Flieger-Division - Parachute Division

II. Fliegerkorps

II. Fliegerkorps

2nd Air Corps (II. Fliegerkorps) was formed on 11 October 1939 in Frankfurt am Main from the 2. Flieger-Division. During Operation Barbarossa and from 22 June to 12 November 1941, the Corps flew over 40,000 day and night sorties, dropping 23,150 tons of bombs and claiming 3,826 Soviet aircraft destroyed as well as 789 tanks, 614 artillery pieces, 14,339 vehicles, 240 enemy field positions, 33 bunkers, 159 trains and 304 locomotives along with relentless attacks on enemy troop concentrations and logistical choke-points.

The Corps was relocated to the Mediterranean theatre of operations on 15 November 1941. The Corps was merged with the Feldluftgau XXX on 29 August 1944 and renamed Kommandierender General der Deutschen Luftwaffe Nordbalkan (commanding general of the German Luftwaffe northern Balkans). In November 1944 the corps was again renamed II. Fliegerkorps and redesignated Luftwaffenkommando Nordost on 2 April 1945.

Kommandierender General:

  • GenOb Bruno Loerzer, 11 Oct 1939 - 23 Feb 1943
  • GenLt Martin Harlinghausen, 23 Feb 1943 - 12 Jun 1943
  • Gen Alfred Bülowius, 26 Jun 1943 - 30 Jun 1944
  • GenLt Kurt Kleinrath, 1 Jul 1944 - 31 Aug 1944 *
  • Gen Johannes Fink, 1 Dec 1944 - Jan 1945
  • Gen Stefan Fröhlich, Jan 1945 - 1 Feb 1945
  • Gen Martin Fiebig, 1 Feb 1945 - 12 Apr 1945

Chief of Staff:

  • ?
  • GenMaj Günther Korten, 19 Dec 1939 - 20 Feb 1940
  • Oberst Andreas Nielsen, 25 Feb 1940 - 20 Jun 1940
  • GenMaj Paul Deichmann, 20 Jun 1940 - 24 Aug 1942
  • Obstlt Holm Schellmann, ? - 5 Mar 1943
  • ?
  • Obstlt Lothar von Heinemann, 6 Sep 1943 - ?

* Was known as 29 Aug 1944 - Nov 1944

Formed 11 Oct 1939 in Frankfurt/Main from Ordered to the Mediterranean on 15 Nov 1941. On 29 Aug 1944 united with and redesignated In Nov 1944 again renamed II. Fliegerkorps.

On 2 Apr 1945 redesignated

HQ at:

Airfields and Air Base Locations
Date Location Aircraft Used
Oct 1939 - May 1940 Frankfurt/Main (there 10 May 1940)  
24 May 1940 at Schloß Amervis, near Bastogne  
Jul 1940 - Jun 1941 Ghent  
Jun 1941 - Jul 1941 Otwock, near Warzaw*  
Jul 1941 - Sep 1941 Kopys am Dnjepr, near Kaluga  
Sep 1941 - Oct 1941 Shatalovo  
Oct 1941 Juchnow  
Oct 1941 - 4 Dec 1941 Kaluga  
4 Dec 1941 - Jun 1943 Taormina  
Jun 1943 - Sep 1943 Sala Consilina  
Sep 1943 - Oct 1943 Merate  
Oct 1943 - Dec 1943 Verona  
Dec 1943 - 12 Jun 1944 Compiegne  
12 Jun 1944 - Aug 1944 Chartres  
Aug 1944 - 29 Aug 1944 Nisch (Serbia)  
29 Aug 1944 - Nov 1944 Agram  
Nov 1944 - 3 Feb 1945 Funfkirchen  
3 Feb 1945 - 2 Apr 1945 Biesenthal (near Berlin)  

* Kasino von Otwock

Subordinated to:

Airfields and Air Base Locations
Date Location Aircraft Used
Oct 1939 - Jul 1940  
Jul 1940 - Dec 1943  
Dec 1943 - Aug 1944  
Aug 1944 - Nov 1944  
Nov 1944 - 3 Feb 1945  
3 Feb 1945 - 2 Apr 1945  

Controlled the following units during the war:

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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024
