German Flak

Generalkommando III. Flakkorps

Kommandierender General:

  • GenLt Johannes Hintz, 22 Feb 1944 - 14 May 1944
  • Gen Wolfgang Pickert, 28 May 1944 - 20 Mar 1945
  • Oberst Werner von Kistowski (acting), 20 Jul 1944 - 2 Aug 1944
  • GenLt Heino von Rantzau, 21 Mar 1945 - 18 Apr 1945

Chef des Stabes:

  • Oberst Curt Röhr, Feb 1944 - Apr 1945

Hintz was involved in an autoaccident 14 May 1944 and died 21 May 1944. Rantzau became POW on 18 Apr 1945.

Formed 22 Feb 1944 in Paris from subordinated to with (1 Mar 1944):

Went into combat 6 Jun 1944 at Normandy with:

Most of the korps were destroyed in the Falaise-pocket. The remains of the corps withdrew to Germany, and on Sep 1944 was at Cochem, supporting Heeresgruppe B, now under Luftwaffenkommando West.

Organisation 1 Oct 1944:

Organisation 1 Nov 1944:

  • 2. Flak-Division at Trier
  • 16. Flak-Division at Doetinchen

Now controlled:

In Dec 1944 left the corps. Took part in the Battle of the Bulge. In February 1945 both and left the corps.

Feb 1945 with:

On 23 Feb 1945 joined the corps, followed by in April 1945. Destroyed Apr 1945 in the Ruhr-pocket.

Subordinated to (Feb 1944 - Sep 1944) and (Sep 1944 - Apr 1945).

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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024
