The terms "Aviación Nacional" (Nationalist Aviation), "Fuerza Aérea Nacional" (Nationalist Air Force) and "Ejército Nacional del Aire" (Nationalist Army of the Air) refer to military air units supporting General Franco against the Second Spanish Republic in the Spanish Civil War and includes:
(a) The Nationalist side of the Spanish Air Force made up of planes supplied by Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and by aircraft captured from the Spanish Republican Air Force
(b) Condor Legion of Nazi Germany
(c) Aviazione Legionaria of Fascist ItalyAt the end of the war, the air force was reorganised into the current iteration of the Spanish Air Force, with its fin flash still used on modern Spanish aircraft.
The Spanish Civil War photo gallery
Loyalist soldiers teach women to defend the city of Barcelona 01
Photo: In Spain, loyalist soldiers teach target practice to women who are learning to defend the city of Barcelona against fascist rebel troops of general Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War, on June 2, 1937. (AP Photo)
Explosion in Madrid Spain under the five story Casa Blanca building March 19 1938 01
Photo: Three hundred fascist insurgents were killed in this explosion in Madrid, Spain, under the five story Casa Blanca building, on March 19, 1938. Government loyalists tunneled 600 yards over a six month period to lay the land mine that caused the explosion. (AP Photo)
Insurgent fighter tosses a hand grenade at loyalist soldiers Burgos Spain Sep 12 1936 01
Photo: An insurgent fighter tosses a hand grenade over a barbed wire fence and into loyalist soldiers with machine guns blazing in Burgos, Spain, on Sept. 12, 1936. (AP Photo)
Condor Legion with the Saint Andrews Cross insignia of Franco Nationalist Air Force above Spain May 30 1939 01
Photo: German made Stuka dive bombers, part of the Condor Legion, in flight above Spain on May 30, 1939, during the Spanish Civil War. The black and white "X" on the tail and wings is Saint Andrew's Cross, the insignia of Franco's Nationalist Air Force. The Condor Legion was composed of volunteers from the German Army and Air Force. (AP Photo)
Families are seen taking refuge underground on a Madrid subway platform Dec 9 1936 01
Photo: Scores of families are seen taking refuge underground on a Madrid subway platform, on Dec. 9, 1936, as bombs are dropped by Franco's rebel aircraft overhead. (AP Photo)
Aerial bombing of Barcelona by Franco Nationalist Air Force 1938 01
Photo: Aerial bombing of Barcelona in 1938 by Franco's Nationalist Air Force. The Spanish Civil War saw some of the earliest extensive use of aerial bombardment of civilian targets, and the development of new terror bombing techniques. (Italian Airforce)
Following an aerial attack on Madrid Madrid relatives of those trapped in ruined houses wait for news 01
Photo: Following an aerial attack on Madrid from 16 rebel planes from Tetuan, Spanish Morocco, relatives of those trapped in ruined houses appeal for news of their loved ones, Jan. 8, 1937. The faces of these women reflect the horror non combatants are suffering in the civil struggle. (AP Photo)
Spanish rebel who surrendered is lead away after summary court martial by civil guards Madrid Spain July 27 1936 01
Photo: A Spanish rebel who surrendered is led to a summary court martial, as popular front volunteers and civil guards jeer, July 27, 1936, in Madrid, Spain. (AP Photo)
Fascist machine gun squad and riflemen hold positions along the Huesca front northern Spain Dec 30 1936 01
Photo: A fascist machine gun squad, backed up by expert riflemen, hold a position along the rugged Huesca front in northern Spain, Dec. 30, 1936. (AP Photo)
Riette Kahn is shown at the wheel of an ambulance donated by the American movie industry to the Spanish government 01
Photo: Riette Kahn is shown at the wheel of an ambulance donated by the American movie industry to the Spanish government in Los Angeles, California, on Sept. 18, 1937. The Hollywood Caravan to Spain will first tour the U.S. to raise funds to "help the defenders of Spanish democracy" in the Spanish Civil War. (AP Photo)
Web Reference:
Heinkel He 45 Aufklarungsgruppe 88 15x2 Spain Nov 1936 0A
Profile: As mentioned above, a batch of six Heinkel He 45s also arrived in November 1936 to equip Aufklärungsgruppe 88 along with the Heinkel He 46 C-ls. They were registered as 15-1 to 15-6. Although they turned out to be better than the He46C-1, they were not considered suitable for conducting reconnaissance deep within enemy territory, a task for which the Heinkel He 70s were adapted, which had also been assigned to the unit. It was therefore decided to use the He 45s for artillery correction, frontline reconnaissance and light ground attack. Little is known about the numerous missions of the two Ketten of three He 45s of A/88 in the early stages of the war, except for the fact that these aircraft had proved reliable and had responded very well to their requirements. In March 1937, most of the unit was based at theTablada aerodrome, while two He 45s were located at the Lacua aerodrome (Vitoria), awaiting the start of the offensive against Bilbao. In April, three new He 45s were received to compensate for the losses suffered until then. As no records of the losses of any of these aircraft in operation is known to date, it must be assumed that they had been lost in accidents or that the three new examples were intended to create a possible reserve. The Heinkel He 45s remained in A/88 until March 1939, when the new Henschel Hs 126s were already operational and ready to conduct the missions that the He 45s had previously carried out.
Nieuport Ni.52C1 Nationalist airforce 1x22 Spain 1936 0A
Profile: The Nationalists did not have any fighter unit in the territory they had initially controlled, but they could take control of the aircraft of the recently dissolved Seville Squadron that were present in the Southern Regional Park and another machine that had been damaged in Granada and was repaired in Seville. In later days, this small contingent was supplemented by another three Nieuport 52C.1s whose pilots arrived at the Granada airfield being unaware that it was in the hands of the Nationalists and, on 7th August, by another Nieuport from Getafe purposely flown to Burgos by Lieutenant César Martin Campos. Fifteen aircraft which were located in the Southern Regional Park, had to be enlisted in a hurry.
Nieuport Ni.52C1 Nationalist airforce 12 Spain 1936 0A
Profile: The Nationalist pilots actively used the Nieuport 52C.1 in July and August 1936. This included a number of those who would reach the category of aces during the conflict, such as the then Captains Joaquin Garcia Morato (who achieved one victory with NL52C.1 of a total of forty) and Angel Salas Larrazâbal (a single victory with NL52C.1 - of a total of 22 - scored on 23rd August over a light aircraft on the Teruel front), and Lieutenants Miguel Garcia Pardo (who on 9th August scored his first victory of 13, downing a Breguet XIX over the Sierra de Guadarrama), Miguel Guerrero Garcia (who shot down a Dornier Wai from Malaga over the Strait of Gibraltar on 25th July, a Vildebeest over Iznajar on 29th July, and another Vildebeest and a Breguet XIX over Iznalloz two days later), Julio Salvador Diaz-Benjumea (who on 28th July scored the first of the twenty-four victories that he achieved in the Spanish Civil War, shooting down a Nieuport 52C.1 over the Sierra de Madrid whilst piloting an aircraft of the same type registered as 3-43) and Narciso Bermudes de Castro (who, with this type of aircraft, shot down another Nieuport 52C.1 on 27th July over the town of Pihar, Granada). The arrival of more modern equipment, such as the Heinkel He 51 and the Fiat CR.32, led to the withdrawal of the Hispano-Nieuport 52C.1 from the first line by the Nationalists in September 1936.
Breguet XIX Nationalist airforce 10x68 Spain late 1936 0A
Profile: In October 1936, the Nationalist Breguet XIXs were distributed into ten squadrons of three aircraft each, assigned to five groups, which adopted the designations l-G-10 to 5-G-10. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups were the old ones from Logrono, Leon and Seville, the 4th was stationed in Granada and the 5th was the old group from Africa. The Basque front was stabilized in October, but in Asturias the missions in support of the defenders of Oviedo were continued and it was necessary to set up a new airfield in Navia, north of the Cantabrian Mountains.
Breguet XIX Nationalist airforce 22x2 Spain late 1936 0A
Profile: The Nationalist Breguet XIX were active on all the fronts that had recently been opened; the aircraft from Leon and Logrono were deployed in reconnaissance and attack missions supporting the advance of General Emilio Mola Vidal's troops in the occupation of Guipuzcoa, in the Madrid mountains and in the attack on the anarchist columns that were heading from Catalonia to occupy Huesca and Zaragoza; in support of the defenders of the encircled city of Oviedo and fixation of the Northern Front. When discussing the performance of the Breguet XIX from the south (Tablada and Morocco), it is worth highlighting the protection they gave to the so-called "Victory Convoy" in the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar, which took place on 5th August 1936 when the uprising forces broke the blockade of the Strait and transported troops and materiel from North Africa to Algeciras; as well as the support to the African columns that marched on Madrid, progressing through Extremadura, and the movements that led to the consolidation and expansion ofthe territory controlled by General Gonzalo Queipo de Llano.
Breguet XIX Nationalist airforce 22x13 Spain late 1936 0A
Profile: In regard to the Breguet XIX, the two squadrons from Leon, the two from Logrono, the two from Seville, the three (reduced) from Morocco and the Sahara patrol, together with the machines that escaped from Republican zone, made a total of at least seventy-two aircraft on the Nationalist side.
Nieuport Ni.52C1 n Breguet XIX Profiles from: aircraft of the spanish civil war 1936-1939 by Carlos Fresno Crespo, Artemio Montera Perez He 45 Aufklarungsgruppe 88 15x20 Spain Nov 1936 0A
Profile: The illustrations on this page, the preceding one and the subsequent ones, show the different camouflage schemes worn by the Heinkel He 45s of Aufklärungsgruppe 88. Taking into account the number of Heinkel He 45s employed by A/88 and their limited operational use, the losses of these aircraft during the campaign in the North can be considered high.
Heinkel He 45 Aufklarungsgruppe 88 15x39 Spain Nov 1936 0A
Heinkel He 45 Aufklarungsgruppe 88 15x6 Spain Nov 1936 0A
Profile: The year 1938 began with the loss of the He 45 of Leutnant Heinz Runze, caused by anti-aircraft fire. In the middle of January, the unit received five new He 45s from P/88 located at the Virgen del Camino aerodrome in Leon, to replace the losses. In 1938, A/88 was extensively used in the front of Aragon, searching for artillery targets and attacking concentrations of troops with small anti-personnel bombs. The unit tackled these tasks on an almost daily basis and, against all odds, almost without losses, until a storm devastated the Cenia airfield on 29th August, reducing the number of operational aircraft to three.
Heinkel He 46C1 Aufklarungsgruppe 88 11x173 Spain 1936 0A
Profile: Six Heinkel He 46 C-ls arrived in Spain, destined for Aufklärungsgruppe 88, aside from the twenty that had been delivered to the Spanish aviators. They were in Avila in mid-October 1936 where they were registered as 11-171 to 11-176, but for an inexplicable reason, the prefix '11' was not included when the registration numbers were painted on these machines. It was soon proved that they do not withstand comparison with the Heinkel He 45s, which were also assigned to this unit, and at the end of 1936 they were handed over to the Spaniards, allowing the latter to form the fourth squadron equipped with this model: the 4-E-11.
Heinkel He 45 Profiles from: aircraft of the spanish civil war 1936-1939 by Carlos Fresno Crespo, Artemio Montera Perez He 51B1 Nationalist Jagdgruppe 88 2x85 flown by Dr Heinrich Neumann Spain 1937 0A
Profile: On 27th July, the last day of the Battle of Brunete, Oberleutnant Adolf Galland took over command of 3. J/88, being promoted and transferred from 1. J/88. Three days later, the unit moved to the Calahorra de Boedo airfield in Alar del Rey with the nine remaining operational aircraft, in order to participate in the Santander campaign together with 1. J/88 (with another nine aircraft). The rest period was short: the offensive began on 7th August. The two squadrons equipped with biplanes were in charge of covering the right wing of the Nationalist forces. On 18th August, the unit occupied the Orzales aerodrome, about seven kilometers from Reinosa. On 2nd September, the entire J/88 was installed in Pontejos, nine kilometers of Santander. During this period, 1. J/88 converted from the He 51 to the Bf 109 B and, at one point, it had fourteen Heinkels and seven Messerschmitts, but by the middle of the month it had only a handful of operational biplanes. During the Asturias campaign, it only had the Bf 109s. The Nationalist command took a very short break after entering Santander (26th August 1937), and at the end of the month the rebels began their march on the mountainous Asturias. However, on 5th September, the Nationalist outposts, composed of General José Solchaga's troops, encountered fierce Republican resistance at the El Mazuco pass. At that time, Jagdgruppe 88 had only one He 51 squadron, the 3. J/88, equipped with 15 aircraft. On 11th September, Leutnant Hans Kemper collided with a Heinkel He 70 whilst taking off from Santander and destroyed the aircraft. 3. J/88 stayed in Asturias until the fall of Gijon, which occurred on 21st October 1937, and then left for Leon to start a well-deserved rest season, while the aircraft were inspected in the park of the Virgin del Camino: the Luftzeuggruppe und Luftpark (P/88, the Air Maintenance Group) was based there since September, along with the Aerial Arsenal of the Nationalist Aviation, arriving from the Sevillian base of Tablada. During the Asturias campaign, 3. J/88 had achieved record levels of fuel and ammunition consumption, with the peaks of 25000 rounds per day! The illustration depicts Heinkel He 51 B-1 (2-85), flown by Stabsarzt Dr. Heinrich Neumann.
Heinkel He 51B1 Nationalist Jagdgruppe 88 2x102 flown by Dr Heinrich Neumann Spain 1938 0A
Profile: Dr. Neumann was a medical officer of the Condor Legion, assigned to San/88. As he was an amateur pilot, he obtained the right to use a He 51 to move around the different aerodromes where his potential patients could be. On 5th December 1937, he made a spectacular landing in Burgo de Osma, damaging the 2-85. He later managed to obtain another aircraft, the Heinkel He 51 B registered as 2-102, seen here in early 1938. The Mickey Mouse emblem tells us that it should have been borrowed from 3. J/88. The machine carried the legend "Tut mir nichts, ich tu' Euch auch nichts!" which may be translated as: "Don't bother me and I won't bother you either!". The end of the Northern campaign left a large number of troops available (employed in the Northern front between March and October 1937), which were deployed from the Jalbn Valley to Medinaceli, with the purpose of resuming the offensive on Madrid, starting again from the province of Guadalajara. The same happened with the mass of aviation that had held control of the air in the Cantabrian coast and that was deployed in the aerodromes near the planned theater of operations, although at the beginning of December, the strength of 3. J/88 was minimal because, as we've already mentioned, almost all their aircraft had to go through the P/88 workshops. On 1st December, there were seven He 51 in flying condition: five in Leon and two in Burgos, respectively. The aircraft from the new shipment of thirty-six He 51s arriving at the end of 1937 had not yet been assembled. Meanwhile, 4. J/88 was reformed on 2nd November 1937 with new materiel and personnel disembarked from the merchant ship "Gulf of Panama". The aircraft were assembled in the Leon workshops. The Staffelkapitän, Oberleutnant Eberhard von Triitzschler-d'EIsa, did not take over command until 9th November. Initially, it was employed as a kind of "operational training unit" rather than an operational Staffel. At the end of 1937, the Republican Army command noticed the movement of troops towards the provinces of Soria and Guadalajara and decided to anticipate the Nationalist plans: on 15th December the battle of Teruel began. The Republicans accumulated a large number of men and equipment around the Teruel capital and surrounded it from the rest of the Nationalist territory, although the conquest of the city was delayed for two more weeks due to the resistance of the garrison and harsh weather conditions.
Heinkel He 51B1 Nationalist Jagdgruppe 88 2x111 Spain 1937 0A
Profile: In support of the Nationalist troops which were fighting to break the siege since 23rd December, He 51s of 3. J/88 and the reformed 4. J/88 came to Calamocha, about 70 kilometers from Teruel. On 7th January, both squadrons were surprised on the ground by two Tupolev SB-2 'Katiuska' squadrons which hit five aircraft, of which two were unrepairable (one from each squadron). To counter the air attacks, the Republican forces were progressively equipped with a certain number of 20 mm Oerlikon cannon batteries. In result, during the battle of Teruel, three Heinkel He 51s of the J/88 were shot down by AA fire: one from 3. J/88, flown by Leutnant Heinz Runze who was shot down and killed on 1st January, and two from 4. J/88, including Leutnant Gerhard Klein, who was shot down and killed whilst flying the 2-59 on 18th January. The next day, Unteroffizier Heinrich Tomer in the 2-105 fell victim of the Republican AA fire. The following day, Leutnant Priebe avenged his comrades by scoring a direct hit with six 10 kg bombs at a T-26 tank, in the streets of the city. The shots in the Teruel sector had still echoed, after consummating the victory of Alfambra on 24th February, when General Franco made the decision to exploit the recently achieved success and undertake a triple maneuver of breakthrough and penetration to advance through the Maestrazgo towards the Mediterranean, an objective that was achieved on 15th April, when the 4th Navarra Division entered Vinaroz and the 83rd Division got Benicarlo. From then on, the participation in operations of the 3. and 4. J/88 ran in parallel. On 22nd March, Hauptmann Hubertus Hering arrived to replace Gal land at the command of 3. J/88.
Heinkel He 51B1 Nationalist Jagdgruppe 88 2x119 Spain 1937 0A
Profile: Following the advance of the troops, the squadron moved from the Gallur airfield (where it had settled on 23rd February) to Serihena and, on 27th March, to Bujaraloz. On 30th March, a tragedy occurred when the He 51s of Hauptmann Hering and Leutnant Manfred Michaelis collided in mid-air to the west of the Cinca River. Both pilots were killed, forcing Galland to remain in command. The bad streak continued, as on 10th April two aircraft were hit by the Republican AA fire and had to force-land near Alfarrâs, near the Almenar airfield: one of the biplanes was completely burned and the other suffered 40% damage, but the pilots were unharmed. After combat on 12th April, a He 51 flown by Unteroffizier Waldemar Gerstmann had to perform an emergency landing to the west of Balaguer. The pilot had broken his collarbone. On 24th May, Oberleutnant Werner Molders took over command, permanently replacing Galland. After the decision taken by General Franco to resign from the persecution of the defeated Republican Army of the East and the continuation of the advance through Catalan lands, once Lérida had been occupied, he chose to continue the victorious offensive undertaken in Aragon in southern direction, towards Valencia. The operation was launched on 23rd April. The 3. and 4. J/88 continued to fly the same type of missions, now in support of the Galician Army Corps, for which they traveled to the La Cenia aerodrome. On 31st May, during a mission in support of General Aranda's Army Corps, Leutnant Fritz Losigkeit's biplane was hit by the Republican 20 mm Oerlikon. The pilot managed to bale out, but he was taken prisoner. On 2nd June, 3. J/88 lost its last He 51: Leutnant Martin Haupt was shot down and killed by ground fire. During the offensive against Valencia, 4. J/88 was tasked with neutralizing the Soviet 76,2 mm anti-aircraft batteries installed by the Republicans in the line of advance. On 4th May, Unteroffizier Andreas Hester's aircraft was hit by AA guns and caught fire: being too low to jump, Hester attempted an emergency landing near Albocacer, but he died in the crash. On 8th May, 4. J/88 suffered its last loss when Leutnant Erich Beyer was shot down by ground fire and taken prisoner. Following the report by Harro Harder, the German General Staff decided to re-equip 3. J/88 with the newly arrived Bf 109s, while 4. J/88 was disbanded on 17th June, as the Germans didn't want to sacrifice more of the precious Bf 109s in the Spanish adventure. The surviving He 51s were handed over to the Spaniards.
Heinkel He 51B1 Profiles from: aircraft of the spanish civil war 1936-1939 by Carlos Fresno Crespo, Artemio Montera Perez Ju 86 Nationalist airforce over Spain 1936 01
Photo: Another aircraft - in this case of a very modern concept - that met a resounding failure in Spain was the twin-engine Junkers Ju 86 bomber. Its diesel engines were not really ready, causing several accidents and three permanent losses among the five aircraft of the Condor Legion. Curiously, the two surviving machines, which had been handed over to the Spanish in the autumn of 1937, were used by them until the end of the war with a very acceptable performance. (Via Jesus Salas)
Junkers Ju 52 3mg3e(W) Nationalist AF Legion Condor seaplane 527 web 01
Photo: The Junkers Ju 52/3mg (See) seaplane registered as 527, which was used as a liaison aircraft by AS/88 from Mallorca, was armed with a 7,92 mm MG 15 machine gun in the front dorsal position and a 13 mm MG 131 in the rear dorsal position. It is still striking that a transport aircraft had more powerful defensive armament than those of the same type used as bombers.
Photo's: Aircraft of the spanish civil war 1936-1939 by Carlos Fresno Crespo, Artemio Montera Perez
Spanish Civil War Posters
The Spanish Civil War was an extremely complex conflict that ravaged the country from 1936 to 1939 and devastated Spain and its inhabitants. The estimates of how many people were killed in the war run from 500,000 to 1,000,000. The war came about when the Spanish communist party came to power after defeating members of the monarch in elections. They decided that they wanted to bring about land reforms and exclude the church from the government. This was not popular among the Nationalists at the time. So the Spanish Army staged a military coup to overthrow the Second Spanish Republic. The attempt would prove successful, with the eventual installation of a dictatorship led by General Francisco Franco in 1939. The nationalists were made up of monarch supporters, religious groups, Falangists and Fascists. The communist or left wing side was made up of Socialists, Marxists, Anarchists, Communists, Basque and Catalan seperatists and a number of other extreme left wing groups and trade unions. War broke out when the right wing groups refused to accept the left wing as the government and the land reforms they were about to impose.
Before his victory, Franco's forces met the resistance of republicans, socialists, communists and anarchists in a bitter battle for Spain. During the war both sides accused each other of being puppet governments for other governments, The Nationalists, as the rebels were called, received aid from Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The Republicans received aid from the Soviet Union, as well as from International Brigades, composed of volunteers from Europe and the United States.
Politically their differences often found extreme and vehement expression in parties such as the Fascist-oriented Falange and the militant left-wing anarchists.
Among the many aspects of the war that continue to exert a particular fascination today is the wealth of astonishing propaganda posters produced by the various factions involved in the fighting. There was a high rate of illiteracy in the country, particularly among women, peasants and the working classes, so poster designers employed rousing imagery and succinct slogans to deliver their message.
Propaganda has played a vital part in the wars of the early 20th century it was used by Hitler in World War 2 by Mussolini in his control of Italy and of course by Stalin. Throughout the course of the Spanish civil war propaganda was used by all sides to communicate various messages, some of these messages were to encourage peace and to keep fighting for food and freedom whilst others were to convince people to leave the city or join the army. The messages varied, as did the posters. What it left us with in the end was catalogues of posters that are a poignant reminder of these dark times in Spanish history. However they are also pieces of art that serve to remind us of our not too distant past.
The war was much about ideas. Many political ideologies of the time were battling for power and recognition. Propaganda was a major part of convincing the Spanish civilians to side with various parties. Colourful and artistic posters were used to persuade civilians and spread messages as the majority of the population were illiterate and uneducated. These posters were designed by some of the best artists in Spain and the streets of all of Spain's major cities were plastered with these posters. The Nationalists lead by Franco used the posters to win the support of the people after taking a city from the communists. The communists used the posters to win support from the peasants they were trying to help and to spread messages to the people whilst they were in power. The anarchists used their posters to introduce their new radical idea to the people in the hope of winning their hearts and minds.
These posters are perhaps the most prominent remains of the conflict that presented to the people of Europe and the world the tragedies of war and how the people of Spain were living through these tragedies. These posters are among the most important documents of the war remaining today and can be found in museums across Spain as well as other European countries.
Eyewitnesses accounts of the war attest that the posters were everywhere during the war. The cities walls were awash with the colour and creativity of propaganda. On almost every building there were party posters: posters against Fascism, posters about the defence of Madrid, posters appealing for recruits to the militia...and even posters for the emancipation of women and against venereal disease. Streets aflamed with posters of all parties for all causes, some of them put out by combinations of parties. In Republican territory, when a house was destroyed by the enemy bombs, propaganda agencies would fix posters on the ruins in order to denounce the enemy, hoping to turn aggression into rage. In Madrid, the capital of the Republic, shop owners were forced to fill their store fronts with posters: "Every space must be used to incite the spirit in its fight against the enemy," stated an article in the newspaper ABC on October 30, 1936. When a city was taken the streets of were plastered with posters to convince its citizens to change sides.
The Nationalist party produced a far lesser amount of posters than their rivals. This was primarily because they hadn't as much inward struggle and because what they were promoting was familiar to the Spaniards. Their posters were primarily used after the taking of a city to encourage calm amongst its citizens. They also tried to encourage people to return to normality after the war.
The Communist or the Republican party were the most prolific producers and publishers of posters during the Spanish civil war. Their posters were used to garner the support of the people and often to spread messages to the rurally isolated peasants. These posters were important in communicating to an predominantly illiterate population and encouraging men to join the militia and support the communist movement. Some posters were co signed by the anarchists and communists during their coalition.
Over the course of the war thousands of posters were created and circulated throughout Spain. Many of these survived the war, however many didn't survive the war and are lost forever.
Source Web Reference:
The Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War was a major conflict in Spain that started after an attempted coup detat committed by parts of the army against the government of the Second Spanish Republic. The Civil War devastated Spain from 17 July 1936 to 1 April 1939, ending with the victory of the rebels and the founding of a dictatorship led by the Fascist General Francisco Franco and the defeat of the supporters of the Republic. Republicans (republicanos), gained the support of the Soviet Union and Mexico, while the followers of the rebellion, nacionales (Nationalists), received the support of the major European Axis powers, namely Italy, Germany, as well as neighbouring Portugal.
The war increased tensions in the lead-up to World War II and was largely seen as a possible war by proxy between the Communist Soviet Union and the Fascist Axis of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. In particular, tanks and bombing of cities from the air were features of the later war in Europe. The advent of the mass media allowed an unprecedented level of attention (Ernest Hemingway, Martha Gellhorn, George Orwell and Robert Capa all covered it) and so the war became notable for the passion and political division it inspired, and for atrocities committed on both sides of the conflict. Like other Civil Wars, the Spanish Civil War often pitted family members and trusted neighbors and friends against each other. Apart from the combatants, many civilians were killed for their political or religious views by both sides, and after the war ended in 1939, Republicans were at times persecuted by the victorious Nationalists.
Prelude to the war
Historical context
There were several reasons for the war, many of them long-term tensions that had escalated over the years.
The 19th Century was a turbulent one for Spain. The country had undergone several civil wars and revolts, carried out by both reformists and the conservatives, who tried to displace each other from power. A liberal tradition that first ascended to power with the Spanish Constitution of 1812 sought to abolish the absolutist monarchy of the old regime and to establish a liberal state. The most traditionalist sectors of the political sphere systematically tried to avert these reforms and to sustain the monarchy. The Carlists - supporters of Infante Carlos and his descendants - rallied to the cry of God, Country and King and fought for the cause of Spanish tradition (absolutism and Catholicism) against the liberalism and later the republicanism of the Spanish governments of the day. The Carlists, at times (including the Carlist Wars), allied with nationalists (not to be confused with the nationalists of the Civil War) attempting to restore the historic liberties (and broad regional autonomy) granted by the fueros of the Basque Country and Catalonia. Further, from the mid-19th century onwards, the liberals were outflanked on their left by socialists of various types and especially by anarchists, who were far stronger and more numerous in Spain than anywhere else in Europe aside from (possibly) Russia.
Los Cuatro Generales and Viva La Quince Brigada
Spain experienced a number of different systems of rule in the period between the Napoleonic wars of the early 19th century and the outbreak of the Civil War. During most of the 19th century, Spain was a constitutional monarchy, but under attack from these various directions. The First Spanish Republic, founded in 1873, was shortlived. A monarchy under Alfonso XIII lasted from 1887 to 1931, but from 1923 was held in place by the military dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera. Following Primo de Riveras overthrow in 1930, the monarchy was unable to maintain power and the Second Republic was declared in 1931. This Republic soon came to be led by a coalition of the left and center. A number of controversial reforms were passed, such as the Agrarian Law of 1932, distributing land among poor peasants. Millions of Spaniards had been living in more or less absolute poverty under the firm control of the aristocratic landowners in a quasi-feudal system. These reforms, along with anticlericalist acts, as well as military cut-backs and reforms, created strong opposition.
Constitution of 1931
Spanish Constitution of 1931
The neutrality of this article is disputed.
A new constitution was adopted on 9 December 1931. The document generally accorded thorough civil liberties and representation, the notable exclusion being the rights of Catholics, a flaw which prevented the forming of an expansive democratic majority. The document provided for universal suffrage and proclaimed a purported complete separation of Church and State, but in actuality it provided for significant governmental interference in church matters, including the prohibition of teaching by religious even in private schools, confiscation of and prohibitions on ownership of church property, and the banning of the Society of Jesus. The revolution of 1931 essentially established an anticlerical government.
Not only advocates of establishment of religion but also advocates of church/state separation saw the constitution as hostile; one such advocate of separation, Jose Ortega y Gasset, stated the article in which the Constitution legislates the actions of the Church seems highly improper to me. On June 3, 1933, Pope Pius XI condemned the Spanish Governments deprivation of the civil liberties on which the Republic was supposedly based in the encyclical Dilectissima Nobis (On Oppression Of The Church Of Spain ), noting in particular the expropriation of Church property and schools and the persecution of religious communities and orders.
Since the far left considered moderation of the anticlericalist aspects of the constitution as totally unacceptable, commentators have argued that the Republic as a democratic constitutional regime was doomed from the outset. Commentators have posited that such a hostile approach to the issues of church and state were a substantial cause of the breakdown of democracy and the onset of civil war.
1933 election and aftermath
Leading up to the Civil War, the state of the political establishment had been brutal and violent for some time. In the 1933 elections to the Cortes Generales, the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right (Confederacion Espanola de Derechas Autonomas or CEDA) won a plurality of seats. It was however not enough to form a majority. Despite the results, then President Niceto Alcala-Zamora declined to invite the leader of the CEDA to form a government and instead invited the Radical Republican Party and its leader Alejandro Lerroux to do so. CEDA supported the Lerroux government; it later demanded and, on 1 October 1934, received three ministerial positions. Hostility between both the left and the right increased after the formation of the Government. Spain experienced general strikes and street conflicts. Noted among the strikes was the miners revolt in northern Spain and riots in Madrid. Nearly all rebellions were crushed by the Government and political arrests followed.
Lerrouxs alliance with the right, his harsh suppression of the revolt in 1934, and the Stra-Perlo scandal combined to leave him and his party with little support going into the 1936 election. (Lerroux himself lost his seat in parliament.)
1936 Popular Front victory and aftermath
In the 1936 Elections a new coalition of Socialists (Socialist Workers Party of Spain, PSOE), liberals (Republican Left and the Republican Union Party), Communists, and various regional nationalist groups won the extremely tight election. The results gave 34 percent of the popular vote to the Popular Front and 33 percent to the incumbent government of the CEDA. This result, when coupled with the Socialists refusal to participate in the new government, led to a general fear of revolution. This was made only more apparent when Largo Caballero, hailed as the Spanish Lenin by Pravda, announced that the country was on the cusp of revolution. However these statements were meant only to remove any moderates from his coalition. Moderate Socialist Indalecio Prieto condemned the rhetoric and marches as provocative.
Aims of the Popular Front
From the Cominterns point of view the increasingly powerful, if fragmented, left and the weak right were an optimum situation. Their goal was to use a veil of legitimate democratic institutions to outlaw the right and to convert the state into the Soviet vision of a peoples republic with total leftist domination, a goal which was repeatedly voiced not only in Comintern instructions but also in the public statements of the PCE (Communist Party of Spain).
Azana becomes president
Without the Socialists, Prime Minister Manuel Azana, a liberal who favored gradual reform while respecting the democratic process, led a minority government. In April, parliament replaced President Niceto Alcala-Zamora, a moderate who had alienated virtually all the parties, with Azana. The removal of Zamora was made on specious grounds and in violation of the constitution. Although the right also voted for Zamoras removal, this was a watershed event which inspired many conservatives to give up on parliamentary politics. Azana was the object of intense hatred by Spanish rightists, who remembered how he had pushed a reform agenda through a recalcitrant parliament in 1931-33. Joaquin Arraras, a friend of Francisco Franco, called him a repulsive caterpillar of red Spain. The Spanish generals particularly disliked Azana because he had cut the armys budget and closed the military academy while war minister (1931). CEDA turned its campaign chest over to army plotter Emilio Mola. Monarchist Jose Calvo Sotelo replaced CEDAs Gil Robles as the rights leading spokesman in parliament.
Rising tensions and political violence
This was a period of rising tensions. Radicals became more aggressive, while conservatives turned to paramilitary and vigilante actions. According to official sources, 330 people were assassinated and 1,511 were wounded in politically-related violence; records show 213 failed assassination attempts, 113 general strikes, and the destruction (typically by arson) of 160 religious buildings.
Deaths of Castillo and Calvo Sotelo
On 12 July 1936, in Madrid, a far right group murdered Lieutenant Jose Castillo of the Assault Guards, a special police corps created to deal with urban violence, and a Socialist. The next day, leftist gunman Luis Cuenca killed Jose Calvo Sotelo, a leader of the conservative opposition in the Cortes (Spanish parliament), in revenge. Cuenca was operating in a commando unit of the Assault Guard led by Captain Fernando Condes Romero. Condes was close to the Socialist leader Indalecio Prieto, but there is no indication that Prieto was complicit in Cuencas assassination of Calvo Sotelo. However, the murder of such a prominent member of parliament, with involvement of the police, aroused suspicions and strong reactions amongst the Center and the Right. Calvo Sotelo was the leading Spanish monarchist. He protested against what he viewed as escalating anti-religious terror, expropriations, and hasty agricultural reforms, which he considered Bolshevist and anarchist. He instead advocated the creation of a corporative state and declared that if such a state was fascist, he was also a fascist.
He also declared that Spanish soldiers would be mad to not rise for Spain against Anarchy. In turn, the leader of the communists, Dolores Ibarruri, known as La Pasionaria, allegedly vowed that Calvo Sotelos speech would be his last speech in the Cortes. Although the Nationalist generals were already at advanced stages of planning an uprising, the even provided a convenient catalyst and public justification for their planned coup.
Spain Divides[1]
The initial division of forces and resources was unsatisfactory to both Republicans and rebels. The rebels lost their leader, General Sanjurjo, in a plane crash as he set off from Portugal on 20 July 1936 to take command in Burgos. They held Spanish Morocco, where Franco had reached Tetuán on the 19th, after the rising had already succeeded. Franco therefore had the Army of Africa at his command, and a small detachment of the air force, which had attempted resistance but been overwhelmed. But he faced the problem of how to get his formidable forces to the mainland, since the crews on board Spanish ships in the Mediterranean disobeyed their rebel naval officers, executed them and remained loyal to the Republic. Cádiz, held by the rebel generals Varela and Lopez Pinto, could not be reached. Beyond it, Queipo de Llano took Seville, including the airport. This permitted a group of the Foreign Legion to fly there from Morocco in a Fokker, and take part in the merciless assault on the working-class district of Triana. But the rest of the forces in north Africa were stuck.
The rising also triumphed in the agrarian conservative heartlands of Old Castile, Navarre and the far north-west, including the naval base of El Ferrol. But it failed along most of the north coast, including Bilbao with its all-important iron and steel works, and across a great swathe of central, eastern and north-eastern Spain, including Madrid, and the great industrial city of Barcelona. Not only was north Africa cut off from southern Spain by Republican ships, but western Andalusia was cut off from rebel territory in the north. It was impossible for anyone to exercise overall command. Moreover, army officers were not the undisputed leaders everywhere of the rebellion.
In Navarre General Mola was well aware of the strength of the Carlist militias. Elsewhere, Falangist militias or monarchist activists operated independently, and in many towns where there was no military garrison, they led the rising. Meanwhile the Falange leader, José Antonio Primo de Rivera, was in a Republican prison far away in Alicante.
On the government side, it was depressing enough that within just a few days about a third of the country was in the hands of its enemies. But the military rebellion sparked a furious popular reaction that stripped the government, and the Republican state, of authority. Everywhere trade unionists and left-wing parties demanded that arms be distributed to them. Prime Minister Casares Quiroga resisted these demands on 18 July, then resigned. President Azaña appointed Diego Martinez Barrio in his place, who tried futilely to win over General Mola, then also resigned early on the 19th.
The new Prime Minister was José Giral, who took the inevitable step of arming the Madrid proletariat by supplying the Socialist and Anarchist trade unions with army rifles. When the Madrid garrisons were ordered to hand over the bolts that the rifles needed, they refused. General Fanjul, leader of the rebellion in Madrid, was trapped in the Montana barracks by crowds of hostile workers, some of them now armed. Giral's decision to arm left-wing organisations was also implemented elsewhere. Power seeped away from the government to the streets, and from the institutions of the state to the revolutionary masses.
On 20 July the Montana barracks were attacked by the crowds, aided by a few aircraft, some artillery, and loyal Assault Guards and Civil Guards. Fanjul's forces, numbering about 2,000, with about 150 additional right-wing sympathisers, replied with machine-guns. But at noon the assault succeeded, and crowds surged into the courtyard of the barracks, fighting hand to hand with its defenders. Several hundred people died. Fanjul was imprisoned, and in the following month court-martialled and shot. The other Madrid garrisons were either persuaded into loyalty or overwhelmed. Events in Barcelona were similar, except that the rebel plan there was for the troops of the various garrisons, about 5,000 men in all, to converge on the Plaza de Catalunya in the centre, and then take the city. The President of the autonomous government of Catalonia, Luis Companys, had refused to distribute arms to the masses, just as Casares Quiroga and Martinez Barrio had done. But he could not prevent some Guards doing so independently. Approximately 5,000 loyal Assault and Civil Guards, some police and crowds of Anarchists, a few of them now armed, fought bravely with the columns of infantrymen making their way to the Plaza de Catalunya. They prevented the planned meeting there, and took control of the city, completing it with an attack on the AtarAzañas barracks on the night of 20-21 July. At least 500 people died in the confrontation in Barcelona. General Goded was taken prisoner, and in August was tried for military rebellion and shot. Local air bases remained loyal.
In several other places, the outcome of the rising was in doubt in the first days. In Oviedo, centre of the October 1934 revolution, the local military commander, Colonel Antonio Aranda, assured miners' leaders that the city was safe in his hands. After they set off by train to help defend Madrid on 19 July, he claimed the city for the rebels. His actions produced the extraordinary phenomenon of a city thoroughly identified with revolutionary fervour falling without a fight into the camp of counter-revolution. But Oviedo was isolated in hostile Republican territory.
At the other end of the country, Granada was similarly isolated, a rebel city in the middle of an anti-rebel area, after the military commander, General Muñoz, was imprisoned by rebel officers, and the working-class quarter violently subdued. In many cities, the issue was decided by the personal decision for or against the rising made by the commanding officer, as was the case in Badajoz, with General Luis Castelló (for the government), and Cordoba, with Colonel Ciriaco Cascajo (for the rebels). Sometimes, however, the commanding officer discovered that no one was following him. General José Bosch was prevented by his own troops from taking Minorca for the rebels, even though in Majorca and Ibiza they had triumphed.
Whether the rebels had to fight to gain control, or triumphed easily, their success was followed by the immediate, violent repression of those identified with the Popular Front. Members of the left-wing parties, trade unionists and freemasons were killed by rebel soldiers, Civil Guards, Carlists and Falangists, acting either on direct orders from the military commanding officer, or on their own initiative. Sometimes there was a summary trial, often not. Even where the rebels were obviously in complete control locally, such as in Navarre, rightist gangs summarily arrested political opponents, drove them out of the town or village, and shot them by the roadside. This terror was to intimidate, control and punish.
By 20 July it was obvious that, where the rising failed, the government nonetheless was not the victor. Anarchists, Socialists and Communists ruled the streets, setting up anti-fascist, revolutionary committees. As Luis Companys, President of the Catalan regional government, acknowledged to Anarchist leaders in Barcelona, 'Today, you are the masters of the city.' Except in the Republican Basque provinces of Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa, where the moderate Basque Nationalist party (PNV) dominated, revolutionary terror was directed against propertied elites, conservative politicians and the church. Except in the Basque country, Catholicism went underground in Republican Spain, as churches burned and religious images were destroyed.
The violence on both sides was sickening, sharpened by the class hatreds and cultural conflicts that had marked Spanish history for decades. The army officers who took up arms against the Republic in July 1936 bore the immediate responsibility for unleashing the whirlwind of violence. They argued, however, that the violence began not in July 1936, but in the revolution of October 1934, and that the Popular Front was the illegitimate continuation of the forces which made that revolution. This controversial claim was used in July 1936, and continuously thereafter, even when the war was over, to justify repression, reprisals and summary justice.
After the patchy fortunes of the coup, and after the first days of fighting, about 13 million Spaniards found themselves still in Republican Spain, which also contained almost all major industry and the financial reserves of the Bank of Spain. About 11 million were in territory taken by the rebels, now arrogating to themselves the title of 'nationals', or Nationalists. This territory at least had the advantage of including some of Spain's most productive wheat-growing areas.
The Spanish army on the mainland and in the Balearic and Canary Islands numbered something over 60,000 men at the time of the coup. It was organised into eight territorial divisions on the mainland, one in the Canary Islands and another in the Balearic Islands. Each of the mainland divisions had two infantry brigades, one artillery brigade and support units. Just over half were in Republican territory, the rest in Nationalist. In addition, the Army of Africa in rebel-held Morocco numbered about 25,000. It comprised five infantry battalions, six Foreign Legion banderas or battalions, 30 tabores or half-battalions of indigenous Moroccan Regulars, plus artillery, cavalry and engineers.
The Foreign Legion was the creation of José Millán Astray, a crazed militarist, and was renowned for its ruthless daring. It was a last resort for desperate men. Later in the war, Millán Astray caused a commotion when he shouted 'Death to intelligence' and the Legion's blood-curdling slogan 'Long live death' at Spain's most revered philosopher, Miguel Unamuno, in Salamanca University. It was one of the most bizarre cultural confrontations of the war.
There were also about 80,000 men serving in the militarised law enforcement organisations - approximately 34,000 Civil Guards, over 31,000 Assault Guards and nearly 15,000 carabineers. The majority remained with the Republic - about 20,000 Civil Guards, 22,000 Assault Guards and 9,000 carabineers. On paper, therefore, the two sides seemed to have roughly equal numerical strength, with the Republic's advantage in the militarised security forces roughly balancing the Nationalists' control of the Army of Africa. Rifles, bayonets and artillery pieces were split between the two sides, although many of the rifles were pre-1914 issue, and ammunition was often in short supply.
Both sides needed to recruit and train soldiers swiftly, and both began enlisting men as soon as possible. Both sides set up very abbreviated officers' training courses, and the Nationalists used non-commissioned as well as commissioned officers. On both sides, men complained about lack of training, lack of ammunition, and old, poorly functioning equipment. But the impression of balance is misleading. Many of the conscripts on Republican territory simply left their posts in the confusion and melted away, while only a minority of officers were considered reliable. Moreover, the forces in north Africa were trained, disciplined and experienced, in stark contrast to the situation of many soldiers in mainland garrisons. The Spanish air force was small. In late July 1936, the government had about 200 planes and the Nationalists about 100 - in both cases a mixture of reconnaissance planes (mainly Breguet XIX), fighters (mainly Nieuports) and bombers (a mixture of Fokker VIIs, De Havilland Dragons and Douglas DC2s). The government could count on a battleship, three cruisers, 20 destroyers and 12 submarines, but the commanding officers of many of these had been killed by mutinous crews, who were loyal but lacked expertise. The Nationalists fared less well, with one battleship, two cruisers, one destroyer and two submarines. Moreover, the government had over two-thirds of the merchant shipping.
Where new production was concerned, the Republic controlled the major arms factories, and the Nationalists the major naval dockyard at El Ferrol. All in all, considering territory, population, financial resources, industry, agriculture and armaments, the government looked better supplied for a long struggle, but had to rebuild its army, and translate the enthusiasm of the popular militias based on the left-wing parties and trade unions into military effectiveness. The rebels lacked industrial strength, but had greater military control of their (divided) territory.
In these circumstances, in which neither side was assured of victory and both urgently needed arms, it was inevitable that both would look beyond Spain for foreign assistance. Within days of its outbreak, the Spanish Civil War would become an international problem.
Outbreak of the war
Nationalist military revolt
On 17 July 1936, the nationalist-traditionalist rebellion long feared by some in the Popular Front government began. Its beginning was signaled by the phrase Over all of Spain, the sky is clear that was broadcast on the radio. Casares Quiroga, who had succeeded Azana as prime minister, had in the previous weeks exiled the military officers suspected of conspiracy against the Republic, including Puerto Rico-born General Manuel Goded Llopis and General Francisco Franco, sent to the Balearic Islands and to the Canary Islands, respectively. Both generals immediately took control of these islands. A British MI6 intelligence agent, Major Hugh Pollard, then flew Franco to Spanish Morocco in a de Havilland DH.89 Dragon Rapide to see Juan March Ordinas, where the Spanish Army of Africa, led by Nationalist ranks, were almost unopposed in assuming control.
Government reaction
The rising was intended to be a swift coup detat, but was botched in certain areas allowing the government to retain control of parts of the country. At this first stage, the rebels failed to take any major cities - in Madrid they were hemmed into the Montana barracks. The barracks fell the next day with much bloodshed. In Barcelona, anarchists armed themselves and defeated the rebels. General Goded, who arrived from the Balearic islands, was captured and later executed. However, the turmoil facilitated anarchist control over Barcelona and much of the surrounding Aragonese and Catalan countryside, effectively breaking away from the Republican government. The Republicans held on to Valencia and controlled almost all of the Eastern Spanish coast and central area around Madrid. Except for Asturias, Cantabria and part of the Basque Country, the Nationals took most of northern and northwestern Spain and also a southern area in central and western Andalusia including Seville.
The combatants
The Republicans
Republicans (also known as Spanish loyalists) received weapons and volunteers from the Soviet Union, Mexico, the international Socialist movement and the International Brigades. The Republicans ranged from centrists who supported a moderately capitalist liberal democracy to revolutionary anarchists and communists; their power base was primarily secular and urban, but also included landless peasants, and it was particularly strong in industrial regions like Asturias and Catalonia. This faction was called variously the loyalists by its supporters, the Republicans, the Popular Front or the Government by all parties, and the reds by its enemies.
The conservative, strongly Catholic Basque country, along with Galicia and the more left-leaning Catalonia, sought autonomy or even independence from the central government of Madrid. This option was left open by the Republican government. All these forces were gathered under the Ejercito Popular Republicano (EPR) or Republican Popular Army.
Scholar Stanley G. Payne claimed that by the time of the outbreak of war Republicans had abandoned constitutional republicanism for leftist revolution:
The leftist zone has been variously designated Republican, loyalist, and Popular Front. Of those terms, the adjective loyalist is somewhat misleading, for there was no attempt to remain loyal to the constitutional Republican regime. If that had been the scrupulous policy of the left, there would have been no revolt and civil war in the first place. Thus after July 1936 what remained of the constitutional Republic gave way to the revolutionary Republican confederation of 1936-1937.
The Nationalists
The Nationalists on the contrary opposed the separatist movements, but were chiefly defined by their anti-communism and their fear of Spain breaking up, which served as the galvanizing agent of diverse or even opposed movements like falangists or monarchists. This side was called the Nationalists, the rebels, or the insurgents. Their opponents referred to them as the Fascists or Francoists.
Their leaders had a generally wealthier, more conservative, monarchist, landowning background, and they favoured the centralization of state power. In turn, their support for the Catholic Church, provided them with popular support.Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, as well as most Roman Catholic clergy, supported the Nationalists, while Portugals Estado Novo provided logistical support. Their forces were gathered into the Ejercito Nacional or National Army.
Other factions in the war
The active participants in the war covered the entire gamut of the political positions and ideologies of the time. The Nationalist (nacionales) side included the Carlists and Legitimist monarchists, Spanish nationalists, the Falange, Catholics, and most conservatives and monarchist liberals. On the Republican side were socialists, communists, liberals and anarchists. Catalan and Basque nationalists were not univocal. Left-wing Catalan nationalists were on the Republican side. Conservative Catalan nationalists were far less vocal supporting the Republican government due to the anti-clericalism and confiscations occurring in some areas controlled by the latter (some conservative Catalan nationalists like Francesc Cambo actually funded the rebel side). Basque nationalists, heralded by the conservative Basque nationalist party, were mildly supportive of the Republican government, even though Basque nationalists in Alava and Navarre sided with the uprising for the same reasons influencing Catalan conservative nationalists.
To view the political alignments from another perspective, the Nationals included the majority of the Catholic clergy and of practicing Catholics (outside of the Basque region), important elements of the army, most of the large landowners, and many businessmen. The Republicans included most urban workers, most peasants, and much of the educated middle class, especially those who were not entrepreneurs.
The genial monarchist General Jose Sanjurjo was the figurehead of the rebellion, while Emilio Mola was chief planner and second in command. Mola began serious planning in the spring, but General Francisco Franco hesitated until early July, inspiring other plotters to refer to him as Miss Canary Islands 1936. Franco was a key player because of his prestige as a former director of the military academy and the man who suppressed the Socialist uprising of 1934. Warned that a military coup was imminent, leftists put barricades up on the roads on July 17. Franco avoided capture by taking a tugboat to the airport. From there he was flown to Morocco by British intelligence, where he took command of the battle-hardened colonial army in Spanish Morocco. Sanjurjo was killed in a plane crash on July 20, leaving effective command split between Mola in the north and Franco in the South. Franco was chosen overall commander at a meeting of ranking generals at Salamanca on September 21. He outranked Mola and by this point his Army of Africa had demonstrated its military superiority.
One of the Nationalists principal claimed motives was to confront the anti-clericalism of the Republican regime and to defend the Roman Catholic Church, which had been the target of attacks, and which many on the Republican side blamed for the ills of the country. Even before the war religious buildings were burnt and clergy killed without action on the part of the Republican authorities to prevent it. As part of the social revolution taking place, others were turned into Houses of the People. Similarly, many of the massacres perpetrated by the Republican side targeted the Catholic clergy. Francos Moroccan Muslim troops found this repulsive as well, and for the most part fought loyally and often ferociously for the Nationalists. Articles 24 and 26 of the Constitution of the Republic had banned the Jesuits, which deeply offended many within the conservatives. The revolution in the republican zone at the outset of the war, killing 7,000 clergy and thousands of lay people, constituted what Stanley Payne called the most extensive and violent persecution of Catholicism in Western History, in some way even more intense than that of the French Revolution, driving Catholics, left then with little alternative, to the Nationalists even more than would have been expected. After the beginning of the Nationalist coup, anger flared anew at the Church and its role in Spanish politics. Notwithstanding these religious matters, the Basque nationalists, who nearly all sided with the Republic, were, for the most part, practicing Catholics.
Republican sympathizers proclaimed it as a struggle between tyranny and democracy, or fascism and liberty, and many non-Spanish youth, committed reformers and revolutionaries joined the International Brigades, believing that the Spanish Republic was the front line of the war against fascism. Francos supporters, however, portrayed it as a battle between the red hordes of communism and anarchism on the one hand and Christian civilization on the other. They also stated that they were protecting the Establishment and bringing security and direction to what they felt was an ungoverned and lawless society.
The Republicans were also split among themselves. The left and Basque or Catalan nationalist conservatives had many conflicting ideas. The Cortes (Spanish Parliament) consisted of 16 parties in 1931. When autonomy was granted to Catalonia and the Basque Provinces in 1932, a nationalist coup was attempted but failed. An attempt by the communists to seize control resisted by anarchists resulted in the massacre of hundreds of rebels and intra civil war between anarchists and communists in Catalonia.
Foreign involvement
The Spanish Civil War had large numbers of non-Spanish citizens participating in combat and advisory positions. Foreign governments contributed large amounts of financial assistance and military aid to forces led by Generalisimo Francisco Franco. Forces fighting on behalf of the Second Spanish Republic also received limited aid but support was seriously hampered by the arms embargo declared by France and the UK.
These embargoes were never extremely effective however, and France especially was accused of allowing large shipments through to the Republicans - though the accusations often came from Italy, itself heavily involved for the Nationalists. The clandestine actions of the various European powers were at the time considered to be risking another Great War.
Italy and Germany
Both Fascist Italy, under dictator Benito Mussolini, and Nazi Germany, under dictator Adolf Hitler, sent troops, aircraft, tanks, and other weapons to support Franco. The Italian government provided the Corps of Volunteer Troops (Corpo Truppe Volontarie) and Germany sent the Condor Legion (Legion Condor). The CTV reached a high of about 50,000 men and as many as 75,000 Italians fought in Spain. The German force numbered about 12,000 men at its zenith and as many as 19,000 Germans fought in Spain.
Soviet Union
The Soviet Union primarily provided material assistance to the Republican forces. While Soviet troops amounted to no more than 700 men, Soviet volunteers often piloted aircraft or operated tanks purchased by the Spanish Republican forces. The Republic had to purchase Soviet assistance with the official gold reserves of the Bank of Spain (see Moscow Gold), obtaining armament of marginal quality that, in addition, was sold at deliberately inflated prices. The cost for the Republic of the Soviet support raised more than US$500 million, which made up two-thirds of the gold reserves that Spain had at the beginning of the war.
International brigade volunteers
The troops of the International Brigades represented the largest foreign contingent of troops fighting for the Republicans. Roughly 30,000 foreign nationals from possibly up to 53 nations fought in the various brigades. Most of them were communists or trade unionists, and while organised by communists guided or controlled by Moscow, they were almost all individual volunteers.
The Mexican Republic supported fully and publicly the claim of the Madrid government. Mexico refused to follow the French-British Non-Intervention proposals, recognizing immediately the great advantage they offered the Insurgents. Contrary to the United States, Mexico did not feel that neutrality between an elected government and a military junta was a proper policy. Mexicos attitude gave immense moral comfort to the Republic, especially since the major Latin American governments - those of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Peru - sympathized more or less openly with the Insurgents. But Mexican aid could mean relatively little in practical terms if the French border were closed and if the dictators remained free to supply the Insurgents with a quality and quantity of weapons far beyond the power of Mexico.
However, Mexico provided some material assistance, which included a small amount of American made aircraft such as the Bellanca CH-300 and Spartan Zeus that served in the Mexican Air Force.
Irish volunteers
Ireland was the only country where pro-Franco volunteers outnumbered the anti-Franco volunteers. Despite the declaration by the Irish government that participation in the war was illegal, around 250 Irishmen went to fight for the Republicans and around 700 of Eoin ODuffys followers ( The Blueshirts ) went to Spain to fight on Francos side.
On arrival, however, O'Duffys Irish contingent refused to fight the Basques for Franco, seeing parallels between their recent struggle and Basque aspirations. They saw their primary role in Spain as fighting communism, rather than defending Spains territorial integrity. Eoin O'Duffys men saw little fighting in Spain and were sent home by Franco after being accidentally fired on by Spanish Nationalist troops.
Evacuation of children
As war proceeded in the Northern front, the Republican authorities arranged the evacuation of children. These Spanish War children were shipped to Britain, Belgium, the Soviet Union, other European countries and Mexico. Those in Western European countries returned to their families after the war, but many of those in the Soviet Union, from Communist families, remained and experienced the Second World War and its effects on the Soviet Union.
Like the Republican side, the Nationalist side of Franco also arranged evacuations of children, women and elderly from war zones. Refugee camps for those civilians evacuated by the Nationalists were set up in Portugal, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium.
Pacifism in Spain
In the 1930s Spain also became a focus for pacifist organizations including the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the War Resisters League and the War Resisters International (whose president was the British MP and Labour Party leader George Lansbury). Many people including, as they are now called, the insumisos (defiant ones, i.e., conscientious objectors) argued and worked for non-violent strategies.
Prominent Spanish pacifists such as Amparo Poch y Gascon and Jose Brocca supported the Republicans. As American author Scott H. Bennett has demonstrated, pacifism in Spain certainly did not equate with passivism, and the dangerous work undertaken and sacrifices made by pacifist leaders and activists such as Poch and Brocca show that pacifist courage is no less heroic than the military kind (Bennett, 2003: 67-68). Brocca argued that Spanish pacifists had no alternative but to make a stand against fascism. He put this stand into practice by various means including organising agricultural workers to maintain food supplies and through humanitarian work with war refugees.
Atrocities during the war
At least 50,000 people were executed during the civil war. In his recent, updated history of the Spanish Civil War, Antony Beevor reckons Francos ensuing white terror claimed 200,000 lives. The red terror had already killed 38,000. Julius Ruiz concludes that although the figures remain disputed, a minimum of 37,843 executions were carried out in the Republican zone with a maximum of 150,000 executions (including 50,000 after the war) in Nationalist Spain.
The atrocities of the Bando Nacional were common and were frequently ordered by authorities in order to eradicate any trace of leftism in Spain; many such acts were committed by reactionary groups during the first weeks of the war. This included the execution of school teachers (because the efforts of the Republic to promote laicism and to displace the Church from the education system by closing religious schools were considered by the Bando Nacional side as an attack on the Church); the execution of individuals because of accusations of anti-clericalism; the massive killings of civilians in the cities they captured; the execution of unwanted individuals (including non-combatants such as trade-unionists and known Republican sympathisers etc) An example of this kind of tactics on the Nationalist side was the Massacre of Badajoz in 1936.
The Nationalist side also conducted aerial bombing of cities in the Republican territory, carried out mainly by the Luftwaffe volunteers of the Condor Legion and the Italian air force volunteers of the Corpo Truppe Volontarie (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Guernica, and other cities). The most notorious example of this tactic of terror bombings was the Bombing of Guernica.
Atrocities by the Republicans have been termed Spains red terror by those on the Nationalist side. Republican attacks on the Catholic Church, associated strongly with support for the old monarchist and hierarchical establishment, were particularly controversial.
Nearly 7,000 clerics were killed and churches, convents and monasteries were attacked (see Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War). Some 13 bishops, 4184 diocesan priests, 2365 male religious (among them 114 Jesuits) and 283 nuns were killed. There are unverified accounts of Catholics being forced to swallow rosary beads and/or being thrown down mine shafts, as well as priests being forced to dig their own graves before being buried alive. Pope John Paul II beatified several hundred people murdered for being priests or nuns, and Pope Benedict XVI beatified almost 500 more on October 28, 2007.
Other repressive actions in the Republican side were committed by specific factions such as the Stalinist NKVD (the Soviet secret police). In addition, many Republican politicians, such as Lluis Companys the Catalan nationalist president of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the autonomous government of Catalonia -which remained initially loyal to the Republic before proclaiming independence from it- carried out numerous actions to mediate in cases of deliberate executions of the clergy.
Two Spains[1]
As the Spanish Civil War progressed, it soon became clear that Republican Spain and Nationalist Spain were two different states, and even different worlds. The Republic remained under civilian government, which struggled to assert its authority. At first, it was powerless to restrain the social revolution that swept through the country when the war began. Then Largo Caballero's government of September 1936 to May 1937 had some success in containing the revolution, by bringing the Anarchists into government, subduing the revolutionary terror and building a new army that absorbed the popular militias.
His successor, Juan Negrín, backed by the Soviet Union and the Spanish Communists, went further and dismantled the revolution - ending the collectives, restoring private property and imposing political and military discipline in an all-out effort to concentrate resources on the military objective of fighting the war. But throughout the war, competing political parties and trade unions continued. Moreover, central government co-existed with autonomous regional governments.
A Basque government exercised local power from September 1936 until the fall of Vizcaya in June 1937, and the Catalan Generalitat right up to the fall of Barcelona in January 1939. The Council of Aragón also claimed a quasi-governmental status until its dissolution by the central government in August 1937.
Nor was the government's authority helped by the fact that it moved twice under the pressure of Nationalist onslaughts. In November 1936 it abandoned Madrid for Valencia, and at the end of October 1937 it left Valencia for Barcelona, where relations with the Catalan government became particularly difficult. After the fall of Barcelona in January 1939, the Republic had no proper seat of government at all. But even at the height of Negrín's efforts, power was never fully centralised, and the pervasive influence of Soviet and Comintern advisers and the Communist Party was never fully accepted. The contrast on the Nationalist side could hardly have been greater. Although political parties, notably the Falange and the Carlists, mobilised militias and other support, the dominance of the military was always obvious. It was generals who planned and led the rising against the Republic. In the summer of 1936, Mola controlled Nationalist territory in northern Spain, Queipo de Llano controlled Seville, and Franco controlled north Africa and the ever-expanding areas of southern Spain conquered by his campaign.
Mola declared martial law - somewhat theoretically - over the whole country on 28 July 1936, and it was imposed in fact, wherever the Nationalists triumphed. The first, rudimentary administration was set up in Burgos on 24 July by Mola, with General Cabanellas at its head. Franco was appointed head of government as well as Commander-in-chief by his fellow generals at Burgos on 1 October 1936, and took to himself the title of head of state. He appointed a new provisional government on 2 October, and Burgos remained the centre of many government departments throughout the war, though some were located in Salamanca, where Franco established his military headquarters.
In April 1937 he consolidated power further by unilaterally merging all political organisations in Nationalist Spain into one mass party. There could be no doubt that politics were subordinated to military needs, and Nationalist Spain was Franco Spain. Whether Franco's Spain was fascist is more debatable. It adopted the fascist salute, but the traditional, red-and-gold monarchist flag. It was a one-party state, but that one party greatly disappointed the camisas viejas, the 'old shirts' of the earlier, radical stage of the Spanish Falange, as it became virtually an agency of the administration. Some fascist policies were borrowed directly from Mussolini's Italy, most obviously the Labour Charter of March 1938. A bureaucratic, vertical trade union was established, while all others were abolished.
In foreign policy, the early regime's sympathies were quite obviously with its backers, Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. But in contrast to Hitler and Mussolini, the foundation of Franco's power lay in military victory, not mass mobilisation; unlike them he was first and foremost a soldier, and his own values remained those of the Spanish anti-democratic, military tradition. Furthermore, his regime handed to the Catholic Church a degree of control over education, culture, public morality, public spectacle and censorship that was unthinkable in Nazi Germany, and which even in Italy the church was struggling unsuccessfully to retain in the 1930s.[1]
Daily life
Daily life as well as politics was very different in the two zones. On the Republican side, the first euphoria of social revolution in 1936 included the collectivisation of farms, especially in Aragón and Catalonia, and of industries and businesses, most notably in Barcelona. Workers took control, and the bourgeoisie seemed to disappear as proletarian forms of dress became the only safe ones apart from military uniform.
Capitalism vanished. In some rural collectives, money itself was abolished. It has always been hard to determine how successful the collectives were. They did not last long enough to provide much reliable evidence, since they were dismantled under government pressure after Largo Caballero's fall in May 1937. Moreover, the industrial collectives had to switch production to war needs, which made comparisons with previous output problematic.
In agriculture, many peasants distrusted collectivism and would have much preferred the redistribution of land in individual plots. What is certain is that collectivisation made central co-ordination of war and other production extremely difficult. In the Republican economy as well as in politics, the dominant pattern in the first stages of the war was fragmentation.
As the war continued, and especially after Negrín became Prime Minister in May 1937, economic organisation lost its revolutionary features. But daily life was more and more dominated by the consequences of the Republic's military failures. As territory and with it the available population diminished, men were called up at ever-widening age extremes - eventually from 17-year-olds to 55-year-olds. Food supplies inevitably diminished. Queues for food became an inescapable feature of the war, and a black market with high prices developed. The population of Madrid had a particularly grim time. Not only had it somehow to endure siege and bombardment from November 1936 onwards, but over the last year of the war it also had to manage on a very meagre and inadequate diet. Rations of lentils became known resignedly as 'Dr Negrín's pills'.
By contrast, from the beginning the Nationalists held most of the great wheatlands of Old Castile, and as territorial dominance increased, a range of food including eggs, meat, oil, vegetables and rice was steadily available. Price controls were imposed on many basic foods, including wheat and sugar beet. Economic stability was aided by loans to the Nationalists - who had no gold reserves to fall back on - by sympathetic Spanish financiers, of whom the most important was the Catalan Juan March. Equally important was the willingness of big international companies like Texaco and Firestone to sell crucial commodities such as oil and rubber to the Franco regime on credit.
These arrangements, together with the systems agreed with Hitler and Mussolini for armaments, enabled the Nationalists to prosecute the war and take on the huge debts it entailed, amounting to about 700 million dollars by the end of the war, without having to tax the civilian population excessively. The Franco regime also confiscated the property of those it deemed politically responsible for provoking the rising of July 1936, or of sustaining the Republic after that date, a procedure governed by the notorious Law of Political Responsibilities of 9 February 1939. Thus history was rewritten, the rebels became the legitimate government, and the erstwhile legitimate political authorities of the Second Republic became rebels.
Nationalist Spain resounded with martial music, patriotic parades and Catholic hymns. It was always likely that the Catholic Church would be more sympathetic to a military regime of order and traditional values than to the secularising and modernising Republic. Many Catholics were deeply opposed to the Republic well before 1936. But for most of those whose minds were not already made up, the question of loyalties was settled irrevocably by the murderous anti-clericalism of the social revolution in the summer of 1936, in areas where the military rising failed. One side protected religion, the other attacked it and drove it underground. Churches were destroyed, religious symbols and statues defaced and smashed.
Almost inevitably in these circumstances, Nationalist Spain took on the mantle of a religious crusade. Priests blessed weapons, prayed that battles would go the right way and celebrated victory with religious services. In a famous joint letter of July 1937, the Spanish bishops argued that the war was a confrontation between Christian civilisation and atheistic Communism, and urged bishops all over the world to explain this to the faithful. Pope Pius XII could hardly avoid greeting Franco's ultimate victory with 'immense joy', in a radio broadcast in April 1939. A few church leaders had important reservations about the wisdom of siding so fully with one band against another in a civil conflict. Some prominent Catholic laymen pointed out that the violence against priests and religion had been the policy of the revolutionary mobs, not the Republic itself. But the die was cast. Franco's Spain was Catholic Spain.
The Nationalists were also traditionalists where gender roles in society were concerned. The Republic, on the other hand, represented change. One of the most famous Republican posters carried the slogan 'They shall not pass', which the great Communist leader and orator Dolores Ibárruri (La Pasioiniria) had made into the rallying-call for the defence of the Republic, and especially of Madrid. Above this armed soldiers, one of them a woman, wearing the blue overalls that were the improvised uniform of the Republican militias in the early stages of the war, fired at their enemies. Women soldiers and La Pasionaria became dominant images of the Republic at war.
Women in unisex workers' overalls symbolised a new world, in which women and men could be equal. Women could be politicians, public speakers, even soldiers, the most traditionally masculine of all occupations. As it happens, the first British casualty of the civil war, the sculptor Felicia Browne, was killed in action in a Republican militia near Saragossa on 25 August 1936.
Behind the lines, too, great changes occurred. The Second Republic had seen the entry of women into politics, as parliamentary deputies, voters and activists. Now the first female government minister was appointed, Federica Montseny, Anarchist Minister of Health in Largo Caballero's government in November 1936. At a less dramatic level, women on the Republican side took up work in factories and transport in unprecedented numbers, often directly replacing their husbands or brothers or fathers who had been called up to fight.
Of course, there were also common experiences across the two zones. Everywhere women suffered from violence, bereavement and hardship. Moreover, the exigencies of war itself created new roles for women, just as they had done in the Great War of 1914-18.
Women took on the horrific duties of nursing seriously injured and dying soldiers on both sides, often in field hospitals that were themselves in danger of bombardment. The major Nationalist relief organisation, Social Aid, was largely the creation of a woman, Mercedes Sanz Bachiller, and mobilised thousands of women who distributed food and organised orphanages, canteens and other welfare services. Social Aid lorries with bread supplies followed conquering Nationalist armies into what had been Republican strongholds. Women joined other voluntaryrelief agencies too.
There was even a major female political figure in the Nationalist camp, Pilar Primo de Rivera, sister of José Antonio, the founder of the Falange, and herself the founder of its women's section before the war. She was thrown into a particularly important role firstly by the fact that José Antonio was in prison in Republican Alicante when the war began, and then by his execution, which occurred in November 1936 although it was not publicly confirmed until much later. In her brother's absence, then death, then elevation to the status of revered martyr of the Nationalist cause, Pilar became a national figure, leading the women's section which, like the Falange itself, swelled into a mass organisation in the summer of 1936. When Franco unified all political groups in Nationalist Spain in April 1937, it became the official women's section of the emerging regime.
On the other side, the image of female emancipation projected by the Republic was itself somewhat misleading. Women soldiers made excellent propaganda in the earlyweeks of the war, as young women rushed to defend Madrid and Barcelona against the military rising. But as early as September 1936, Largo Caballero's government decreed the withdrawal of women from the front, amid controversy about their role there. As irregular militias were replaced by the new Mixed Brigades of the reorganised Republican army, so the irregular presence of women at the front ended. It had been a feature of the urgency of the crisis rather than of any widespread view that soldiering was a proper activity for women.
Similarly, the extraordinary Dolores Ibárruri, member of the Central Committee of the PCE, galvanised the Anti-Fascist Women's Organisation, but insisted that its role was at the home front, not the battle front. Moreover, everything had to be subordinated to the war effort. She had little sympathy with the conviction of the Anarchist association Free Women, that their campaign for women's equality could continue even during the war.
Nonetheless, the difference between the two warring sides as far as gender roles were concerned was profound. Pilar Primo de Rivera became a major public figure in Nationalist Spain, but she used that position to insist that women's overwhelming mission in life was motherhood and the domestic sphere. Women were men's nurturers and helpers, not their competitors or work colleagues. The gender ideology of Franco's Spain was an extreme version of separate spheres, in which women were legally and culturally subordinate to men.
Men were warriors, leaders, workers and providers. Women were destined to bear children and look after the family. During the war, they were expected to dress soberly (and certainly not in trousers), to wear little or no make-up, and to avoid public entertainment like the theatre or cinema.
Divorce, introduced by the Second Republic, was abolished by the Nationalists. The Labour Charter enacted by the Franco regime in March 1938, and modelled on Mussolini's legislation of the same name, promised to 'liberate' married women from paid work. As early as September 1936, educational legislation ended the 'immoral' practice of co-education, and established separate syllabuses as well as separate schools for boys and girls. The emancipatory reforms of the Second Republic were swept away.
By contrast, the Republic at war, in all its various strands - revolutionary, democratic, Communist - continued to represent equal rights for women and men. Federica Montseny and Dolores Ibárruri held positions of political power that were inconceivable in Franco's Spain. The wartime autonomous Catalan government legalised abortion. Young women could wear unisex overalls or culottes, and did so because they were practical for the new tasks they were undertaking. In gender as well as in other aspects of political ideology, it was evident that the two warring sides represented, and if victorious would construct, quite different societies.
On both sides, the Spanish Civil War was peculiarly destructive. About half a million people died, out of a population of 24 million. Whole towns and villages were virtually obliterated, like Brunete, west of Madrid, and Belchite, in Saragossa. Families were also destroyed, both by death and by political divisions that sometimes pitted brother against brother, and father against son. The economy, too, was devastated.
Distinctions between life at the front and life behind the lines were often blurred. Nowhere was safe. Both in large cities like Madrid and Barcelona, and small country towns like Guernica and Durángo, Nationalist planes brought death and desolation in a way that foreshadowed the much larger-scale bombings of the Second World War. It is not surprising that when Pablo Picasso was asked to paint a picture for the Second Republic's stand at the International Exhibition in Paris in the summer of 1937, he chose to portray the human tragedy of Guernica, destroyed in April 1937 by the Condor Legion, rather than military confrontation in battle.
Guernica depicted the shattered lives and bodies of women, children, men at work and animals. This was the new reality of war. Civilians were also strafed from the air as they tried to move to safety. It was as dangerous to flee east from Malaga in February 1937 or west from Vizcaya in June, as it was to be a conscript at the front.
Most bombardment of civilians was done by the Nationalists, though the Republicans bombed cities held by their enemies, including Granada. The Nationalists also shelled and strafed civilians, as they took Republican territory and people fled rather than face retribution. But there was terror on both sides, especially in the early stages of the war, when there was no settled authority and very little restraint. Marxist and Anarchist revolutionaries seized the opportunity to rid the world of priests and the social elites, just as ruthlessly as Falangists, Carlists and army generals purged it of intellectuals, Republican politicians and town councillors, and trade union officials.
To be caught in the wrong place behind the lines in the summer of 1936 was a death warrant without appeal. Violence was widespread, ideologically driven and vicious. Extremists on left and right believed that the world could be reshaped by terror. The poet and playwright Federico Garcia Lorca was arrested by the Falange on 16 August 1936 in his home city of Granada. He was executed on the morning of 18 August. Garcia Lorca was 38 years old, an outstanding talent even in the glittering array of Spanish experimental writers of the 1920s and 1930s.
He was not interested in partisan politics. But his homosexuality and his plays, with their critique of the stifling effects of Catholic, bourgeois conventions, attracted the hatred of the new masters of Granada. His fame proved no protection.
Similarly, many died at Republican hands for what they symbolised rather than for any political actions. In the orgy of anti-clerical violence in the summer of 1936, the thousands of victims included young novices who had not even begun a religious ministry, and individuals like Father José Gafo, a courageous, lifelong campaigner for social justice. They were killed just because of their identification with the Catholic Church. Neither youth nor commitment to social reform saved them.
As the war progressed and governmental authority was asserted in both parts of Spain, uncontrolled actions by zealots became less frequent. Random arrests, and the dreaded paseos and sacas, in which prisoners were driven to a cemetery, or the verge of a country road, or a quiet spot outside a town, and shot, became less frequent. But the generals who had espoused violence in the first place when rising against the Republic showed few qualms in continuing to exercise it behind the lines as well as at the front. As the Nationalists occupied - or in their vocabulary, liberated - village after village, town after town, they brought with them bread and reprisals, even if the latter increasingly had a veneer of legality as peremptory military tribunals took over from sheer massacre.
On the Republican side, the popular tribunals that were established in September 1936 were an improvement on the frenzied vengeance of the summer, but they were a long way from representing the rule of law. And even in the last stages of the war, moments of military and political crisis provoked vengeance killings, such as that of Bishop Polanco early in 1939, during the rout of Republican forces in Catalonia.
Republicans increasingly feared hidden enemies. The Spanish Civil War created the term 'fifth column', or at least gave it popular currency, when General Mola famously looked forward - in vain - to taking Madrid early in the war with four columns approaching it from outside while a fifth sprang up within. But a fifth column certainly developed in Madrid, which had to wait until March 1939 before it could declare itself, but which in the meantime engaged in clandestine activities of liaison and sabotage.
Undeclared Francoists existed everywhere on Republican territory, as they were bound to do, including at the front. It was in the nature of this war to trap large numbers of people on the 'wrong' side, in circumstances where they had little choice but to hide their opinions and participate in the war effort of their political enemies. From government and the top of the military command downwards, fear of disloyalty was pervasive.
Rumours of deliberate sabotage greeted every major Republican defeat. Soviet advisers and Spanish Communist leaders were extremely sceptical about the reliability of Prime Minister Largo Caballero's Under-Secretary for War, General Asensio, and insisted on his removal from office after the fall of Malaga. He was later arrested on suspicion of treason after the fall of Gijón. He was a dramatic example of a widespread phenomenon. This was a war within one society, not between two different countries.
Who was to say what identity a man or woman held in their heart? The enemy was not just on the other side. The enemy could be anywhere.
In Republican Spain, however, the enemy within did not have to be a 'fascist'. He or she might be a genuine supporter of the Republic, but out of step with the dominant interpretation of what the Republic should be like. From October 1936, when the Soviet Union came to the aid of the Republic, the influence of the Spanish Communist party, and more particularly of Stalin, the Comintern and the Soviet Union, grew ever stronger. Without Soviet supplies, the Republic could not have withstood the armies of Nationalist Spain, backed up by the Nazis and Fascists.
Communist exasperation with Largo Caballero was a major reason for his downfall as Prime Minister in May 1937, although many non-Communists also wanted him out of office. Similarly, Communist support for Juan Negrín, and his closeness, most of the time, to Soviet priorities in Spain, were essential factors sustaining his premiership from May 1937 until the last days of the war. Those priorities were straightforward. It was the policy of the Soviet Union, the PCE, a large section of the Socialist party and what remained of the left-Republicans to concentrate on the war effort, and to persuade the western democracies that this was a confrontation between a democratic regime and international fascism. Winning the war and drawing Britain and France into an alliance against Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy were the dual, and closely interrelated, aims. There was no room in this agenda for the social revolution that Anarchists, the small anti-Stalinist Communist movement (the POUM) and left-Socialists launched in the early days and weeks of the war. George Orwell was exhilarated by his experience of revolutionary Barcelona in 1936, where a new, classless society seemed to be being created. Of course, conservatives, propertyowners and Catholics feared the revolution.
But so too did Communists and many others on the left who were aghast at what seemed to them irresponsible forgetfulness of the main priority, which was fighting fascism. Communist political commissars, secret police and political prisons set about imposing that priority in ways that earned the Communist movement the hatred and distrust of their rivals. The torture and killing of the POUM leader Andreu Nin while imprisoned by the Communists was a particularly vicious, but not unrepresentative instance of the political purge undertaken behind the Republican lines.
Long after the armed confrontation between the revolutionaries and their opponents in May 1937 in Barcelona, which the former lost, and the subsequent removal from government of Anarchist ministers, Communists continued to harry and repress those who did not accept PCE priorities and discipline. The Anarchist trade union organisation the CNT, which had been so dominant in Catalonia and Aragón in the first weeks of the war, was a much reduced and disaffected force in its later stages, as could be seen in the collapse of the Aragón front after the Ebro campaign, and the inability to defend Barcelona as the Nationalists approached. Ideological conflict weakened the Republic at war, and brought danger and death far behind the Republican lines.[1]
Franco's Volksgemeinschaft[2]
Aquí la flama de l'esperit és un record vague, una història perduda
(Here the spark of human spirit is a dim memory, a lost history)
(Agustí Bartra, Tercera elegia)
In this place nothing belongs to you (Warder, Les Corts Prison, Barcelona, 1942)The space of the camp and of 'war without limit' also existed inside Spain. Francisco Boix's own father died in political incarceration there in 1942. Like the Nazi new order of which it aspired to be a part, Francoist Spain too was to be constructed as a monolithic community by means of the brutal exclusion of specific categories of people.
Those excluded, broadly speaking, were defeated Republican constituencies who could not leave Spain: urban workers, the rural landless, regional nationalists, liberal professionals, and 'new' women - groups that had challenged the established order culturally, politically, or economically. For the Franco regime they were all 'reds' and, once placed beyond the nation, they were deemed to be without rights.
Tens of thousands were executed - judicially murdered after summary military trials. Hundreds of thousands more men, women, and children spent time in what historians now term 'the penal universe' of Francoism: reformatories and prisons, concentration camps and forced labour battalions, where the military forces detached to organize these referred to themselves as 'the army of occupation'. Those confined were subject to a sustained and brutal attempt to reconfigure their consciousness and values.
To this end, tens of thousands found themselves coerced, maltreated, and humiliated on a daily basis. Sometimes, however, the pressure applied was even greater. Matilde Landa, a leading political activist whose death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in 1939, used her experience of the law to establish one of the first legal aid services for her fellow prisoners. Partly because she was famous and partly because she was an educated woman of 'good' birth, and thus deemed 'recuperable' according to regime tenets, huge efforts were exerted to make her repudiate her political views and to accept baptism and confession. She was even promised her freedom in return for a public 'recantation'. When this failed, Landa was repeatedly held in solitary confinement for longer and longer periods of time. Transferred from Madrid to the women's gaol in Palma de Mallorca, where the coercion continued, Matilde Landa fell to her death from an internal prison window on 26 September 1942 in what may have been suicide.
Among the other victims of the Francoist worldview were the 'lost children'. These were the babies and young children who, after being removed from their imprisoned mothers, had their names changed so they could be adopted by regime families. Many thousands of working-class children were also sent to state institutions because the authorities considered their own Republican families 'unfit' to raise them. The Franco regime spoke of the 'protection of minors'. But this idea of protection was integrally linked to regime discourses of punishment and purification. In theory, the punishment was of the parents, the 'redemption', or 'rehabilitation', of the children. But the reality, as experienced by Republican children, was of an ingrained belief in state personnel (religious in particular, but others too) that the children had actively to expiate the 'sins of the fathers'. Yet, at the same time, the children were repeatedly told that they too were irrecuperable. As such, they were frequently segregated from other classes of inmate in state institutions and mistreated both physically and mentally in other ways.
One child who endured both a Nazi concentration camp and a Francoist reformatory in 1940s Barcelona has written of their fundamental institutional similarities as factories of dehumanization, while another 'lost child' of the Francoist institutions, interviewed in his 70s for a television documentary, spoke of the 'real him' as having died during his incarceration in the 1940s. His comment eerily evokes the idea of the concentration camp revenant. As Jorge Semprún remarked, one did not 'return' from the camps, except as a ghost.
Work too in 1940s Spain was presented as a way that the sinful could redeem themselves. Republican prisoners became slave labourers: 20,000 worked to hew out of sheer rock the basilica known as the Valley of the Fallen (Valle de los Caídos), Franco's monument to his victorious crusade and the winning side in the Civil War. Republican labour battalions were also used by the army and hired out to private enterprise. The state agency responsible for overseeing them was called the committee for the redemption of prison sentences through work. Catholic notions of penitence and expiation through suffering were here permitting extreme economic exploitation.
Those most heavily targeted by the regime's penal discipline were, unsurprisingly, urban workers - the Republican social constituency par excellence, now made prostrate by defeat. Historians may debate whether a victorious Republic could have retained worker support in spite of the harsh economic consequences of peacetime reconstruction. What is certain is that the Franco regime never faced this problem. In overtly excluding huge numbers of urban and rural workers from its definition of the national community, it acquired an ideological justification for their economic exploitation in the name of 'national rebirth'. The sub-subsistence wages thus justified were a crucial factor in the accelerated accumulation of profits by banks, industry, and big landowners across the 1940s. Repression would play an important part in the economic boom of the 1960s too, by guaranteeing the 'stability' that made Spain attractive to foreign investors.
Nor was social exclusion under Franco class-specific. Extensive purges among the civil service, and especially of university and school teachers, meant substantial numbers of Spain's professional middle classes joined the ranks of the excluded. Elements of cultural repression were particularly evident in the Basque Country and, above all, in Catalonia, where popular political movements had challenged the concept of an ultra-centralized, Castilianized state. For a time there were bans on the use of the Basque and Catalan languages. In Spain overall, a quarter of all teachers lost the right to exercise their profession. Republicans were also subject to internal exile and their children excluded from university. For example, although Magdalena Maes came from an affluent middle-class family in Zamora, the fact that she was also the niece of Amparo Barayón (whose extra-judicial murder was discussed in Chapter 2) meant Magdalena was unable to study or pursue her chosen career of journalism.
For the civil dead, the war would continue across the 1940s in many intense forms of institutionalized repression and discrimination through which the regime was constructed. No sphere was immune from Francoist ideological mobilization: work/employment and education, as we have seen, but also the law, economy, culture, the very organization of everyday life and public space. Through all these channels, the regime was actively engaged in building up a manichaean division of Spaniards into victors and vanquished.
History itself became a weapon in this work of exclusion. Franco legitimized his violent new order by reference to an ultra-conservative reading of Spanish history - one that had, significantly, been challenged under the Republic. He erected a repressive myth of a monolithic Spanish 'nation' born in the 15th century with the Catholic Kings, where hierarchy and cultural homogeneity, guaranteed by integrist Catholicism, had generated imperial greatness. Although the empire was gone, metropolitan Spain under Franco would be great again as a bulwark against the 'sins' of modernity epitomized by the Republic: enlightenment freethinking, the acceptance of levelling change, and a tolerance of cultural difference/heterogeneity.
The regime instituted the Causa General, a sort of untruth and non-reconciliation commission before whose tribunals across Spain testimony was invited on 'red crimes'. Those who testified, having lost loved ones - including in the extra-judicial killings that followed in the wake of the July 1936 military coup - almost certainly derived closure and some measure of solace from the proceedings. But the lack of evidential guarantees (including sometimes the crude fabrication of evidence), and the emphasis on lurid denunciation, underscored the main object of the proceedings as the legitimation and stabilization of the regime through the creation of a manichaean narrative of the Civil War.
The main message of the Causa General was that atrocities had been committed only by Republicans and endured only by Franco supporters. Those denounced could find themselves, if apprehended, subject to judicial process in a system in which the law itself was operating as a major instrument of repression. Until 1963 all defendants deemed to be opponents of the Francoist order were brought before military courts.
The civil justice system continued to exist and to play a complementary role in the repression. But military judges were appointed to its courts, and its jurisdiction was further curtailed by the creation of numerous special sections whose purpose was also predominantly repressive. Most notable here were the Tribunal for the Eradication of Freemasonry and Communism (1940) and the Law of Political Responsibilities (1939), a piece of catch-all, retrospective legislation (it could be applied back to October 1934) that epitomized bad legal practice and the Franco regime's vengeful dynamic.
The law allowed economic tribute to be exacted in fines and expropriations from defendants and their families. Those sentenced by military courts were also automatically referred to the Political Responsibilities tribunals. But many who came before the latter were penalized not for what they had done, but rather for acts of omission: that is, for not having actively supported the military rebellion. As many as 500,000 people were subject to Political Responsibilities proceedings between 1939 and 1945 and, although tens of thousands of these cases never reached the sentencing stage - often through bureaucratic backlog and a lack of state personnel - the repressive effects on those arraigned were scarcely lessened for this.
In other ways too, Francoist legal decisions wrecked lives. Perhaps one of the most traumatic but least discussed was the reversal of Republican divorce and marriage legislation (which also made children illegitimate). Not only were divorces retroactively unmade, but those who had married in civil ceremonies were obliged to re-marry in church if they wanted their status to be recognized. But priests would frequently refuse - if they disapproved of the politics or ethics of either of the parties. In this and other ways, Church personnel were major agents of social discipline in post-war Spain, reflecting the institutional alliance of Church and state that was so crucial to the political legitimation of Francoism. An integral part of this arrangement was that priests reported on their parishioners to the political authorities, denouncing 'reds' to state tribunals.
Denunciation was a major mechanism to trigger the detention and trial of Republicans in post-war Spain. But priests were not the only denouncers. Tens of thousands of ordinary Spaniards also responded to the regime's enthusiastic encouragement - out of political conviction, social prejudice, opportunism, or fear. They denounced their neighbours, acquaintances, and even family members - denunciations for which no corroboration was either sought or required. Even though the system itself was instigated by the regime, the consequences of denunciation created dense webs of complicity and collaboration. In other words, the work of legitimating Francoism and building its brutal community was occurring deep inside Spanish society. This happened in other ways too - through the everyday humiliations that taught the defeated the lessons of power and the meaning of their defeat. When, for example, a 'red' father had to go cap in hand to neighbours known to have good connections to the regime in order to get help for a sick child.
These moments of interaction were central to how power was reconstructed and local (and thus national) hierarchies rebuilt. But Spain in the immediate post-war period remained a place of frighteningly separate social worlds. Alongside savage poverty and widespread terror, there existed other milieux of ease, security, and order regained. As Republican women were shaved and dosed with castor oil by the 'victors' of their villages, or transported with their children across Spain in cattletrucks, or raped in police stations, women of the southern landed aristocracy or from affluent provincial middle-class families in Spain's conservative heartland celebrated the redemption of their private family sphere and revelled in the upsurge of public Catholic ceremonial. As one woman who had been close to the conservative Catholic party, CEDA, commented resonantly many decades later:
there was an absence of freedom, but logically for those of us who had well-ordered lives, those of us who were professionals and saw things from the personal viewpoint only, we felt very much at ease and happy.
For the defeated, however, a retreat into the private was rarely possible. To the insecurity of public spaces - on the streets Falangists regularly forced passers-by considered 'dubious' to make the fascist salute - was added the insecurity and fragility of 'home'. More often than not it was empty, as women worked long hours or visited imprisoned family members or sought the means of obtaining scarce supplies of food, often via the black market whose workings further penalized the urban poor. And even when they were 'home', then this was a space increasingly penetrated by state agencies - most notably the women's section of the single state party, Falange - offering low-level welfare services in return for the right to exercise moral supervision and monitor the 'penitence' of the defeated.
Spain's brutal national community was not to be overturned rapidly. By 1945, it was true that the frenzy of killing was diminishing. Franco may have felt the need to exercise some strategic caution in the wake of Axis defeat. But much more importantly, by then the investment of terror had already been made. Moreover, the form in which the Allies chose to penalize the Franco regime for its Axis dalliance - that is, by excluding it from Marshall aid for European reconstruction - also had the material effect of punishing most those who had lost the Civil War. For as the intelligent and far-sighted Republican prime minister Juan Negrín argued forcefully from exile, Spain's inclusion in the Marshall Plan could have mitigated or even undermined the punitive effects of Franco's disciplinary project.
Later developments indicate the rightness of his thinking. For it was the labour mobility generated in the 1950s, once Spain's economy had been kick-started by trade and aid agreements with the USA - effectively Spain's very own Marshall Plan - that provided a way out from the rigid hierarchies and unforgiving memories of villages and provincial towns for 'red'/defeated constituencies, most frequently in the shape of their sons and daughters. They headed as migrants to the growing cities to become the new workforce of a burgeoning industrial sector. The exodus of the poor from the rural south during these years finally 'solved' the structural problem of mass landlessness that had been at the heart of Spain's social conflict in the 1930s when the Republic had attempted to address it in a more explicitly egalitarian manner.
By the late 1950s and early 1960s, the city offered a relative degree of anonymity and thus freedom of a sort - even if not from economic exploitation. But the cities no more belonged to the defeated than did the villages of deep Spain, for as long as the Franco regime endured there could be no national symbols or any public discourse that reflected their experience. The defeated cast no reflection. No public space was theirs. While the Francoist dead had war memorials and their names carved on churches - 'caídos por Díos y por España' ('those who fell for God and Spain') - the Republican dead could never be publicly mourned. The defeated were obliged to be complicit in this denial. Women concealed the violent deaths of husbands and fathers from their children in order to protect them physically and psychologically. In villages all over Spain many kept secret lists of the dead. Sisters mentally mapped the location of their murdered brothers, but never spoke of these things. The silent knowledge of unquiet graves necessarily produced a devastating schism between public and private memory in Spain. It was a schism that would long outlive even the Franco regime itself.[2]
Spanish Civil War chronology: The War
In the early days of the war, over 50,000 people who were caught on the wrong side of the lines were assassinated or executed. In these paseos ( strolls ), as the executions were called, the victims were taken from their refuges or jails by armed people to be shot outside of town. The corpses were abandoned or interred in graves dug by the victims themselves. Local police just noted the appearance of the corpses. Probably the most famous such victim was the poet and dramatist Federico Garcia Lorca. The outbreak of the war provided an excuse for settling accounts and resolving long-standing feuds. Thus, this practice became widespread during the war in conquered areas.
Any hope of a quick ending to the war was dashed on 21 July, the fifth day of the rebellion, when the Nationalists captured the main Spanish naval base at Ferrol in northwestern Spain. This encouraged the Fascist nations of Europe to help Franco, who had already contacted the governments of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy the day before. On July 26, the future Axis Powers cast their lot with the Nationalists. A rebel force under Colonel Beorlegui Canet, sent by General Emilio Mola, advanced on Guipuzcoa. On September 5th, after heavy fighting it took Irun closing the French border to the Republicans. On September 13th the Basques surrendered San Sebastian to the Nationalists who then advanced toward their capital, Bilbao but were halted by the Republican militias on the border of Viscaya at the end of September. The capture of Guipuzcoa had isolated the Republican provinces in the north.
To the south, Nationalist forces under Franco won another victory on 27 September when they relieved the Alcazar at Toledo. A Nationalist garrison under Colonel Moscardo had held the Alcazar in the center of the city since the beginning of the rebellion, resisting for months against thousands of Republican troops who completely surrounded the isolated building. The inability to take the Alcazar was a serious blow to the prestige of the Republic, as it was considered inexplicable in view of their overwhelming numerical superiority in the area. Two days after relieving the siege, Franco proclaimed himself Generalisimo and Caudillo ( chieftain ) while forcibly unifying the various and diverse Falangist, Royalist and other elements within the Nationalist cause.
In October, the Francoist troops launched a major offensive toward Madrid, reaching it in early November and launching a major assault on the city on 8 November. The Republican government was forced to shift from Madrid to Valencia, out of the combat zone, on 6 November. However, the Nationalists attack on the capital was repulsed in fierce fighting between November 8 and 23. A contributory factor in the successful Republican defense was the arrival of the International Brigades, though only around 3000 of them participated in the battle. Having failed to take the capital, Franco bombarded it from the air and, in the following two years, mounted several offensives to try to encircle Madrid. (See also Siege of Madrid (1936-39))
On 18 November, Germany and Italy officially recognized the Franco regime, and on 23 December, Italy sent volunteers of its own to fight for the Nationalists.
With his ranks being swelled by Italian troops and Spanish colonial soldiers from Morocco, Franco made another attempt to capture Madrid in January and February 1937, but failed again.
On 21 February the League of Nations Non-Intervention Committee ban on foreign national volunteers went into effect. The large city of Malaga was taken on 8 February. On 7 March German Condor Legion equipped with Heinkel He 51 biplanes arrived in Spain; on 26 April the Legion was responsible for the infamous massacre of hundreds, including numerous women and children, at Guernica in the Basque Country; the event was committed to notoriety by Picasso. Two days later, Francos army overran the town.
After the fall of Guernica, the Republican government began to fight back with increasing effectiveness. In July, they made a move to recapture Segovia, forcing Franco to pull troops away from the Madrid front to halt their advance. Mola, Francos second-in-command, was killed on June 3, and in early July, despite the fall of Bilbao in June, the government actually launched a strong counter-offensive in the Madrid area, which the Nationalists repulsed with some difficulty. The clash was called Battle of Brunete (Brunete is a town in the province of Madrid).
After that, Franco regained the initiative, invading Aragon in August and then taking the city of Santander. With the surrender of the Republican army in the Basque territory and after two months of bitter fighting in Asturias (Gijon finally fell in late October) the war was effectively ended in the north front with a Francoist victory.
Meanwhile, on August 28, the Vatican recognized Franco, and at the end of November, with Francos troops closing in on Valencia, the government had to move again, this time to Barcelona.
The Battle of Teruel was an important confrontation between Nationalist and Republican troops. The city belonged to the Nationalists at the beginning of the battle, but remarkably, the Republicans conquered it in January. The Francoist troops launched an offensive and recovered the city by 22 February. However, in order to do so, Franco had to rely heavily on German and Italian air support and subsequently repaid them with extensive mining rights. On March 7, the Nationalists launched the Aragon Offensive. By April 14, they had pushed through to the Mediterranean Sea, cutting the Republican government-held portion of Spain in two. The Republican government tried to sue for peace in May but Franco demanded unconditional surrender, and the war raged on. The Nationalist army pressed southward from Teruel and along the coast toward the capital of the Republic at Valencia but was halted in heavy fighting along the fortified XYZ Line.
The Republican government then launched an all-out campaign to reconnect their territory in the Battle of the Ebro, beginning on July 24 and lasting until November 26. The campaign was militarily unsuccessful, and was undermined by the Franco-British appeasement of Hitler in Munich with the concession of Czechoslovakia. This effectively destroyed the last vestiges of Republican morale by ending all hope of an anti-fascist alliance with the Western powers. The retreat from the Ebro all but determined the final outcome of the war. Eight days before the new year, Franco struck back by throwing massive forces into an invasion of Catalonia.
Francos troops conquered Catalonia in a whirlwind campaign during the first two months of 1939. Tarragona fell on 14 January, followed by Barcelona on 26 January and Girona on 5 February. Five days after the fall of Girona, the last resistance in Catalonia was broken.
On 27 February, the governments of the United Kingdom and France recognized the Franco regime.
Only Madrid and a few other strongholds remained for the Republican government forces. Then, on 28 March, with the help of pro-Franco forces inside the city (not as effective as described by General Mola in his propagandistic broadcasts of 1936 referring to the so-called fifth column ), Madrid fell to the Nationalists. The next day, Valencia, which had held out under their guns for close to two years, also surrendered. Franco proclaimed victory in a radio speech aired on 1 April, when the last of the Republican forces surrendered.
After the end of the War, there were harsh reprisals against Francos former enemies, when thousands of Republicans were imprisoned and at least 30,000 executed. Others have calculated these deaths at from 50,000 to 200,000. Many others were put to forced labour, building railways, drying out swamps, digging canals (La Corchuela, the Canal of the Bajo Guadalquivir), construction of the Valle de los Caidos monument, etc. Hundreds of thousands of other Republicans fled abroad, especially to France and Mexico. Some 500,000 of them fled to France.
On the other side of the Pyrenees, refugees were confined in internment camps of the French Third Republic, such as Camp Gurs or Camp Vernet, where 12,000 Republicans were housed in squalid conditions (mostly soldiers from the Durruti Division). The 17,000 refugees housed in Gurs were divided into four categories (Brigadists, pilots, Gudaris and ordinary Spaniards). The Gudaris (Basques) and the pilots easily found local backers and jobs, and were allowed to quit the camp, but the farmers and ordinary people, who could not find relations in France, were encouraged by the Third Republic, in agreement with the Francoist government, to return to Spain. The great majority did so and were turned over to the Francoist authorities in Irun. From there they were transferred to the Miranda de Ebro camp for purification according to the Law of Political Responsibilities.
After the proclamation by Marshall Petain of the Vichy regime, the refugees became political prisoners, and the French police attempted to round-up those who had been liberated from the camp. Along with other undesirables, they were sent to the Drancy internment camp before being deported to Nazi Germany. About 5,000 Spaniards thus died in Mauthausen concentration camp. The Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, who had been named by the Chilean President Pedro Aguirre Cerda special consul for immigration in Paris, was given responsibility for what he called the noblest mission I have ever undertaken : shipping more than 2,000 Spanish refugees, who had been housed by the French in squalid camps, to Chile on an old cargo ship, the Winnipeg.
After the official end of the war, guerrilla war was waged on an irregular basis, well into the 1950s, being gradually reduced by the scant support from an exhausted population and military defeats. In 1944, a group of republican veterans, who also fought in the French resistance against the Nazis, invaded the Val dAran in northwest Catalonia, but they were defeated after 10 days.
Social revolution
In the anarchist-controlled areas, Aragon and Catalonia, in addition to the temporary military success, there was a vast social revolution in which the workers and peasants collectivised land and industry, and set up councils parallel to the paralyzed Republican government. This revolution was opposed by both the Soviet-supported communists, who ultimately took their orders from Stalins politburo (which feared a loss of control), and the Social Democratic Republicans (who worried about the loss of civil property rights). The agrarian collectives had considerable success despite opposition and lack of resources, as Franco had already captured lands with some of the richest natural resources.
As the war progressed, the government and the communists were able to leverage their access to Soviet arms to restore government control over the war effort, through both diplomacy and force. Anarchists and the Workers Party of Marxist Unification (Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista, or POUM) were integrated with the regular army, albeit with resistance; the POUM was outlawed and falsely denounced as an instrument of the fascists. In the May Days of 1937, many hundreds or thousands of anti-fascist soldiers fought one another for control of strategic points in Barcelona, recounted by George Orwell in Homage to Catalonia.
Important figures in the Spanish Civil WarFigures identified with the Nationalist side, * Francisco Franco, * Miguel Cabanellas, * Jose Sanjurjo, * Emilio Mola, * Gonzalo Queipo de Llano, * Juan Yague, * Jose Enrique Varela, * Rafael Garcia Valino, * Luis Carrero Blanco, * Fidel Davila, * Jose Millan Astray, * Roy Campbell, * Juan March Ordinas, * Eoin ODuffy, * Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, * Mohammed ben Mizzian, * Salvador Dali, * Juan de la Cierva, * Ramon Serrano Suner, * Heli Rolando de Tella y Cantos, * Carlos Asensio Cabanillas, * Antonio Castejon Espinosa
Figures identified with the Republican / Loyalist side Others, * Manuel Azana, * Claud Cockburn, * Joaquin Arderius, * Norman Bethune, * Pedro Garcia Cabrera, * Santiago Carrillo, Communist youth leader, * Buenaventura Durruti, anarchist officer, * Francisco Sabate Llopart, anarchist guerrilla, * Federico Garcia Lorca, assassinated poet, * Fernando Gerassi, * Pablo Picasso, plastic artist, * Jose Giral Pereira, * Valentin Gonzalez ( El Campesino ), military officer, * Ernest Hemingway, American writer, * Miguel Hernandez, captive poet, * Dolores Ibarruri ( La Pasionaria ), Communist leader, * Francisco Largo Caballero, Socialist leader, * Enrique Lister, * Andre Malraux, * Diego Martinez Barrio, * Jose Miaja, * Juan Modesto, * Juan Negrin, * Andres Nin, * George Orwell, British volunteer and writer, * Indalecio Prieto, Socialist leader, * Melchor Rodriguez Garcia, * Vicente Rojo Lluch, * James Robertson Justice, * Henri Rol-Tanguy, * Laurie Lee
Journalists and spies
* Ernest Hemingway, American author, * Emma Goldman, anarchist writer, * Ilya Ehrenburg, * Samuel Krafsur, * Ethel MacDonald, anarchist propagandist, * Carl Marzani, * Robert Miller, * Ture Nerman, Swedish Communist, * Pablo Neruda, * Kim Philby, * Ludwig Renn, * Arthur Koestler, * Alexander Orlov, * Langston Hughes, * Nicolas Guillen, * Martha Gellhorn, * Eddie August Schneider, American pilot, * Bert Acosta, American pilot, * Frank Glasgow Tinker, American pilotPolitical parties and organizations
The Popular Front (Republican), Supporters of the Popular Front (Republican)
Nationalists (Francoist)The Popular Front was an electoral alliance formed between various left-wing and centrist parties for elections to the Cortesin 1936, in which the alliance won a majority of seats.
UR (Union Republicana - Republican Union): Led by Diego Martinez Barrio, formed in 1934 by members of the PRR who had resigned in objection to Alejandro Lerrouxs coalition with the CEDA. It drew its main support from skilled workers and progressive businessmen., IR (Izquierda Republicana - Republican Left): Led by former Prime Minister Manuel Azana after his Accion Republicana party merged with Santiago Casares Quirogas Galician independence party and the PRRS (Socialist Radical Republican Party). It drew its support from skilled workers, small businessmen and civil servants. Azana led the Popular Front and became President of Spain. The IR formed the bulk of the first government after the Popular Front victory, with members of the UR and the ERC. ERC (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya - Republican Left of Catalonia): The Catalan faction of Azanas Republicans, led by Lluis Companys., PSOE (Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol - Spanish Socialist Workers Party): Formed in 1879, its alliance with Accion Republicana in municipal elections in 1931 saw a landslide victory that led to the Kings abdication and the creation of the Second Republic. The two parties won the subsequent general election, but the PSOE left the coalition in 1933. At the time of the Civil War the PSOE was split between a right wing under Indalecio Prieto and Juan Negrin, and a left wing under Largo Caballero. Following the Popular Front victory it was the second largest party in the Cortes, after the CEDA; it supported the ministries of Azana and Quiroga but did not actively participate until the Civil War began. It had majority support amongst urban manual workers. UGT (Union General de Trabajadores - General Union of Workers): The socialist trade union. The UGT was formally linked to the PSOE and the bulk of the union followed Caballero. Federacion de Juventudes Socialistas (Federation of Socialist Youth), * PSUC (Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya - Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia): An alliance of various socialist parties in Catalonia, formed in the summer of 1936, controlled by the PCE., JSU (Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas - Unified Socialist Youths): Militant youth group formed by the merger of the Socialist and the Communist youth groups. Its leader, Santiago Carrillo, came from the Socialist Youth but had secretly joined the Communist Youth prior to merger, and the group was soon dominated by the PCE., PCE (Partido Comunista de Espana - Communist Party of Spain): Led by Jose Diaz in the Civil War, it had been a minor party during the early years of the Republic but came to dominate the Popular Front after Negrin became Prime Minister., POUM (Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista - Workers Party of Marxist Unification): An anti-Stalinist revolutionary communist party of former Trotskyists formed in 1935 by Andreu Nin.
o JCI (Juventud Comunista Iberica - Iberian Communist Youth): the POUMs youth movement., * PS (Partido Sindicalista - Syndicalist Party): a moderate splinter group of CNT.,Union Militar Republicana Antifascista (Republican Anti-fascist Military Union): Formed by military officers in opposition to the Union Militar Espanola., Anarchist groups. The anarchists boycotted the 1936 Cortes election and initially opposed the Popular Front government, but joined during the Civil War, when Largo Caballero became Prime Minister. CNT (Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo - National Confederation of Labour): The confederation of anarcho-syndicalist trade unions. FAI (Federacion Anarquista Iberica - Iberian Anarchist Federation): The federation of anarchist groups, very active in the Republican militias. Mujeres Libres (Free Women): The anarchist feminist organisation. FIJL (Federacion Iberica de Juventudes Libertarias - Iberian Federation of Anarchist Youth), Basque separatists. PNV (Partido Nacionalista Vasco - Basque Nationalist Party): A Catholic Christian Democrat party under Jose Antonio Aguirre, which campaigned for greater autonomy or independence for the Basque region. Held seats in the Cortes and supported the Popular Front government before and during the Civil War. Put its religious disagreement with the Popular Front aside for a promised Basque autonomy. ANV (Accion Nacionalista Vasca - Basque Nationalist Action): A leftist socialist party which at the same time campaigned for independence of the Basque region. STV (Solidaridad de Trabajadores Vascos - Basque Workers Solidarity): A trade union in the Basque region, with a Catholic clerical tradition combined with moderate socialist tendencies., * SRI (Socorro Rojo Internacional - International Red Aid): Communist organization allied with the Comintern that provided considerable aid to Republican civilians and soldiers. Virtually all Nationalist groups had very strong Roman Catholic convictions and supported the native Spanish clergy.
Union Militar Espanola (Spanish Military Union) - a conservative political organisation of officers in the armed forces, including outspoken critics of the Republic like Francisco Franco. Formed in 1934, from its inception the UME secretly courted fascist Italy. After the electoral victory of the Popular Front, it began plotting a coup with monarchist and fascist groups in Spain. In the run-up to the Civil War it was led by Emilio Mola and Jose Sanjurjo, and latterly Franco., Alfonsist Monarchist - supported the restoration of Alfonso XIII. Many army officers, aristocrats and landowners were Alfonsine, but there was little popular support. Renovacion Espanola (Spanish Restoration) - the main Alfonsine political party. Accion Espanola (Spanish Action) - a fascist party led by Jose Calvo Sotelo, formed in 1933 around a journal of the same name edited by Ramiro de Maeztu. Bloque Nacional (National Block) - the militia movement founded by Calvo Sotelo., * Carlist Monarchist - supported Alfonso Carlos I de Borbon y Austria-Estes claim to the Spanish throne and saw the Alfonsine line as having been weakened by Liberalism. After Alfonso Carlos died without issue, the Carlists split - some supporting Carlos appointed regent, Francisco-Xavier de Borbon-Parma, others supporting Alfonso XIII or the Falange. The Carlists were clerical hard-liners led by the aristocracy, with a populist base amongst the farmers and rural workers of Navarre providing the militia. Comunion Tradicionalista (Traditionalist Communion) - the Carlist political party Requetes (Volunteers) - militia movement. Pelayos - militant youth movement, named after Pelayo of Asturias. Margaritas - womens movement, named after Margarita de Borbon-Parma, wife of Carlist pretender Charles VII (1868-1909)., Falange (Phalanx): FE (Falange Espanola de las JONS) - created by a merger in 1934 of two fascist organisations, Primo de Riveras Falange (Phalanx), founded in 1933, and Ramiro Ledesmas Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista(Assemblies of National-Syndicalist Offensive), founded in 1931. It became a mass movement after the defeat of the PRR and the collapse of the CEDA in the 1936 General Election, when it was joined by Jose Maria Gil-Robles y Quinoness Accion Popular, and Accion Catolica, led by Ramon Serrano Suner. OJE (Organizacion Juvenil Espanola) - militant youth movement. Seccion Femenina (Feminine Section) - womens movement in labour of Social Aid. Falange Espanola Tradicionalista y de las JONS - created by a merger in 1937 of the FE and the Carlist party, bringing the remaining political and militia components of the Nationalist side under Francos ultimate authority. Puente Nuevo, the bridge that links together the two parts of Ronda in Spain. Behind the window near the center of the bridge is a prison cell. There have been allegations that during the Civil War the nationalists threw people who supported the Republicans from the bridge to their deaths many meters down at the bottom of the El Tajo canyon. On the other hand, authorities confirm the atrocities committed by the Republicans against the Nationalists at Ronda. Thus the description in Ernest Hemingways novel For Whom the Bell Tolls of how the inhabitants of a small pueblo first beat all male members of the fascist party with heavy flails and then flung them over a cliff is near to the reality of what happened in the superb Andalusian town of Ronda. There 512 were murdered in the first month of the war.
Puente Nuevo, the bridge that links together the two parts of Ronda in Spain. Behind the window near the center of the bridge is a prison cell. There have been allegations that during the Civil War the nationalists threw people who supported the Republicans from the bridge to their deaths many meters down at the bottom of the El Tajo canyon. On the other hand, authorities confirm the atrocities committed by the Republicans against the Nationalists at Ronda. Thus the description in Ernest Hemingways novel For Whom the Bell Tolls of how the inhabitants of a small pueblo first beat all male members of the fascist party with heavy flails and then flung them over a cliff is near to the reality of what happened in the superb Andalusian town of Ronda. There 512 were murdered in the first month of the war.
- Essential Histories - The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 by Frances Lannon OSPREY PUBLISHING
- THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR - A Very Short Introduction by Helen Graham Oxford University Press
Aces of the Spanish Civil War
Aces of the Spanish Civil War Name Nationality Service Victories Joaquín García Morato Spain Nationalist Air Force 40 Lev L. Shestakov Soviet Union Spanish Republican Air Force 39 Sergei I. Gritsevets Soviet Union Spanish Republican Air Force 30 Julio Salvador Díaz-Benjumea Spain Nationalist Air Force 24 José María Bravo Spain Spanish Republican Air Force 23 Manuel Zarauza Clavero Spain Spanish Republican Air Force 23 Manuel Vázquez Sagastizábal Spain Nationalist Air Force 21 Leopoldo Morquillas Rubio Spain Spanish Republican Air Force 21 Pavel Vasilievich Rychagov Soviet Union Spanish Republican Air Force 20 Arístides García López Spain Nationalist Air Force 17 Alexander Osipenko Soviet Union Spanish Republican Air Force 17 Ángel Salas Larrazábal Spain Nationalist Air Force 16 Mario Bonzano Italy Aviazione Legionaria 15 Brunetto di Montegnacco Italy Aviazione Legionaria 14 Werner Mölders Germany Condor Legion 14 Guido Presel Italy Aviazione Legionaria 13 Wolfgang Schellmann Germany Condor Legion 12 Harro Harder Germany Condor Legion 11 Andrés García La Calle Spain Spanish Republican Air Force 11 Manuel Aguirre López Spain Spanish Republican Air Force 11 Peter Boddem Germany Condor Legion 10 Rodolphe de Hemricourt Belgium Nationalist Air Force 10 Abel Guides France Spanish Republican Air Force 10 Otto Bertram Germany Condor Legion 9 Wilhelm Ensslen Germany Condor Legion 9 Herbert Ihlefeld Germany Condor Legion 9 Walter Oesau Germany Condor Legion 9 Reinhard Seiler Germany Condor Legion 9 Herwig Knüppel Germany Condor Legion 8 Hans-Karl Mayer Germany Condor Legion 8 Frank Glasgow Tinker United States Spanish Republican Air Force 8 Jan Ferák Czechoslovakia Spanish Republican Air Force 7 Wilhelm Balthasar Germany Condor Legion 7 Kraft Eberhardt Germany Condor Legion 7 Walter Grabmann Germany Condor Legion 7 Horst Tietzen Germany Condor Legion 7 Jose 'Pepe' Larios Spain Nationalist Air Force 6 (+5 probable) Rolf Pingel Germany Condor Legion 6 Kurt Rochel Germany Condor Legion 6 Herbert Schob Germany Condor Legion 6 Francisco Tarazona Torán Mexico Spanish Republican Air Force 6 Georg Braunshirn Germany Condor Legion 5 Gotthard Handrick Germany Condor Legion 5 Wolf-Heinrich von Houwald Germany Condor Legion 5 Wolfgang Lippert Germany Condor Legion 5 Günther Lützow Germany Condor Legion 5 James Peck United States Spanish Republican Air Force 5 Joachim Schlichting Germany Condor Legion 5 Willi Szuggar Germany Condor Legion 5 Hannes Trautloft Germany Condor Legion 5 Božidar 'Boško' Petrović Yugoslavia Spanish Republican Air Force 5
Aviación Nacional or Spanish Nationalist Air Force
Jagdgruppe 88
Active between November 1936 - June 1939
Jagdgruppe 88 (J/88) was a German Condor Legion fighter group serving in the Spanish Civil War. J/88 consisted of a headquarters (Stab) and four squadrons (Staffeln), although the 4th Staffel was short-lived. J/88 had formed on 3 November 1936.
The Condor Legion was an expeditionary force of soldiers and airmen sent to aid the Spanish Nationalist group during the Spanish Civil War. The Germans used the war as an opportunity to evaluate new equipment, guns, vehicles and aircraft, and to develop tactical techniques which were later used in the 1939-45 conflict.
In addition to a detachment of converted Junkers Ju 52s, a initial cadre of six Heinkel He-51s, were despatched, with enough service staff to instruct the Spanish aircrews in the operation and maintenance of the aircraft. Under the leadership of Leutnant Hannes Trautloft J/88 arrived by sea in August 1936. While the Spanish Air Force pilots trained, Trautloft and the other pilots became the first of an eventual 326 aircrew who would serve with Jagdgruppe 88 during the next two and a half years.
Operational history
Oberleutnant Eberhardt Kraft made the unit's first claim on 25 August 1936, a Casa-Breguet 19. Meantime aid from the Soviet Union arrived for the Republican forces. The supplied Soviet fighters (Polikarpov I-15 and I-16) easily outperformed the Heinkel He 51s, and in late 1936, three Messerschmitt Bf 109 prototypes were sent to J/88, and soon followed by the first 15 of the latest Bf 109-Bs. A He 112 V6 prototype was also sent. Armed with a single 20mm cannon firing through the airscrew hub, the anonenvogel (cannon bird) was to be evaluated as a ground attack aircraft and assigned to Jagdgruppe 88 at Almorox in March. Over the next few months the He 112 V6 was flown by several pilots, but on 19 July 1937, with Unteroffizier Max Schulze flying, the engine seized during landing, and the He 112 V6 broke its back and was written off.
The first unit to fly the Bf 109 was 2. Staffel, commanded by Oberleutnat Günther Lützow. The unit initially suffered several landing accidents, until the pilots became familiar with taking off and landing on the narrow‑track undercarriage.
The first major action of 2.J/88 with the Bf 109-B1, took place during the Battle of Brunete in July 1937. Based near Ávila, its main mission was to escort the Junkers Ju 52 bombers. The Bf 109s, utilising superior tactics developed by Leutnant Werner Mölders, turned air superiority in favour of the Condor Legion. The Bf 109s drew first blood on 8 July 1937 when Leutnant Rolf Pingel and Uzz. Guido Höness claimed two Tupolev SB‑2 bombers. Air combats fought on 12 July resulted in two Aero A.101s claimed by Höness, an SB‑2 to Pingel, and three I‑16s by Pingel, Fw. Peter Boddem and Fw. Adolf Buhl. Höness became the first Bf 109 loss, probably shot down and killed by an Republican I-16 flown by American Frank Tinker. The Condor Legion lost eight aircraft, but J/88 fighters claimed 18 victories.
On 24 July Republican forces launched their final major offensive, the Battle of the Ebro. Reconnaissance aircraft of the Condor Legion noticed the troop build-up, and while the Republic forced gained ground, they failed to take Gandesa, due to intensive ( over 400) sorties by 70 Legion aircraft. The rest of the battle saw a series of air strikes, followed by a Nationalist counter-offensive. During the 113-day battle, only 10 aircraft were lost and 14 damaged; the Legion claimed 100 Republican aircraft destroyed, a third of those lost. Only 5 aircrew had been killed, and 6 captured.
Some 19 Bf 109C-1s, with a fuel‑injected Jumo 210Ga engine and four 7.9mm machine guns, arrived in Spain in the spring 1938, followed by nine Bf 109-Ds in August. In February 1939 the latest Bf 109E‑1 model was sent to Jagdgruppe 88, with 2. Staffel converting from the Bf 109-B in late February 1939, just prior to the end of the War. The unit then took part in operations against the remnants of the Republican Air Force through early 1939, with considerable success. The men of J/88 returned to Germany in May 1939.
365 aircraft were claimed destroyed by Jagdgruppe 88, and 26 pilots claimed 5 kills or more. Werner Mölders (14), Wolfgang Schellmann (12), Harro Harder (11) and Peter Boddem (10) were top scorers.
Prominent members of J/88
Hauptmann Gotthard Handrick, winner of the modern pentathlon at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, arrived in the summer of 1937 to assume command of Jagdgruppe 88, remaining until September 1938, during which time he had claimed 5 victories.
Oberleutnant Werner Mölders arrived on 14 April 1938, and took over from Adolf Galland commanding 3 staffel. During the conflict he showed considerable qualities as both a pilot and tactician. He helped to develop the "finger four", formation, which improved a combat flight's all-round effectiveness, vision and flexibility in combat. Between July and November 1938 he shot down fourteen aircraft: eleven I-16s, two Polikarpov I-15s and one SB-2, mostly flying a Bf 109C-1 coded 6-79 "Luchs".
Leutnant Wilhelm Balthasar joined Jagdgruppe 88 in September 1937, and gained six victories, including four Tupolev SB-2 bombers shot down in one mission on 7 February 1938.
Oberleutnant Adolf Galland was appointed Staffelkapitän of 3. Staffel, in July 1937, eventually flying 200 ground attack missions in the Heinkel He 51.
Commanding officers
Hauptmann Hubertus Merhardt von Bernegg, November 1936 - July 1937
Hauptmann Gotthard Handrick, 18 July 1937 - 10 September 1938
Hauptmann Walter Grabmann, 9 September 1938 - 31 March 1939Source Reference: Jurado, Carlos Caballero (2006). The Condor Legion: German troops in the Spanish Civil War.
Osprey Publishing. ISBN 1-84176-899-5.
Messerschmitt Bf 109 losses in chronological order - 40 in Total
Messerschmitt Bf 109 losses in chronological order - 40 in total Date A/C Pilot Unit Location Fate Cause 10/12/36 6x3 Uffz Erich Kley 2.J/88 Tablada Accident Crashed on takeoff 11/02/37 6x2 Lt Paul Rehahn VJ88 Caceres Accident 12/07/37 6x4 Lt Guido Höness 2.J/88 Brunete Shot down Air combat 17/07/37 ? Lt Golthard Handrick Escalona Shot down I-16 (Tinker) 18/07/37 6x14 Uffz Haarbach Shot down by I-16 ??/07/37 6x13 VJ88 Written off 11/07/37 ? Uffz Norbert Flegel Accident Crashlanded ??/08/37 6x8 2.J/88 Accident Crashlanded ??/08/37 6x9 2.J/88 Written off ??/08/37 6x30 Ofw Reinhard Seiler 1.J/88 Alar del Rey Accident Crashlanded ??/09/37 6x7 Fw Norbert Flegel 2.J/88 Santander-Ost Accident Crashlanded ??/09/37 6x12 Uffz Hermann Stange 2.J/88 Santander-Ost Accident Crashlanded 05?/09/37 ? Lt Walter Adolph Llanes Accident Crashlanded 05/11/37 ? Fw Leo Sigmund Teruel Shot down I-16 30/11/37 6x15 Fw Otto Polenz 2.J/88 Bujaraloz Shot down POW 23/12/37 ? Uffz Anton Kurz Teruef Shot down 07/02/38 ? Obit Wilhelm Balthasar Teruel Shot down SB-2 11/03/38 ? Fw Alexander Graf zu Dohna Caspe/Sastago Shot down 1-16 (J.Bosch, 21/4) 04/04/38 6x20 Lt Fritz Awe 2.J/88 Lanaja Mid-air collision Bf 109 04/04/38 6x21 Uffz Adolf Borchers 2.J/88 Lanaja Mid-air collision Bf 109 20/04/38 ? Sagunto Shot down 1-16(21/3) 11/05/38 ? Sri Espadan Shot down 1-16 (21/3) Tarazona 14/06/38 ? Lt Helmut Henz Mijares Shot down 1-16(21/4) 14/06/38 6-33 Lt Eckehardt Priebe 1.J/88 Villafames Shot down 1-15? 14/07/38 ? Teruel Mid-air collision 1-15 (Redondo) 23/07/38 ? Günther Böer 3.J/88 La Cenia Accident salvaged 25/07/38 6-6 Lt Franz Jaenisch 2.J/88 Accident Crashlanded 03/08/38 ? Lt Horst Lehrmann Flix Shot down Flak 05/09/38 ? Lt Martin Lutz 3.J/88 Shot down 09/09/38 ? Gandesa Accident (50%) Engine failure? 04/10/38 6-67 Lt Otto Bertram 1.J/88 Venta de C. Shot down I-16 (Cortizo, 21/4) ??/11/38 6-74 La Cenia Accident Crashlanded 13/12/38 ? Shot down 16/12/38 ? La Cenia Bombed on ground SB-2 16/12/38 ? La Cenia Bombed on ground SB-2 29/01/39 ? Lt K.Botticher Mollet Shot down Flak 06/02/39 ? Uffz Hans Nirminger Vilajuiga Shot down G-23 'I-15' 06/02/39 6x98 Uffz Heinrich Windemuth 1.J/88 Vilajuiga Shot down G-23 'I-15' 16/03/38 ? Lt Rolf Strossner Collision Bf 109 16/03/38 ? Collision Bf 109
Some aerial combats
4th November 1936: the first I-15 combat. 11 Chatos led by P.V.Rychagov attacked 9 He 51's and shot down 4 of them. (It's the one of few examples when the Republicans had number superiority. In most cases that was on the contrary, especially in the end of the war - because of huge German and Italian help to the Nationalists.) In the same day, I-15s downed and damaged some Fiats. Soviet planes had no combat losses, but 2 pilots mistakenly landed on an enemy airfield. The fascists killed them and cut one of them up and drop his body parts in a box to Republican positions - what a chivalry... WOW
6th November 1936: the first air combat over Madrid Junkerses and Fiats tried to bomb the capital again. But this time the Republicans have Soviet fighters and shot down 9 fascist planes.
November 1936: The big melee over 200 planes (I-15, I-16, R-5 vs He51, CR.32). The Republican losses were: 4 planes ; the Nationalist losses were: 15 planes
15th May 1937: the 1st downed Messerschmitt-109, the victory of Leopoldo Morquillas Rubio.
29th May 1937: German brand-new heavy cruiser "Deutschland" was attacked by two SB bombers (commanded by Ostryakov) which achieved two direct hits and one point-blank explosion. There were destroyed: the 3rd 150mm turret, the one of boilers, a hydroplane; 23 men killed and 77 wounded.
14 June 1937: 14 I-15 along with I-16 engaged big group of enemy planes (Ju 52/3m, He 46, He 51, CR-32). Nationalists losses: 1 Junkers and 6 ftrs, Republican losses two I-15 and two I-16.
8th July 1937: the 1st Messerschmitt combat over Madrid. It was initiated as I-15's (10 planes) combat vs bigger number of Fiats (20..30). Three CR.32's were shot down; and one I-15 was flamed, but managed to ditch. Then 10 I-16's arrived and 8 Bf 109's appeared too. In result two brand new German planes were shot down.
27th July 1937: the 1st night victory (a Junkers by Soviet pilot M.Yakushin). 1st September 1937, Belcite area: During the day Republicans managed to shot down at least 26 (downed to Republican territory) Nationalist planes by cost of only 2 own planes. 19 fascist pilots were made POW's', including famous Carlos Bayo.
15th October 1937: ground strike to Garapinilios. It was the preventive and well-planed action which had great success. I.Eremenko was the flight leader of 64 ftrs. Two I-15 sqds led by Serov and Chindosvindo attacked the airfield by MG fire and little bombs. Four I-16 sqds led by Zarausa, Pleschenko, Devotchenko, Gusev wasted time in close escort, then strafed some ground targets too. Meanwhile 16 bmrs (SB-2's led by A. Senatorov) hit military targets of Saragossa. About 60 Nationalist planes (which were almost ready to take off to hit Republican airfields) were destroyed and damaged; AA batteries were caught at surprise and suppressed; 2 Bf 109's were flamed when they tried to scramble; fuel tanks and ammo storages blowed up; personnel barracks and just arrived buses with pilots were strafed. The Republicans had no losses.
5th September 1938: Intercept (I-16 vs Bf 109, CR.32, Ju 86) with the Republican losses: 2 Moscas ; the Nationalist losses: 6 x CR.32's + 2 x Bf 109's + 2 x Ju 86's
The best mission of the time. In 1938, Sergey Gritsevets shot down 7 (seven!) Nationalist planes (incl. 5 Chirries) during one half of hour. The Soviet ace flew I-16 type 10, which one was badly damaged, but the talent pilot was able to land even in such situation. It was the best record until famous combat of Alexander Gorovets in 1943.
18th September 1938: 1st combat of I-16's type 10 equiped with instandart F-54 engine with improved hight-alt capabilities. In company with regular I-16's type 10 and I-15's eleven Bf109's were shot down with no Republican losses.
German military aid was proving crucial to the success of the Nationalist war effort.
Away from Tablada and Escalona del Prado, German military aid was proving crucial to the success of the Nationalist war effort. The first ten Ju 52/3ms donated to Franco had arrived in Spanish Morocco, and they were put to immediate use ferrying badly needed troops and ammunition from the Ejército de Africa over the Straits of Gibraltar to the mainland. Their presence greatly accelerated what became known as the puente aéreo - the first large-scale ‘airbridge’ or airlift in history. Between 29 July and 5 August, these aircraft flew 1500 men, including six assault battalions, from Morocco to Seville, and in all 10,500 men were transferred to Spain from North Africa in July and August 1936, followed by 9700 in September.
By its conclusion on 11 October, the airlift had transported just under 14,000 troops and some 500 tons of materiel, including 36 artillery pieces. Historians have taken the view that, in truth, the airlift saved the Nationalist cause in the summer of 1936. Indeed, in 1942, Hitler declared that ‘Franco ought to erect a monument to the glory of the Junkers 52’.
The Aero A.101
The Aero A.101 was a biplane light bomber and reconnaissance aircraft built in Czechoslovakia during the 1930s. It was an attempt to improve the Aero A.100 by enlarging it and fitting it with a more powerful engine. However, even with 33% more power, performance was actually inferior, and the Czech Air Force was not interested in the type. Production did result, however, when 50 were ordered by Spanish Republican forces for use in the Spanish Civil War.
Spanish Air Force bought a prototype and a license in 1923, and started production in the CASA works, in A2 and B2 variants. The first 19 aircraft were imported, the next 26 completed from French parts, then 177 were manufactured (50 of them had Hispano-Suiza engine, the rest the Lorraine-Dietrich 12Eb engine). The Breguet 19 was the basic equipment of Spanish bomber and reconnaissance units until the initial period of the Spanish Civil War. In July 1936, there were 135 in service. They were actively used as bombers during the war, especially on the government (Republican) side. In 1936, the Nationalists bought an additional twenty from Poland. With an advent of more modern fighters, the Br.19 suffered many losses, and after 1937 were withdrawn from frontline service. The Republican side lost 28 aircraft, and Nationalists lost 10 (including 2 Republican and 1 Nationalist aircraft, that deserted). The remaining aircraft were used for training until 1940.
The Arado 68
The Arado Ar 68 was a single-seat biplane fighter developed in the mid-1930s. It was among the first fighters produced when Germany abandoned the restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles and began rearming. Designed to replace the Heinkel He-51, the Ar-68 proved to have admirable handling characteristics on its first flight in early 1934, despite Arado's inability to secure a sufficiently powerful engine for the prototype. Eventually, a Junkers Jumo 210 was installed and the Ar 68 went into production, though not before worries about the unforgiving nature of such a high-performance aircraft almost resulted in the cancellation of the project.
The Ar 68 entered service with the Luftwaffe in 1936 and one of the first units was stationed in East Prussia. Soon, the fighter was sent to fight in the Spanish Civil War, where it was outclassed by the stumpy Soviet Polikarpov I-16. Arado responded by upgrading the engine of the Ar-68E, which soon became the Luftwaffe's most widely-used fighter in 1937-8 before being replaced by the Messerschmitt Bf 109. The last Ar 68s served as night fighters in the winter of 1939-40 and fighter-trainers.
The Arado 95
The Arado 95 was a single-engine reconnaissance and patrol biplane designed and built by the German firm Arado in the late 1930s. Ordered by Chile and Turkey, a number were taken over by the Kriegsmarine (German Navy) when World War II started. The Arado 95 was designed in 1935 as a two-seat seaplane, for coastal patrol, reconnaissance and light attack roles. The first prototype, an all-metal biplane powered by a BMW 132 radial engine, flew in 1936, while a second prototype was powered by a Junkers Jumo 210 liquid-cooled engine. The two prototypes were evaluated against the similar Focke-Wulf Fw 62. The BMW-powered version was considered worthy of further study, and a batch of six were sent for further evaluation with the Legion Condor during the Spanish Civil War . The Arado Ar 95 was the basis for the prototype Ar 195 carrier-based torpedo bomber, which was proposed for operation from the German aircraft carrier Graf Zeppelin.
The Ar 95 was not ordered by the German armed forces, and so was offered for export in two versions, the Ar 95W floatplane and Ar 95L landplane, with a fixed, spatted undercarriage. Six Ar 95Ls were ordered by the Chilean Air Force, being delivered prior to the start of World War II. Turkey placed an order for Ar 95Ws, but these were taken over by Germany on the outbreak of war. The requisitioned Ar 95s were designated by the Luftwaffe as the Ar 95A, and were used for training and for coastal reconnaissance operations in the Baltic Sea, operating off the coast of Latvia and Estonia in 1941, and in the Gulf of Finland. They continued operating until late 1944.
The Breda Ba.65
The Breda Ba.65 was an all metal single-engine, low wing monoplane used by Aviazione Legionaria during the Spanish Civil War and Regia Aeronautica in the first part of World War II. It was the only Italian ground-attack aircraft that saw active service in this role. It saw service almost exclusively on the North African front. A total of 55 machines were exported and used by the air forces of Iraqi, Chile and Portugal.
A large number of the Ba.65s serving with Italian units were of two-seat configuration, with an observer/gunner in an open cockpit above the trailing edge of the wing. A smaller number of the type had a Breda L type turret, but in either case the observer/ gunner operated a single 7.7mm machine-gun. While offensive armament could theoretically comprise up to 1000kg of bombs, the load usually carried was up to 300kg in the fuselage bomb bay or, alternatively, up to 200kg on underwing racks.
Intended as an aeroplano di combattimento, capable of fulfilling the roles of interceptor fighter, light bomber, or reconnaissance/attack aircraft as required, the prototype Breda Ba.65 made its initial flight in September 1935. Experience in Spain indicated that the Ba.65 was suited only to the attack role, and the type served thenceforth with most of the eight squadriglie attached to the two Regia Aeronautica assault stormi (wings), the 5° and 50°. A second series of 137 aircraft was built by Breda (80) and Caproni- Vizzola (57), before production ended in July 1939. They differed from the first production batch by having Fiat A.80 engines. Six Fiat-powered Ba.65s and four more of the Gnome- Rhone-powered version were sent to the Aviazione Legionaria in Spain in 1938. Following Italy's entry into World War II in June 1940, Ba.65s were involved in the fighting in North Africa against the British. They had a low serviceability rate in desert conditions and put up an unimpressive performance, The last serviceable aircraft was lost during the British offensive in Cyrenaica in February 1941.
In 12/36, Mussolini decided to give his military personnel some experience in a real conflict, the Spanish Civil War. His program to assist Franco's Nationalists included the establishment of a 250-plane aerial contingent, the Aviazione Legionaria. The first installment of that force consisted of four Ba.65s unloaded on 12/28/36, to be joined by eight more on 1/8/37. In March, the attack planes were transported to Cádiz, along with newly arrived Fiat C.R.32 fighters. The last of the Ba.65s arrived on 5/3 and were formed into the 65th Squadron. Teething troubles were soon experienced with the new planes and not until August did the unit begin operations. On 8/24 one of its pilots scored a unique air- to-air victory when he encountered a lone twin-engine Tupolev SB-2 bomber over Soria and shot it down.
During operations in northern Spain, several Ba.65s were converted to two-seat planes, and one was experimentally fitted with an A360 two-way radio. At the end of the campaign in October, the squadron was transferred and in December the Bredas braved bitter winter weather conditions to take part in the battles for Teruel. After that city fell, the 65th Squadron, bolstered by the arrival of four more Ba.65s, took part in the Aragon offensive, which by 4/15 had succeeded in cutting the Spanish Republic in two. During the Nationalist advance, the Ba.65s harassed retreating Republican troops, attacked artillery batteries and landing grounds, and bombed railway and road junctions. During the Battle of the Ebro in 7/38, the 65th Squadron used its Ba.65s as dive-bombers for the first time, striking at pontoon bridges that the Republicans had thrown across the Ebro River. By 9/38, attrition had whittled the squadron's complement of aircraft down to eight, but six more Ba.65s arrived, and in 1/39 the squadron was ready to take part in the final offensive against Catalonia. The Ba.65s' final mission was flown on 3/24. When the war ended five days later, the 65th Squadron had logged 1,921 sorties, including 368 ground-strafing and 59 dive-bombing attacks. Of the 23 Ba.65s sent to Spain, 12 had been lost. When the airmen of the Aviazione Legionaria returned to Italy in May, they bequeathed their 11 surviving Ba.65s to the Spanish Air Force.
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The Caproni Bergamaschi AP.1
Developed from the Ca.301, a single-seat fighter version of a similar design that was not put into production, the AP.1 was a two-seater version, fitted with a more powerful Alfa Romeo radial. Designed to serve both as a fighter and an attack aircraft, it was a low-wing monoplane with a fixed, trousered (spatted) undercarriage, of mixed construction. Although it was a monoplane at a time when many of the air forces of the world were flying biplanes, the Caproni was still an anachronism with fixed landing gear. The AP.1 prototype first flew on 27 April 1934. An initial series of 12 aircraft was delivered within 1936. In the same year, the Regia Aeronautica ordered a second series with improvements including a more powerful Alfa Romeo engine and more aerodynamic landing gear. In service, the large landing gear spats were often removed for ease of maintenance.
Between october and decembre 1938, ten units of these aircrafts arrived to Spain, receiving the nickname of Apio (celery). It was designed as a ground attack fighter, but due its poor performance it was used as an school aircraft. They were send to Villanubla fighter school first, and later to Reus and Moron, where they received the military code 32-1 to 32-10. They were retired in 1948.
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The Caproni Ca.135
The Caproni Ca.135 was an Italian medium bomber designed in Bergamo in Italy by Cesare Pallavicino. It flew for the first time in 1935, and entered service with the Peruvian Air Force in 1937, and with the Regia Aeronautica (Italian Royal Air Force) in January 1938.
In 1938 seven aircraft were earmarked for the Aviazione Legionaria to serve in the Spanish Civil War. These Tipo Spagna ("Spanish Type") aircraft were refitted with Fiat A.80 R.C.41 engines, rated at 746 kW (1,000 hp). Crews from 11 Wing were sent to Taliedo (just outside Milan), to take the first seven aircraft - designated Ca.135S - to Spain. One was damaged on take-off, the other six flew to Ciampino near Rome, where two suffered damage on landing. After repairs and some modifications, the seven aircraft were not ready to leave for Spain until late 1938. During the flight two were forced by icing to return to Italy and three crashed into the sea. Only two arrived at Palma de Mallorca, where they remained unused for six months.
The Caproni-Begamaschi Ca.310 Libeccio or Southwest Wind)
The Caproni-Begamaschi Ca.310 Libeccio (Italian: southwest wind) was an Italian monoplane, twin-engine reconnaissance aircraft used in World War II. Derived from the similar Ca.309, it had its combat debut during the Spanish Civil War, and took part in the earlier phases of World War II in Libya. Some were used in attack groups as a temporary replacement for the unsatisfactory Breda Ba.65. The last Ca.310 was retired by the Italian Air Force in 1948. The Ca.310 was designed as a low-wing monoplane reconnaissance/bomber, being essentially a version of the semi-military Ca.309 with retractable landing gear and uprated engines. The fuselage was of welded steel tube construction with a covering of light alloy panels and fabric, while the empennage/tail unit was of wooden construction with plywood skin on its fixed portions and fabric covering on control surfaces. Above the fuselage, mounted in line with the wing trailing edges was a manually-operated dorsal turret armed with a single rifle-caliber (7.7 mm/0.303 in) Breda-SAFAT machine gun.
A unit of 16 aircraft was sent to Spain in July 1938 for operational trials as a reconnaissance/bomber by the Italian expeditionary force operating alongside the Nationalist insurgents in the Spanish Civil War. The Caproni´s nickname was "Cabrones" (bastard in spanish), because both words sound very similar and also because the pilots used to say that the plain tried to kill them everytime they took off.
The CANT Z.501 Gabbiano or Gull
The CANT Z.501 Gabbiano (Italian: Gull) was a single engine flying boat that served with the Italian Regia Aeronautica during World War II. It had a crew of four or five and was used mainly for reconnaissance. Initially a successful aircraft, it was obsolete by 1940, but was still used throughout World War II, suffering many losses. The last aircraft was retired in 1950. It was also the holder of two world records for long-distance flight.
Filippo Zappata was one of the foremost Italian aircraft designers. He worked for Cantieri Navali Trieste (CANT), for some years, but went to France in 1927 to work for Blériot. He returned to Italy at the prompting of Italo Balbo and resumed work at CANT on a series of new aircraft. The first of these was the Z.501, designed to replace the Savoia-Marchetti S.78. The prototype Z.501, was first flown in 1934 by test pilot Mario Stoppani. The aircraft had a very slim fuselage, a high parasol wing and a single wing-mounted engine nacelle. In the prototype a 560 kW (750 hp) inline Isotta-Fraschini Asso engine was fitted, with an annular radiator that resembled a radial engine (it had no liquid cooling). The engine nacelle was extended to carry a rear-facing machine gun, while other guns were mounted in the centre fuselage and nose. All were 7.7 mm (.303 in) Breda-SAFAT. Bombs up to 640 kg/1,410 lb (4 × 160 kg/350 lb) were carried under the wings. The aerodynamic low-drag design was typical of Zapata-designed aircraft, as was the wooden construction. Overall, the aircraft was similar to the PBY Catalina, although this aircraft had two engines and was larger.
The Z.501 entered squadron service with the Regia Aeronautica in 1937, and by the time Italy entered World War II on 10 June 1940 more than 200 formed the equipment of at least 17 squadrons and four flights. The Z.501's operational debut was with a unit of the Aviazione Legionaria, based in Majorca and operating in support of the Nationalist forces in the Spanish Civil War. A small number of Z.501s served with a coastal defence unit of the Romanian air force. A total of 454 was delivered before production ended in 1943. Altogether, eleven Z.501s were delivered to Spain. The first one was obtained by the Aero Club de Cádiz shortly after the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. This Aero Club raised enough money to buy a single Z.501 by public subscription and when the aircraft was delivered early in September 1936, this plane was baptized Cádiz in honour of its donors. Sadly enough this aircraft crashed on its first mission of war on the 22nd of September 1936, due to the unfamiliarity of its pilots with the controls. Three more Z.501s arrived in December 1936 at Palma de Mallorca with Italian crews to carry out reconnaissance missions. Shortly afterwards these aircraft were handed over to the Spanish Nationalists Air Arm and were formed into Grupo 2-G-62, based at Pollensa, Mallorca. Even before operations started, on the 1st of February 1937 62-1 struck the mast of a freighter while taking off and crashed, killing both pilots and injuring the other two crew members.
In March 1937 2-G-62 was reinforced by five more aircraft (62-4 62-8) and was divided into two squadrons. The squadron insignia (see the first picture of this story) were painted on the black roundels on the fuselage. In August 1937 the original painting scheme of these aircraft was replaced by two black stripes on both wings and three black stripes round the rear fuselage. The primary task of 2-G-62 was tracking all shipping in the West Mediterranean, bringing supplies for the Republicans. From August 1937 2-G-62 even worked in secrecy in close co-operation with the 142a, 145a and 188a Squadriglia of the Regia Aeronautica, based in Sardinia. While performing this task, the Z.501s were driven to the edges of their possibilities and it is said that these aircraft clocked more flying hours than any other Nationalist aircraft, even more than the indestructible Ju 52. So, mostly due to wear, in the beginning of 1938 only five aircraft were still in flying condition, and at the end of the Civil War in April 1939 no more than 3 aircraft were serviceable.
The CANT Z.506 Airone or Heron
The CANT Z.506 Airone (Italian: Heron) was a triple-engine floatplane produced from 1935. It served as a transport and postal aircraft with the Italian airline "Ala Littoria". During World War II it was used as a reconnaissance aircraft, bomber and air-sea rescue plane, by the Italian Regia Aeronautica and Regia Marina, Aeronautica Cobelligerante del Sud, Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana and the Luftwaffe. The military version revealed itself to be one of the best floatplanes ever built. Despite its wooden structure, it was able to operate even in very rough seas. A number of Z.506S air-sea rescue aircraft remained in service until 1959.
The CANT Z.506 aircraft was designed as a 12 to 14-seat transport twin-float seaplane, powered by three 455 kW (610 hp) Piaggio Stella IX radial engines. It was derived from the larger and heavier Z.505 seaplane. The Z.506 entered production in 1936 as the Z.506A, powered by more powerful 560 kW (750 hp) Alfa Romeo 126 RC.34 nine cylinder radial engines, giving a maximum power of 780 CV on take off and 750 CV at 3,400 meters. The fuselage had a wooden structure covered in tulipier wooden lamellas. The wings were built with a structure of three box-type spars linked by wooden wing-ribs covered by ply-wood. The floats were made of duraluminium, covered in chitonal and 12,50 meters long. Armament was a 12,7 (0,5 inch) Breda-SAFAT machine-gun in the dorsal position and three 7,7mm (0,303inch) machine-guns, one in the ventral position and two on the sides of the fuselage. It had a crew of 5. It was produced in the "Cantieri Riuniti dell 'Adriatico" and "Cantiere Navale Triestino" (CRDA CANT) factories in Monfalcone and Finale Ligure. It was also produced by Piaggio under licence. The Z.506A entered service with the Ala Littoria air company flying around the Mediterranean. Flown mostly by Mario Stoppani, the Z.506A set a number of altitude, speed and distance records for its class between 1936 and 1938, including speeds of 191.539 mph (308.25 km/h) over 3,107 (5000 km) and 198.7 mph (319.78 km/h) over 1,243 miles (2000 km), and 200.118 mph (322.06 km/h) over 621 miles (1000 km). It subsequently flew 3,345.225 miles (5383.6 km) in a closed circuit. It carried a load of 4,409 lb (2000 kg) to 25,623 ft (7810 m.) and 11,023 lb (5000 kg) to 22,693 ft (6917 m). A military version was developed as the Z.506B. It was powered by three 560 kW (750 hp) Alfa Romeo 127 RC 55 engines and entered service in 1939. This version was also a record breaker. A larger version of the Z.506A was built in 1937 as the Z.509.
In 1938 the Nationalist Air Chief, General Kindelán, ordered 4 Cant Z.506Bs to replace the aging and slow Cant Z.501s in the inventory of Teniente-Coronel Ramón Franco, the overall commander of the Región Aérea de los Baleares. Ramón Franco was the younger brother of General Francisco Franco and one of the most popular aviators of the Nationalist Air Forces. But long before these aircraft arrived in Pollensa, Mallorca, the civil and bright painted Z.506s of Ala Littoria were a common sight in the Spanish harbours. This airline kept regular flights in the Mediterranean, one of them being the line Rome-Palma-Melilla-Cadiz where such colorful Z.506s as the I-DORA, I-DOTE and I-FANO were regular sights. After having followed a ten-day conversion training at the Cant factories at Monfalcone, four complete Spanish aircrews transferred their first two new aircraft to Pollensa on the 21st of August 1938 and the second two on the 27th of August. These aircraft equipped escuadrilla 1-E-73 under the command of Capitán Antonio Sorriano, part of the newly formed unit 2-G-62-73, while escuadrilla 2-E-62 was equipped with the old Cant Z.501s (62 was the type number of the Cant Z.501 and 73 that of the Cant Z.506).
On the 6th of October, after a period of training, two Spanish Cant Z.506s flew their first operational mission over Alicante, dropping sacks of bread to the starving population. On the 28th of October two Z.506s (73-1 and 73-4) flew a bombing mission against Dena and Valencia under very bad weather conditions and it was during this raid that 73-1, flown by Ramón Franco and his crew, crashed into the Meditteranean. Two days later 73-3 managed to locate the floating rests of 73-1 and to salvage all the corpses of its crew but one, which were buried on the 1st of November with full military ceremonial in Palma de Majorca.
During the rest of their lifetime the Z.506s carried out numerous bombing, reconnaissance and other maritime missions. On the 21th of January, 73-4 made an emergency landing at sea because of an engine failure and was towed to Porto Christo five days later after having survived serious stormy weather. Unfortunately it had to be written off because of its overall damage.The last Civil War mission was flown by 73-2 on the 16th of March 1939. On the 15th of July 1942 73-2 (by then renumbered as 53-2) was lost caused by the explosion of its port engine with no costs of life. The last Spanish Z.506 soldiered on until July 1943 and was used as a monument on its base for several years after.
The Caudron C.280 Phalène or Moth
The Caudron C.280 Phalène ("Moth") was a civil utility aircraft built in France during the 1930s. It was a high-wing braced monoplane of conventional configuration with fixed tailskid undercarriage. The pilot and 2-3 passengers were accommodated within an enclosed cabin. The structure was wooden throughout, with the forward fuselage skinned with plywood, and the rest of the aircraft fabric-covered. The type proved popular on the civil market, with a number of long-distance flights staged to promote it. The French military also purchased a number of examples under the C.400 and C.410 designations. The 286 version was equipped with a de Havilland Gipsy Major piston engine, it was also fitted with a Merville 501 propeller.
Three aircraft of this type served in Spain, all of them serving in the National Aviation. The aircraft of the picture was acquired by D. Alberto Salinas de Burgos in 1935, is registered as EC-ZZZ, at the beginning of the war is requisitioned by the National Aviation, taking the ID 30-8, serves as liaison aircraft, although occasionally it was used as a school plane. When the war ended in 1939 passed back to civilian and is registered as EC-BAK framed in the Aero-Club de Sevilla. In 1945, this aircraft is sent to Guinea in the service of the Civil Governor of the colony, the creation of the new enrollment EC-1947 ABU enroll. Since maintenance problems that occur in Guinea the plane is moved back to the Peninsula where it causes low in late 1949, however still occasionally flies in Sabadell to March 1951.
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The Farman F.190
The Farman F.190 was a utility aircraft built in France in the 1920s and 30s. It was a high-wing, strut-braced monoplane of conventional configuration with a fully enclosed cabin and fixed, tailskid undercarriage. Popular both as a private aircraft and in the air taxi role, some 30 examples were also operated by airlines in France and elsewhere in Europe. Fifteen of these joined Air France's fleet in 1933 from the fleets of the smaller airlines it had absorbed. In 1932, a version with a slightly enlarged cabin, revised tail fin, and four-blade propeller entered production as the Farman F.390.
Three planes arrived in Republican Spain and framed for light transport missions as air ambulance, under the indicative TF and SF, sometimes used as a school plane. two were recovered by the national aviation after the war, this was identified as 30-112, remaining in service until the mid 40's. One of this aircrafts survived and it is displayed at the Cuatro Viento´s Air Museum.
The Potez 25
Potez 25 (also written as Potez XXV) was a French twin-seat, single-engine biplane designed during the 1920s. A multi-purpose fighter-bomber, it was designed as a line plane and used in a variety of roles, including fighter and escort missions, tactical bombing and reconnaissance missions. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Potez 25 was the standard multi-purpose plane of over 20 air forces, including French, Polish and American. It was also popular among private operators, notably mail transport companies.
So desperate was the need for aircraft in the Republican zone during the Civil War, the Basque government did not hesitate to buy the Estonian government eight or ten dilapidated Potez 25 surplus of military aircraft. Throughout the spring of 1937, as Spanish Nationalist forces relentlessly progressed through the province of Biscay on their way to Bilbao, the Basque Government aircraft constantly asked the government of Valencia, as the imbalance of power between enemy aircraft and itself was overwhelming, which partly explains bloody episodes as the bombing of Guernica and Durango. With characteristic usage penny-pinching policy weapons, the government of the Republic sent a handful of devices. The Basque government bought the Potez 25 but could not use them because the aircraft did not arrive until summer, and were landed at Gijon. There they formed along with a few Polikarpov I-16 and other aircraft a motley crew who tried in vain to stop the bombers nationalists until the fall of Gijon, in October 1937.
The Dornier Do 17
The Dornier Do 17, sometimes referred to as the Fliegender Bleistift (German: "flying pencil"), was a World War II German light bomber produced by Claudius Dornier's company, Dornier Flugzeugwerke. It was designed as a Schnellbomber ("fast bomber"), a light bomber which, in theory, would be so fast that it could outrun defending fighter aircraft. The Dornier was designed with two engines mounted on a "shoulder wing" structure and possessed a twin tail fin configuration. The type was popular among its crews due to its manoeuvrable handling at low altitude, which made the Dornier capable of surprise bombing attacks. Its sleek and thin airframe made it harder to hit than other German bombers, as it presented less of a target.
Designed in the early 1930s, it was one of the three main Luftwaffe bomber types used in the first three years of the war. The Do 17 made its combat debut in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War, operating in the Legion Condor in various roles. Along with the Heinkel He 111 it was the main bomber type of the German air arm in 1939-40. The Dornier was used throughout the war, and saw action in significant numbers in every major campaign theatre as a front line aircraft until the end of 1941, when its effectiveness and usage was curtailed as its bomb load and range were limited. Production of the Dornier ended in the summer of 1940, in favour of the newer and more powerful Junkers Ju 88. The successor of the Do 17 was the much more powerful Dornier Do 217, which started to appear in strength in 1942. Even so, the Do 17 continued service in the Luftwaffe in various roles until the end of the war, as a glider tug, research and trainer aircraft. A considerable number of surviving examples were sent to other Axis nations. Few Dornier Do 17s survived the war. The last was scrapped in Finland in 1952.
The Do 17's baptism of fire came during the Spanish Civil War (1936–39), where it outpaced most enemy fighters and performed well. The Spanish nicknamed the Dornier the Bacalaos ("Codfish"). In early 1937, mass production began on the Do 17E and Do 17F series. The Do 17 F-1 was to replace the Heinkel He 70 as a high-flying fast reconnaissance aircraft, while the Do 17 E-1 was to supplant the Legion Condor's aging Heinkel He 111B bomber. However, more modern Soviet-supplied Republican aircraft were capable of intercepting the E and F variants, which prompted an upgrade of the Dornier's defensive armament.
Among the units committed to the Franco's cause was Hauptmann Rudolf Freiherr Von Moreau's 4.K/88. On 6 January 1937, it was decided by Erhard Milch, Albert Kesselring and Ernst Udet that the Legion should have more modern aircraft. Soon 12 Do 17 E-1s, as well as He 111 B-1s and Ju 86 D-1s were dispatched to serve in Spain. The unit was named VB/88 (Versuchsbomben Staffel, meaning Experimental Bomber Squadron). VB/88s Dorniers were involved in a strike around Guernica, but that particular unit's objective was a bridge, rather than civilian areas. VB/88 dropped 8 tonnes (9 tons) of bombs, while K/88 added 37 tonnes (41 tons) over the city itself causing the deaths of about 1,500 people. The bombing of VB/88 straddled the bridge. The only other target hit by the German bombers that day was the rail station. On 8 July 1937, the Dorniers flew multiple sorties to protect Nationalist forces now threatening the capital, Madrid. At this point, the Junkers Ju 86s had been withdrawn and replaced by the Do 17 Fs. In the spring of 1938, another unit, 1.A/88, equipped with Do 17s, also arrived in Spain. A total of 27 Do 17E, F and P variants were part of the Condor Legion.
The Spanish Civil War was to be the toughest test yet on the Do17 bomber. It proved to be fast, in fact was fast enough to outpace any enemy fighter, although it could not match Germany's own Bf109, but one important lesson was learnt. It was vulnerable to enemy gunfire, especially in the forward section. The nose had been shortened on the Do17E and the Do17F variants, but the firing arc of the forward gunner was restricted somewhat and the narrow diameter of the fuselage of the Do17 which was how it became known as the "Flying Pencil" meant cramped conditions for the cockpit area of the aircraft.
These lessons learnt, were applied to the Do 17U. The nose was severely cut down and the forward machine gun positioned so that it had a complete arc of fire. An enlarged forward fuselage not only gave existing crew more room, but allowed for an additional crew member if required. All these modifications were to prove successful, and they were put into the Do 17Z in 1939. It was this variant that was to see service throughout the battle of Britain and in operations during 1940 and 1941. One of the Do 17 variants, was modified as a night fighter and had a nose section of a Ju 88C fitted complete with cannon and machine guns. Additional to that was the installation of a FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red) detector, said to be the worlds first. The first success of the use of the FLIR detector was the shooting down of a Wellington bomber of RAF Bomber Command on the night of October 16th/17th 1940 over the French-German border.
The Fokker F.VII, also known as the Fokker Trimotor
1 F-VIIb-3m c/n 5187: PH-AGR "Reiger" flew almost 7 years with KLM until it was officially sold to Crilly Airways on the 12th of August 1936. According to Gerald Howson the true story was a little different but far more spectacular. The accredited Spanish air attache in Paris and London had been one Commandante Carmelo de las Morenas Alcala, who, sympathetic to the Nationalist cause, had resigned his post on 23 July, after having endeavoured to persuade Spanish embassy officials to join the rebellion. He had then negotiated the purchase of a number of aircraft from Poland on behalf of the Nationalists and, on 1 August, had gone to Amsterdam to buy two F VIIb-3ms (PH-AFS Specht and PH-AGR Reiger). The Dutch government had, however, already declared for a policy of non-intervention and forbade the sale. Hearing that four ex-British Airways Fokker F XIIs were back at Gatwick after an abortive attempt to reach the Nationalists in Burgos, he returned to the UK on 3 August to see if he could arrange for the purchase of these larger trimotors via his "Polish Connection" and thus attempt once more to get them to Spain. He was still optimistic that, by some means or other, he would be able to acquire the two KLM F VIIb-3ms as well, as was demonstrated by his engagement of the celebrated racing pilot, Capt T Neville Stack, to fly one of them to Spain!
As pilot for the other F VIIb-3m, Stack suggested to de las Morenas that he employ Donald Salisbury Green, who was both familiar with the Fokker trimotor and with the northern Spanish terrain. Salisbury Green was invited to meet Spanish representatives at the Savoy Hotel, London, on 10 August, where he was introduced to de las Morenas, Juan de la Cierva and another Spaniard (believed to have been the Duke of Alba). It was proposed that he and Stack be given bank drafts of up to Fl 40,000, fly to Schiphol and there buy the F VIIb-3ms privately, subsequently flying them to Burgos. Early in the morning of 11 August, the two British pilots arrived at Schiphol, but KLM refused their offer while indicating that they would be willing to sell the Fokkers to Crilly Airways (with whom they had dealt with before) for Fl 37,000 (£5,000) provided they be flown to the UK by KLM pilots.
The necessary arrangements were speedily made and two KLM pilots, Fraenkel and Scholte, flew the Fokkers to Croydon where they arrived on the evening of the same day. Five gallon (22,71) fuel drums were strapped to the passenger seats at Croydon, the intention being to transfer their contents to the wing centre section tanks by means of a hand pump and rubber tube inserted in the feed pipe between the passenger salon and flight deck. This endowed the F VIIb-3m with sufficient range to reach Burgos non-stop but dictated inclusion of a second crew member. Stack already had a very competent mechanic, but Salisbury Green, having insufficient time to engage a mechanic that he could trust, enlisted the services of an old friend who, in the event, proved to be an alcoholic who found flying nerve-wracking! However, there was no time to find a replacement. De las Morenas warned them that French fighters might attempt to intercept them over the Bay of Biscay and force them to land in France. Moreover, to reach Burgos they would have to cross the mountainous province of Biscaya which was in Republican hands and they would therefore have to fly at their maximum attainable altitude of 15,400 ft (4700 m). As somebody suggested that, at such an altitude, the fuel drums would explode, holes where made in the top of each drum with a large nail! Finally, the two Fokkers took-off from Croydon at first light on 13 August, Stack flying PH-AFS and Salisbury Green flying PH-AGR.
Shortly after take-off, the engines of PH-AGR cut as a result of an airlock in the fuel supply. Fortunately they spluttered to life again when the aircraft was down to about 20 ft (6 m) above the suburban roof-tops. The engines cut once more over the sea, and as the aircraft began to lose altitude, Salisbury Green was alarmed, on glancing over his shoulder, to see, as he recounted to the author, a "little Niagara" of petrol pouring from the drums, over the seats and down the fuselage! No less alarming was the condition of his second crew member who had somehow succeeded in smuggling two bottles of gin aboard and, under the combined effects of the gin and the petrol fumes, to say nothing of the slipperiness of the petrol-soaked floor, was barely able to stand! Salisbury Green succeeded in restarting the engines once more and, by subterfuge, also got rid of the partly-consumed bottles of gin. The remainder of the delivery flight was surprisingly uneventful, the Cantabrican coast and the mountains of Biscaya being crossed, and Salisbury Green diving virtually to ground level as soon as he recognised the road to Burgos,landing at Gamonal airfield after a flight of exactly 7 hr 15 min. Upon their arrival at Burgos, the two ex-KLM F VIIb-3ms were assigned vacant matriculation numbers, PH-AFS becoming 20-1 (the original aircraft to which this number had been assigned being in Republican hands) and PH-AGR becoming 20-4 (the original, Anciano, having crashed a week earlier).
2. F-VIIb-3m c/n ? the first F.VII built by the Loring Company (20-2): The first of the three by the Loring produced F.VIIs was 20-2 which (just like 20-3 and 20-4) served in Spanish West Africa with the Aviación Militar. These three aircraft were immediately taken in the inventory of the Nationalists when hostilities began. Within hours of the revolutionaries securing Tablada airfield, Sevilla, these aircraft were ferrying troops from Tetuán, Morocco over the Straits of Gibraltar and the blockading Republican fleet, soon airlifting 120-130 troops daily. Thus, by the beginning of August these Fokkers aided by twoDornier Wal flying boats had already transported the best part of 2,000 men to Spain and so assured the success of the rebellion in the south.
Apart from flying troops across the Straits of Gibraltar they still found time to participate in 11 bombing attacks on the Republican fleet between the 21st of July and the 5th of August. On the 6th of August 20-2, by now named El Veterano, was flown to the north to augment the tiny air component of the Nationalists. Prior to the formation of the Escuadrilla Fokker, 20-2 and 20-3 (Abuelo) had flown bombing sorties from Agoncillo (Logroño), then moving to Santa Lucia, near Villablino on the Léon front to support various Nationalist operations alongside the southern edge of the Basque-Asturian enclave. On the 1st of December 1937 the Grupo Fokker/Dragon was disbanded and 20-4 was flown to south to Tablada, Sevilla, to be incorporated into the Escuela de tripulantes at El Copero, Jerez, for aircrew training, was re-registered 45-2 and it survived the Civil War.
3. F-VIIb-3m c/n ? the second F.VII built by the Loring Company (20-3): Service life of 20-3, the second F.VII built by the Loring company, also started in Spanish West Africa and ran parallel to that of 20-3 until September 1937. As contrasted with 20-2, which was being piloted by Capt Montesinos within the Grupo Fokker/Dragon, 20-3 now named Abuelo was being flown by various pilots in rotation. On the 7th of October however 20-3 Abuelo was shot down over the Jaca front, near the Pyrenees. According to Republican newspapers the pilot of the F.VII on this occasion would seem to have been a german named Schleicher who was said to have been captured but to have escaped within a day, making his way back to the Nationalist lines.
4. F-VIIb-3m c/n ? the third F.VII built by the Loring Company (20-4): Service life of 20-4 started like that of 20-2 and 20-3 but was shorter. In Nationalist hands it was flying troops across the Straits of Gibraltar and participating in bombing attacks on the Republican fleet during the end of July 1936. By 29 July, a new airfield had been completed in the grounds of the El Copero estate, near Jerez, and it was here, a few days later, that 20-4, meanwhile nicknamed Anciano, came to grief. The F.VII was carrying one of Franco's best commanders, Major Carlos Asensio, from Africa, but crashed on landing and was written off.
The Heinkel He 45
The Heinkel He 45 was a light bomber produced in Germany in the early 1930s, one of the first aircraft adopted by the newly-formed Luftwaffe. Its appearance was that of a conventional biplane and included seating for pilot and gunner in tandem, open cockpits. Developed in parallel with the He 46, it appeared in 1931 as a general-purpose biplane and was employed mainly as a trainer, but was also used by the Luftwaffe for reconnaissance and light bombing duties. Production of this plane totalled 512 aircraft, including those built under licence by Gotha, Focke-Wulf, and BFW.
On the 22nd of July 1936 General Franco requested the German government for assistance for his coup that was to be known as the Spanish Civil War. At this time, Germany was in full struggle to implement its economic resurgence and just had started the first phase of its own rearming program. In first instance, Francos request was rejected by the German officials. But with the intervention of Rudolf Hess, this request was forwarded to Adolf Hitler himself and so to the NSDAP (Nazi Party). Thanks to his persuasive power, Admiral Canaris, a close friend of Franco, succeeded in making clear that the long time benefits for Germany could be of far more importance than the short time risk that had to be taken. Already on the 28th of July Hitler approved secret aid for Franco on a larger scale than was demanded. Within one week 20 Ju 52s from Lufthansa were dispatched to Spain, and the first vessel (with a shipload of 86 German volunteers and six Heinkel He 51s among other things) was on its way to Cadiz. This was the first one of more than 170 shiploads to follow. In September the first twenty or so Heinkel He 46s arrived in Spain. Already in October the first six Heinkel He 45Bs that had arrived were formed into a reconnaissance unit of Aufklärungsgruppe A/88 at Avila.
After some battlefield experience it was decided to use the Heinkel He 45 mainly for artillery cooperation and gunnery direction. For the field of low-level reconnaissance, the He 45s seemed to be too vulnerable while the Heinkel He 70 was far more faster and better suited for this task. There is little known of the numerous missions of A/88 in which the two Ketten of 3 He 45s were involved except from the fact that the aircraft was reliable and responded very well to its needs. In March 1937 most of the unit was based at Sevilla-Tablada while 2 He 45s where operating from Vittoria to prepare the offensive against Bilbao. Three new He 45s were received to make up for the losses of the first period of wartime action. 1937 was a hard period for A/88 because the Republican Air Force was reinforced with modern Russian equipment and flak became deadly serious. When A/88 was sent back to take part in the northern campaign again, losses grew: 11-09-1937: Gefreiter Leske was killed while landing a He 45 riddled by flak at Burgos. 22-09-1937: Lieutenant Kempers He 45 was shot down over Santander 22-10-1937: Lieutenant Schwanengels He 45 shot down by Republican ground fire over Avilés.
When A/88 went to rest at Santander-Est in November there was only one operational He 45 left. During 1938 A/88 was extensively in action over the northern front. The He 45s mostly operated on their own, marking artillery and troop concentrations and trying to attack these later with small anti-personal bombs. They flew on a daily base and against all expectations, almost without losses. Until , on the 29th of August, a storm devastated La Cenia and reduced the number of operational He 45s to three, one of them (15-38 and probably the most photographed He 45 of A/88) ended upside-down in an olive tree. On the 20th of September Lieutenant von Kugelgen was seriously wounded after being attacked by Republican fighters and destroyed his aircraft when landing at Vinaroz. The next day another He 45 was intercepted but the pilot was only slightly injured by pieces of his shattered windscreen. By November 1938 A/88 was withdrawn from front service to recuperate with only one He 45 out of three in flying condition. In December the unit returned to operations again and was involved in the final campaign in Catalonia. At the end of March 1939 A/88 had still 3 He 45s at its disposal of which 2 were in flying condition. These two (15-34 and 15-36) were handed over to the Spaniards and this meant the end of the career of the He 45 with A/88, these aircraft being replaced by six Henschel Hs 126s.
That the He 45 in no way played an unimportant role in Spain is illustrated by this quotation from Patrick Laureau in Condor, The Luftwaffe in Spain: Reviewing their activities during the course of the conflict in Spain, the He 45 gives the appearance of being a champion in all categories. Fw Hans König for example carried out 95 missions in one during a single tour of operations. Of the Do 17 crews. Obfw Ernst Sorge (pilot), Lt Philips and Uffz Wawrock knocked up a record by carrying out 57 missions together.
When the first Do 17s arrived in February and March 1937 for the Legion Condor, six He 45s were handed over to the Spanish Nationalists. These formed a single escuadrilla within the Breguet 19 group 1-G-10 at Léon. Put into action as the 1st Grupo de Asalto and operating from Vitoria, this group saw intensive action in the north with the purpose to capture Bilbao. But due to the Republican offensive at La Granja, the group was recalled to Léon in June 1937. Here, together with the delivery of six new He 45s, 6-G-15 was formed. After some action in the north, the aircraft were stationed in Avila to take part in the Battle of Brunete where two of them were written off after ground looping.From August until the end of September 6-G-15 was operating in the northern front again under harsh conditions, at least five He 45s were shot down. After a short period of rest and reinforcement that brought the operational strength of 6-G-15 to fifteen aircraft, the unit was put in action for the Battle of Teruel till January 1938 and thereafter was involved in the advance to the Mediterranean until May 1938. Attrition was high, for instance, at the end of March only 3 aircraft were in flying condition and in May two aircraft were shot down and another two were written off due to accidents.
Most action however took place during the the Battle of the Ebro till the 16th of November 1938 in which, at the peak of hostilities, every available He 45 locked more than 4 hours of operations a day. The last operations during the Civil War were executed during the final campaign in Catalonia. The last loss of a He 45 occurred only three days before the end of the war, when 15-15 exploded during a ferry flight on the 28th of March 1939, probably caused by sabotage. After the Civil War was brought to an end, all remaining He 45s were taken over by the Ejercito del Aire, while a further 15 aircraft were delivered during 1939. On the 1st of March 1940 25 were still in service, the majority with Grupo 41, the last one being phased out about 1950.
Source: AERONET GCE / IBERONET: Service life of the Heinkel He 45 part 2
Web Reference:
The Heinkel He 46
The Heinkel He 46 was a German World War II-era monoplane designed in 1931 for the close reconnaissance and army co-operation roles. While it served with the Luftwaffe's front-line units only briefly at the start of World War II, the He 46 served as late as 1943 as a nighttime nuisance bomber and with the Hungarian Air Force. By 1934, about 500 He 46s had been built, and, by 1936, the Luftwaffe's aerial reconnaissance wings were all equipped with the He 46. In September 1938, 20 He 46C-1s were given to the Spanish Nationalists for use in the Spanish Civil War.
The Heinkel He 51
The Heinkel He 51 was a German single-seat biplane which was produced in a number of different versions. It was initially developed as a fighter, and a seaplane variant and a ground-attack version were also developed. It was a development of the earlier He 49. In 1931, Heinkel recruited the talented aircraft designers, Walter and Siegfried Günter, and their first major design for Heinkel was the Heinkel He 49. While this was officially an advanced trainer, in fact it was a fighter. The first prototype, the He 49a, flew in November 1932, and was followed by two further prototypes, the He 49b, with a longer fuselage, and the He 49c, with a revised engine.
The type was ordered into production for the still secret Luftwaffe as the He 51, the first pre-production aircraft flying in May 1933. Deliveries started in July of the next year. The He 51 was a conventional single-bay biplane, with all-metal construction and fabric covering. It was powered by a glycol-cooled BMW VI engine, with an armament of two 7.92 mm (.312 in) machine guns mounted above the engine. The He 51 was intended to replace the earlier Arado Ar 65, but served side-by-side with the slightly later Ar 68. The He 51 was outdated the day it entered service, and after an initial run of 150 production fighters, the design was switched into the modified He 51B, with approximately 450 built, including about 46 He 51B-2 floatplanes, and then finally a further 100 He 51C light ground-attack plane.
On 6 August 1936, six of the He-51s were delivered to Spain to fight in the Spanish Civil War. Initial operations were successful, with the Heinkels meeting and defeating a number of older biplane designs, with two Nieuport Ni-52 fighters, a Breguet 19 and a Potez 54 destroyed on 18 August 1936, the first day of operations by Spanish-flown He 51s. Deliveries continued as the hostilities increased, with two Nationalist squadrons equipped by November, and the Legion Kondor forming three squadrons of 12 aircraft each manned by German "volunteers".
This time of superiority was short lived, with the arrival of large numbers of modern aircraft from the Soviet Union, including the Polikarpov I-15 biplane and new Polikarpov I-16 monoplane, together with the Tupolev SB bomber, which was 110 km/h (70 mph) faster. The He 51 proved unable to protect the Legion Kondor's bombers, forcing it to switch to night operations, while also unable to intercept the much faster SB.[9] The He 51 was therefore withdrawn from fighter duty and relegated to the ground-attack role by both the Legion Kondor and the Spanish Nationalists, It was replaced in the fighter role by the Fiat CR.32 in the Nationalist Air Force, with the Legion Kondor receiving Messerschmitt Bf 109s from April 1937 to allow it to operate successfully in fighter operations. While a failure as a fighter, the Heinkel proved successful as a ground-attack aircraft, being used by Wolfram von Richthofen to develop the close support tactics which were used by the Luftwaffe in World War II. It continued in use as a ground attack aircraft for the remainder of the Civil War, although losses were heavy. After the war the 46 surviving aircraft would be joined by another 15 new builds, and serve in the utility role in Spain until 1952.
The experiences in Spain would prove once and for all that the days of the biplane fighter were over. Although the later model Fiat biplanes were superior to the He 51 and continued to soldier on in Nationalist service, the I-16s were basically untouchable because of their speed. If the conditions were right, they could use their heavy armament in a quick pass and then leave; if things weren't so favorable, they simply flew away. The lesson learned by all of the participants was that speed was far more important in combat than maneuverability. The He 51 continued in front-line service with the Luftwaffe until 1938, with it remaining in service as an advanced trainer for the first few years of World War II.
The Heinkel He 59
The Heinkel He 59 was a German biplane designed in 1930 resulting from a requirement for a torpedo bomber and reconnaissance aircraft able to operate with equal facility on wheeled landing gear or twin-floats. In 1930, Ernst Heinkel began developing an aircraft for the Reichsmarine. To conceal the true military intentions, the aircraft was officially a civil aircraft. The He 59B landplane prototype was the first to fly, an event that took place in September 1931, but it was the He 59A floatplane prototype that paved the way for the He 59B initial production model, of which 142 were delivered in three variants. The Heinkel He 59 was a pleasant aircraft to fly; deficiencies noted were the weak engine, the limited range, the small load capability and insufficient armament.
The aircraft was of a mixed-material construction. The wings were made of a two-beam wooden frame, where the front was covered with plywood and the rest of the wing was covered with fabric. The box-shaped fuselage had a fabric-covered steel frame. The tail section was covered with lightweight metal sheets. The keels of the floats were used as fuel tanks - each one holding 900 L (238 US gal) of fuel. Together with the internal fuel tank, the aircraft could hold a total of 2,700 L (713 US gal) of fuel. Two fuel tanks could also be placed in the bomb bay, bringing the total fuel capacity up to 3,200 L (845 US gal). The propeller was fixed-pitch with four blades.
During the first months of World War II, the He 59 was used as a torpedo- and minelaying aircraft. Between 1940 and 1941 the aircraft was used as a reconnaissance aircraft, and in 1941-42 as a transport, air-sea rescue, and training aircraft. The trainer models survived slightly longer in service than operational models, but all had been retired or destroyed by 1944. Some aircraft were operated by the Condor Legion in Spain during the Spanish Civil War in 1936 as coastal reconnaissance and torpedo floatplanes.
The Heinkel He 111
Like a number of German aircraft which were designed and built in the 1930s, the He 111 was planned from the beginning for a dual-purpose role. The first was in a legitimate civil capacity, during which the engines and airframe would be developed to good standards of reliability, or modified as necessary to attain such high standards. The second role was for military usage by the Luftwaffe which, at the period when a number of Germany's most successful wartime aircraft were being designed and/or developed, was still a clandestine organisation. The prototype - an all-metal low-wing monoplane powered by two 447kW BMW VI in-line engines - flew for the first time on 24 February 1935. The wings were of semi-elliptical planform, fitted with hydraulically operated trailing-edge flaps, the tailwheel-type retractable landing gear also being hydraulically actuated. Very clean in appearance, the prototype (in bomber configuration) was able to accommodate an internal bomb load of 1,000kg, and was armed with three machine-guns in nose, dorsal and ventral positions. Flight testing proved that, like some British bomber aircraft of the period, its performance equalled or even bettered that of contemporary fighters.
The second prototype was completed as a civil transport and was handed over to Luft-Hansa following the termination of early testing. Subsequently, this aircraft reverted to being used by the Luftwaffe for secret high-altitude reconnaissance missions. Many such missions were flown prior to the outbreak of World War II, both by military and civil aircraft, so that long before wartime operational missions were flown, the Luftwaffe had acquired very detailed documentation of a vast number of important targets. The fourth prototype was completed as a civil airliner with accommodation for ten passengers in two cabins. Named Dresden, it was delivered to Luft-Hansa on 10 January 1936 and given the full glare of press publicity. Six production airliners, He 111C named Breslau, Karlsruhe, Koln, Konigsberg, Leipzig, and Numberg, enured service from the summer of 1936.
He 111B-1 production bombers began to enter Luftwaffe service in late 1936 and, like many German military aircraft of that period, were blooded first in the Spanish Civil War, gaining valuable experience. The first two mass-production versions, He 111 E and He 111 F experienced great success during the Spanish Civil War, where they served with the Condor Legion as fast bombers, able to outrun many of the fighters sent against them. In the case of the He 111 it proved somewhat misleading: since its performance was superior to that of opposing fighter aircraft, it could operate unescorted.
The successor of the Heinkel He 70, the Heinkel He 111 (nicknamed Pedro while in service over Spain) was an excellent design from the hands of the brothers Siegfried and Walter Günter. The first 4 prototypes, which took the air in 1935, only had one major drawback, they were underpowered for use as a modern bomber. However from the fifth prototype (He 111V5 (D-APYS) / He 111B-0 series) onwards, Daimler Benz DB 600s of 960-1000 hp were mounted to give the aircraft more than sufficient potential for a warbird. Due to the intense lobbying by Oberleutnant Rudolf, Freiherr von Moreau, Hermann Goering approved to send the most modern of the German bombers to Spain in February 1937. The first shipment consisted of four He 111B-1s, together with four Dornier Do 17E-1s and four Junkers Ju 86D-1s to form Versuchsbomberstaffel 88 (VB/88) within the Legion Condor. Under Moreaus command this Staffel (based at Salamanca) had to evaluate this modern equipment under operational circumstances.
As soon as the 9th of March 1937 the Pedros flew their first operational sorties against Alcalá de Henares and Barajas and at the end of March these four aircraft were already transferred to the northern front and stationed near Burgos to take part in the offensive against Bilbao. During these operational conditions it was experienced that the ventral retractable gun turret caused so much drag when extended that it reduced speed too much for optimal combat conditions. So an order was given to lower this gun position only when there was direct contact with enemy fighters. Another cause of drag were the big radiator intakes below the engines. This was partially solved in the He 111B-2 by mounting DB 600 CG engines with smaller and more aerodynamic air-intakes.
Meanwhile, deliveries of He 111B-1s were continued to replace the Junkers Ju 52s within K/88. Four He-111s (25x5 25x22 and 25x8) were delivered in early July 1937, twelve more (25x9 to 25x20) one month later. At the end of August von Moreau and his veterans returned to Germany, the aircraft and replacement crews of VB/88 became part of the newly formed 4.K/88, and in October 1937, when the northern campaign came to an end, the process of replacing the Ju 52 in the bomber role by He 111s was completed. At that time K/88 had some 50 Pedros in its inventory of which some 22 were He 111B-2s. The He 111B-1s were numbered from 25-1 to 25-40, the He 111B-2s from 25-41 to 25-62. This pictorial overview however will deal with the first 40 Pedros only.
On the 13th of June 1938 Peter (the mascot of the crew of 25x15) was killed in a dogfight with a Republican Polikarpov I-16. After this mission a picture of the Scottish terrier was painted on the tail of the aircraft (Peter Its the Scotch was painted on a fresh layer of grey on both sides of the rudder). During the process of transfer to 1.KG/88 the text Peter 13.6.38 and Im Luftkampf über Sagunto was added above und under the picture of Peter on small fresh layers of grey. Note the kind of old fashioned German style of lettering.
Peter is clearly visible in these pictures. Note that the profile is quite correct (besides maybe the color of the radio mast and the too small size of the diving eagle emblem), but the artwork shown on the backside of the Squadron Signal Publication Heinkel He 111 in action, though very nice , is not. The lettering shown on the rudder is in the more European style as used while the aircraft was assigned to 4./KG88 (see further on) and the color at the front end of the spinners has to be white.
He 111 25x17 of 1./K88 with the early style of individual aircraft numbers and with the chimney sweep painted on the rudder (on the first picture of 25-16, you can see 25x17 in the background without the chimney sweep). There were more Pedros wearing the chimney sweep insignia on the rudder such as 25-28. Hans Ring mention this rudder however to be carried by 25x17. That could be true, but the painting on this rudder appears to be in another position and is not exactly the same as on the previous pictures. On the other way, it looks pretty sure that after repairing the battle damage of this particular aircraft, the rudder had to be repainted. This Heinkel He-111 E-1 (Wk Nr 2940) was delivered to Legion Condor in 1938. This particular aircraft is the oldest surviving example and the only one with the 'conventional' cockpit. It was operational until 1956, being transfer to the Cuatro Vientos Air Museum in 1967.
Web Reference:
The Junkers Ju 87 Stuka
The Junkers Ju 87 or Stuka (from Sturzkampfflugzeug, "dive bomber") was a two-seat (pilot and rear gunner) German ground-attack aircraft. Designed by Hermann Pohlmann, the Stuka first flew in 1935 and made its combat debut in 1936 as part of the Luftwaffe's Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil War. The aircraft was easily recognizable by its inverted gull wings, fixed spatted undercarriage and its infamous Jericho-Trompete ("Jericho Trumpet") wailing siren, becoming the propaganda symbol of German air power and the "Blitzkrieg" victories of 1939–1942. The Stuka's design included several innovative features, including automatic pull-up dive brakes under both wings to ensure that the plane recovered from its attack dive even if the pilot blacked out from the high acceleration. Although sturdy, accurate, and very effective, the Ju 87 was vulnerable to modern fighter aircraft, like many other dive bombers of the war. Its flaws became apparent during the Battle of Britain; poor manoeuvrability, lack of speed and defensive armament meant that the Stuka required a fighter escort to operate effectively.
The Stuka operated with further success after the Battle of Britain, and its potency as a precision ground-attack aircraft became valuable to German forces in the Balkans Campaign, the African and Mediterranean Theaters and the early stages of the Eastern Front campaigns where Allied fighter resistance was disorganized and in short supply. Once the Luftwaffe had lost air superiority on all fronts, the Ju 87 once again became an easy target for enemy fighter aircraft. In spite of this, because there was no better replacement, the type continued to be produced until 1944. By the end of the conflict, the Stuka had been largely replaced by ground-attack versions of the Focke-Wulf Fw 190, but was still in use until the last days of the war. An estimated 6,500 Ju 87s of all versions were built between 1936 and August 1944. Oberst Hans-Ulrich Rudel was the most notable Stuka ace and was the most highly decorated German serviceman of the Second World War. He was the only person to receive the highest German military award, the Ritterkreuz mit Goldenem Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten ("Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds in Gold"), on 29 December 1944.
Among the many German aircraft designs that participated in the Legion Condor and Spanish Civil War, a single Ju 87 A-0 (the V4 prototype) was allocated serial number 29-1 and was assigned to the VJ/88, the experimental Staffel of the Legion's fighter wing. The aircraft was secretly loaded onto the Spanish ship Usaramo and departed Hamburg harbor on the night of 1 August 1936, arriving in Cadiz five days later. The only known information pertaining to its combat career in Spain is that it was piloted by Unteroffizier Herman Beuer, and took part in the Nationalist offensive against Bilbao in 1937. Presumably the aircraft was then secretly returned to Germany.
In January 1938 three Ju 87 As arrived. Several problems became evident - the spatted undercarriage sank into muddy airfield surfaces, and the spats were temporarily removed. In addition, the maximum 500 kg (1,100 lb) bomb load could only be carried if the gunner vacated his seat, and the bomb load was therefore restricted to 250 kg (550 lb). These aircraft supported the Nationalist forces and carried out anti-shipping missions until they returned to Germany in October 1938. The A-1s were replaced by five Ju 87 B-1s. With the war coming to an end they found little to do and were used to support Heinkel He 111s attacking Republican positions. As the Ju 87 A-0 had been, the B-1s were returned discreetly to the Reich. The experience of the Spanish Civil War had been invaluable - air and ground crews perfected their skills, and equipment was evaluated under combat conditions. Although no Ju 87s had been lost in Spain, however, the Ju 87 had not been tested against numerous and well-coordinated fighter opposition, and this lesson was to be learned later at great cost to the Stuka crews.
Among the many German aircraft designs that participated in the Legion Condor and Spanish Civil War, a single Ju 87 A-0 (the V4 prototype) was allocated serial number 29-1 and was assigned to the VJ/88, the experimental Staffel of the Legion's fighter wing. The aircraft was secretly loaded onto the Spanish ship Usaramo and departed Hamburg harbor on the night of 1 August 1936, arriving in Cadiz five days later. The only known information pertaining to its combat career in Spain is that it was piloted by Unteroffizier Herman Beuer, and took part in the Nationalist offensive against Bilbao in 1937. Presumably the aircraft was then secretly returned to Germany.
In January 1938 three Ju 87 As arrived. Several problems became evident - the spatted undercarriage sank into muddy airfield surfaces, and the spats were temporarily removed. In addition, the maximum 500 kg (1,100 lb) bomb load could only be carried if the gunner vacated his seat, and the bomb load was therefore restricted to 250 kg (550 lb). These aircraft supported the Nationalist forces and carried out anti-shipping missions until they returned to Germany in October 1938. The A-1s were replaced by five Ju 87 B-1s. With the war coming to an end they found little to do and were used to support Heinkel He 111s attacking Republican positions. As the Ju 87 A-0 had been, the B-1s were returned discreetly to the Reich. The experience of the Spanish Civil War had been invaluable - air and ground crews perfected their skills, and equipment was evaluated under combat conditions. Although no Ju 87s had been lost in Spain, however, the Ju 87 had not been tested against numerous and well-coordinated fighter opposition, and this lesson was to be learned later at great cost to the Stuka crews.
Nice pics. Some corrections: At least four not three Ju-87A "Anton" arrived to Spain "29-2", "3", "4" and "5". The "5" arrived to replace one of the Antons shotdown or damaged. Until today no image are available about the "29-6" (if this plane really existed). Almost two Ju-87b was lost in Spain due to shotdowns or "emergency landings". The "29-8" landed in a beach at Comarruga (Tarragona) after a dogfhight with a republican Il-15 Chato. The "29-10" crashed at Burjaraloz (Zaragoza) perhaps shotdown or perhaps due a engine malfunction, and his wreckage was returned to Germany.
The Fiat CR.32
The Fiat CR.32 was an Italian biplane fighter used in the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War. Designed by the aeronautical engineer Celestino Rosatelli, it was a compact, robust and highly manoeuvrable aircraft for its era, leading to it being a relatively popular fighter during the 1930s.
The Fiat CR.32 was an Italian biplane fighter used in the Spanish Civil War and World War II. This nimble little Fiat was compact, robust and highly manoeuvrable and gave impressive displays all over Europe in the hands of the Pattuglie Acrobatiche. The CR.32 fought in North and East Africa, in Albania and in the Mediterranean theatre. The CR.32 saw service in the air forces of China, Austria, Hungary, Paraguay and Venezuela. Used extensively in Spanish Civil War, it gained a reputation as one of the outstanding fighter biplanes of all time. But then it was overtaken by more advanced monoplane designs and was obsolete by 1939.
The Fiat CR.32 was designed by Celestino Rosatelli. Derived from earlier Fiat CR.30 designs, the CR.32 was a more streamlined and smaller biplane fighter. The prototype MM.201 first flew the 28 April 1933 from the Fiat company airstrip at Turin. The fuselage had same structure as the CR.30, utilizing aluminium and steel tubes covered by duraluminium on the nose up to the cockpit, on the back, in lower section under the tail, and with fabric on the sides and "belly". The wings and tail also had mixed structure, with aluminium frame covered by fabric. A notable feature was that the lower wing was shorter than the upper wing making it sesquiplane. Ailerons were only on the upper wings. Armament included initially two 7.7 mm (.030 in) Breda-SAFAT machine-guns (later two 12.7 mm (.5 in) Breda-SAFAT), located on top of the engine cowling, with 350 rounds each.
The engine was the water-cooled Fiat A.30 RA. Designed in 1930, it was a 60° V 12, producing 447 kW (600 hp) at 2,600 rpm, inspired by the American Curtiss D-12. It drove a 2.82 meter two-blade metal propeller with variable pitch ("a passo variabile") but only adjustable on the ground, not in flight. The engine did not use the usual avio-petrol but a mixture of petrol (55%), alcohol (23%) and benzole (22%). The main fuel tank, located between the engine and cockpit, carried 325 liters. There was another small tank (25 liters) in the "torpedo" fairing in the center of the upper wing. Although fully instrumented, the RA.80-1 radio was optional.
The Fiat Cr.32 was used extensively in the Spanish Civil War. At least 380 took part in the air battles fought over Spain, proving formidable adversaries to the Soviet Polikarpov I-15 and Polikarpov I-16 monoplanes that formed the back bone of the Republican air force. It had its baptism of fire in 1936. On 18 August 1936, the first 12 CR.32 Freccias arrived in Spain and formed the Squadriglia "Gamba di Ferro", "Cucaracha" and "Asso di Bastoni" of 3° Stormo. Three days later, Tenente Vittorino Ceccherelli, Medaglia d'Oro al Valor Militare (Golden Medal to Military Valour) shot down the first enemy aircraft, a Nieuport 52, over Cordoba. In total, the Italian government sent 365–405 C.R.32s to Spain while 127–131 were delivered directly to the Nationalist Aviation units. Six aircraft were captured by Republican FARE, with one sent to the USSR for evaluation.
Thanks to the agile CR.32, the Italians managed to obtain air superiority against its Fuerzas Aéreas de la República Española (Republican) opponents, that mainly flew a motley collection of very different aircraft. The Fiat biplane proved to be effective with Aviacion Legionaria claiming 60 (48 confirmed) modern Russian bombers Tupolev SB, once believed impossible to intercept, 242 Polikarpov I-15 biplane fighters and 240 Polikarpov I-16 monoplane fighters, plus another hundred not confirmed. Fiat C.R.32 losses were only 73. The Fiat biplanes were used for many aerobatic shows, in Italy and abroad. When foreign statesmen visited the Holy City, the 4° Stormo, Regia Aeronautica élite unit, based in Rome, put on impressive displays with formations of five or 10 aircraft. In 1936, air shows were organized in other European capitals and major cities, and, during the following year, in South America. When the team returned a brilliant display was put on in Berlin. The aerobatic characteristics of the CR.32 and its success in Spain misled the Italian air ministry, which formed the view that a fighter biplane still had potential as a weapon of war. Consequently, in May 1939, prior to Italy entering World War II, the CR.32 fighters in bis, ter and quater versions, represented two thirds of all fighters in the Regia Aeronautica.
The top scoring CR.32 ace was Spaniard Joaquín García Morato y Castaño, who was the leading Nationalist fighter pilot of the Spanish Civil War. He achieved 36 of his 40 victories while flying the Fiat biplane. He used the same aircraft, which carried the number 3-51 on the fuselage, until his death. During April 1939, shortly after the war had finished, Morato fatally crashed his faithful 3-51 while performing low aerobatics.
Another Nationalist CR.32 ace was Capitán Manuel Vázquez Sagastizábal, who claimed 211⁄3 victories with Grupo 2-G-3, before he was shot down and killed on 23 January 1939. Comandante Angel Salas Larrazabal, after one kill flying a Nieuport-Delage 52, flew multiple CR.32s, shooting down, on 29 October 1936, the first of the fast Soviet monoplane Tupolev SB-2 bombers to fall to Nationalist fighters. He shot down four more aircraft with the CR.32 before moving to a Heinkel He 51 unit. After two more victories, he joined the new Grupo 2-G-3. With this unit, again flying CR.32s, he raised his score to 16, including three SB-2s and an I-16 in a single sortie on 2 September 1938. Capitán Miguel Guerrero Garcia achieved nine of his 13 victories flying the Fiat biplane: four I-15s, three "Papagayos" (R-5s and Polikarpov-RZs assault bombers), and two I-16s.
The Fiat G.50 Freccia or Arrow
The Fiat G.50 Freccia (meaning "Arrow") series provided the Italian Air Force with a then-modern monoplane fighter featuring a retractable undercarriage, all-metal construction and an enclosed cockpit. During this period in aviation history, these three design features alone were strong distinguishers between older generation 1920/1930-era fighters and the new breed appearing almost monthly across the globe. The G.50 fought on from 1938 through to the end of the war in 1945 - the latter years to a lesser extent - being utilized in a variety of roles and by a handful of very different operators. An impressive total of 791 G.50's were produced.Design of the G.50 began as soon as 1935 to which the prototype was made available for first flight two years later on February 26th. Despite the aircraft's relatively modern design, it did not prove to be a substantial leap when compared to other previous modern Italian attempts. Despite this, the aircraft was well accepted for her speed and maneuverability and put into production. In its early form as with an enclosed cockpit, the G.50 received its baptism of fire as part of the Italian involvement in the Spanish Civil War. The aircraft - at least by 1938 standards - proved a worthy success and became a mainstay of the modern Italian Air Force, or Regia Aeronautica. Pilot reaction to the aircraft was generally good, though the Italian flyboys were not as fond of her greenhouse framed canopy. As such, the follow-up production models were actually built with an open-air cockpit instead - effectively advancing Italian aviation by a two steps forward, one step back philosophy.
Design-wise, the G.50 was a standard low-wing monoplane with rounded edges, a smooth yet stout-looking fuselage and a conventional empennage. The radial engine was housed in a characteristically Fiat cowl, sporting a three-bladed propeller and conical spinner. Wings were positioned just below and ahead of the cockpit position. The canopy featured a framed forward section and a "razorback" style rear section, integrating into the tail section. The main gear systems of the undercarriage were fully retractable while the tail wheel was not.
In 1938, the first operational Fiat G.50 aircraft were delivered to the Regia Aeronautica. During the Spanish Civil War, about a dozen of G.50s were sent to Spain to reinforce the Aviazione Legionaria. The type proved extremely maneuverable, it was one of the best fighters, yet by the time World War II began it was considered to be underpowered and underarmed.
The Meridionali Ro.37 Lince or Lynx
The Meridionali Ro.37 Lince (Italian: "Lynx") was a two-seat Italian reconnaissance biplane, a product of the Industrie Meccaniche Aeronautiche Meridionali (IMAM) company. It followed the Ro.1 as the main reconnaissance aircraft for the Italian army.A contest was held by the Regia Aeronautica for a light reconnaissance aircraft and a heavier aeroplane. The first should have 350 km/h (190 knots/220 mph) maximum speed, five hours endurance, three machine-guns and a bomblets dispenser, armour, and the capability to operate from improvised airfields. The heavier one should have 325 km/h maximum speed, at least 1,300 km (800 miles) endurance, 7,000 m (22,750 feet) ceiling, climb to 5,000m (16,000) in 19 minutes, three crew, five weapons, high wing and other details. Limited production of the IMAM Ro.30, an improved Ro.1 with a defensive turret and better engine, resulted. It was rejected by the Regio Esercito and not chosen for production, being only capable of 200 km/h (110 knots), five hours endurance, a climb rate of 4,000 m (13,000 feet) in 20 minutes, and had three weapons. IMAM did not give up after the modest success of the Ro.30 and so designed a new aircraft, the Ro.37, which first flew in 1933.
This was a biplane aircraft of mixed construction, with two seats, and a 560 hp Fiat A.30 inline engine. It reached 300 km/h (162 knots) and perhaps even more with this engine, the same as that of the Fiat CR.32. The Ro.37 had a 7,000 m ceiling, 3,000 m climb in 11 minutes, over 1,200 km (750 miles) endurance, three machine guns (two in the nose and one dorsal), twelve 15 kg bombs, and good agility. It was similar to the Hawker Hind, rather than a light army aircraft, and its performance was similar to the later Westland Lysander, but the contemporary British design was the Hawker Hector. The Ro.37 was later fitted with the 600 hp Piaggio P.IX radial engine. The better reliability of this engine was considered more desirable and so this was the main version produced.
The R.37 also served in the Spanish Civil War, with the first ten arriving in late 1936. Another 26 (possibly 58) went to this theatre and were used for many missions and tasks. They were used as assault aircraft, even though they were unarmoured. The results were satisfactory and some were even converted to a single-seat machine for use as attack fighters. The two-seat versions were used as heavy fighters, providing protection for S.81 bombers from Republican I-15s.
The PWS-10
PWS-10 entered service in the Polish Air Force starting from 1932. It was used in escadres nos. 122, 131, 132, 141. Their flight characteristics and performance were mediocre. As soon, as in 1933 they were replaced in combat units by PZL P.7 and moved to aviation school in Dęblin. Some were used there by the outbreak of World War II and in summer 1939 all remaining airworthy aircraft were gathered in Ułęż.
In late 1936, during the Spanish Civil War, 20 PWS-10 were sold in secret to Spanish nationalist forces, via Portugal. Aircraft were transported in crates and were assembled by PZL workers. First aircraft was flown in December 1936 in Leon. Being obsolete by then, they were not used as fighters, only fighter pilot training (for 4. Fighter Group) in El Copero near Seville. Later PWS-10s were transferred to Jerez de la Frontera where were operated between April 1937 and end of 1938. Spanish aircraft received name Chiquita, or unofficial Pavipollo and they had numbers from 4-1 to 4-20. Some were lost in crashes or scrapped, the remaining 11 were operated till the end of the 1938 and were retired in 1939.
So Who Sent What ?
Menpower Planes Tanks Guns Nationalists Germany 26 500 650 200 700 Italy 80 000 1000 150 16 2000 Republicans USSR 3000 800 350 120 1500 other 35 000 320
USSR sent to Spain:
800 planes (25 I-15/M-22 and 171 I-15/M-25), I-152; UTI-4, I-16 type 5, type 6, type 10; R-5; R-Z; SB-2)
350 tanks (~300 T-26; 50 BT-5)
120 (80 BA-6; 33 FAI; 7 BA-I)
1500 guns (45mm, 76mm etc.)
20000+ MGs (DT, Maxim) ; ~500000 rifles (Mosin), trucks, radiostations, searchlights, ammunition, fuel, and so on.
InterBrigades (31000 men):
9000 French, 3000 Germans, 3000 Poles, 3500 Italians, 2500 Americans, 2000 British, 1000 Chehoslovaks, 1000 Autsrians, also Yugoslavians, Hungarians, Scandinavians, Canadians, Belgians, Romanians...
Germany used in Spain:
650 planes (He 51, He 112, A r69, Bf 109B, Bf109C, Bf 109E, Ju 52, Ju 86, Ju 87, He 45C, He 46C, He 59B, He 60D, He 70F, He 111B, HS 123, HS 126, Do 17E, Do 17P, ..)
200 tanks (Pz.IA and Pz.IB)
military ships; over 700 guns (37mm PAK36, ..), infantry weapon and so on.
Italy sent to Spain:
1000 planes (Fiat CR.32, CR32bis, Ro.37, G.50, SM.81, SM.79, CANT Z.501, CANT Z.506, BA.65, BR.20, CA.310)
150 tankettes (CV-3/33, CV-3/35, CVLF-3)
16 (17M)
about 2000 guns (20mm, 47mm, 65mm, ..),
infantry weapon (incl. 240 000 rifles),
2 submarines and 4 destroyers,
8000 cars,
ammunition and so onAlso, German, Italian and even British fleets supported the rebels.
France acted against law-voted Spanish republican goverment, stopping weapon transit aid.
Lucena Córdoba, Spain Map
Werner Mölders, 3.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
15/7/38 | I-15 | 1 |
17/7/38 | I-15 | 2 |
19/7/38 | I-16 | 3 |
19/8/38 | I-16 | 4 |
23/8/38 | SB-2 | 5 |
9/9/38 | I-15 | 6 |
13/9/38 | I-16 | 7 |
23/9/38 | I-16 | 8 |
10/10/38 | I-16 | 9 |
15/10/38 | I-16 | 10 |
15/10/38 | I-16 | 11 |
31/10/38 | I-16 | 12 |
31/10/38 | I-16 | 13 |
3/11/38 | I-16 | 14 |
World War 2:
Transferred from RLM as StKp (Staffelkapitän) 1./JG 53 - 15 March 1939 Kmdr (Kommandeur) III./JG 53 - 3 October 1939 Knight’s Cross - 29 May 1940 (20 victories) Kdre (Kommodore) JG 51 - 27 July 1940 Oak Leaves - 21 September 1940 (2nd recipient, 40 victories) First to score - 40 victories 29 September 1940 Swords - 22 June 1941 (2nd recipient, 72 victories) First to score 101 victories - 15 July 1941 First recipent of Diamonds (101 victories) Appointed Inspector of Fighters - 7 August 1941 Killed in crash of He 111, Schmiedefelde, nr Breslau on 22 November 1941 Final rank - Oberst Total - 115 victories (68 in West, 33 in East + Spain) Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Wolfgang Schellmann, 1.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
18/1/38 | I-16 | 1 |
8/3/38 | I-15 | 2 |
24/3/38 | I-15 | 3 |
13/6/38 | I-16 | 4 |
25/6/38 | I-16 | 5 |
18/7/38 | I-16 | 6 |
20/7/38 | I-16 | 7 |
20/7/38 | I-16 | 8 |
12/8/38 | SB-2 | 9 |
12/8/38 | SB-2 | 10 |
14/8/38 | I-16 | 11 |
20/8/38 | I-16 | 12 |
World War 2:
With Stab I./JG 77 in Poland - 1939 Kmdr II./JG 2 - December 1939 Kdre JG 2 - 3 September 1940 Knight’s Cross - 18 September 1940 (10 victories) Kdre JG 27 - 3 November 1940 Shot down nr Grodno, Russia on 22 June 1941. Believed to have been executed by Russian security forces soon after. Final rank - Oberstleutnant Total - 25 victories (13 during World War 2 plus Spain) in approximately 150 recorded missions Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Harro Harder, 1.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
4/1/37 | I-16 | 1 |
27/8/37 | SB-2 | 2 |
7/9/37 | Airspeed AS 6 Envoy | 3 |
9/9/37 | Ni-H.52C.1 | 4 |
9/9/37 | I-15 | 5 |
15/9/37 | I-15 | 6 |
27/9/37 | I-16 | 7 |
27/9/37 | I-16 | 8 |
28/9/37 | I-16 | 9 |
13/10/37 | I-16 | 10 |
5/12/37 | I-15 | 11 |
World War 2:
St.Kp. 1./LG 2 St.Kp. 1./JG 77 - 1 October 1937-October 1939 Kmdr III./JG 53 - July 1940 Shot down by Spitfire off South Coast of England and killed 12 August 1940 Final rank - Hauptmann Total - Believed to be 22 victories (11 during World War 2 plus Spain) Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Peter Boddem, 2.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
12/7/37 | I-16 | 1 |
13/7/37 | I-16 | 2 |
21/7/37 | I-16 | 3 |
25/7/37 | I-16 | 4 |
13/8/37 | I-16 | 5 |
17/8/37 | I-15 | 6 |
17/8/37 | I-16 | 7 |
18/8/37 | I-15 | 8 |
6/9/37 | I-16 | 9 |
9/9/37 | I-16 | 10 (unconfirmed) |
Understood to have been killed in a flying accident on 20 March 1939 while a passenger in a Ju 52/3m on leaving Spain Final rank - Leutnant Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Otto Bertram, 1.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
12/8/38 | I-16 | 1 |
14/8/38 | I-16 | 2 |
15/8/38 | I-16 | 3 |
23/8/38 | I-16 | 4 |
7/9/38 | I-16 | 5 (unconfirmed) |
7/9/38 | I-16 | 6 (unconfirmed) |
23/9/38 | I-16 | 7 (unconfirmed) |
27/9/38 | I-16 | 8 |
4/10/38 | I-15 | 9 |
World War 2:
StKp 1./JG 2 - 26 October 1939 Appointed Kmdr III./JG 2 - 24 September 1940 Knight’s Cross - 28 October 1940 (13 victories) Withdrawn from frontline duties and assigned to JFS 5 under special orders to protect last surviving male heir of family. Also served in staff positions Appointed Kmdr I./JG 6 - February 1945 Final rank - Major Total - 21 victories (12 during World War 2 plus Spain) Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Wilhelm Ensslen, 2.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
23/8/38 | I-15 | 1 |
5/9/38 | I-15 | 2 |
20/9/38 | I-16 | 3 |
28/12/38 | SB-2 | 4 |
28/12/38 | I-16 | 5 |
30/12/38 | I-16 | 6 |
1/1/39 | I-16 | 7 |
9/1/39 | I-16 | 8 |
5/2/39 | I-15 | 9 |
World War 2:
Kmdr II./JG 52 - 27 August 1940 Missing in Action over England 2 November 1940 following engagement with Spitfire. Bailed out of Bf 109 over Kent but parachute did not open Final rank - Hauptmann Total: 12 victories (3? in World War 2 plus Spain) Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Herbert Ihlefeld, 2.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Crossed Swords
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
21/2/38 | I-16 | 1 |
13/3/38 | I-15 | 2 |
11/5/38 | I-16 | 3 |
18/5/38 | I-16 | 4 (unconfirmed) |
2/6/38 | SB-2 | 5 |
25/6/38 | I-16 | 6 (unconfirmed) |
12/7/38 | I-15 | 7 |
15/7/38 | I-15 | 8 |
15/7/38 | I-15 | 9 |
World War 2:
StKp 2.(J)/LG 2 Kmdr I./JG 77 - 30 August 1940 Knight’s Cross - 13 September 1940 (21 victories) Oak Leaves - 27 June 1941 (40 victories) Fifth pilot to reach 100 victories on 22 April 1942 Swords - 24 April 1942 (101 victories) Kdre JG 52 - 11 May 1942 Kdre JG 103 and JGr 25 Served on Stab 30. Jagddivision Kdre JG 11 - 1 May 1944 Kdre JG 1 - 20 May 1944 to end of war Final rank - Oberst Total - 130 victories (123 during World War 2, including 14 four-engined bombers, plus 7 Spain) Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Walter Oesau, Stab.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
15/7/38 | I-15 | 1 |
17/7/38 | I-15 | 2 |
18/7/38 | I-16 | 3 |
20/7/38 | I-15 | 4 |
27/7/38 | SB-2 | 5 |
15/8/38 | I-15 | 6 |
20/8/38 | I-16 | 7 |
15/10/38 | I-16 | 8 |
3/11/38 | I-16 | 9 |
World War 2:
StKp 7./JG 51 - 1940 Kmdr III./JG 51 - August 1940 Knight’s Cross - 20 August 1940 (20 victories - fifth pilot to reach this total) Kmdr III./JG 3 - 11 November 1940 Oak Leaves - 6 February 1941 (40 victories - fourth pilot to reach this total) Swords - 15 July 1941 (80 victories) Kdre JG 2 - 28 July 1941 June 1943 appointed Jafü Bretagne Kdre JG 1 - 1 January 1944 Killed in Action - 11 May 1944 during engagement with US fighters Final rank - Oberst Total - 125 victories (72 in West, including 12 four-engined bombers, 44 in East plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Reinhard Seiler, 2.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
26/8/37 | I-15 | 1 |
4/9/37 | I-16 | 2 |
29/11/37 | I-16 | 3 |
12/1/38 | SB-2 | 4 |
22/1/38 | I-16 | 5 |
7/2/38 | SB-2 | 6 |
7/2/38 | SB-2 | 7 |
22/2/38 | I-15 | 8 |
22/2/38 | I-15 | 9 |
World War 2:
StKp 1./JG 54 - December 1939 Kmdr III./JG 54 - 30 September 1941 Knight’s Cross - 20 December 1941 (42 victories) Kmdr I./JG 54 - May 1943 Wounded shortly after scoring 100th victory on 6 July 1943 and withdrawn from frontline service Oakleaves - 2 March 1944 (100 victories) Appointed Kdre JG 104 - August 1944 Final rank - Major Total - 100 victories (including 16 night victories in Russia) plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Herwig Knüppel, J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Crossed Swords
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
26/8/36 | Casa-Breguet 19 | 1 |
27/8/36 | Ni-H.52C.1 | 2 |
30/8/36 | Potez 540 | 3 |
5/9/36 | Ni-H.52C.1 | 4 |
6/9/36 | Potez 540 | 5 |
17/9/36 | Ni-H.52C.1 | 6 |
13/11/36 | I-15 | 7 |
12/12/36 | SB-2 | 8 |
World War 2:
Kmdr II./JG 26 - 28 June 1939 Shot down and killed in action over France on 19 May 1940 Final rank - Hauptmann Total - 3 victories in World War 2, plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Hans-Karl Mayer, 1.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Crossed Swords
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
7/2/38 | SB-2 | 1 |
7/2/38 | I-16 | 2 |
21/2/38 | I-16 | 3 |
29/3/38 | I-15 | 4 |
13/6/38 | I-16 | 5 (unconfirmed) |
16/6/38 | SB-2 | 6 |
Believed to have scored two further victories |
World War 2:
StKp 1./JG 53 - 1 October 1939 Five victories in one day over Sedan on 14 May 1940 Kmdr I./JG 53 - 1 September 1940 Missing in action on 17 October 1940 following routine flight over English Channel Final rank - Hauptmann Total - Not known but at least 30, plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Kraft Eberhardt, J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
25/8/36 | Casa-Breguet 19 | 1 |
26/8/36 | Casa-Breguet 19 | 2 |
29/8/36 | Potez 540 | 3 (unconfirmed) |
30/8/36 | Potez 540 | 4 |
30/9/36 | Potez 540 | 5 |
30/9/36 | Potez 540 | 6 |
13/11/36 | I-15 | 7 (unconfirmed) |
Killed in Action over Casa de Campo, Madrid, Spain, on 13 November 1936 Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Walter Grabmann, Stab J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Crossed Swords
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
23/9/38 | SB-2 | 1 |
23/9/38 | I-15 | 2 |
23/9/38 | I-16 | 3 |
10/10/38 | SB-2 | 4 |
15/10/38 | I-16 | 5 |
3/11/38 | I-16 | 6 (unconfirmed) |
4/1/39 | I-15 | 7 |
World War 2:
Kmdr I.(Z)/LG 1 in Poland - 1939 Kdre ZG 76 in French campaign - 1940 Knight’s Cross - 14 September 1940 (six victories) Appointed Jafü Norwegen - 1941 Appointed commander 3. Jagddivision - 1944 Final rank - Generalmajor Total - Six victories in West, plus Spain (where he flew 137 missions) Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Horst Tietzen, 3.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Crossed Swords
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
19/7/38 | I-16 | 1 |
20/9/38 | I-16 | 2 (unconfirmed) |
20/9/38 | I-16 | 3 (unconfirmed) |
27/9/38 | I-16 | 4 |
27/9/38 | I-16 | 5 |
21/12/38 | I-16 | 6 |
29/12/38 | I-16 | 7 |
World War 2:
StKp. 5./JG 51 - 29 August 1939 Fourth pilot with 20 victories Killed in Action over English Channel 18 August 1940 Knight’s Cross (posthumous) - 20 August 1940 Final rank - Hauptmann Total - 20 victories, plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Wilhelm Balthasar, 1.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
20/1/37 | I-16 | 1 (unconfirmed) |
20/1/38 | I-16 | 2 |
7/2/38 | SB-2 | 3 |
7/2/38 | SB-2 | 4 |
7/2/38 | SB-2 | 5 |
7/2/38 | SB-2 | 6 |
World War 2:
StKp 7./JG 27 - 1940 Knight’s Cross - 14 June 1940 (23 victories) Kmdr III./JG 3 - 1 September 1940 Seriously wounded on 4 September 1940 Kdre JG 2 - 16 February 1941 Oakleaves - 2 July 1941 (40 victories) Killed in Action over France on 3 July 1941 Final rank - Major Total - 40 victories, plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Rolf Pingel, 2.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Crossed Swords
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
5/6/37 | I-15 | 1 (unconfirmed) |
8/7/37 | SB-2 | 2 |
12/7/37 | SB-2 | 3 |
12/7/37 | I-16 | 4 |
16/7/37 | I-16 | 5 |
22/8/37 | I-16 | 6 |
World War 2:
StKp 2./JG 53 - April 1938 Kmdr I./JG 26 - 22 August 1940 Knight’s Cross - 14 September 1940 (15 victories) PoW following combat over England on 10 July 1941 Final rank - Major Total - 22 victories, plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Kurt Rochel, 2.J/88
Spanish Awards:
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
29/11/37 | I-16 | 1 |
20/1/38 | I-15 | 2 |
21/2/38 | I-16 | 3 |
10/3/38 | I-16 | 4 |
18/5/38 | I-16 | 5 |
10/6/38 | I-16 | 6 |
World War 2:
With 5./ZG 26 in May 1940. At least one victory (shot down a Spitfire in May 1940) Shot down and captured over English Channel on 2 September 1940 Final rank - Oberfeldwebel Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Herbert Schob, 2.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
24/9/38 | I-16 | 1 |
13/10/38 | I-16 | 2 |
3/11/38 | I-16 | 3 |
16/11/38 | SB-2 | 4 |
30/12/38 | I-16 | 5 |
22/1/39 | I-15 | 6 (unconfirmed) |
World War 2:
With I./ZG 76 in 1940 With I./ZG 26 in 1941/42 Later with II./ZG 76 and JG 300 in Reichsverteidigung Knight’s Cross - 9 June 1944 Final rank - Hauptmann Total - 22 victories (including 10 four-engined bombers), plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Georg Braunshirn, 2.J/88
Spanish Awards:
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
23/7/38 | I-16 | 1 (unconfirmed) |
23/9/38 | SB-2 | 2 |
31/10/38 | I-15 | 3 |
3/11/38 | I-15 | 4 |
6/11/38 | I-15 | 5 |
World War 2:
Flew with 1. and possibly 8./JG 54. Believed to have claimed 13 victories on Eastern Front in summer 1941 Killed in Action flying a Bf 109 on 16 August 1941 in the East Final rank - Oberfeldwebel Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Gotthard Handrick, Stab J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Crossed Swords
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
9/9/37 | I-15 | 1 (unconfirmed) |
18/5/38 | I-16 | 2 |
Believed to have scored three further victories |
World War 2:
Kmdr I./JG 26 - 13 July 1938 Kdre JG 26 - 24 June 1940 Transferred June 1940 to head Luftwaffe mission in Rumania End of war, commander of 8. Jagddivision Final rank - Oberst Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Otto Heinrich von Houwald, J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Crossed Swords
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
5/9/36 | Ni-H.52C.1 | 1 |
5/9/36 | Casa-Breguet 19 | 2 |
26/9/36 | Casa-Vickers Vildebeest | 3 |
19/10/36 | Ni-H.52C.1 | 4 |
4/1/37 | I-16 | 5 |
World War 2:
Kmdr I./JG 3 - 1 July 1938 Kdre JFS 1 Werneuchen - 21 August 1940 Killed in Action - 24 July 1941 Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Wolfgang Lippert, 3.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Crossed Swords
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
15/7/38 | I-15 | 1 |
23/7/38 | I-16 | 2 |
14/8/38 | I-16 | 3 |
4/10/38 | I-16 | 4 |
29/12/38 | I-15 | 5 |
World War 2:
StKp 3./JG 53 - 1 May 1939 Kmdr II./JG 27 - 3 September 1940 Knight’s Cross - 24 September 1940 (12 victories) Shot down in combat on 23 November 1941 and captured with severe injuries. Died in British captivity after leg amputations on 3 December 1941 Final rank - Hauptmann Total - 25 victories, plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Günther Lützow, 2.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
6/4/37 | I-15 | 1 |
22/5/37 | I-15 | 2 |
28/5/37 | I-15 | 3 |
18/8/37 | I-15 | 4 |
22/8/37 | I-16 | 5 |
World War 2:
At outbreak of war assigned to JFS 1 Werneuchen Kmdr I./JG 3 - 3 November 1939 Kdre JG 3 - 21 August 1940 Knight’s Cross - 18 September 1940 (15 victories) Oakleaves - 20 July 1941 (42 victories) Swords - 11 October 1941 (92 victories) Transferred to Stab General der Jagdflieger - 11 August 1942 Commander 1. Jagddivision - November 1943 Commander 4. Fliegerschuldivision - 1945 Jafü Oberitalien - 1945 Missing, presumed killed in action flying Me 262 with JV 44 on 24/4/45 Final rank - Oberst Total - 105 victories, plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Joachim Schlichting, 2.J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Diamonds
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
23/9/37 | I-16 | 1 |
29/11/37 | I-16 | 2 |
7/2/38 | I-16 | 3 |
21/2/38 | I-16 | 4 |
10/3/38 | I-16 | 5 |
World War 2:
At outbreak of war, StKp 2./LG 2 Kmdr III./JG 27 - 13 February 1940 Shot down by Spitfires over England on 6 September 1940. Seriously wounded and taken PoW Knight’s Cross - 14 December 1940. Final rank - Hauptmann Total - Three victories, plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Willy Szuggar, 1.J/88
Spanish Awards:
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
14/8/38 | I-16 | 1 |
14/8/38 | I-16 | 2 |
4/10/38 | I-15 | 3 |
12/11/38 | I-16 | 4 |
3/1/39 | I-15 | 5 (unconfirmed) |
World War 2:
Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Hannes Trautloft, J/88
Spanish Awards: Spanish Cross in Gold with Crossed Swords
Date | Enemy A/C | Kill No |
25/8/36 | Casa-Breguet 19 | 1 |
30/8/36 | Potez 540 | 2 |
1/9/36 | Ni-H.52C.1 | 3 |
30/9/36 | Potez 540 | 4 |
8/12/36 | I-16 | 5 |
World War 2:
StKp 2./JG 77 - 1 July 1938 Kmdr I./JG 20 to III./JG 51 - 1939 to August 1940 Kdre JG 54 - 25 August 1940 Knight’s Cross - 27 July 1941 (20 victories) Inspizient Ost, Stab General der Jagdflieger - 6 July 1943 Commander 4. Fliegerschuldivision - 1944 Final rank - Oberst Total - 53 victories, plus Spain Source Aces of the Legion Condor by Robert Forsyth Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 99
Publisher: Osprey ISBN: 9781849083485
Spanish Civil War Bibliography: +
- Alpert, Michael (2004). A New International History of the Spanish Civil War. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1-4039-1171-1.
- Beevor, Antony (2001 reissued). The Spanish Civil War. London: Penguin. ISBN 0-14-100148-8.
- Beevor, Antony (2006). The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. ISBN 978-0297-848325.
- Bennett, Scott (2003). Radical Pacifism: The War Resisters League and Gandhian Nonviolence in America, 1915-1963. Syracuse NY: Syracuse University Press. ISBN 0-8156-3028-X.
- Brenan, Gerald (1990, reissued). The Spanish labyrinth: an account of the social and political background of the Civil War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-39827-4.
- Cox, Geoffrey (1937). The Defence of Madrid. London: Victor Gollancz. ISBN 1 877372 3 84 (reprinted 2006 review)
- Doyle, Bob (2006). Brigadista - an Irishmans fight against fascism. Dublin: Currach Press. ISBN 1-85607-939-2.
- Francis, Hywel (2006). Miners against Fascism: Wales and the Spanish Civil War. Pontypool, Wales (NP4 7AG): Warren and Pell
- Graham, Helen (2002). The Spanish republic at war, 1936-1939. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-45932-X
- Greening, Edwin (2006). From Aberdare to Albacete: A Welsh International Brigaders Memoir of His Life. Pontypool, Wales (NP4 7AG): Warren and Pell
- Howson, Gerald (1998). Arms for Spain. New York: St. Martins Press. ISBN 0-312-24177-1.
- Ibarruri, Dolores (1976). They Shall Not Pass: the Autobiography of La Pasionaria (translated from El Unico Camino by Dolores Ibarruri). New York: International Publishers. ISBN 0-7178-0468-2
- Jackson, Gabriel (1965). The Spanish Republic and the Civil War, 1931-1939. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-00757-8
- Jellinek, Frank (1938). The Civil War in Spain. London: Victor Gollanz (Left Book Club)
- Koestler, Arthur (1983). Dialogue with death. London: Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-34776-5
- Kowalsky, Daniel. La Union Sovietica y la Guerra Civil Espanola. Barcelona: Critica. ISBN 84-8432-490-7
- Low, Mary; Juan Brea (1979 reissue of 1937 edition). Red Spanish Notebook. San Francisco: City Light Books (originally Martin Secker & Warburg). ISBN 0-87286-132-5
- Malraux, Andre (1941). LEspoir (Mans Hope). New York: Modern Library. ISBN 0-394-60478-4
- Marcos del Olmo, M? Concepcion (2003); La Segunda Republica y la Guerra Civil, Actas editorial, Madrid., * Moa, Pio; Los Mitos de la Guerra Civil, La Esfera de los Libros, 2003., * ORiordan, Michael (2005). The Connolly Column. Pontypool, Wales (NP4 7AG): Warren and Pell
- Orwell, George (2000, first published in 1938). Homage to Catalonia. London: Penguin Books in association with Martin Secker & Warburg. ISBN 0-14-118305-5
- Payne, Stanley (2004). The Spanish Civil War, the Soviet Union, and Communism. New Haven; London: Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-10068-X
- Prasad, Devi (2005). War is a Crime Against Humanity: The Story of War Resisters International. London: War Resisters International, ISBN 0-903517-20-5
- Preston, Paul (1978). The Coming of the Spanish Civil War. London: Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-23724-2
- Preston, Paul (1996). A Concise history of the Spanish Civil War. London: Fontana. ISBN 978-0006863731
- Preston, Paul (2007). The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution, and Revenge, W. W. Norton and Company, ISBN 0393329879
- Puzzo, Dante Anthony (1962). Spain and the Great Powers, 1936-1941. Freeport, N.Y: Books for Libraries Press (originally Columbia University Press, N.Y.). ISBN 0-8369-6868-9
- Radosh, Ronald; Mary Habeck, Grigory Sevostianov (2001). Spain betrayed: the Soviet Union in the Spanish Civil War. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-08981-3
- Rust, William (2003 Reprint of 1939 edition). Britons in Spain: A History of the British Battalion of the XV International Brigade. Pontypool, Wales (NP4 7AG): Warren and Pell
- Stradling, Rob (1996). Cardiff and The Spanish Civil War. Cardiff (CF1 6AG): Butetown History and Arts Centre. ISBN 1-898317-06-2
- Thomas, Hugh (2003 reissued). The Spanish Civil War. London: Penguin. ISBN 0-14-101161-0
- Walters, Guy (2006). Berlin Games - How Hitler Stole the Olympic Dream. London, New York: John Murray (UK), HarperCollins (US). ISBN 0-7195-6783-1, 0-0608-7412-0
- Wheeler, George; Jack Jones (foreword), David Leach (editor) (2003). To Make the People Smile Again: a Memoir of the Spanish Civil War. Newcastle upon Tyne: Zymurgy Publishing. ISBN 1-903506-07-7
- Williams, Alun Menai (2004). From the Rhondda to the Ebro: The Story of a Young Life. Pontypool, Wales (NP4 7AG): Warren & Pell
- Wilson, Ann; Raymond Carr (introduction) (1986). Images of the Spanish Civil War. London: Allen & Unwin.
Bibliography: +
- Andrews, C.F. and E.B. Morgan. Supermarine Aircraft since 1914. London: Putnam, Second Edition, 1987. ISBN 0-85177-800-3.
- Axworthy, Mark, CornelScafeș and Cristian Crăciunoiu.Third Axis. Fourth Ally. Romanian Armed Forces in the European War, 1941-1945. London: Arms and Armour, 1995. ISBN 1-85409-267-7.
- Bernád, Dénes. Rumanian Air Force: The Prime Decade, 1938-1947. Carrollton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications Inc, 1999. ISBN 0-89747-402-3.
- Bonhardt, Attila, Sárhidai Gyula and László Winkler. A Magyar Királyi Honvédség Fegyverzete. (The Royal Hungarian Army Weapons in Hungarian). Kecskemét, Hungary: Zrínyi Kiadó, 1992. ISBN 963-327-182-7.
- Bowman, Martin W. P-51 Mustang vs Fw 190: Europe 1943-45. Oxford, UK: Osprey Publishing, 2007. ISBN 1-84603-189-3.
- A Butcher Bird's Tale: the Story of the Focke Wulf 190 (DVD). Retrieved: 3 April 2008.
- Caldwell, Donald L. JG 26: Top Guns of the Luftwaffe. New York: Ivy Books, 1991. ISBN 0-8041-1050-6.
- Caldwell, Donald L. The JG26 War Diary, Vol. 2: 1943-1945. London: Grub Street Publishing, 1998. ISBN 1-898697-86-8.
- Caldwell, Donald L.; Muller, Richard R. (2007). The Luftwaffe over Germany: Defense of the Reich. London, UK: Greenhill Books. ISBN 978-1-85367-712-0.
- Caygill, Peter. Combat Legend Focke-wulf Fw 190. Ramsbury, UK: Airlife Publishing Limited, 2002, ISBN 978-1-84037-366-0
- Crandall, Jerry. Yellow 10: The Story of the Ultra-rare Fw 190 D-13. Hamilton, Montana: Eagle Edition Ltd., 2000. ISBN 0-9660706-3-1.
- Donald, David, ed. Warplanes of the Luftwaffe. London: Aerospace Publishing, 1994. ISBN 1-874023-56-5.
- Delve, Ken. The Story of the Spitfire: An Operational and Combat History. London: Greenhill books, 2007. ISBN 978-1-85367-725-0.
- Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH. Fw 190 D-9 Flugzeug-Handbuch: Teil 8A Schußwaffenlage. Rechlin, Germany: Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe Rechlin, November 1944.
- Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau GmbH. Fw 190 D-9 Flugzeug-Handbuch: Teil 8C Sonderwaffenlage. Berlin: Der Chef der Technischen Luftrüstung, January 1945.
- Forsyth, Robert. JV 44 The Galland Circus. Burgess Hill, Sussex, UK: Classic Publications, 1996. ISBN 0-9526867-0-8.
- Griehl, Manfred. Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Varianten: Flugzeug Profile 45. Stengelheim, Germany: UNITEC Medienvertrieb E.K., 2008. OCLC 230135362, ASIN B006VFEHPC.
- Green, William and Gordon Swanborough. The Focke-Wulf 190: Fw 190. Newton Abbot, UK: David & Charles, 1976. ISBN 0-7153-7084-7.
- Gurney, Gene (Major, USAF). The War in the Air: A Pictorial History of World War II Air Forces in Combat. New York: Bonanza Books, 1962.
- Jackiewicz, Jacek and Robert Bock. Captured Butcherbirds, Vol. 1. Warsaw, Poland: Ajaks, 2009. ISBN 978-83-924914-2-2.
- Jackson, Robert. Aircraft of World War II: Development, Weaponry, Specifications. Edison, New Jersey: Chartwell Books, 2003. ISBN 0-7858-1696-8.
- Janowicz, Krzysztof (with Neil Page). Focke-Wulf Fw 190, Vols 1 & II. London: Kagero Publications, 2001. ISBN 83-89088-11-8.
- Jessen, Morten. Focke-Wulf 190: The Birth of the Butcher Bird 1939-1943. London: Greenhill Books, 1998. ISBN 1-85367-328-5.
- Joineau, Andre and Dominique Breffort. P-51 Mustang: From 1943 to 1945. Paris: Histoire & Collections, 2007. ISBN 2-913903-81-9.
- Kosin, Ruediger. The German Fighter Since 1915- translation of Die Entwicklung der deutschen Jagdflugzeuge. London: Putnam, 1988. ISBN 0-85177-822-4.
- Lednicer, David A. "Technical Note: A CFD Evaluation of Three Prominent World War II Fighter Aircraft." Aeronautical Journal, Royal Aeronautical Society, June/July 1995.
- Lednicer, David A. "World War II Fighter Aerodynamics." EAA Sport Aviation, January 1999.
- Lorant, Jean-Yves and Richard Goyat. JG 300 (two volumes translated by Neil Page). Hamilton, Montana: Eagle Editions, 2006, Vol. 1: ISBN 0-9761034-0-0, Vol. 2: ISBN 0-9761034-2-7.
- Lowe, Malcolm. Production Line to Front Line #5, Focke-Wulf Fw 190. London: Osprey, 2003. ISBN 1-84176-438-8.
- Manrho, John and Ron Putz. Bodenplatte: The Luftwaffe's Last Hope: The Attack on Allied Airfields, New Year's Day 1945. Ottringham, UK: Hikoki Publications, 2004. ISBN 1-902109-40-6.
- Mondey, David. The Hamlyn Concise Guide to Axis Aircraft of World War II. London: Bounty Books, 2006. ISBN 0-7537-1460-4.
- Nowarra, Heinz J. The Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Fighters, Bombers, Ground Attack Aircraft. West Chester, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publications, 1991. ISBN 0-88740-354-9.
- Page, Neil. "Focke Wulf 190: Part One-the Fw 190A-series fighter variants." Scale Aircraft Modelling, Vol. 24, No. 9, November 2002.
- Page, Neil. "The Sturmgruppen—Bomber Destroyers 1944." Scale Aircraft Modelling, March 2001.
- Price, Alfred. Focke Wulf Fw 190 in Combat. London: Sutton Publishing, 2000. ISBN 0-7509-2548-5.
- Ramsay, Winston G., ed. The Blitz Then and Now: Volume 3, May 1941 - May 1945. London: Battle of Britain Prints International Ltd, 1990. ISBN 0-900913-58-4.
- Rodeike, Peter. Jagdflugzeug 190. Eutin, Germany: Struve-Druck, 1998. ISBN 3-923457-44-8.
- Ryle, E. Brown and Malcolm Laing. Walk Around Number 22: Focke-Wulf Fw 190A/F. Carrollton, Texas: Squadron/Signal Publications, 1997. ISBN 0-89747-374-4.
- Shacklady, Edward. Butcher Bird: Focke-Wulf Fw 190. Bristol, UK: Cerberus Publishing Ltd., 2005. ISBN 1-84145-103-7.
- Smith, J. R and Anthony L. Kay. German Aircraft of the Second World War. London: Putnam & Company Ltd., 1972. ISBN 0-370-00024-2
- Smith, J. Richard and Eddie J. Creek. Focke-Wulf Fw 190: Volume One 1938-1943 (2nd ed, reprint). Hersham, Surrey, UK: Ian Allan Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-1-906537-29-6
- Spencer, Jay P. Focke-Wulf Fw 190: Workhorse of the Luftwaffe. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian, 1989. ISBN 0-87474-885-2.
- Spick, Mike. Allied Fighter Aces of World War II. London: Greenhill Books. 1997. ISBN 1-85367-282-3.
- Thompson, J. Steve with Peter C Smith. Air Combat Manoeuvres. Hersham, Surrey, UK: Ian Allan Publishing, 2008. ISBN 978-1-903223-98-7.
- United States Air Force Museum Guidebook. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio: Air Force Museum Foundation, 1975.
- Wagner, Ray and Heinz Nowarra. German Combat Planes: A Comprehensive Survey and History of the Development of German Military Aircraft from 1914 to 1945. New York: Doubleday, 1971.
- Weal, John. Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Aces of the Russian Front. Oxford, UK: Osprey, 1998. ISBN 1-85532-518-7.
- Weal, John. Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Aces of the Western Front. Oxford, UK: Osprey, 1996. ISBN 1-85532-595-0.
- Winchester, Jim. "Focke-Wulf Fw 190." Aircraft of World War II. London: Grange Books, 2004. ISBN 1-84013-639-1.
Magazine References: +
- Airfix Magazines (English) -
- Avions (French) -
- FlyPast (English) -
- Flugzeug Publikations GmbH (German) -
- Flugzeug Classic (German) -
- Klassiker (German) -
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
- Le Fana de L'Aviation (French) -
- Osprey (English) -
- Revi Magazines (Czech) -
Web References: +
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