Flugzeugführerschule A/B 43


  • Oberst Hans Poetsch, 1 Aug 1937 - 31 Mar 1939
  • Obstlt Alfred Traeger, 1 Apr 1939 - 5 Mar 1941
  • Obstlt Buchner(?), 6 Mar 1941 - Feb 1942
  • Oberst Walter Fruhner, Mar 1942 - 11 Feb 1945
  • Maj Heinz Roeber, 12 Feb 1945 - 16 Mar 1945

Formed 1 Aug 1937 in Crailsheim as FFS B Crailsheim (from Fliegerübungsstelle Schleissheim). On 1 Nov 1938 became FFS A/B Crailsheim, and from 1 Apr 1939 Schule/FAR.43, attached to

On 1 Oct 1941 redesignated Flugzeugführerschule A/B 43 (FFS A/B 43).

In Oct 1943 absorbed FFS A/B 124 (as II./43), and became Flugzeugführer-Doppelschule A 43 (FFDS A 43).

On 17 Dec 1944 redesignated Flugzeugführerschule A 43.

Disbanded 16 Apr 1945, and was ordered to Assens (to be incorporated into the 20. and 21. Fallschirm-Jäger-Division).

Used the following aircraft: Ar 66, Ar 96, Bu 131, Bu 181, Ca 164, Ca 309, Fiat L3, Fw 44, Fw 58, He 51, He 59, He 72, Ju 52, Kl 35, NA-64, Saiman 200, Saiman 202, SG 38 and W.34

Airfields and Air Base Locations
Date Location Gruppe Aircraft Used
1 Aug 1937 - Oct 1939 Crailsheim
Oct 1939 - 25 Sep 1940 Prossnitz*
25 Sep 1940 - 16 Apr 1945 Crailsheim**

* satellite airfields: Landau and Wischau

** satellite airfields: Nürnberg, SüdBoblingen, Oberscheckenbach, Plauen, Nellingen, Deinigen, Diedenhofen, Amberg-Schafhof, Kirchenlaibach, Mannheim, Trier-Euren, Sandweiler (Luxembourg) and Weiltingen

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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024

