German Flak

11. Flak-Division


  • Gen Helmut Richter, 1 Sep 1941 - 31 Oct 1943
  • GenLt Erich Kressmann, 1 Nov 1943 - Mar 1944
  • GenMaj Oskar Kraemer, Aug 1944 - 8 May 1945


  • ?
  • Hptm Bednartz, 30 Jan 1945 - 1945
  • Hptm Günther Schmidt-Hern, 1945 - May 1945

Formed 1 Sep 1941 in Bordeaux(?) from and covered the area from Brittany to the French/Spanish border. In Jan 1943 moved to Nimes, now with:

Organisation 1 Nov 1943:" title="Luftwaffe unit history" class="link-sw">Stab/18. Flak-Brigade (mot.) left the division in Dec 1943.

In Feb 1944 redesignated

Reformed Aug 1944 in Heydebreck/Oberschlesien from with:

1 Mar 1945 at Friedberg under

Subordinated to from Sep 1944 and from Apr 1945

* possibly known as Flakgruppe Krakau.

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This webpage was updated 22nd April 2024

