Flak-Regiment 49

Stab/Flak-Regiment 49 (o):


  • Oberst Eduard Muhr, 26 Aug 1939 - 20 Jun 1940
  • Obstlt Wilhelm Werner, 20 Jun 1940 - Jul 1941
  • Oberst Adolf Wolf, 27 Jul 1941 - 25 Aug 1943
  • Oberst Max Hecht, 1 Sep 1943 - 10 Feb 1944
  • Oberst Bernhard Brickwedde, 11 Feb 1944 - Apr 1945

Formed 26 Aug 1939 in Mannheim. Known as Flakgruppe Mannheim, Sep 1939 - May 1945.


  • 1939/43 in Mannheim
  • 1 Nov 1943 in Mannheim under with s. 1.-5./492 (o), s. 1.-5./701 (o), s. 1.-4./491 (o), s. 1.-5./636 (o), s. 5./903 (o), s.Bttr.zbV 6229 (o), s.Bttr.zbV 6230 (o), s.Bttr.zbV 6238 (o), le. 1.-6./776 (o), le. 1.-5./977 (o), le.980 (o), le.Bttr.zbV 7254 (o), le.Bttr.zbV 7255 (o), Lsp. 1.-2. and 5.-6./107 (o), Ausw.Zug 272 (o), Ausw.Zug 292 (o) and Vo.Messtr.38 (v)
  • 1 Jan 1944 in Mannheim under with s.492 (o), s.491 (o), s.636 (o), s.701 (o), s. 5./903 (o), le.776 (o), le.977 (o), le.980 (o), Lsp.107 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 6229, 6238 and 6230
  • 1 Feb 1944 in Mannheim under with s.491 (o), s.492 (o), s.636 (o), s.701 (o), s. 5./903 (o), le.776 (o), le.977 (o), le.980 (o), Lsp.107 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 6229, 6230 and 6238
  • 1 Mar 1944 in Mannheim under with s.491 (o), s.492 (o), s.636 (o), s.701 (o), s. 5./903 (o), le.776 (o), le.977 (o), le.980 (o), Lsp.107 (o)(?), Flak-Bttr.zbV 6229, 6230 and 6238
  • 1 Apr 1944 in Mannheim under with s.491 (o), s.492 (o), s.636 (o), s.701 (o), le. 7./776 (o), le.977 (o), le.980 (o), Lsp.107 (o), Flak-Bttr.zbV 6216 and 4 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (201 - 204./XII)
  • 1 May 1944 in Mannheim under with s.491 (o), s.492 (o), s.636 (o), s.701 (o), le.776 (o), le.977 (o), le.980 (o), Lsp.107 (o) and 4 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (201 - 204./XII)
  • 1 Jun 1944 in Mannheim under with s.491 (o), s.423 (E), s.492 (o), s.636 (o), s.701 (o), le.776 (o), le.980 (v), Lsp.107 (o)(?) and 4 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (201 - 204./XII)
  • 1 Jul 1944 in Mannheim under with s.491 (o), s.423 (E), s.492 (o), s.636 (o), s.701 (o), le.776 (o), le. 5./987 (o), s. 5./255 (o), s. 1./435 (o), le.980 (v) (= Flak-Abt.zbV 12300) and 4 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (201 - 204./XII)
  • 1 Aug 1944 in Mannheim under with s.492 (o), s.636 (o), s.701 (o), s.423 (E), 2./s.241 (o), 5./s.255 (o), 1./s.435 (o), 1.-5., 7./gem.491 (o), 1.-4., 6., 9./le.776 (o), Stab, 5./le.987 (o), Stab/Lsp.107 (o) with 6 batteries (1.-2., 5.-6./Lsp.107 (o), 8./s.491 (o), 7./le.776 (o)); 4 s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. (201 - 204./XII)
  • 1 Sep 1944 in Mannheim under with 5./s.255 (o); s.291 (o); s.418 (E); s.423 (E), 1./s.435 (o); gem.491 (o); s.492 (o); s.636 (o), 3./s.681 (o); s.701 (o); le.776 (o), 5./le.987 (o), le.Alarm-Flak-Bttr. 14./XII; Flak-Transport-Bttr. 131./XI
  • 1 Oct 1944 in Mannheim under with 2./s.241 (o); s.263 (E); s.291 (o); s.418 (E); s.423 (E); 1./s.435 (o); Stab, 1.-4., 7.-8./gem.491 (o); s.492 (o); s.636 (o); 3./s.681 (o); s.701 (o); Stab, 1.-4., 6./le.776 (o); Flak-Transport-Bttr. 131./XI
  • 1 Nov 1944 in Mannheim under with 2./s.241 (o); 5./s.255 (o); s.263 (E); s.418 (E); s.423 (E); 1./s.435 (o); 2./s.477 (o); Stab, 1.-4., 7.-8./gem.491 (o); s.492 (o); s.636 (o); 3./s.681 (o); s.701 (o); Stab, 1.-4., 6./le.776 (o); Flak-Transport-Bttr. 131./XI
  • 1 Dec 1944 in Mannheim under with 2./s.241 (o); 5./s.255 (o); s.418 (E); s.423 (E); 1./s.435 (o); 2./s.477 (o); Stab, 1.-4., 7.-8./gem.491 (o); s.492 (o); s.636 (o); 3., 5./s.681 (o); s.701 (o); Stab, 1.-4., 6./le.776 (o); Flak-Transport-Bttr. 131./XI

I./Flak-Regiment 49 (gem. mot.):

Formed 1 Oct 1937 in Mannheim from I./ with 1. - 5. Batterien.

In 1940 4./49 and 1./86 exchanged designations.

Destroyed Jan 1943 at Stalingrad.

Reformed Jun 1943(?) with 1. - 5. Batterien. In Jan 1944(?) a new 1. and 5./49 was formed from 1. and 5./

In Feb 1944 redesignated III./ (1. - 5./49 became 13. - 17./HG).


II./Flak-Regiment 49 (gem. mot.):

Formed Oct 1941 from I./ with 6. - 10. Batterien.

In late 1941 9./49 became 3./98, and was replaced.

In Jul 1944 destroyed at Vitebsk, and disbanded shortly thereafter.


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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024
