 12.55 10-Mar-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40 Kittyhawk 16.33 10-Mar-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40 Kittyhawk 16.48 13-Mar-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-39 Aircobra 17.51 13-Mar-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40 Warhawk 15.04 22-Mar-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 P-40 Warhawk 14.27 23-Mar-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 Spitfire 09.50 - 23-Mar-43 Joachim Muncheberg Stab /JG77 Dogfight KiA Dogfight Zanouch
Waalhaven Rotterdam Netherlands Map
Bibliography: +
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- Caldwell, Donald L. JG 26: Top Guns of the Luftwaffe. New York: Ballantine Books, 1991. ISBN 0-8041-1050-6.
- Craig, James F. The Messerschmitt Bf.109. New York: Arco Publishing Company, 1968.
- Cross, Roy and Gerald Scarborough. Messerschmitt Bf 109, Versions B-E. London: Patrick Stevens, 1976. ISBN 0-85059-106-6.
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- Ebert, Hans A., Johann B. Kaiser and Klaus Peters. Willy Messerschmitt: Pioneer of Aviation (The History of German Aviation Design). Atglen, PA: Schiffer Books, 2000. ISBN 0-7643-0727-4.
- Feist, Uwe. The Fighting Me 109. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1993, ISBN 1-85409-209-X.
- Fernández-Sommerau, Marco. Messerschmitt Bf 109 Recognition Manual. Hersham, Surrey, UK: Classic Publications, 2004. ISBN 1-903223-27-X.
- Glancey, Jonathan. Spitfire: The Illustrated Biography. London: Atlantic Books, 2006. ISBN 978-1-84354-528-6.
- Green, William. Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Augsburg Eagle; A Documentary History. London: Macdonald and Jane's Publishing Group Ltd., 1980. ISBN 0-7106-0005-4.
- Griehl, Manfred. Das geheime Typenbuch der deutschen Luftwaffe: Geheime Kommandosache 8531/44 gKdos. Friedberg, Germany: Podzun-Pallas Verlag, 2004. ISBN 978-3-7909-0775-9.
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- Massimello, Giovanni and Giorgio Apostolo. Italian Aces of World War Two. Oxford/New York, Osprey Publishing, 2000. ISBN 978-1-84176-078-0.
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- Neulen, Hans Werner. In the Skies of Europe. Ramsbury, Marlborough, UK: The Crowood Press, 2000. ISBN 1-86126-799-1.
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- Poruba, T and A Janda. Messerschmitt Bf 109K. Hradec Králové, Czech Republic: JaPo, 1997.
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- Price, Alfred. Spitfire Mk. I/II Aces (Osprey's Aircraft of the Aces). London: Osprey, 1996. ISBN 84-8372-207-0.
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- Savic, D. and B. Ciglic. Croatian Aces of World War II (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 49). Oxford, UK: Oxford, 2002. ISBN 1-84176-435-3.
- Scutts, Jerry. Bf 109 Aces of North Africa and the Mediterranean. Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 1994. ISBN 1-85532-448-2, ISBN 978-1-85532-448-0.
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- Stenman, Kari and Kalevi Keskinen. Finnish Aces of World War 2 (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 23). London: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1998. ISBN 1-85532-783-X.
- Taylor, John W.R. "Messerschmitt Bf 109." Combat Aircraft of the World from 1909 to the present. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1969. ISBN 0-425-03633-2.
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- Weal, John. Bf 109 Aces of the Russian Front. Oxford: Osprey, 2001. ISBN 978-1-84176-084-1.
- Weal, John. BF 109D/E Aces 1939–41. Oxford: Osprey, 1996. ISBN 978-1-85532-487-9.
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- Winchester, Jim. "Messerschmitt Bf 109." Aircraft of World War II: The Aviation Factfile. Kent, UK: Grange Books plc, 2004. ISBN 1-84013-639-1.
Messerschmitt Bf 109 operational history Bibliography: +
- Beale, Nick, Ferdinando D'Amico and Gabriele Valentini. Air War Italy: Axis Air Forces from Liberation of Rome to the Surrender. Shrewsbury, UK: Airlife, 1996. ISBN 1-85310-252-0.
- Bergström, Christer. Barbarossa – The Air Battle: July–December 1941. London: Chevron/Ian Allan, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-270-2.
- Bergström, Christer and Martin Pegg. Jagdwaffe:The War in Russia, January–October 1942. Luftwaffe Colours, Volume 3 Section 4. London: Classic Colours Publications, 2003. ISBN 1-903223-23-7.
- Feist, Uwe. The Fighting Me 109. London: Arms and Armour Press, 1993. ISBN 1-85409-209-X.
- Green, William. Messerschmitt Bf 109: The Augsburg Eagle; A Documentary History. London: Macdonald and Jane's Publishing Group Ltd., 1980. ISBN 0-7106-0005-4.
- Hooton, Edward R. Blitzkrieg in the West, 1939 -1940 (Luftwaffe at War: 2). Hersham, Surrey, UK: Midland Publishing, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85780-272-6.
- Jackson, Robert. Aircraft of World War II: Development – Weaponry – Specifications. Enderby, Leicester, UK, Amber Books, 2003. ISBN 1-85605-751-8.
- Mankau, Heinz and Peter Petrick. Messerschmitt Bf 110, Me 210, Me 410. Raumfahrt, Germany: Aviatic Verlag, 2001. ISBN 3-925505-62-8.
- Mason, Francis K. Messerschmitt Bf 109B, C, D, E in Luftwaffe & Foreign service. London, UK: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1973. ISBN 0-85045-152-3.
- Massimello, Giovanni and Giorgio Apostolo. Italian Aces of World War Two. Oxford/New York, Osprey Publishing, 2000. ISBN 978-1-84176-078-0.
- Morgan, Eric B. and Edward Shacklady. Spitfire: The History. Stamford, UK: Key Books Ltd, 2000. ISBN 0-946219-48-6.
- Neulen, Hans Werner. In the skies of Europe – Air Forces allied to the Luftwaffe 1939–1945. Ramsbury, Marlborough, THE CROWOOD PRESS, 2000. ISBN 1-86126-799-1
- Price, Alfred. Spitfire Mark I/II Aces 1939–41 (Aircraft of the Aces 12). London: Osprey Books, 1996, ISBN 1-85532-627-2.
- Punka, György. "A Messzer": Bf 109s in the Royal Hungarian "Honvéd" Air Force. Budapest, Hungary: OMIKK, 1995. ISBN 963-593-208-1.
- Savic, D. and B. Ciglic. Croatian Aces of World War II (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 49). Oxford, UK: Oxford, 2002. ISBN 1-84176-435-3.
- Stenman, Kari and Kalevi Keskinen. Finnish Aces of World War 2 (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 23). London: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1998. ISBN 1-85532-783-X.
Some of the most widely used Book References:
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase One: July-August 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 1) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Eddie J Creek (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Two: August-September 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 2) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Three: September-October 1940 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 3) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
- Jagdwaffe: Battle of Britain: Phase Four: November 1940-June 1941 (Luftwaffe Colours: Volume Two, Section 4) Paperback Eric Mombeek (Author), David Wadman (Author), Martin Pegg (Author)
Magazines: +
- Airfix Magazines (English) - http://www.airfix.com/
- Avions (French) - http://www.aerostories.org/~aerobiblio/rubrique10.html
- EDUARD - https://www.eduard.com/
- EDUARD - Are in my opinion are what modelers are looking for loads of pictures and diagrams and have become a leading historical information source. *****
- FlyPast (English) - http://www.flypast.com/
- Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) - http://vdmedien.com/flugzeug-publikations-gmbh-hersteller_verlag-vdm-heinz-nickel-33.html
- Flugzeug Classic (German) - http://www.flugzeugclassic.de/
- Klassiker (German) - http://shop.flugrevue.de/abo/klassiker-der-luftfahrt
- Luftwaffe IM Focus (German) - https://www.luftfahrtverlag-start.de/
- Embleme der Luftwaffe Band-1 (German) - https://www.luftfahrtverlag-start.de/
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) - http://boutique.editions-lariviere.fr/site/abonnement-le-fana-de-l-aviation-626-4-6.html
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) - http://www.pdfmagazines.org/tags/Le+Fana+De+L+Aviation/
- Osprey (English) - http://www.ospreypublishing.com/
- model airplane international magazine - https://adhpublishing.com/shop/store/magazine-backissues/model-airplane-international-backissues/
- Revi Magazines (Czech) - http://www.revi.cz/
Web References: +
- eBay - https://picclick.de/ or https://www.ebay.com
- Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com
- Wikipedia.org - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messerschmitt_Bf_109
- Wikipedia.org - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messerschmitt_Bf_109_variants#cite_ref-100
- Wikipedia.org - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messerschmitt_Bf_109_operational_history
- Flickr.com - https://www.flickr.com/photos/farinihouseoflove/2209839419/in/photostream
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