Flak-Regiment 145

Stab/Flak-Regiment 145 (v):


  • Obstlt Alfred Thoran, 1 Nov 1944 - 8 Feb 1945
  • Maj Erich Krebs, 9 Feb 1945 - 8 May 1945

Formed 1 Nov 1944 in Halle from


  • 1 Nov 1944 under with no units attached
  • 1 Dec 1944 in Halle as Flakgruppe Halle-Merseburg, under with Stab/s.132 (o) with 4.-5./s.132 (o), 4./s.444 (E), 1./s.627 (o), 3./s.674 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 5562, 5563, 10275; Stab/s.185 (o) with 4./s.145 (E), 1./s.211 (o), 3./s.422 (o), 4./s.430 (E), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10565, 10276; Stab/s.627 (o) with 2./s.225 (o), 2.-3., 5., 7., 9./s.406 (o), 2./s.433 (o), 1.-3./s.586 (v)(?); Stab/Heimat-Flak-Abteilung 40./IV with 1.-2./s.132 (o), 2./s.211 (o), 1./s.323 (o), 2./s.444 (E), 2./s.393 (o), s.Flak-Bttr.zbV 10284, 10556, 10568, s.Heimat-Flak-Bttr. 248./IV
  • Feb 1945 an der Oder under with 377 and 901
  • Apr 1945 at Angermunde-Schwedt under
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