Fallschirm-Panzer-Division 1 Hermann Göring


  • Gen Paul Conrath, 21 May 1943 - 15 Apr 1944
  • GenLt Wilhelm Schmalz, 16 Apr 1944 - 3 Oct 1944
  • GenMaj Hanns-Horst von Necker, 4 Oct 1944 - 5 Feb 1945
  • GenMaj Max Lemke, Feb 1945 - May 1945


  • Obstlt Hellmut Bergengruen, Jun 1943 - 1 Jun 1944
  • Obstlt Bern von Baer (Heer), Jun 1944 - Sep 1944
  • Maj Johann-Friedrich von Merkatz (Heer), 6 Oct 1944 - Jan 1945
  • Maj Werner Ebel, Jan 1945 - 25 Mar 1945
  • ?

Formed May 1943 in the Santa Maria/Capua Vetere area from remnants of the old division and new parts forming in France.

During formation (May 1943 to Jun 1943) known as Division (mot. trop.) Hermann Göring.

The Division consisted of the following units (Jul 1943):

In Jul 1944 the division was renamed Fallschirm-Panzer-Division Hermann Göring, and all units received the prefix 'Fallschirm '.

In about mid July 1944, the division left Italy for the Eastern front.

On 24 Sep 1944 the was formed from parts of the division.

In Oct 1944 renamed Fallschirm-Panzer-Division 1 Hermann Göring, now with the following units:

The division had no supply units from Oct 1944, and relied on for supplies. Heavy losses Jan 1945 by the Weichsel River. May 1945 battlegroup strength only.

The division had served under the following headquarters:

Jun 1943 - Aug 1943 XIV. AK / OB Süd Sicily
Sep 1943 - Dec 1943 XIV. AK / AOK.10 Italy
Jan 1944 - Mar 1944 LXXVI. AK / AOK.14 Italy
Apr 1944 - May 1944 Reserve OKW Italy
Jun 1944 - Jul 1944 LXXVI. AK / AOK.10 Italy
Aug 1944 XXXXVI. AK / AOK.9 Weichsel
Sep 1944 VIII. AK / AOK.9 Weichsel
Oct 1944 Weichsel
Nov 1944 - Dec 1944 Weichsel
Jan 1945 AOK.4 / Heeresgruppe Mitte Weichsel
Feb 1945 - Mar 1945 GD / PzAOK.4 Oder/Neiße
Apr 1945 AOK.17 / Heeresgruppe Mitte Schlesien
May 1945 HG / PzAOK.4 Erzgebirge

The division stab consisted of the following units in 1943:


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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024

