Flak-Regiment 64

Stab/Flak-Regiment 64 (o):


  • GenMaj Georg von Kutzleben, 26 Aug 1939 - 30 May 1940
  • Obstlt Adolf Wolf, 31 May 1940 - 24 Jun 1940
  • GenMaj Georg von Kutzleben, 25 Jun 1940 - 28 Feb 1942
  • Oberst Karl Schuchardt, Mar 1942 - 10 Apr 1942
  • Obstlt Rudolf Erlenbach, 10 Apr 1942 - 20 Apr 1943
  • Obstlt Erich Gröpler, 20 Apr 1943 - 14 Dec 1943
  • Oberst Ernst Krag, 15 Dec 1943 - 28 Feb 1945
  • Oberst Rudolf von Minden, 5 Mar 1945 - 1 Apr 1945
  • Oberst Ernst Schürmann, 2 Apr 1945 - Apr 1945

Formed 26 Aug 1939 in Duisburg.


  • 1939/43 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg
  • 1 Nov 1943 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with s.305 (o), s.447 (o), s.394 (o), s.401 (o), s.472 (o), s.623 (o), s.703 (o), le.883 (o), le.884 (o), le. 838 (o), le. 6./890 (o) and Lsp.106 (o)
  • 1 Jan 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with s.305 (o), s.394 (o), s.401 (o), s.447 (o), s.472 (o), s.623 (o), s.703 (o), le.838 (o), le.883 (o), le.884 (o), le. 6./890 (o), Lsp.106 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 5771 and 5772
  • 1 Feb 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with s.305 (o), s.394 (o), s.401 (o), s.447 (o), s.472 (o), s.623 (o), s.703 (o), le.838 (o), le.883 (o), le.884 (o), le. 6./890 (o), s. 1.-2./243 (o), s. 2./423 (E) and Lsp.106 (o)
  • 1 Mar 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with s.305 (o), s.394 (o), s.401 (o), s.447 (o), s.472 (o), s.623 (o), s.703 (o), le.838 (o), le.883 (o), le.884 (o), le. 6./890 (o), s. 1.-2./243 (o), s. 2./423 (E) and Lsp.106 (o)
  • 1 Apr 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with s.305 (o), s.394 (o), s.401 (o), s.447 (o), s.472 (o), s.623 (o), s.703 (o), le.838 (o), le.883 (o), le.884 (o), le. 6./890 (o), s. 1./243 (o), s. 2./423 (E) and Lsp.106 (o)
  • 1 May 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with s.305 (o), s.394 (o), s.401 (o), s.447 (o), s.472 (o), s.623 (o), s.703 (o), le.838 (o), le.883 (o), le.884 (o), s. 1./243 (o) and Lsp.106 (o)
  • 1 Jun 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with s.305 (o), s.394 (o), s.401 (o), s.447 (o), s.472 (o), s.623 (o), s. 1.-2., 4./243 (o), le.838 (o), le.883 (o), le.884 (o), Lsp.106 (o) and s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10410
  • 1 Jul 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with s.305 (o), s.394 (o), s.401 (o), s.447 (o), s.472 (o), s. 1.-2., 4./243 (o), s.389 (o), s. 1./642 (o), s.703 (o), le.838 (o), le.883 (o), le.884 (o), Lsp.106 (o) and s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10410
  • 1 Aug 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with 1.-5./s.305 (o), 1., 3., 8./s.389 (o), 1.-4./s.394 (o), 1.-6./s.401 (o), 4./s.446 (v), 1.-5./s.447 (o), 1.-5./s.472 (o), 4./s.535 (v), 1.-2./s.703 (o), 1.-8./le.838 (o), 1.-7./le.883 (o), 1., 4./le.884 (o), 1.-5./Lsp.106 (v) and s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10410
  • 1 Sep 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with Stab/Lsp.106 (v) with 6 batteries (1.-5./Lsp.106 (v) and 3./s.112 (o)); Stab/s.243 (o) with 4 batteries (1.-4./s.243 (o)); Stab/s.305 (o) with 5 batteries (1.-5./s.305 (o)); Stab/s.389 (o) with 2 batteries (1., 3./s.389 (o)); Stab/s.394 (o) with 4 batteries (1.-4./s.394 (o)); Stab/s.401 (o) with 6 batteries (1.-5./s.401 (o) and 4./s.446 (E)); Stab/s.447 (o) with 5 batteries (1.-5./s.447 (o)); Stab/s.472 (o) with 5 batteries (1.-3., 5./s.472 (o) and 1./s.642 (o)); Stab/le.838 (o) with 6 batteries (1.-2., 4.-7./le.838 (o)); Stab/le.883 (o) with 6 batteries (1.-6./le.883 (o)); Stab/le.884 (o) with 2 batteries (1., 4./le.884 (o)); s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10410
  • 1 Oct 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with Lsp.106 (v); 1.-4./s.243 (o); gem.282 (o); s.305 (o); Stab, 1., 3./s.389 (o); s.394 (o); s.401 (o); s.424 (E); s.446 (E); s.447 (o); Stab, 1., 3., 5./s.472 (o); s.473 (E); 1./s.642 (o); Stab, 1., 3.-4./le.821 (E); Stab, 1.-2., 4.-6./le.838 (o); Stab, 1.-2., 4.-6./le.883 (o); Stab, 1., 4./le.884 (o); s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10410
  • 1 Nov 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with Stab, 1.-2., 4./s.243 (o); 8.-9./s.244 (o); s.305 (o); 1., 3./s.389 (o); 1.-4./s.394 (o); s.401 (o); Stab/s.424 (E) with 1.-4./s.424 (E), 1./s.231 (o), 2./s.471 (o), 2./s.625 (o); Stab, 1., 3.-4./s.446 (E); s.447 (o); Stab, 1., 3., 5./s.472 (o); 1./s.642 (o); 1./le.821 (E); 1.-2., 4.-6./le.838 (o); Stab, 1.-2./le.882 (o); Stab, 1., 4./le.884 (o); s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10410
  • 1 Dec 1944 in Duisburg as Flakgruppe Duisburg, under with Lsp.106 (v); Stab, 1.-2., 4.-7./s.243 (o); 8.-9./s.244 (o); s.305 (o); 1., 5.-6./s.337 (o); Stab/s.366 (o) with 2., 4./s.366 (o), 3./s.476 (o), 4./le.748 (o), 4./le.882 (o); 1., 3./s.389 (o); 1.-4./s.394 (o); s.401 (o); 3./s.416 (E); s.424 (E); Stab, 1., 3.-4./s.446 (E); s.447 (o); Stab, 1., 3., 5./s.472 (o); 1./s.642 (o); 1.-2., 4.-6./le.838 (o); Stab, 1.-2./le.882 (o); Stab/le.883 (o) with 1., 2., 4.-6./le.883 (o), 3./le.718 (o), 4./le.933 (o); Stab, 1., 4./le.884 (o)
  • Apr 1945 in Ruhr pocket

I./Flak-Regiment 64 (gem. mot.):

Formed 1 Oct 1937 in Düsseldorf, with 1. - 5. Batterien.


II./Flak-Regiment 64 (gem. mot.):

Formed Oct 1941 in France from with 6. - 10. Batterien.


III./Flak-Regiment 64 (Sw. mot.):

Formed 15 Nov 1938 in Düsseldorf with 11. - 13. Batterien. 14./64 was formed in 1942.

In Aug 1943 redesignated


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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024
