Flak-Regiment 12

Stab/Flak-Regiment 12 (mot.):


  • Oberst Gerhard Hoffmann, 1 Oct 1937 - 30 Jun 1938
  • Oberst Werner Prellberg, 1 Jul 1938 - 28 Feb 1940
  • Oberst Wilhelm Köppen, 29 Mar 1940 - 31 Jul 1942
  • Obstlt Ernst Kriese, Aug 1942 - 22 Jan 1943
  • Oberst Paul Heck, 22 Jan 1943 - 1 Apr 1943
  • Oberst Ernst Bachmann, 11 May 1943 - 25 Jul 1943
  • Oberst Heinrich Kroener, 25 Jul 1943 - Feb 1944
  • Oberst Ernst Jansa, 24 Feb 1944 - Feb 1945
  • Oberst Otto, Feb 1945 - 1 Mar 1945
  • Maj Wilhelm Deventer, 2 Mar 1945 - 8 May 1945

Formed 1 Oct 1937 in Berlin-Lankwitz.

15 Mar 1940 redesignated

Reformed 15 Mar 1940 from the old


I./Flak-Regiment 12 (gem. mot.):

Formed 1 Apr 1935 in Berlin-Lankwitz from Flak-Abteilung 3 (Heer), with 1. - 5. Batterien. 1 Apr 1935 - 1 Nov 1935 used the cover designation Fahr-Abt. Lankwitz.

Destroyed Jan 1943 at Stalingrad.

Reformed Apr 1943 in Nürnberg (4./12 from le.Bttr.zbV 2000 and 5./12 from le.Bttr.zbV 2008, the rest new)


II./Flak-Regiment 12 (gem. mot.):

Formed 1 Oct 1936 in Berlin-Heiligensee with 6. - 10. Batterien. On 1 Oct 1937 redesignated I./

Reformed 1 Oct 1937 in Berlin with 6. - 10.Batterien, as le.Abt. Disbanded 15 Nov 1938, and was used to form IV./

Reformed Jan 1941(?) in Berlin from with 6. - 10. Batterien.

7., 9. and 10./12 was destroyed May 1943 in Tunisia, but was reformed at Iraklion Oct 1943(?):

    7./12 from 2./
    9./12 from 4./le.73
    10./12 new


III./Flak-Regiment 12 (Sw. mot.):

Formed 15 Nov 1938 in Berlin-Lankwitz with 11. - 13. Batterien.

14./12 was formed in 1942 from 5./

In Aug 1943 disbanded:

Stab III/12 became Stab/
14./12 became 2./


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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024
