41-13195 B-25C Mitchells 9AF 12AF 12BG83BS 75 Desert Vagabond Jr in flight over Tunisia 17th Apr 1943 NA768
41-13195 B-25C Mitchells 9AF 12AF 12BG83BS 75 Desert Vagabond Jr in flight over Tunisia 17th Apr 1943 NA770
B-25C 41-13195 "Desert Vagabond Jr." of the 83rd Bomb Sq, 12th BG did some bouncing around in her career. After her service here she was transferred to the Group's 434th Bomb Sq; from there the story gets conflicted. One source states she was given to the Free French 10 May 1945; another shows her assigned as a 371st FG headquarters war-weary "hack" ship, suffering a forced landing due to engine failure on 20 June 1945. Perhaps both stories still fit together.(U.S. Air Force Number A23614AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A29248-A23614AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204947016 Local ID: 342-FH-3A29248-A23614AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 310BG380BS Wolf-Pack with her crew and nose art right side North Africa 19th June 1943 01
B-25 Mitchell 12AF Wolf-Pack with her crew and nose art left side North Africa 19th Jun 1943. Shown above are victory claimants in yesterday's successful Mitchell raid on Aranci Sardinia, Italy . Left to right: (Front row) S/Sgt. Alfred A. Szezesniak, Detroit, Mich., Me-109; S/Sgt. Loy G. Myers, Hume Ohio, Me-109;Pvt. James F. Black, Houston, Texas, Me-109
(Back row) S/Sgt. Alvin I. Langford, Chester, Pa., Me-109; S/Sgt. Teddy L. Smith, Logan, Vi, /a., Me-109; Sgt. Everett O. Tippett, Greenville, S.C., Me-109
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28827-24891AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 310BG380BS Wolf-Pack nose art left side Berteaux Algeria 7th Mar 1943 01
S/Sgt. R.E. Dowling of St. Helena, California, a member of the 380th Bomb Squadron, 310th Bomb Group, fusing 500 lb. bombs used in the North American B-25 "WOLF PACK" prior to a raid. 7 March 1943, Berteaux, North Africa.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28584-78949AC
41 12860 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 12AF 12BG81BS 19 Desert Warrior at Cairo Egypt 21st Jan 1944 NA1033
41-12860 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 12BG81BS 19 Desert Warrior with her crew and nose art left side North Africa 21st Jan 1944 01
The 'Desert Warrior', a well-adorned B-25 North American Mitchell bomber of the U. S. Army 9th Air Force, preparatory to being sent back to the U. S. with its crew after completing some of the historic missions of the war from El Alamein to Sicily. Crew, left to rights Sgt John R. Dawdy, San Antonia, Tex; Lt. Floyd R. Pond, Anadarko, Okla navigator; Capt. Ralph M. Lower, Spokane, Wash pilot; Lt. T. R. Tate; Lt. W O. Seaman, Fresno, Calif.; Sgt. J. B. Sarogalo Queens, N.Y. and Pilot-Officer A.A. Martin, British Columbia, Canada. The bombs painted on the cowling of the 'Desert Warrior' represent the missions this ship performed On the map are recorded the individual towns and battlefields bombed. The North American B-25, the "DESERT WARRIOR," is being decorated preparatory to being flown back to the United States. The bombs on the cowling represent missions this plane has performed, all the way from El Alamein to Sicily. On the map are (U.S. Air Force Number 80193AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28838-27032AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204943531 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28033-80193AC
41-12860 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 12BG81BS 19 Desert Warrior with her crew and nose art left side North Africa 15th Sep 1943 01
Crew of North American B-25 Mitchell 'Desert Warrior' is composed of representatives from each of four squadrons of 'Earthquakers' Group, medium bomber unit commanded by Col. Edward N. Backus of Vernon, Texas. The plane has taken part in operations from El Alamein, across Africa through Sicily and has flown 73 combat missions, dropped over 70 tons of bombs, shot down 3 enemy fighters, and has flown 199 combat hour’s. NARA 342-FH-3A28824-25142AC
Left to Right: (back row)
Pilot: Capt, Ralph M. Lower, Spokane, Wash. Co-pilot: 1st Lt. Clarence 0. Seaman, Fresno, Calif.
Navigator: 1st Lt. Floyd F. Pond, Anadarko, Okla.
Bombardier: 1st Lt. Theodore R. Tate, Hindman, Ky.
(Front row)
Top Turret Gunner: S/Sgt. James P. (Pat) Garofale, Glendale, Long Island, N.Y.
Radio Operator: Pilot Officer Anthony A. Martin, Squamish, Canada.
Crew Chief: M/Sgt. John R. Dawdy, San Antonio, Texas.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28824-25142AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 310BG380BS being refueled at Berteaux Algeria 7th Mar 1943 01
Photo caption: Pvt. Robert B. Carlson of Duluth, Minnesota, a member of the 310th Bomb Group, gasses a North American B-25 with a 4,000 gallon refilling unit at Berteaux, Algeria North Africa. 7 March 1943.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28838-27032AC
B-25 Mitchell's 12AF in formation over the Mediterranean headed for Tripoli Libya Nov 1942 01
Photo caption: North American B-25 bombers over the Mediterranean, headed for Tripoli, Libya November 1942.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28515-22677AC
B-25 Mitchell's 12AF in formation over the Mediterranean headed for Tripoli Libya Nov 1942 02
Photo caption: North American B-25 bombers over the Mediterranean, headed for Tripoli, Libya November 1942.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28516-A33677AC
41-12952 B-25C Mitchell 12AF 12BG 48 Fickle Finger II with 41-13123 over North Africa 24th Apr 1943 01
Photo caption: North American B-25's of the U.S. Army Air Force in North Africa, in flight.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28565-A23578AC
41-12952 B-25C Mitchell 12BG 48 Fickle Finger II during a Sandstorm Cairo Egypt 1943 NA848
41-12952 B-25C Mitchell 12BG 48 Fickle Finger II during a Sandstorm Cairo Egypt 1943 NA852
Photo caption: On a desert in Egypt, a North American B-25 is hardly visible through a dust storm, one of the many hazzards allied troops and pilots had to cope with in helping chase the Jerry out of North Africa.(U.S. Air Force Number A23433AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204943260 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27938-A23458AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204943254 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27936-A23433AC
41-12952 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 12AF 12BG 48 Fickle Finger II being salvaged Berteaux area 4th Mar 1943 NA739
41-12952 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 12AF 12BG 48 Fickle Finger II being salvaged Berteaux area 4th Mar 1943 NA741
Photo caption: A Wrecked North American B-25 Of The 310Th Bomb Group is lifted by A C-2 Crane Onto A Semi-Trailer To Be Hauled To A Salvage Depot In Berteaux, North Africa. 4 March 1943.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204946984 Local ID: 342-FH-3A29232-A78951AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204946981 Local ID: 342-FH-3A29231-78951AC
B 25C Mitchell 9AF 12AF 12BG Cobra noseart being salvaged Berteaux area 4th Feb 1943 NA664
Photo caption: After many successful missions, this North American B-25 of the 12th Bomber Command was hit by enemy flak and fire in a sweep over Tunis, North Africa, and was forced to make a crash landing. The airplane is shown here being salvaged. 13 February 1943.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204946776 Local ID: 342-FH-3A29191-C78932AC
41-13123 B-25C Mitchell 12AF 321BG446BS 31 Old War Hoss with 41-12952 over North Africa 24th Apr 1943 01
Photo caption: North American B-25's of the U.S. Army Air Force in North Africa, in flight.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28558-59159AC
41-13123 B-25C Mitchell 12AF 321BG446BS 31 Old War Hoss with P-40 escort Cairo Egypt 24th Apr 1943 NA859
Photo caption: North American B-25 and Curtiss P-40 escort in flight over Cairo, Egypt.(U.S. Air Force Number 23431AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204943271 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27942-23431AC
B-25D Mitchells 12AF being rearmed for their next mission Western Desert Egypt 1942 NA1025
B-25D Mitchells 12AF being rearmed for their next mission Western Desert Egypt 1942 NA1025
Photo caption: Somewhere in the Western Desert, Egypt, North American B-25's being rapidly reserviced and reloaded with bombs just after a completed mission.Somewhere in the Western Desert, Egypt, North American B-25's being rapidly reserviced and reloaded with bombs just after a completed mission. (U.S. Air Force Number 23325AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204943518 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28028-23335AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204943274 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27943-23325AC
B-25D Mitchells 12AF being rearmed for their next mission Western Desert Egypt 1942 NA1027
Photo caption: Western Desert, Egypt-North American B-25's being rapidly reserviced and reloaded with bombs just after a completed mission. (U.S. Air Force Number 24363AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204943521 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28029-24363AC
B-25D Mitchells 12AF being rearmed for their next mission Western Desert Egypt 1942 NA1023
Photo caption: Unceasing credit must be given to those men of the ground crews of the U.S.A.A.F., who kept their ships, like this North American B-25 medium bomber, in the air to continually pound the rapidly retreating Axis hordes fleeing through the Western Desert Egypt 1942 (U.S. Air Force Number 11855AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204943515 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28027-11855AC
41-13070 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 310BG Q Shanghi Lil flying low over the Mediterranean Berteaux Morocco 1943 NA540
41-13070 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 310BG Q Shanghi Lil flying low over Axis held North African territory NA538
41-13070 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 310BG Q Shanghi Lil prior to their take-off for the US 1943 NA1270
41-13070 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 310BG Q Shanghi Lil prior to their take-off for the US 1943 NA019
Photo NA540: Berteaux, Morocco-North American B-25's on their way to Axis held territory from a bomber base somewhere in North Africa.
Photo NA538: Berteaux, Morocco-North American B-25's of the 310th Bomber Group on a mission over Axis held North African territory.
Photo NA1270: GOING HOME AFTER FIFTH MISSIONS--At a USAAF Mitchell Bomber Base in North Africa. Shown above is the "Shanghi-lil," veteran North American B-25 Mitchell Bomber, with her pilot and crew just prior to their take-off for the U.S. All members (U.S. Air Force Number 26148AC) GOING HOME AFTER FIFTH MISSIONS—At a USAAF Mitchell Bomber Base in North Africa. Shown above is the "Shanghi-Lil," veteran North American B-25 Mitchell Bomber, with her pilot and crew just prior to their take-off for the U.S. All members of the crew have completed 50 missions in this theatre and will now engage in a nation-wide tour in behalf of the War Bond appeal of the the Treasury Department. Following the completion of their projected tour, it is expected that many of them will be assigned to training capacities in the States. Left to Right: Capt. James G. Hickman, Orlando, Fla., top position in nose. S/Sgt. John P. Stilp, Neenah, Wis. T/Sgt. John I. Gerry, Fairbault, Minn. 1st Lt. Robert M. Westcott, San Jose, California, who appeared after the picture was taken following an unavoidable delay, thus missing out on the picture but not the trip home. S/Sgt. Loy G. Meyers, Hume, Ohio. Capt. John H. Beatty, Kittanning, Pa., their pilot. Bidding then "Bon Voyage” is the Commanding General of the medium bombardment wing with which they affiliated.(U.S. Air Force Number 59792AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204944712 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28442-24220AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204944709 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28441-23407AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204945787 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28831-26148AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204945869 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28845-59792AC
41-13071 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 310BG prior to take-off at Berteaux Morocco 1943 NA546
41-13071 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 310BG prior to take-off at Berteaux Morocco 1943 NA548
Photo caption: Berteaux, Morocco-North American B-25's of the 310th Bomber Group off from a North African airfield to bomb Axis held territory.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204944724 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28446-24221AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204944721 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28445-23401AC
USAAF aerodrome and base at Berteaux Morocco 1943 NA562
Photo caption: Berteaux, Morocco-North African mountain outlook of the 14th Fighter Group. The airdrome is situated in the countryside beneath.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204944746 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28454-23402AC
43-27708 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG488BS 8V Battlin' Betty with 8C over Italy 12th Feb 1944 NA256
Photo caption: It takes bad weather to keep North American B-25 Mitchells of Tactical Air Force on the ground. Since the first of the year, the Billy Mitchells have bombed more than one thousand targets in the Mediterranean Theatre and flown over 59,999 combat
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204917283 Local ID: 342-FH-3A26370-116637AC
B-25C Mitchell 12AF 321BG White 39 enroute to bomb harbour and enemy transport at Split Yugoslavia 1944 NA494
B-25C Mitchell 12AF 321BG White 39 enroute to bomb harbour and enemy transport at Split Yugoslavia 1944 NA495
Photo caption: B-25C Mitchell 12AF 321BG White 39 enroute to bomb Radovljica in Yugoslavia now Slovenia 1944. B-25 North American Mitchells on their way to attack the harbour and enemy transport at Split, Yugoslavia. B-25 North American Mitchells on their way to attack the harbour and enemy transport at Split, Yugoslavia.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204919675 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27276-116663AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204919673 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27275-3A27275
B-25 Mitchell's 9AF landing on a recently captured Luftwaffe airfield in North Africa 1943 01
Crew of North American B-25 Mitchell "Desert Warrior" is composed of representatives from each of four squadrons of "Earthquakers" Group, medium bomber unit commanded by Col. Edward N. Backus of Vernon, Texas. The plane has taken part in operations from El Alamein, across Africa through Sicily and has flown 73 combat missions, dropred over 70 tons of bombs, shot down 3 enemy fighters,
and has flown 199 combat hours. Left to Rights (back row) Pilots Capt, Ralph M. Lower, Spokane, Wash. Co-pilots 1st Lt. Clarence 0. Seaman, Fresno, Calif. Navigator: 1st Lt. Floyd F. Pond, Anadarko, Okla.
Bombardier: 1st Lt. Theodore R. Tate, Hindman, Ky. (Front row) Top Turret Gunner: S/Sgt. James P. (Pat) Garofale, Glendale, Long Island, N.Y. Radio Operators Pilot Officer Anthony A. Martin, Squamish, Canada.
Crew Chief: M/Sgt, John R. Dawdy, San Antonio, Texas.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204945766 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28824-25142AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 310BG379BS Stud nose art left side with crew North Africa 22nd Nov 1943 NA023
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 310BG379BS Stud nose art left side with crew North Africa 22nd Nov 1943 NA1276
Crew of North American B-25 Mitchell "Desert Warrior" is composed of representatives from each of four squadrons of "Earthquakers" Group, medium bomber unit commanded by Col. Edward N. Backus of Vernon, Texas. The plane has taken part in operations from El Alamein, across Africa through Sicily and has flown 73 combat missions, dropred over 70 tons of bombs, shot down 3 enemy fighters,
and has flown 199 combat hours. Left to Rights (back row) Pilots Capt, Ralph M. Lower, Spokane, Wash. Co-pilots 1st Lt. Clarence 0. Seaman, Fresno, Calif. Navigator: 1st Lt. Floyd F. Pond, Anadarko, Okla.
Bombardier: 1st Lt. Theodore R. Tate, Hindman, Ky. (Front row) Top Turret Gunner: S/Sgt. James P. (Pat) Garofale, Glendale, Long Island, N.Y. Radio Operators Pilot Officer Anthony A. Martin, Squamish, Canada.
Crew Chief: M/Sgt, John R. Dawdy, San Antonio, Texas.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204945766 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28824-25142AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 204945796 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28834-26157AC
B-25 Mitchell's 9AF landing on a recently captured Luftwaffe airfield in North Africa 1943 01
North American B-25's of the 9th Air Force, come in over wrecked Nazi planes to land at their base in North Africa 1943.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28558-59159AC
B-25 Mitchell's 9AF landing on a recently captured Luftwaffe airfield in North Africa 1943 02
North American B-25's of the 9th Air Force, come in over wrecked Nazi planes to land at their base in North Africa 1943.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28566-B59154AC
B-25C Mitchell 9AF 12BG 49 over North Africa 24th Apr 1943 01
North American B-25 "Mitchell" flys over North African desert enroute to the target for the day. Note shadows cast by preceding formation. North Africa.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A28564-23578AC
43-4055 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG488BS 8M over German lines south of Lake Comacchio Italy 01
Nazi troops concentrations just ahead of the British 8th army lines receive a shower of death and destruction from North American B-25 Mitchell's of the us 12th AF as the medium bombers go in for close cooperations with ground forces breaking through German lines south of Italy's Lake Comacchio. The current campaign is one of the most extensive of its type ever undertaken by Mediterranean Mitchells
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A24676-57545AC
43-27667 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG489BS 9Z Comin' Over Hun in formation with 488BS 8R and 486BS 6P over Italy 01
43-27474 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG488BS 8R Old Ironsides III in formation with 489BS 9Z and 486BS 6P over Italy 01
43-27661 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG486BS 6P in formation with 489BS 9Z and 488BS 8R over Italy 01
43-27667 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG489BS 9Z Comin' Over Hun in formation with 43-27474 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG488BS 8R Old Ironsides III and 43-27661 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG486BS 6P. These North American B-25 Mitchell bombers of the 12th AF provide 'Air Mail Service' for the leaflets. Nickeling Missions are not 'Milk Runs' for Jerry Gunners are not eager to receive the latest news. Although Fighters are rarely encountered, flak barrages are usually intense Italy 3rd May 1945.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A22895-57252AC
43-27636 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 321BG448BS Ave Maria over Northern Italy Oct 1944 01
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A23028-113611AC
43 27636 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 321BG448BS Ave Maria drop frag bombs on the Gothis Line in Italy 01
43-27667 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG489BS 9Z Comin' Over Hun in formation with 43-27474 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG488BS 8R Old Ironsides III and 43-27661 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG486BS 6P. These North American B-25 Mitchell bombers of the 12th AF provide 'Air Mail Service' for the leaflets. Nickeling Missions are not 'Milk Runs' for Jerry Gunners are not eager to receive the latest news. Although Fighters are rarely encountered, flak barrages are usually intense Italy 3rd May 1945.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A24673-57270AC
43-87678 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 321BG446BS Lemmon Lu over Northern Italy Oct 1944 01
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID 342-FH-3A23028-113611AC
B-25 Mitchells 12AF 310BG bomb the rail bridge at Pordenone Italy 28th Feb 1945 01
North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th AF dealt a severe blow to this rail bridge at Pordenone, Italy on the main line carrying nazi traffic between Udine and the west. Here a cloud of smoke and dust rises over the target as the last two 310BG Mitchells finish their run 28th Feb 1945.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A25552-3a25552
B 25 Mitchells 12AF 310BG379BS over Corsica France head for the Brenner Line in Italy 23rd Jan 1945 01
North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th AF fly over the Brenner Pass to look for and destroy a narrow rail bridge which feeds supplies to German Troops in Italy. 12th AF bombers have been steadily pounding the Brenner Line and all supply routes in Northern Italy in a continuation of Operation Strangle 23rd Jan 1945. Pilot of the lead plane was Major RJ Fitzsimmons of the 310BG379BS. This is not a photo taken in Italy but nearby the Ghisonaccia Gare Airfield in Corsica France, the formation was a Three hundred ten Bomber Group, Three hundred and seventy nine Bomber Squadron; The villages in the hills are on the left Poggio di Nazza and on the right Lugo di Nazza;
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A22897-58828AC
B 25 Mitchells 12AF 321BG445BS Solenzara Corsica preparing to leave for their next target Dec 1944 01
North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th AF get last minute check before taking off to attack enemy target.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A23030-113617AC
B-25J Mitchell 12AF 321BG447BS Mama head back to their base in Corsica France 3rd Jan 1945 01
North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th AF 321st Bomb Group head for home after smashing another hun position in Northern Italy.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A23024-69296AC
42-53460 B-25C Mitchell 9AF Sand Blower during a Easter service in North Africa April 1943 01
Series of photo's with 42-53460 a North American B-25 Mitchell of the 9th AF named Sand Blower during a Easter service in North Africa April 1943.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A23024-69296AC, 342-FH-3A29155-B26649AC, 342-FH-3A29160-D59156AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 310BG379BS Stud nose art left side with crew North Africa 22nd Nov 1943 01
Completing 52 combat missions, a North American B-25, 'STUD', of Jimmy Doolittle's Strategic Air Force, is going back to the United States, complete with its crew, to tour the country selling War Bonds. Standing in the nose of the plane is 1st Lt. Donald C, Biggs, Potter, Nebraska. Below Biggs is Capt, Laverne B. Johnson from Kenmore, N.Y. Left to right, on top of the plane are: 1st Lt. Willard E. Wilvert, Ventura, Calif.; S/Sgt. Herman E. Keller, Fishtail, Montana; T/Sgt. William H. Etheridge, Fairfield, Ill.; T/Sgt. Isaac Rousso, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Capt. James R. Holstead, Cloudrant, La., sitting in pilot’s seat.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A28834-26157AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 310BG379BS Stud nose art left side with crew North Africa 22nd Nov 1943 02
Crew of the North American B-25 Mitchell bomber 'Stud' are, left to right: Capt. Laverne B. Johnson, 1St Lt. Donald C. Biggs, 1St Lt. Willard E. Wilvert, S/Sgt. Norman E. Keller, T/Sgt. William H. Ethridge, T/Sgt. Isaac Ruesso, Capt. James R. Holdstead. North Africa
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A28847-60462AC
44-28929 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 310BG428BS in formation with 43-4015 and 43-4094 head back to base 01
North American B-25 Mitchells Of The 12Th AF, Head For Their Home Base After Bombing A Rail Bridge At Ala, Italy, On The Brenner Pass Line.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A22881-112945AC
41-13071 B-25C Mitchell 12AF 310BG under going maintenance in Berteaux Algeria 5th Mar 1943 01
A damaged North American B-25 of the 310th Bomb Group, considered too badly damaged for combat service, is given a complete overhauling by members of the 346th Service Squadron at Berteaux, North Africa 5 March 1943.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A28998-78953AC
43-359xx B-25J Mitchell 12AF 319BG440BS 98 and 91 returning to Corsica France 3rd Jan 1945 01
North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th AF head for home after smashing another hun position in Northern Italy.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A23015-58196AC
Target 12AF 310BG B-25 Mitchell enroute to its target in Italy 1944 01
North American B-25 One In A Formation Of 'Mitchells', Enroute To Bomb Enemy Installations In Italy, Sometime In 1944. 310Th Bomb Group.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A23021-62068AC
Target 12AF 57th Bomb Wing 310BG B-25 Mitchells enroute to their target in Italy 01
North American B-25 Mitchells Of The 57Th Bomb Wing Roar Over Mountain Craigs, Enroute To The Target Somewhere In Italy.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A22902-70111AC
Target 12AF B-25 Mitchells bomb supply routes in the port of Ancona Eastern Italy 23rd Dec 1943 01
North American B-25 Mitchells Of The 12Th Army Air Force Attack Enemy Supply Routes At The Port Of Ancona On The East Coast Of Italy.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A24789-122550AC
Target 12AF 310BG B-25s bomb troop concentrations and storehouses in Ala Northern Italy Jan 1945 01
North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th Air Force 310th Bomb Group attack troop concentrations and storehouses in the town of Ala, Northern Italy. The smoke and explosions are from bombs scoring a bulls-eye on the storehouse. These Medium Bombers of the 12th Air Force, working with 5th Army, are helping to push the enemy towards the Alps.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A24763-3A24763
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 340BG486BS 6C damaged by the Mt Vesuvius eruption on 23rd Mar 1944 01
North American B-25 Which Was Damaged During The Eruption Of Mt. Vesuvius On 23 March 1944. 340Th Bomb Group.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A23971-68335AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 340BG487BS 7U damaged by the Mt Vesuvius eruption on 23rd Mar 1944 01
North American B-25 Which Was Damaged During The Eruption Of Mt. Vesuvius On 23 March 1944. 340Th Bomb Group.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A23958-68324AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 340BG487BS 7D damaged by the Mt Vesuvius eruption on 23rd Mar 1944 01
North American B-25 Which Was Damaged During The Eruption Of Mt. Vesuvius On 23 March 1944. 340Th Bomb Group.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A23959-A68324AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 340BG damaged by the Mt Vesuvius eruption on 23rd Mar 1944 01
North American B-25 Which Was Damaged During The Eruption Of Mt. Vesuvius On 23 March 1944. 340Th Bomb Group.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A23980-68571AC
Target 12AF 321BG B-25s bomb enemy gun positions for the Fifth Army front near Cassino Italy 3rd Jan 1944 01
North American B-25 Medium Bombers (USAAF) of the Tactical Air Force flying in formation over mountainous country on their way to bomb enemy gun positions on the Fifth Army front near Cassino.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A22885-50694AC
Target 12AF 321BG B-25s bomb enemy gun positions for the Fifth Army front near Cassino Italy 3rd Jan 1944 02
North American B-25 Mitchell Medium bombers (USAAF) of the Tactical Air Force, flying in formation over mountainous country on their way to bomb enemy gun positions on the Fifth Army Front near Cassino, Italy.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A22886-51279AC
Target 12AF 321BG B-25s bomb enemy gun positions for the Fifth Army front near Cassino Italy 3rd Jan 1944 03
North American B-25 Mitchell Medium bombers (USAAF) of the Tactical Air Force, flying in formation over mountainous country on their way to bomb enemy gun positions on the Fifth Army Front near Cassino, Italy.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A24997-50692AC
Target 12AF 321BG B-25s bomb enemy gun positions for the Fifth Army front near Cassino Italy 3rd Jan 1944 04
North American B-25 Mitchell Medium bombers (USAAF) of the Tactical Air Force, flying in formation over mountainous country on their way to bomb enemy gun positions on the Fifth Army Front near Cassino, Italy.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A24998-50693AC
42-32490 B-25C Mitchells 12AF 310BG landing back at their base after a 500 plane mission 8th Aug 1943 01
North American B-25 taxies up runway, as other planes of the Over 500-plane mission, come in for landing in a cloud of dust.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A22964-B24539AC
43-27702 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG488BS 8L bomb railroad yards at Fano near Rome 23rd Jun 1944 01
North American B-25 Mitchell bombers of the 1st Tactical Air Force attacked the Italian east coast, striking at railroad yards at Fano, 125 miles northeast of Rome, where they laid a string of bombs across assembled trains.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A25093A-53403AC
Target 12AF B-25 Mitchells bomb rail bridge at Staz di Ceraino Verona Italy 7th Mar 1945 01
North American B-25's blast flak positions prior to the attack on a rail bridge at Staz di Ceraino on the Brenner Line 20 miles north of Verona, Italy. Dense smoke neutralizes the gun position for some time after the attack, and permits 12th AF.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A25093A-53403AC
Target 12AF B-25 Mitchells bomb rail bridge at Albania Italy 23rd Oct 1943 01
North American B-25 airplanes conducted a raid on a rail bridge at Albania, on 10/23/43. 36 unescorted B-25's dropped 54 tons of five-hundred-pound bombs. Bursts around piers and embankment make it likely that the bridge is unservicable as well as the approaches Albania Italy 23rd Oct 1943.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A24779-26624AC
Target 12AF B-25 Mitchells bomb rail bridge at Albania Italy 23rd Oct 1943 02
North American B-25 airplanes conducted a raid on a rail bridge at Albania, on 10/23/43. 36 unescorted B-25's dropped 54 tons of five-hundred-pound bombs. Bursts around piers and embankment make it likely that the bridge is unservicable as well as the approaches Albania Italy 23rd Oct 1943.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A24780-A26624AC
Target 12AF B-25 Mitchells bomb supply stores and depot at Bologna Italy 11th Oct 1944 01
North American B-25 Mitchell bombers of the Tactical Air Forces attacking supply stores and depot at Bologna, Italy on 11th Oct 1944.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A24871-54217AC
Target 12AF B-25 Mitchells bomb railway yards at Perugia Italy 14th Feb 1944 01
North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th AAF attacked the railway yards at Perugia in a raid on 14th Feb 1944
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A25455-B50647AC
43-3990 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG488BS 8B information with 8P over Italy 01
43-27657 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG488BS 8P information with 8B over Italy 01
North American B25 Mitchells of the 12Th AF's 340th Bomb Group over the Italian Alps on their way to attack a target in the Brenner Pass. The B-25 Medium bombers continuously pound the enemy's rail and road bridges in Northern Italy to tighten the final noose of Operation Strangle around the Hun 17th Jan 1945
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A22892-55693AC
B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG489BS 9Z and 9P during a mission to Northern Italy 3rd Jan 1945 01
North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th AAF attacked the railway yards at Perugia in a raid on 14th Feb 1944
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A23023-62820AC
B-25J Mitchell 12AF 321BG488BS in formation over Italy July 1944 01
North American B-25J Mitchell's of the First Tactical Air Force of the 321st BG 448th BS fly over rugged Italian country as they approach their target. These medium bombers have been steadily smashing at roads, bridges and communication links behind the enemy's lines hampering the flow of supplies to Hun forces as well as putting a series of stumbling blocks in his path of retreat Italy July 1944
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A22888-52393AC
Target 12AF B-25 Mitchells bomb the 1,200 foot Galliate road bridge 20 miles west of Milan Itlay 11th Oct 1944 01
North American B-25 Mitchells of the Mediterranean Allied Air Force Tactical Air Force and the destruction they are leaving in Axis-held territory is vividly depicted here as the medium bombers fly in smart box formation over the target. The target is the 1,200 foot Galliate road bridge, 20 miles west of Milan, Itlay. Two big spans in the heart of the hugh structure were destroyed 10th Nov 1944
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A25182A-54772AC
B-25 Mitchell 'Ally-oop' taxies off runway to plane stop after completing Rome mission 1944 01
North American B-25 Mitchells of the Mediterranean Allied Air Force Tactical Air Force and the destruction they are leaving in Axis-held territory is vividly depicted here as the medium bombers fly in smart box formation over the target. The target is the 1,200 foot Galliate road bridge, 20 miles west of Milan, Itlay. Two big spans in the heart of the hugh structure were destroyed 10th Nov 1944
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A22965-C24539AC
43-35982 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 310BG381BS Angel of Mercy landed damaged at its base in Italy 7th May 1945 01
North American B-25 Mitchells of the Mediterranean Allied Air Force Tactical Air Force and the destruction they are leaving in Axis-held territory is vividly depicted here as the medium bombers fly in smart box formation over the target. The target is the 1,200 foot Galliate road bridge, 20 miles west of Milan, Itlay. Two big spans in the heart of the hugh structure were destroyed 10th Nov 1944
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A24576-116602AC
Target 15AF B-24 Liberators bomb railroad yards at Pontedera Itlay 22nd Jan 1944 01
One day before the landings on 22nd Jan the Liberators of the 15th AAF hit the railroad yards at Pontedera, half way between Pisa and Florence. Three days before, they had been hit by the Fortresses. Object was to block all lines that connected Northern Italy with the Rome area, and thus to isolate the Battle area before D-Day 28th Mar 1944
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A25543-50323AC
43-27571 B-25J Mitchell 310BG380BS She's Engaged at Peretola, Italy April 1945 01
Operations in connection with the rescue of an injured american airman who had parachuted into enemy territory and had been behind the lines for two months. A Fieseler Storch plane was sent out to make the rescue and while landing at a secondary airstrip, broke a prop and strut. The needed parts were quickly parachuted to the awaiting Partisans to be used to repair the plane. The Storch was then flown to the Primary airstrip (still under enemy fire), at which time the rescue of the injured airmen was accomplished. Shown here is the North American B-25 She's Engaged of the 37th Bomb Wing used in the parachute drop operation, 12th AF base Peretola, Italy April 1945.
Photo source NARA 342-FH-3A24431A-75210AC
42-64529 B-25C Mitchell 12AF 321BG445BS refueling at Val De Caes Field Belem Brazil April 1943 NA61
Photo description: Airplanes On The Line Being Refueled At Val De Caes Field, Belem, Brazil. April 1943.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204831266 Local ID: 342 FH 3A00805 77276AC
B-25C Mitchell 12AF 321BG445BS Chappy at Val De Caes Field Belem Brazil Apri 1943 NA59
Photo description: North American B-25 "Chappy" Being Refueled At Val De Caes Field, Belem, Brazil. April 1943.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204831266 Local ID: 342 FH 3A00805 77276AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 340BG damaged by the Mt Vesuvius eruption on 23rd Mar 1944 NA1230
Photo description: On The Military Highway From Pompeii To The Vesuivius Field In Italy, A Truck Tows A North American B-25 Of The 340Th Bomb Group To A Safe Field After The Eruption Of Mt. Vesuvius On 23 March 1944.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204910939 Local ID: 342-FH-3A23980-68571AC
Aircrew MajGen James Jimmy Doolittle at Heliopolis Airport Egypt 1943 NA337
Photo description: General James "Jimmy" Doolittle is ahovn at the controla of a North American B-25 at Heliopolis Airport, Egypt. 1943.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204992832 Local ID: 342-FH-3A46967-79796AC
Aircrew MajGen James Jimmy Doolittle at Maison Blanch Airport Algeria 1943 NA357
Photo description: General James "Jimmy" Doolittle is ahovn at the controla of a North American B-25 at Heliopolis Airport, Egypt. 1943.
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204992802 Local ID: 342-FH-3A46957-70274AC
B-25 Mitchell 9AF 12AF 12BG Earthquakers with crew chief Raymond M Bowcott Cairo Egypt 1943 NA375
Photo description: SSGT Raymond M. Bowcott, Peoria, IL - B-25 crew chief, 12th BG "Earthquakers."
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204992829 Local ID: 342-FH-3A46966-23460AC
B-25 Mitchell 9AF 12AF 12BG Earthquakers with crew chief Raymond M Bowcott Cairo Egypt 1943 NA1244
Photo description: Walt Disney will love this! Pluto gets a break as Lt. John J. Privara of Lions III. And Capt. James T. McKee of Picayune, Miss., Pilot of the North American B-25 along with Lt. Russel E. Wise of Arlington, Mass. Co-pilot and William L. Lewis B-25C "Pluto" (serial 41-13167) would remain otherwise unidentified if not for the phrase 'Earthquaker' on her nose. Most likely assigned to the 12th BG "Earthquakers," but her attachment to which squadron within the group - 81st, 82nd, 83rd or 434th - remains unclear.41-13167 was tail #65, 83rd BS, 12th BG
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204945860 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28842-B59165AC
B-25C Mitchell 12AF 321BG White 39 at the drop zone over the harbour at Split Yugoslavia 1944 NA637
Photo description: Bombs dropping from a B-26 Mitchell of the 12th AAF in the attack on Split, Yugoslavia. (U.S. Air Force Number 3A27375)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204919913 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27375-3A27375
41-12963 B-25C Mitchell 321BG446BS Missouri Waltz Algeria July 1943 NA549
41-12963 B-25C Mitchell 321BG446BS Missouri Waltz Algeria July 1943 NA1254
Photo description: From an Advance North African Air Base--July 13--Shown above are members of a North American B-25 Mitchell bomber which enemy flak forced into the sea 5 miles off the coast of Sicily. While in the sea, the crew was protected by Lockheed P-38 (U.S. Air Force Number 24889AC) From an Advance North African Air Base (July 13). Shown above are members of a North American B-25 Mitchell "Missouri Waltz," which enemy flak forced into the sea 5 miles off the coast of Sicily. While in the sea, the crew was protected by Lockheed (U.S. Air Force Number 25052AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204945763 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28823-24889AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204942787 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27797-25052AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 310BG380BS Wolf Pack with air gunners who shot down Me 109s over Aranci 19th June 1943 NA1262
Photo description: With Major General Doolittle's Mitchell Bombers, 19 June. Shown above are victory claimants in yesterday's successful Mitchell raid on Aranci. Left to rights (Front row) S/Sgt. Alfred A. Szczesniak, Detroit, Mich., Me-109; S/Sgt. Loy G. Myers, Hume, Ohio, Me-109; Pvt. James F. Black, Houston, Texas, Me-109; (Back row) S/Sgt. Alvin I. Langford, Chester, Pa., Me-109; S/Sgt. Teddy L. Smith, Logan, W. Va., Me-109; Sgt. Everett 0. Tippett, Greenville, S.C., Me-109 (U.S. Air Force Number 24891AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204945775 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28827-24891AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 310BG380BS Wolf Pack prior to a raid based at Berteaux 7th Mar 1943 NA796
Photo description:S/Sgt. R.E. Dowling of St. Helena, California, a member of the 380th Bomb Squadron, 310th Bomb Group, fusing 500 lb. bombs used in the North American B-25 "WOLF PACK" prior to a raid. 7 March 1943, Berteaux, North Africa. (U.S. Air Force Number 78949AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204945090 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28584-78949AC
41 13195 B-25C Mitchells 9AF 12AF 12BG83BS Desert Vagabond Jr in flight over Tunisia 17th Apr 1943 NA
Photo description: Tunisia-North American B-25's in flight. (U.S. Air Force Number 23614AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204947013 Local ID: 342-FH-3A29247-23614AC
41 13195 B-25C Mitchells 9AF 12AF 12BG83BS Desert Vagabond Jr in flight over Tunisia 17th Apr 1943 NA496
Photo description: the Adriatic coastal town of Sibenik, Yugoslavia, where they bombed the port and railway yards in a recent raid. Black patches over holes made by flak on previous raids are plainly visible on the plane in the foreground. Note particularly the trailing edge of the right wing, the fuselage above the insignia and the left side of the horizontal stabilizer. (U.S. Air Force Number 26303AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204919677 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27277-26303AC
41-12863 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 12AF 12BG 33 with RAF 232 Wing Baltimore IIIs over Tunisia 19th Mar 1943 NA1194
Photo description: North Africa-North American B-25 bombers in flight. (U.S. Air Force Number 24207AC);(U.S. Air Force Number 23326AC);(U.S. Air Force Number 24013AC);(U.S. Air Force Number 24013AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204944935 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28522-24207AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204943770 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28115-23326AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204944932 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28521-24013AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204944932 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28521-24013AC
RAF 232 Wing Baltimore IIIs with SAAF 3Sqn Q for Queenie prior to take off Ben-Gardane 19th Mar 1943 NA
Photo description: On 19 March 1943, the Eighth Army made a frontal assault against the Mareth Line in Operation Pugilist Tunisia - From the beginning of the air offensive against the Mareth Line on 19 March 1943, the Allied Air Forces have hourly increased their effort. Bombers in considerable force have been striking at airfields, transport and enemy positions every day. RAF Baltimore bombers race across the desert airfield before taking off in the shuttle service attacks against the enemy in Tunisia. Tunisia-From the beginning of the air offensive against the Mareth Line on 19 March 1942, the Allied Air Forces have hourly increased their effort. Bombers in considerable force have been striking at airfields, transport and enemy positions every (U.S. Air Force Number 10203AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204947007 Local ID: 342-FH-3A29245-10203AC
RAF 232 Wing Baltimore IIIs with SAAF 3Sqn airborne Ben Gardane Operation Pugilist 19th Mar 1943 NA
Photo description: On 19 March 1943, the Eighth Army made a frontal assault against the Mareth Line in Operation Pugilist Tunisia - From the beginning of the air offensive against the Mareth Line on 19 March 1943, the Allied Air Forces have hourly increased their effort. Bombers in considerable force have been striking at airfields, transport and enemy positions every day. RAF Baltimore bombers race across the desert airfield before taking off in the shuttle service attacks against the enemy in Tunisia. Tunisia-From the beginning of the air offensive against the Mareth Line on 19 March 1942, the Allied Air Forces have hourly increased their effort. Tunisia-Allied Air Forces have attacked the Axis in the Mareth offensive with greater intensity than before the battle of El Alamein. The full power of the famous desert shuttle service was once again been turned on Rommel's forces in Southern (U.S. Air Force Number 10753AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204947010 Local ID: 342-FH-3A29246-10753AC
41-13153 B-25C Mitchell 9AF 12AF 12BG 88 over Tunisia 1943 NA681
Photo description: North Africa-Flying close to the ground, these North American B-25 medium bombers of the U.S. Army 9th Air Force, routed an Axis panzer unit when it counter-attacked on the Tunisian front. (U.S. Air Force Number 53265AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204944938 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28523-53265AC
B-25C Mitchell 9AF 12AF 12BG82BS 35 in flight over Western Desert Egypt 1943 NA857
Photo description: North American B-25 in flight over Western Desert, Egypt. (U.S. Air Force Number 3A27941)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204943268 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27941-3A27941
12AF B-25 Mitchells from 321BG flying in formation over the Tunisian desert 1943 NA671
12AF B-25 Mitchells from 321BG flying in formation over the Tunisian desert 1943 NA671
Photo description: North Africa-Streaking toward their target, German held territory in Tunisia, these North American B-25 bombers cast their shadows on bleak African desert country once held by Rommel. (U.S. Air Force Number A23456AC); North American B-25's in formation over Tunisia. (U.S. Air Force Number 24878AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204944923 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28518-A23456AC
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204947019 Local ID: 342-FH-3A29249-24878AC
41-13201 B-25C Mitchell 12AF 321BG445BS Poopsie with her crew after 50 missions North Africa 1943 NA1266
Photo description: HOMEWARD BOUND--At a USAAF Mitchell Bomber Base in North Africa. Soon the American public will view this North American B-25 Mitchell bomber, "Poopsie," and her valiant crew of 50 mission veterans of this theatre. This picture was taken just prior (U.S. Air Force Number 26143AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204945781 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28829-26143AC
Allied airfield with arious USAAF aircraft at Heliopolis Airdrome Egypt 15th July 1943 NA840
Photo description: U.S. Air Force bombers and fighters parked on an airstrip at Heliopolis Airdrome, Egypt. 15 July 1943. (U.S. Air Force Number 79791AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204943242 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27932-79791AC
41-13207 B-25C Mitchell 12AF 321BG445BS 01 named OH 7 North Africa 1943 NA035
Photo description: North American B-25 Crew Ready For Take-Off From A Base In North Africa. (U.S. Air Force Number K1153)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 205003416 Local ID: 342-FH-3A49956-K1153
43-27554 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 310BG381BS Wise Decision in tight formation over Corsica 17th Jan 1945 NA1693
43-27552 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 310BG381BS in tight formation over Corsica 17th Jan 1945 NA1693
43-27642 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 310BG381BS Red in tight formation over Corsica 17th Jan 1945 NA1693
Photo description: North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th AF over the Italian Alps on their way to attack a target in the Brenner Pass. The B-25 medium bombers continuously pound enemy rail and road bridges in Northern Italy to tighten the final noose of "operation (U.S. Air Force Number 55939AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204907563 Local ID: 342-FH-3A22893-55939AC
B-25 Mitchells 12AF 310BG379BS over Corsica France head for the Brenner Line in Italy 23rd Jan 1945 NA1701
Photo description: North American B-25 Mitchells Of The 12Th Af Fly Over The Brenner Pass To Look For And Destroy A Narrow Rail Bridge Which Feeds Supplies To German Troops In Italy. 12Th Af Bombers Have Been Steadily Pounding The Brenner Line And All Supply Routes In Nort (U.S. Air Force Number 58828AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204908125 Local ID: 342-FH-3A22897-58828AC
12AF B-25 Mitchell with crew at Oujda Morocco 3rd Feb 1943 NA025
Photo description: Crew members at an airbase at Oujda, North Africa pose in front of a North American B-25. They are left to right, back row: Colonel R. Beam, 1st Lt. R.W. Wilder, Capt. R. Kresslar, 1st Lt. Hamilton and Lt. Colonel John Fordyce. Front row, left to right, are: Pfc. George A. otuart, Cgt. T. E. Vincent, Cpl. K. C. Greiner and Cp1. H. Gilardi. 3 February 1943.(U.S. Air Force Number 78941AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204945875 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28848-78941AC
12AF B-25 Mitchells 310BG enroute to Split Yogoslavia 27th Jan 1944 NA488
12AF B-25 Mitchells 310BG enroute to Split Yogoslavia 27th Jan 1944 NA489
Photo NA488: North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th AAF on their way to attack the harbour and enemy transport at Split, Yugoslavia.(U.S. Air Force Number 3A27270)
Photo NA489: North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th AAF passing over Jugoslav on their way to bomb Split.(U.S. Air Force Number 3A27271)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NA488 NAID: 204919664 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27270-3A27270
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NA489 NAID: 204919666 Local ID: 342-FH-3A27271-3A27271
43-27657 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG488BS 8P information with 8B over Italy NA1918
43-27657 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG488BS 8B information with 8B over Italy NA1918
Photo description: North American B-25 iiitchells of the 12th Air Force over the Italian Alps on their way to attack a target in the Brenner Pass. The B-25 medium bombers continuously pound the enemy's rail and road bridges in Northern Italy to tighten the final noose of "opera1ion strangle" around the Hun. (U.S. Air Force Number 62820AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204908341 Local ID: 342-FH-3A23023-62820AC
Target 12AF 321BG B-25s bomb enemy gun positions for the Fifth Army near Cassino Italy 3rd Jan 1944 NA1681
Photo description: North American B-25 Mitchell Medium bombers (USAAF) of the Tactical Air Force, flying in formation over mountainous country on their way to bomb enemy gun positions on the Fifth Army Front near Cassino, Italy. (U.S. Air Force Number 51279AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204907544 Local ID: 342-FH-3A22886-51279AC
B 25 Mitchells 12AF 321BG448BS over Italy 19th Jul 1944 NA1684
Photo description: North American B—25 Mitchells of the First Tactical Air Force fly over nigged Italian country as they approach their target. These medium bombers have been steadily smashing at roads, bridges and communication links behind the enemy's lines hampering the flow of supplies to Hun forces as well as putting a series of stumbling blocks in his path of retreat. (U.S. Air Force Number 52393AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204907549 Local ID: 342-FH-3A22888-52393AC
B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG489BS 9Z and 9P during a mission to Northern Italy 3rd Jan 1945 NA1692
Photo description: North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th Air Force range over Northern Italy in the unrelenting effort to strangle the Hun's communication and supply lines. (U.S. Air Force Number 55693AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204907561 Local ID: 342-FH-3A22892-55693AC
B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG489BS 9Z and 9P during a mission to Northern Italy 3rd Jan 1945 NA1692
Photo description: North American B-25 Mitchells of the 12th Air Force range over Northern Italy in the unrelenting effort to strangle the Hun's communication and supply lines. (U.S. Air Force Number 55693AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204907561 Local ID: 342-FH-3A22892-55693AC
42-32403 B-25C Mitchell 12AF 321BG446BS Ally Oop taxies off the rwy after the Rome mission NA1818
Photo description:North American B-25, "Ally-oop," taxies off runway to plane stop, after completing Rome mission. Pilot Lt. Wm. J. Schneider, Tutherford, N.J., Co-pilot Lt. Joe J. Brady, Agawam, Mass. (U.S. Air Force Number C24539AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204907637 Local ID: 342-FH-3A22965-C24539AC
43-27702 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 340BG488BS 8L bomb railroad yards at Fano near Rome 23rd Jun 1944 NA340
Photo description: North American B-25 Mitchell bombers of the 1st Tactical Air Force attacked the Italian east coast, striking at railroad yards at Fano, 125 miles northeast of Rome, where they laid a string of bombs across assembled trains. (U.S. Air Force Number 53403AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204913518 Local ID: 342-FH-3A25093-53403AC
B-25 Mitchell 12AF 310BG428BS during a Purple Heart ceremony at Berteaux 9th Mar 1943 NA1183
Photo description:Members of the 428th Bomb Squadron, 310th Bomb Group await presentation of the Purple Heart by Col. Anthony G. Hunter, CO of the 310th Bomb Group, during a ceremony at Berteaux, North Africa on 9 March 1943. (U.S. Air Force Number 78917AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204945656 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28786-78917AC
43-4067 B-25J Mitchell 321BG448BS 76 The Big Swing flak damaged wing crashed in Switzerland 7th Feb 1945 NA2515
Photo description: This North American B-25 'Mitchell' Was Damaged During Aerial Combat Over Enemy Installations Somewhere In Europe. 43-4067 B-25J Mitchell 321BG448BS Code:76 Name:The Big Swing crashed in Switzerland Feb 7, 1945. MACR-12135
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204945656 Local ID: 342-FH-3A28786-78917AC
43-28082 B-25J Mitchell 12AF 321BG447BS Traveling Comedy enroute to bomb Nazi ground installations NA2842
43-3522 B-25D Mitchell 12AF 321BG447BS Hunky Dorey enroute to bomb Nazi ground installations NA2842
Photo description: North American B-25 Mitchells of the 9th Air force en route to bomb Nazi ground installations in direct support of the ground forces. (U.S. Air Force Number 55555AC)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204887640 Local ID: 342-FH-3A15757-55555AC
43-27639 B-25J Mitchell 340BG486BS 6L Rinkee Doo with 6P over occupied Europe NA2935
Photo description: In a futile attempt to cover the target, the Nazis used smoke screens to prevent North American B-25 “Mitchells" from destroying the installations. Europe. (U.S. Air Force Number 3A15806)
Photo Source: National Archives Identifier NAID: 204888284 Local ID: 342-FH-3A15806-3A15806