Wachregiment Hermann Göring


  • Maj Waldemar Kluge, 15 Oct 1942 - Dec 1942
  • Oberst Fritz Seeger, Dec 1942 - 28 Nov 1944
  • Obstlt Artur Jacobi, 29 Nov 1943 - May 1944
  • Oberst Karl-Eric Bertram, May 1944 - 24 Sep 1944

Formed Winter 42/43 from the Wach-Bataillon des Regiment General Göring, with only one battalion.

In Apr 1944 renamed Begleit-Regiment Hermann Göring with a II. (Flak) Abt. formed from

Disbanded 24 Sep 1944, Stab and I. became and II. (Flak) became


  • 1943: Stab, I. 1-4
  • 1944: I. 1-4, II. (Flak) 6-12
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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024
